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Your shingles overlap eachother so what you’re counting isn’t each roofing system. Looks like you have 3 roofs on there though. Not ideal but leave until you’re ready for a new roof and tear it all off.


Got it thank you. So only 3 layers and not 7 layers like this delicious dip I’m about to destroy.


Response of the year.


Dip n’ Dots has layers now?


Just whiplashed me back 15 years right into an Alabama mall. Damn you for that.


Always had them at the baseball stadium near me


What about cakes? Cakes have layers


What about parfaits everybody loves parfaits


Everybody loves cake!


Ogres are like dip n' dots...


You leave em out in the sun and they melt and get little hairs growing on them?


If your dip has 7 layers, I recommend taking it out in pieces that contain a bit of all 7 layers, instead of doing it a couple layers at a time. Tostitos sells a tool that would be very handy for this job.


Fritos scoops are a superior chip for such a dip.


Use a melon baller to scoop into the scoops




Name checks out


Not in my dip, thank you.


Get a load of this guy! Somebody give them a raise.


That dip is my wife sir, and she's not even paid off yet.


Well played, OP


Beans, cheese, onions, sour cream, tomatoes, guacamole and olives


Smooth transition into product placement. Now *that* would be good guerrilla marketing.


I came here to say this and used the search tool in the comments to find this lol! I am like %99.3 sure this story is bull and it's a guerrilla ad for QuietCool, cant help it 🤷🏻‍♂️


That being said you have a hole in your.. ahh never mind.


Are you drowning your fears and anxieties about your roof with dip?


Three cheers for the guy/gal who invented 7-layer dip. That shit is delicious. Reader poll: Is 7-layer dip Mexican or Midwestern?


May I ask why you installed an attic fan? Not really a good solution in most circumstances.


~~It's a whole house fan, not an attic fan.~~ It's an attic fan. A house fan draws air from inside the living space, blowing it into the attic (or directly outside, I suppose) and then the normal attic venting exhausts outside. This creates negative pressure in the living space, drawing outside air into the house, creating a breeze from open windows and cycling the air quickly. It's a great idea in SoCal where it gets cool at night. As soon as it's cooler outside than inside, open some windows and turn the fan on for 10 minutes. The house can easily be 10 degrees cooler, depending on the temperature differential. Of course it's not helpful to cool the house in the hottest part of the day, but it can get a breeze going. And it's even useful in winter, when it's warm outside in the afternoon but the house is chilly, just open the windows and turn on the fan for a bit, it'll warm things up very quickly. Way cheaper to run than A/C or heat.


Okay. OP called it an attic fan hence the confusion.


Confused here. My whole house fan draws air into the attic. But you’re saying this guy is hooking his house fan out of the roof? Attic and whole house fan are not the same


~~Yes, that's exactly it. Quietcool makes house fans, not attic fans. For some reason OP is exhausting directly through the roof rather than into a vented attic space. Likely due to insufficient attic ventilation, but that's only a guess.~~ I stand corrected! Quietcool makes house and attic fans.


Quietcool makes attic fans. Two kinds actually: gable fans and roof mounted attic fans.


Got it. Was wondering if mine was hooked up wrong…


I have this in Chicago in my home. Past owner must have put it here. Just a giant intake on the ceiling. Turn it on and any window open becomes a goddam vortex of outside air It’s very useful as a weed smoker tho. Like a heaven send.


just curious - I'm thinking of installing a roof attic fan and gable attic fan to keep my attic a bit cooler and extend the life of the 18 year old roof and new insulation is it worth doing you think? (it would cost \~$1000) right now I have zero attic ventilation (collapsed ridge vent + broken attic roof fan + closed up soffits) and it gets super hot in there


If it has zero then yes. Is there an option to do a ventilated soffit with a ridge vent?


ventilating the soffits and getting ridge vents would seemingly cost much more from what I've looked into historically I suppose it is worth spending $1k to get more life out of the roof then?


It’s a forever fix.


I guess I could keep the fans there even when I get a new roof then?


Moving hot air out out the attic helps to keep the house cool.


