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Let's keep the real world out of this, please. There's no need to be rude to people.


We’re on the same level as Alaska and Moscow. We’re a damp little cold island. What do you expect….. lol


Plus I don't know why OP is bragging about US temperatures when the Middle East and parts of Asia has them beat.


Because the Middle East and Asia didn't bitch about the heat as much as the Brits lol


The Middle East and Asia didn't complain about heat so that means US temperatures are somehow relevant? That makes no sense.


I wonder why Americans would interact with Brits more than Middle Easterners. Huge mystery.


We interact with the Middle Easterners all the time! Well our unmanned drones do


For me (from next to a desert in the US), I don't know °C to °F off the top of my head. So when someone complains about 30°C being hot I assume they are talking about temps 100+°F, not 86°F. Admittedly people from my region have had a similar disconnect with coastal US cities, further south, complaining about 90°F (a decade or two ago, before climate change really started hitting).


For averages maybe, but the hottest temperature ever officially recorded on Earth was 134 F (some sources say 130 F) in July 1913 in Death Valley which is in the USA, not the Middle East or Asia. And I believe it still up there as one of the hottest places on earth certain times a year


Does op live in Death Valley?


Doesn't sound like a great place to live tbh


Half of it sounds nice, but I don't know about this whole "death" thing


Apparently 320 people still do. You'd have to live deep in caves or something at that temp. Ain't no Frigidaire in the world helping you out there.


With emphasis on the word DAMP. Damp 40°C are worse than bone dry 50°C


I live in Louisiana, got stationed in Alaska and deployed to Kuwait. In Kuwait we got up to 140°F on the flight line, with effectively 0% humidity. I'll take that any day over 95°F with 90% humidity like Louisiana. And I'll take -10°F with 50% humidity over both. You can always wear more clothes. You can only take so many off, and it's still hot. And you get arrested.


Lol, 40 degrees Celsius in Moscow is the new normal temperature.


At least you get cool medieval games set there. And companies take your accent in fictional worlds even if it doesn't have anything to do with you.


*mainly made up or RP accents and they Ignore the 300 other actual accents we got. I’m Northerso sound a bit house Stark from GoT lol


Yeah, I was shocked when I heard Karlach's voice in BG3 because she actually has a London accent, and not a posh one! Though I'd love for a studio to make a game with a protagonist who has a West Country or a Brummie accent.


Wheatley in Portal 2 sounds like he's from Bristol, tbh it's just Stephen Merchant's normal accent though.


Damn 300 accents? That's a huge number for one island. I know that Elden Ring took your accent, and it's the most satisfying for all I know lol.


We have a landmass equivalent to the size of Oregon and the true number of distinct accents is about 40-50 with regional variations for each of those accents.


More than 1 island, i think theres around 120 inhabited as part of the UK and another 60 for Ireland.


yeah basically the majority of europe is around the same latitude as the US/Canada border


And Uk is north of most of that and between the 50th and 60th degrees latitude which covers cities like Minsk, Saskatoon, anchorage, st Petersburg and Oslo…..


i wasn‘t doubting you?


Neither were they. They were expanding on what you said.


My least favorite thing to hear is "You would never have survived the Texas heat" That would have been a stellar argument if I had said I want to move to Texas.


It's basically the same as people saying you can't be sad/disappointed because some people have it worse.


well to be fair, AC is ubiquitous in america, where as in europe, not so much.


AC is not ubiquitous everywhere. A lot of houses in my town in Oregon never had AC built into them. So now, when summers are 109 every summer, it's dreadful. I looked at some weather data, and it looks like temperatures have remained about constant for about 100 years here (where the data stops). Maybe an increase of 5 or so degrees. What really has changed is probably the wildfire season becoming a thing, but that's not climate change. It's because of cities and the feds not having proscribed fires for a long time, and not letting natural fires happen at all.


Hmm, according to Google, 109° F is 42.7° C, and 114° F is 45.5° C. In other words, pretty much in line with climate change, albeit a little higher, but since you estimated it I will count it as in line - the global average is lower because of the oceans, temperature increase on land due to climate change is higher than the global average. Here in Germany the increase is 1.8° C since 1881. And yeah, climate change leads to more extreme weather. Although in case of wildfires as you say politics and mismanagement (which I think is a well-established fact in the US, at least I've read that about Montana) might play a larger role. But it's not one or the other anyway, both things play together. Like, right now here in Germany we have pretty significant temperature drops and the rainiest year so far since 1881. And in other years we might have 45° and months-long droughts, like a few years ago. This year, we also had a massive heat wave in March/April (hottest April since 1881), with around 30° C. Which is exactly in line with climate change and the induced changes to the jet stream.


