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If it's anything like the layout of summer smash (also happens at SeatGeek), the dedicated viewing areas are nothing special.


Been several years deluxe at Douglas. Main reason I did it was for better views at 4 of their 5 stages. I’d you plan and time properly you can get up close and personal. Well worth it in my opinion.


We have no idea since this is the first year at SeatGeek.


Deluxe isn't worth it if it's viewing you care about, at least at Douglass. Totally new setup this year, so none of us can answer that. And RF will wait till last minute to show you a map.


If nobody would pay the insane prices for this crap, they'd just include all of this stuff with a regular ticket.


You’re alone with this hot take lol


The Deluxe viewing areas can get crowded as well. Some years, most of the bands we wanted to see played on the Rebel stage and there was no viewing area. It sounds like there will be viewing areas for all of the stages this year, but who knows what the layout will be. Two years ago the areas were set up in the middle of the crowd, which sucked IMO. We’ve been doing Deluxe since 2018. We mostly do it for the combination of comforts. Not just for viewing areas or open bar, or bathrooms, etc. It’s definitely worth it to us.


Do they have Deluxe and other tiers for the single day tickets?


Usually, yes but they're pricey. $500+ for a Deluxe single day if I recall correctly.


I have been doing deluxe 3 years straight now.. did GA first 7 years I went to RF. It’s worth it to me.. the viewing areas a couple years ago sucked bad but last year was great since they modified them. Obviously I don’t know how the new venue will be but I do have deluxe again this year. The food options suck, the shade and inclusive liquor bar is great, even for just pop and water if you don’t drink. The lounge is a good place to regroup and hanging out before heading out again. The view from the lounge is fine for the main stage if you don’t care too much about the headliner but just curious. I did watch MCR from the lounge.. had a decent view and I wasn’t in all the chaos


Given that no one knows the new setup/layout this year, no one can really answer that - all responses will be going off anecdotes from previous years, which may or may not be accurate anymore.


In a previous thread we agreed that all Deluxe patrons need to drink 15 beers a day. If you're short enough that you can't do that, Deluxe is probably not for you.


Only reason I bought deluxe, definitely going to save me money on beer.


If you need help with those beers, I gotchu btw


It’s so f*n expensive, but my girl is short, so thinking about shelling out for it


Honestly, my experience with that level at other fests has been fantastic, well worth the $.  There will still be tall people, but you don't have to camp out to have a good spot for anyone. And no camping = more time to see bands.  The only problem with VIP is that the crowd fucking sucks, completely. But you can get your fix of the GA pit and then relax between Beatings. Eta: we bought deluxe for RF. And the bathrooms really are sweet. No shit ovens.


Shit ovens! Brilliant


Massive benefit! A summer festival in Tennessee hammered this home