Yes but the way to do that would be a vented soffit and a ridge vent moving over 5 times more air. No mechanical parts. Also, ridge vents move air both in and out of an attic; attic fans mostly move air outward, from the attic's interior to the outdoors


The fan will draw cool air into the attic through the soffit vents and force the hot air out


According to HVAC SEER, an attic fan isn't only unnecessary in a properly designed attic but it can also be detrimental. The purpose of an attic fan is to blow hot air out of the attic, of course, but the fan interferes with the natural process of roofing vents. You can risk drawing in more hot air or expelling cool air out of the ridge vents instead; this will increase the temperature inside the house and make air conditioning more expensive. If the system isn't properly designed, adding an attic fan can make ventilation worse. Nearly all sourcing and roofers would say this.


It will draw cool air out of the conditioned space even more... If you properly insulated, then a ridge vent/soffit is significantly better.... All you are doing with an attic vent is covering up one problem by creating a few others...


In my climate, the humidity is typically below 60%, it gets down into the 50's every night. I rarely use the AC and I don't have soffits. I mainly need a house fan to draw more cool air in the windows in the morning and evening. I don't know what my attic solution is yet, but I'm looking at products like this, too.


If you have a roof vent but don't have any soffit, then that is 100% your problem right there.... Install some sofits.


I don't have eaves with decking into the attic. Just little 2x4 end caps between trusses. About every 4th one is a vent, but the screen is old and half blocked. I may replace the screens, and I may try to add some more. But my point is that I don't have a "conditioned space" most days. Instead I have open windows and pleasant dry air outside. I don't mind drawing air from the house into the attic. In fact, it's what I want.


Is 3 layers an issue if you live further north? Where it snows….. alot?


Three is considered the maximum allowable, like, if it has two layers you can technically go one more layer but most guys will just make the customer pay to have it all peeled off. Hard to tell what’s going on underneath all that. Old people on fixed incomes would get a third layer no questions asked since odds say they will die before a triple becomes a problem. I’ve seen roofs with 6 layers of the old 3 tab bullshit shingles smh.


he does have 3/4 boards for decking, but hard to tell what the rafters (look like 2x6) are spanning and how they are braced,


Definitely lowers the snow depth trusses can support, but here in Atlantic Canada it really depends on the location plus the underlying truss support and whether it’s built properly


One layer is code in ontario a second actually voids your warrenty I guess by the comments that's not true all of north America seems odd its not but who's to say!


I just don’t get it. It’s 10k to add a new roof on top. It’s 10.5k to rip off the old roof and do it right. So save $500 and shorten the lifespan of my roof by ???? On top of not getting a chance to like replace any rotten boards or other problems..


Second layer cuts the lifespan in half and voids your shingle warrenty makes no sense to me!


I may be mistaken but I thought the rule was you can have two layers of shingles but never a third due to weight of shingles on roof?


Cali I doubt they care about snow weight. Still bad form,


Leave it alone and tear it all off when you replace it again.


Honestly with all those layers how would it ever leak ?


It wouldn’t.


Just collapse the roof with a heavy snow load correct?


They live in Southern California. It doesn’t snow there


Got it , I'm only allowed one layer , Northern Michigan lol


One more layer and your reach r-1,000 insulation value, which essentially is enough to melt most plastic after a few hours just by body heat alone - this guy is super lucky


You will be fine as long as California doesn’t get a blizzard, now I can’t promise that won’t happen, but until then you’re good. 👍


instructions unclear, here comes 12 ft snow drifts


The term is snow squalls when the wind picks up water off a lake and drops it as snow. 12 foot snow drifts are just blown by the wind and can appear when you get bushes and trees next to an open field. Still, Cali gets warm ocean water constantly so that's not likely to ever happen on the coast.


Cold water is what Cali gets. However, in order to get that sort of snow you often need a lake which is why it’s often called lake effect snow. Japan gets it off the Sea of Japan in the NW but it’s a sea, not an open ocean. The mesoscale pattern would have to be a stalled out low along the Rockies and the SSTs would have to be just right. Chances of it happening are next to impossible.


They are always talking about hell freezing over.


Why would snow be bad for this?


snow load edit: it can be a LOT more than you'd ever imagine


I live in the mountains in CA, can confirm we do get blizzards in the winter.