I never understood why yall don't have it


We haven’t needed it until recently and we haven’t got around to installing it everywhere yet.


because the weather wasn't hot. wasn't is the key word here. when a place is cold, naturally, the people there would do things to combat it. fireplaces, heating, insulation, you name it. but with global warming, these places aren't that cold anymore. all your cold infrastructure doesn't match the weather that much anymore. upgrading the buildings with AC can be costly. same can be said with America - when the cold wave hit Texas, the non-winterized infrastructure shut down. why is -19⁰C so hard for you when Antarctic outposts can hit -80⁰C?


Way to ruin a perfectly good point with a retarded strawman at the end 


Installing it costs more than a month wage and maintaining it costs a big amount too.


I wanna say the reason is European climate wasn't as it is now. Also to be fair, AC is a luxury we americans take for granted. As someone who has traveled to south east Asian countries during the summer, just don't.


As someone who's lived in UK and Australia, UK houses are designed to be very warm. You can almost chill with open window on 0 degrees. Australian houses are the opposite.


> Australian houses are the opposite. Weird because my experience was that most Australian houses tend to be terribly insulated in every weather. Cold on cold days and hot on hot days. They just get away with it because the weather is generally nice. The exceptions were ones that had been renovated by people that actually lived in them and the old wooden houses in the northern half which had great airflow during the heat.


Where I am, it's really cool on hot days. If you experience UK houses when it's 25 degrees outside it's similar to 38 degrees in Australia.


To be fair, we have air conditioning in the US.


...when we have electricity. ;)


Randy says "zzzt"




We also have electricity, the problem is that companies don't want to upgrade their infrastructure and then introduce stupid mandates like electric vehicles


It's 100% the government's fault for the power grid not being nationalized. It's one of the most important strategic, economic and innovation drivers of the modern world. It cannot be left to companies to decide on what to do with it and how to maintain it.


Only in the places where people prefer free markets to regulations.


Like the rim.


"Why did you declare war on the Empire?" "They tried to make me pay taxes." "Understandable."


Honestly, I love rimworld. Hate politics. Thus, I'm done. Have a great day


>gives shitty right-wing opinion >gets slightest pushback >"waah I hate politics" >leaves Like clockwork


Australia doesn't


Do you happen to know what humidity is?


US still gets high humidity while at those temps... Ohio gets like 102°F with 90%+ humidity


Its about what you are used to, here in scandinavia we would simply combust if we got that high temps. But alot of us go out with shorts and tshirts when its sub 0°c


Yeah exactly, it’s all about tolerance


Also as someone said- most Americans don’t realise how far up north Europe lies. Is on similar level as Quebec/Newfundland. Only thing that keep as from freezing are hot currents from America, but they also mean that it’s really humid so high temp hits much harder. To add to that houses are built to keep heat in during the winter, not keep you cool in the summer heat, and AC isn’t widespread


I realize that, but to flip the script here I don't think most Europeans understand that each state have different building codes because of the different environments so we have the exact same situation in certain places, nor do I think they understand the sheer range of temperatures we get, simply saying "but WE get high humidity!" isn't a good argument or example AT ALL because you have places in the USA like Florida that gets 100+ °F (38+ °C) with pretty much 100% humidity fucking all the time, then you get places like almost any state on our west coast or the south which can get up to 130+ °F (55+ °C) which even though it's "low humidity" is FAR worse. Then on the other extreme we get places in Alaska that get down to -80 °F (-62.2 °C). The argument of having houses that are built to keep heat in and in combination not having AC as a common thing is the only real reason it’s so bad over there.


