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"Mai ascult și eu doar așa pe la petreceri"


I see Shinoda, I upvote.


Acum o să vină "inteligenții" planetei care o să spună că Mike doar a profitat de moartea lui Chester și că de fapt nu l-a interesat niciodată de Linkin Park.


Serios vorbind Linkin Park e proiectul lui Mike, Chester a venit mai târziu.


Mike doar a profitat de moarte lui Chester si de fapt nu l-a interesat niciodata de Linkin Park! /s rip Chester


Cu ce ar fi putut profita. Mai ales când ți-a murit unul dintre cei mai importanti oameni pentru tine.


Uite aici unul dintre acei oameni "inteligenți" despre care vorbeam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/comments/kpqw9o/mike_shinoda_descoperă_subcarpați/ghzqlc7


I just wanna say, I’m Portuguese and discovered Subcarpati on YouTube around 2012/2013. I still listen to them regularly altough I don’t speak Romanian at all, or have any Romanian friends. Their music is awesome, love their vibe. Atat De Personal and Doina Spiritului are probably my favorite songs. Sorry for speaking in English and barging in on you guys subreddit, but I never met anyone that would listen to them. Stay safe!


We kinda all listen to songs in languages we don’t understand that sound good to us 😁


True! Most foreign music in Portugal comes from Brazil (go figure) or the US. People here barely hear any European music, which is a shame in my eyes...


As long as it makes you feel good, the origin of the music is not that important IMHO 😀


~~Sprich Rumänisch du Hurensohn~~ Jokes aside, I'm happy to see you enjoy them. I always felt that Romanian culture would be greatly appreciated around the world, if only we knew how to spread it. Me, I'm just doing my part by showing Romanian songs to my friends from abroad. If I may make a small request - many songs from Subcarpați (particularly those from Argatu) sample traditional Romanian folk songs. If you can, please find them and give those a listen too.


They have a really empowering feel to their music in general, between the vocal range/tones and the, as you said, folk samples, I feel like their music still tells a story without being able to understand it. By listening to them I figured that at it’s core, Romanian and Portuguese sound quite similar and almost share some words. I presume “atat de personal” means something like “personal attack” which would be “ataque pessoal” in Portuguese. I found some more similar words and I feel like I can understand the, at very least, intention behind some of those words. I do some boombap beatmaking on a old MPC and those samples were what called my attention at first back in 2012, it’s pretty amazing stuff. Unfortunately my google-fu is lacking because at the time I couldn’t find some of those old folk songs, maybe searching in English didn’t help. Sam The Kid is a pretty well known Portuguese hip hop artist that also samples old Portuguese folk and fado, if you’re ever interested in checking something out from Portugal!


> I presume “atat de personal” means something like “personal attack” which would be “ataque pessoal” in Portuguese. That would be "atac personal" in Romanian. "Atât de personal" means "so personal". You're right that Portuguese and Romanian are very similar, but you might run into false cognates here and there (Protip: "cu" means "with" in Romanian). > Unfortunately my google-fu is lacking because at the time I couldn’t find some of those old folk songs, maybe searching in English didn’t help. Sadly, it isn't easy to find the origin of the samples used in Subcarpați songs, and I'm not aware if they credit them anywhere. If there's lyrics, I can usually google those and find the original songs. If it's an instrumental sample... it's much more difficult. You might have some good luck by asking in the Youtube comments, you can usually find somebody who can recognize the sample. On *Atât de personal*, for example, somebody already commented that the artist Constantin Chisăr was sampled, though the exact song isn't mentioned. In the meantime, I can get you started with the samples from some of my favourite Subcarpați/Argatu songs: * [Robot armăsar attack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhY8aSRhLF0) samples [Fir-ai tu să fii de murg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM-wUIap-DM) by Liviu Vasilică * [Din poartă-n poartă](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGIJMwXkLFc) samples [La portiță la Gheorghiță](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5yLwvRmYX4) by the Osoianu Sisters * [Mircea Alimoș](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHR8_GcTwyY) samples the same song, and the lyrics make reference to folk outlaw Toma Alimoș * [Fără noroc în România](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXlKn6SuRng) samples [De când mama m-o făcut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qwA2rr6MVk) * [Trăsioara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxXwomK-zc4) samples [Hai, hai cu tresioara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTNMkUd95NQ) by Liviu Vasilică * [Să răsune-n țara noastră](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQPk-UfQHr8) samples [Cântă cucu-n Bucovina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-wcMfGdMow) by Grigore Leșe And thanks for the recommendation! I'll check Sam The Kid out.


"Atat de personal" would rather mean "So personal". Attack is atac. Also, cheers for Sam The Kid. I just listened to Juventude é Mentalidade and it sounds great.


Tell you 'hwat, if you like their music AND hack-n-slash type RPGs, try "Yaga". I found it by chance on Apple arcade and can't stop playing it now. Cheers!


Nu i-a luat decât 20 de ani lui Mike Shinoda sa descopere muzica românească. Si cum rahat arată așa tânăr? Zici ca are 25 de ani cand el de fapt are 40 si ceva.




Ca sayianii din dragonball.


Face transfuzii cu sange de bebe


Vezi că în South Park au făcut gluma asta cu actorul care-l juca pe Supermen mai demult.


Christopher Reeve


Nu m-ar mira.


Ia un susvot si mars d-aici


Florin Salam sta printre mai multi gangsteri la un botez decat au stat Parazitii si BUG Mafia toata cariera lor. Real recognize real




pai la noi aia sunt ''gangsteri''


Interlopi Iti convine asa?


Csf, ncsf


wild carpathia


Traim intr o simulare


Non Romanian here, what is up with Romania and Snopp Dogg?


Snopp Dogg made a video with himself listening to "manele".


Manele is a musical curent ." Smart" people , doesn' lisent manele in our country. They prefer other musical genres, like american hip-hop. From here, the contoversy


BTW, if you are from another country, and just listening music manele, and you don't understand lyrics, don't know what manele is about, these songs sounds good ) for me, ukrainian, they was just cheerful romanian music


They mostly are just cheerful romanian music, listened at parties and stuff. Pseudo-intellectual and (((racist))) people like to shit on them, yet they're by far the most popular music genre in the country.


Mike Shinoda castiga.


I just see two vegan burger fans. https://twitter.com/mikeshinoda/status/864975945546870789 https://www.livekindly.co/snoop-dogg-just-spent-all-day-driving-vegan-food-truck/


Ok...nu o sa mai fiu hater cu Linkin Park. O sa fie greu.


Versurile lui Salam au mai multa inteligenta in ele decat cele ale lui Snoop, asa ca nu vad unde-i wow-ul in toata treaba asta. Snoop a ascultat si el o melodie desteapta. /s - sau nu


Memă furată de la Dezarticulat. Dacă ai spus vreodată left can't meme și ai dat upvote la asta, sper să-ți stea în gât.


r/okprietenretardat is leaking


Exista vreo statistica cu vârsta medie a redditorilor români? Bag mâna-n foc că majoritatea e in categoria 10-14 ani.


Nu ascult manele decat atunci cand sunt beat si atunci cand ma pune cineva sa aleg dintre subcarpati si florin salam. Pacat de beat-urile alea.