Can u elaborate, please?


The most snow I've ever seen was in Big Bear and that's like 2 hours from Orange County. It snowed 175" there last season.


Yup, next reroof will require a tear off. Then you get to play the re-decking game with the contractor who doesn't like the condition of your plywood.


looks like planks. after having 3 layers taken off... yeah, it could be gnarly up there.


Nice cutout! Clean, centered, well done!


The average bundle of shingles weighs 75Ibs. An average square is 225Ibs or 2.25Ibs per square foot. If you had three layers of shingles you'd have about 675Ibs per square or 6.75Ibs per square foot. If that roof was 25 squares in size, that's a total of 16,875Ibs on that roof. We all know that one crew that will dump that entire roof into that one dump trailer. Them poor trailer axles and truck transmission.


My dad owned a small roofing outfit when I was young. I remember helping him scrape 9 layers of shingles off a house once.


You tore off my insulation!!!


One lady had four layers of felt and thought it was a radiant barrier. "You're tearing off my radiant barrier!" "Ma'am that's 110% not a radiant barrier."


no wonder you need an attic fan. That's a superpowered heat sponge up there. In soCal too. May as well be cast iron. Anyways I had 3 layers on when i moved in, too. When you get bids on the next roof, be up front about that, so you get the right pricing. It takes more time. They may need an extra dumpster to haul it away. Your decking looks like plank, and ripping it all up may take extra toll... who knows. And YES you will take massive weight off your home, when you get rid. Go with high-albedo shingle (or metal, or clay, or whatever) and you'll shave your electricity bill too.


What's high libido roofing?


It gets stiff when the wind blows.


Someone had a roof with like 6 layers of shingles. When they tore it all off the drywall cracked from the weight being taken off. There was 20 thousand pounds on it!


Yeah, i have an old home and the plaster walls suffered from that.


That roof looks like an onion


This is what we call in the business a croissanroof. It’s layered like a croissant but in a roof.


In Arizona you can have 4 layers.


lol, in Arizona huh? And 4 … but not 5? Oddly specific …


Well its simple, saying 2 layers is too much os equivalent of saying no layering, then 3 is 6 divided by 2 and thats Satan number, then 5 would be too much and Big Roof don't want that






They’re in California and it looks like more than two.


Huh look at that roof thats more than two...thats a fact.


This isn’t true.


Count the rings, roofs only 7-8 years old.


Where would you find coil nails long enough to hit the sheeting?


At that point you're driving 20 penny spikes with a hammer.


Buddy I carry up to 1 7/8” coil nail in stock, there’s a will there’s a way 😂😂😂


I was shooting 1 3/4 today for a repair. I drove 2 hours and realized I grabbed the wrong coils. Nothing 80 psi can't cure.


it's southern california. Drive them on a hot day.


I think that is 3 layers. So don’t add another


Your poor framing


It’s a torte!!!


This look like Timberline (cr) type, where the wear course appears as several layers. Add the overlap of each course and tarpaper id say you have two installed layers. If


Nice, you may as well pave your roof at this point


Make sure they lay tarps out. In San Diego, in my experience, hardly any of the popular tear off companies do. The guys I sub out are the cleanest and quietest on the roof I've every seen.


I like to see a tear down with each new roof, but this is just two roofs.


I just gotta say I (usually) love the responses to the varied posts. Read stuff I have no knowledge of and some I have little interest in. But I still read them. Some funny. Some sad. Many provide extraordinarily helpful and insightful suggestions for issues the OPs are having trouble with. Really good group of contributors this thread and others have on Reddit. Keep it up. Thanks.


I see 3-4 layers of shingles here, would be an interesting tear off


The main floor wall studs are just trembling, getting 1/16th shorter every year




Gonna be wood stoving?


In VT, your roof is fine structurally, it's a lot of weight but not enough to be an issue. The problem may be (depending on where you live) with code, multiple layers becomes a fire hazard. Unless your house was built like *. From what can be seen, looks solid


isn't the max supposed to be 2?


what's the R value all those layers?


Yea federal fire codes only allow two, at least in wisco.


how can you have 6 layers? is the house 100 years old!