Yeah, and Florida is where? ALMOST AT THE EQUATOR. Of course it will be hot and humid, so architecture will be adapted to deal with it. Right now at the latitude of ~50° I have almost 30° degrees and 80% humidity. In the same place I’ve had -15 in the winter. The extreme heatwaves only started few years ago, so a lot of buildings aren’t designed to handle them


From Ohio, I can vouch for that, it's why I don't go outside, I have the hardest working little window AC in the world lol. No hate so please don't think think I'm being argumentative but why don't more people in UK buy the little window AC? Only thing I can think of is if they weren't readily sold there the shipping would be astronomical, but my window unit was maybe 150 dollars, and with the windows closed works for the whole house Edit: but yeah damp heat is the worst


I think window ACs are getting more popular in Europe but also yeah NW Ohio is REALLY bad, I don’t remember it being like this years ago, got in the 100s only rarely and not as humid.


Lol im in NE ohio, not far from the lakes so the humidity can get pretty awful Growing up it never got as hot as it does now, and I start sweating at 70F/21C so thank god I have AC


yeah the UK isn't that much more humid than the Midwest


Do you happen to know what 'relative' is


You have it easy, once I was hit by heat wave and had quest that would send me another heatwave. I thought I lucked out because you can't have 2 heatwaves at once. You can, it was 70° outside for a long time.


Oh yeah, this is mild. I took a quest that gave me a mech cluster with a climate adjuster (-10°C). I got a few tribal archers to "help" with the mechs. I sent them to trigger the mechs, and all the archers died (sad). The mechs just kinda hung out by their cluster. Then shamblers came in and wiped out the mechs. They only left behind the expired proximity sensor and the climate adjuster. I thought, "Hmmm...I'm in the swamp. It wouldn't hurt to keep it forever 10°C cooler." So I left it. And I'm glad! Now, I call this a "UK Heatwave."


The mechs were probably so angry that you were unaffected


Can even devilstrand handle that level of heat? That’s insane


Had to go into dev mode and manually decrease temperature every minute in the buildings for like an in game week. Not even freezer was able to do less than 50° and it had couple of the double coolers. Not my brightest decision


Lousy Septober weather.


I think the humidity makes it feel worse, like a 'damp' heat feels hotter than a 'dry' heat.


I remember when I had my Arid Shrubland playthrough I got hit with global warming and then heat wave. When i turned on temperature overlay whole map was Red (somewhere in 80°C range before heat wave and around 97°C whenever heat wave hit) that's second highest lingering temperature I ever registered in Rimworld and highest outdoors temperature.


Laughs in Australia.


Yeowww!! We pour concrete slabs in 45 c here in Aus! 🤯


Please be culturally sensitive, they only see the sun a handful of times per year, 40c must be traumatic for them.


It still remember the summer of 2022, it was 40C the highest ever recorded temperature in the UK. It was traumatic, I sweated from places I did not know could sweat.


Another thing people don’t realise. People from the uk just complain about the weather in general. It will be 14c and people will complain it’s cold but then when it’s 15c people will complain it’s hot. Shit gets kinda annoying tbh.


complaining about the weather is our national sport. we're no good at any of the other sports we invented.


I live in england. I have many friends who have been to US on holiday, and they all say how much warmer the UK is for the same temperature, or colder in the cold temperatures. One friend’s wife was in canada for a year for work, he went there to see her in november and left the UK when it was about 5 degrees and said canada was -3 to -9 the whole time he was there. And the UK felt far colder, in canada he didnt even wear a coat a few times when he went outside whereas in the UK you wear gloves and thick coats for 3 months. I have another who married an american and now lives in kentucky and he was always the type who is really hot all the time. He says kentucky is fine except its really hot days whereas he was always struggling for about 6 months of the year in the UK You also occasionally see (well, mostly hear) in the UK american tourists and when they are finished complaining about walking everywhere, one thing they always mention is the heat. I don’t have conversations with them so i don’t know details but you can hear them from across the other side of restaurants/ stores/ zoos so its not difficult to know what they’re saying So it just seems like, for whatever reason (and i don’t think it is explained by humidity alone nor by americans being used to AC) the UK feels much warmer than north america does when its warm and much colder when its cold


Humidity is going to have a lot to do with it, as does acclimatization for the temperature. I know people who go from AC'd apartment to AC'd car to AC'd office and minimize the time they're outside all summer and never get used to the heat. I live in CA, currently 81F with 38% humidity, but it's going up to 110F and I suspect humidity will drop to about 25% by peak. But I also lived in China for a bit, and 85F with 90% humidity? Nah. 3mi walk to my office, and my shirt would be damp by the time I got there. I'd have to slow down my walking speed to a saunter to generate less heat as I moved, and even then it didn't really help.


