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Lmao they spray painted iron cross


Oh my, anyone with something between their ears would probably be able to see that the paint was added after the damage took place since the paint is literally burnt off lmao. Kinda wild tbh


Attention, my friend! 'Bar Cross' NOT Iron Cross! Please check your statement!




God the russians are just... So pathetic... Is like embarrassing honestly kinda sad. Is also super sad that they gotso little that they are showing armoured cars are a worthy thing to brag about. And on top of that they have to actually break the equipment because most of the things they are showing wasn't actually broken before they got it. Like the leo that they had to break the barrel. Just so pathetic.


Came here to say just that. Pathetic is the word.


Yep they do this even in Ukraine continue hitting armor multiple times, then show the after math in a attempt to show weaker western armor. I know Russians get salty having to do that lol.


Do what it takes sending citizen to their 💀💀💀 for Mother Russia


The cross is really the kicker. Also the fact that one can refer to "the" Senator, singular, that was captured by Russia. Ukraine has acquired and deployed over 1000.


Yeah it tickles me pink hearing Russian supporters go on about how these vehicles are awful, essentially death traps, doing more harm than good etc. Then you point out that less than 20 out of more than 1000 have been destroyed and that by most accounts Ukrainian soldiers like them and the Ukrainian military keeps asking for more. Crickets and angry Russaboo noises


Then why did they fix the door?


they didn't


they repaired both doors, and the back tyre. so for me is pure statistical tie


They didn't repair any doors. They've just closed the front door and welded the back door to the body.


Yes but if you want to show more damaged equipment why do it? Let the doors broken. The reality usually is less complex, vehicle could be damaged during transportation, maybe they needed to weld the doors for transportation , maybe require removal the front tyre to make it stable. Same reason could mede them replace the back tyre with inflated one. Sorry but this is exposed here as intentional I'm saying sorry don't make sense and don't pass even the basic logic test.


they could've busted that back window with an artillery shell later too. first destruction photo =/= when it was towed out of the "grey zone"