I can hardly afford 1 roof, and op has 3+


Protection from space objects.


Might into some wood when that comes off tho it will be drier then a popcorn fart! RIP pine boards!


Probably 3 layers so it about maxed out but not terrible if the truss system is in good shape. I wouldn’t add another but good for now


I'd hate to strip this roof


RIP your saw blade


the newest layer will tend to curl when it is laid over existing roofing, at least with 3 tab


Hey OP, not sure if you are going to see this but I’m looking to install the same whole house fan system. I’m curious if the hole you cut is for ventilation or if it is to facilitate installation? If it is for ventilation do you have any tools or resources on calculating ventilation? I’m familiar with the vent square footage spec on the fan.


Installation. The Quietcool website does the calculation for fan size.


Thanks for the reply! You do not have attic access where you are installing it I take it? Will check out the site. My question was less on the fan sizing and more on calculating current roof vent sizing perhaps that is on there too.


I’d like to know how you cut perfectly between those two rafters?


Rafters are exposed at the bottom. 1950s style construction.


Ok so did someone use a small drill through the ceiling to establish center on the roof exterior. I guess I’m inquiring the process.


Since I can see the rafter tails when standing on the ground, I measure from the nearest corner to the center between the rafters. Then I get on the roof and measure from the same edge the corner is on.


Oh god🤦‍♂️ that’s so simple. Sorry I didn’t catch what you meant by bottom. And if it’s an open gable, then yeah! It all makes sense. Thanks for being so patient with me lol


Whoever cut that hole deserves a pat on the back


Shingles don't actually weigh much. In AU we commonly use to use concrete roofing tiles, **now that's a heavy weight!** Now most recent roofs use colorbond steel.


Yo Dawg, I heard you like Shingles....


Jesus and my dad made me think it sound like I’d fall right through the roof if I put my trampoline up there. Those shingles weigh way more than my trampoline


Hot tub rated 😇


The weight on that roof


If it isn’t broke, why fix it?


I believe there’s two layers and the first was layed down four to the weather and instead of nesting it they just ran with full exposure so as not to run out of material. I’m most likely wrong but that’s where I’m at


Looks like a lot to me!


Two many layers


First layer was from ancient Egyptian


Every 2 layers is the one layer. Its been roofed over times lol


3 layers are a bit much but not the end of the world


Wait they just place shingles on top of others ones when reroofing ? I’ve always seen the old shit removed tf


It depends. Nothing wrong with it but it does add to the weight on the roof.


3 roofs are usually allowed. Architectural shingles can be tricky to sort out the layers. This is either 2 - 3 tab roofs and 1 architectural on top or 2 architectural roofs.


I’m assuming people do this to save money. If so how much does it save versus having the old ones removed then adding the new shingles?


Add one more and then you can be sure you have too many layers


The company I work for paid a a roofing company to lay new architectural shingles over old existing shingles. And now there are leaks all over the place in a very very large building. Honestly I wish roofing companies would refuse to do this.


3 roofs. Time to redeck .


I misread this and thought it said "time to redneck" and was gonna say that ship has sailed...




If it's not leaking... It's just enough layers.


Roof is totally fine


that's fucking ridiculous. good lord. if we did that here we'd be condemned ... hahaha


Pretty sure in CA no more than two layers of roofing are allowed.


General requirements for most common re-roof projects: All work must comply with 2022 California Building Codes. Not more than 1 overlay of asphalt shingles may be applied over an existing asphalt shingle roof (**maximum 2 layers of asphalt shingles total are allowed**).


Not 7 layers. You only have 2-3 layers.


Looks like two layers


Zero leaks


Owner of a roofing company here in Texas: That’s most likely 2 layers of shingles, 3 “layers” can be counted on a single roof install. If you pick the right spot you’ll get the headlap of the shingle below, in the middle layer you’ll have the middle part of the shingle, and then on the top the bottom half of another shingle. Definitely not recommended because when you do this the life of the new installed roof goes down dramatically but then again the next homeowner will deal with it… You will have one expensive replacement unfortunately whether it’s two or three layers. Also most if not all material warranties are voided while doing an install this way however material warranties are normally dogshit anyways lol