I'm scottish. It the temperature is above like 26 i begin to melt away like the wicked witch from the west or some shit


all the grass in our yard is dead due to the heat so i can no longer touch grass


The UK is normally quite a bit colder. Houses there are specifically insulated to trap more heat, and most people don't have central air-conditioning. The average person *might* have one or two rooms with ac. You try living in 104F without ac and see how well you do. That doesn't even go into how people acclimate to the local climate, which is typically significantly lower than 104. Also maybe, instead of having a laugh about how you're better than someone else because you're used to a higher temperature, stop and think a moment about *why* a place that is at the same latitude as Alaska and is normally only kept temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream and a few other things, is now having temperatures more suitable to the tropics?


I mean, I get why people in the UK have to hunker down indoors during the winter... but don't y'all want to go out when it's warm? And please don't get too offended. I've seen a TON of complaints on the internet about how hot the UK is this summer. It's just a little bit of gentle ribbing from someone who has worked decades' worth of summers out in heat, next to hot asphalt and curing concrete. As for my colonists... I feel like they were enjoying such a mild "heat wave." Anyway, I'm sorry for the offense.


US in not just Texas u know. Alaska exists too xD


I'm in California. I grew up near Death Valley. I wouldn't mind retiring in Alaska. Beautiful, beautiful state!


I’m dying when it hits 25


-30c, ez. When I hit over 22c I collapse. It's probably cause I don't go into balding mode every 3 months like animals do.


If air conditioning was as cheap and easy as it is in Rimworld I wouldn't be complaining.


Add some more bioferrite climate heaters, just in case you get a cold snap


my moth friend was chillin' in 1000'C the other week, it's pretty good home defense when mortals spontaneously combust.


Come enjoy -30°C to Finland with me, we'll just have to wait till the summer is over.


When I first saw the “slept in the cold” blurb after getting ac running, I was confused. I checked the cooler, I checked the outside temperature, it was a fully sealed room, and they still had it. It was set to 10o C. I begin feeling like a puddle of goo any above that. And my BASELINERS wanted 20o.


A UK heat wave is like 29 C 😂


Sounds like an el nino Aussie summer. 


40C is halfway to boiling man’s for a cold, wet island with houses designed to keep heat in against the cold that’s a nightmare


1) Houses are built to contain heat in the UK not expel it. 2) No one in the UK has an AC unit outside of their car and most offices, shops and other workplaces don't have AC either. 3) The human body acclimatises to heat and cold depending on where you are. Heatwaves are designated by how far above normal temperature things get. That's why 40 degrees is a problem in the UK. 4) People died in the UK heatwave. Have a little respect.


I do have respect. I work outside, in extreme heat, for a living. Heat illness is a serious issue, especially for the elderly and infirmed. As for those who have been noisily complaining about the UK heat, a vast majority are healthy and merely uncomfortable. They just need to do sensible things to stay cool.


That was pretty much me with my parents today. 98 in va isn't quite the same, but they were getting 120 out in California


dude 40c is my fucking favorite walking temperature in the southwest


40C is just your average day in South America


It certainly is not, 40ºc is hot as fuck here. Even in the really hot areas, closer to the Amazon, the average is around 30ºc.


I'm from Rio de Janeiro, summer here easily reaches 42-45 every single day


Eu nasci no rio tbm, verão é mais calor que normal obviamente.


Right!? Most of the world is used to 40°C.


The thing is, its not really just people being whimps/not used to it, infrastructure is built for expected climate. UK houses a built to trap heat and rarely have AC or decent cooling. Vice versa I'm Aussie, and our houses are absolute shit with no insulation, generally ok in heat + AC, but in winter, 5C might not mean much in other places but if its 5C outside then its 5C inside too.


There are parts of America that get hot/cold as well, but I guess we are used to the grid going down during cold snaps and heat waves. IDK. Maybe we should expect more from our government?


What are you going on about man


Infrastructure. We need better infrastructure.


Texas, Texas needs better infrastructure when it comes to the grid


The grid going down shouldn't make a difference if you have gas central heating, no electricity needed to heat your home and water.


People in the UK call 21C a heatwave, (only around 70F)


Brit here, this is what we like to call a 'lie'