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The current Grand Master is a woman.


And her videos were a significant factor in my decision to join


A wonderful lady 😊🙏


Yes, Julie Scott is so sweet, I love her!


That's really cool What are the steps one takes to join and rise through ranks? How does it work exactly?


Study at home to rise through the ranks you get sent out 4 monographs to be read each week of the month every month you receive another 4 it is simple to grasp you do not need any prior knowledge of magic or the occult (secret) grand master Julie scott is who the other commenter was referring to and she is absolutely amazing such a perfect representation of our order you should be able to feel the kind loving vibe emanating from her just watching her videos on RosicrucianTv on YouTube i love the structure of study in the order and there is no nefarious ways to “rise” in “rank” to the top it is a journey of self discovery and a way to study the natural laws of the universe so as to try to live in harmony with them 😊🙏 Hope this helps Love and light


Thanks a lot, can you tell me about the monographs? What are they about exactly?


Without going into too much detail they contain experiments and things you can do to further develop your own psychic centres and while doing so most importantly you prove to YOURSELF that it works and you make your OWN decision as to whether or not it is real because only you can decide it covers too many things to mention but just know it is like enrolling into a university or college and you will indeed learn (at your own pace or relatively slowly through weekly 10 to 12 page monographs) which is another reason i love it it allows you to absorb the information and put it into practical use in your daily life and you end up soaking the information up ALOT better not having it all thrown at you at once this is why the structured system of monographs sets it apart from most other organisations and orders im sure you will appreciate the difference and see our order does operate with real unconditional love and understanding that is why some of the highest “ranking” members are female we do believe females tend to lead with their hearts and men not so much (usually) of course not in all cases but this is the difference you will observe within AMORC as you experienced with the Freemasons they love their male company 😉 not very excepting of everyone when you look at their supposed values they just end up contradicting themselves but i tend not to judge others as there is too much of that in this world and everyone is on their own journey do what you feel is right and what makes you happy we are eternal theres no where else to go 🤷‍♀️ enjoy the experience 😊🙏




I hope you overcome your little issue with other peoples punctuation buddy “Argh..” you can really tell who has implemented the studies of the Rosicrucian order AMORC and who hasn’t 🤦‍♂️ With best wishes for peace profound. Everyone is on their own journey.. your problem with their life is only that.. YOUR PROBLEM 😂🪬


And no need to thank me 😊 Your always welcome. This excerpt may help you or may not.. should he or she desire to proceed further into this great study. Let the student always remember the ancient axiom: "When the Pupil is ready, the Master appears." But the Pupil is not "ready" until he has mastered the elementary instruction such as is given in the pages of this book. It is not claimed, however, that in the pages of this book are given all the Secret Teachings of the Rosicrucians, such as their Formulas and Methods of Mental Alchemy, and Spiritual Transmutation. Such information cannot be cast broadcast, for reasons which will be apparent to every earnest and intelligent student. But, on the other hand, such information cannot be withheld from those who are ready to receive it, and who are moved by the proper motives in seeking to acquire the secret knowledge. When the student learns how to give "The Right Knock," then will he find proven the old promise: "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you."


Full disclosure; I'm not a member. But I have investigated it, and as far as I know, you apply on their website. https://rosicrucian.org


You can inquire at their website www.rosicrucian.org. One advances through study and practical applications. Good luck


They have an app




That automatically makes it more respectable to me. It's ironic that the mason's criticize the divisions created by religion/culture just to adopt the most archaic rule possible


Order of the Eastern Star is the Masons' branch for women I believe


Yeah, I looked it up but they aren't included on an official level. It sucks


Co-masonry exists. Look it up. Quite common actually. But on your main point , there's nothing wrong with either men or women joining organizations exclusively for men or women. Or any other gender for that matter. The freedom to do so is sort of the point as well.


Yes I saw those lodges too, also not recognised or get to mingle much with the others I don't mind people making their groups gender exclusive, but when a group's core beliefs go against what they claim to stand for then I lose respect for them. They can't denounce societal divisions to seek unity with the divine while simultaneously excluding 50% of the planet's population


While excluding 49.75% *😉 Nah i totally agree with you thats why i chose the Rosicrucian order AMORC over ALL other orders you will learn more once your studying you will love it 😊🙏


Recognized by who? Masonic Lodges recognize themselves. Personally, I would not fall into the trap of thinking that Freemasonry is ancient or something like that. There are many European lodges and while it is true, there tends to be a mothership lodge in England that is not the full story of masonry by any stretch of the imagination. It's not about excluding women but about including men. And I'm not even defending it but I can at least understand it.


I understand it and personally don't respect this contradiction to their core beliefs. I don't take issue with men wanting their own spaces but when spiritual beliefs are involved it becomes deeper than just a matter of slight preference Also by recognition I mean that they aren't allowed to gather in official meetings with other lodges. They can just be themselves but the ingroup tension is present


What is an official lodge? Freemasonry is made up and not an objective truth. It's officialness is self-determined. It is no different than the woman's only gym that is down the street. I consider that a wonderful thing, just as I consider it a wonderful thing that a group of men would want to get together and practice friendship and brotherly love. In the end, I respect that you disrespect them.


I did think that initially but I have come to realize that having men only allows men to have a safe space where they can be vulnerable in front of other men


I dont know why you are bring downvoted. If you are interested in joining a local chapter of a masonic group you better hope they accept women as members or else you just simply can not join. As far as I can tell the Order of the Eastern Star seems to have less engagement than the typical masonic lodge.


The free masons are a fraternity but they have a branch that females can join. AMORC is open to whoever is interested


I met a very kind and wonderful woman recently who asked me if I knew of the Rosicrucians. She explained that she was a Dame and had been associated with the order since she was younger.


As far as the Freemasons go, there are female only organizations as well as coed organizations. Depending on the country you're in, just look up Comasonry. Universal Condone is an excellent organization. And yes, AMORC also Anita female members. That being said, the organizations are completely different. Though, one is absolutely able to join both if you wish to experience both sides.


AMORC does not discriminate against sex or religion


As far as I know all Rosicrucian Orders accept members without regards of sex or gender with the exception of the Masonic Societas Rosicruciana. Regarding Masonry; some jurisdictions actually do accept women like Le Droit Humain.


im really curious about this too. did you ever find anything out or pursue this??


Yes, not only are women allowed but they have no problems becoming grandmasters


I'm nonbinary, and everyone at the local lodge has been super welcoming over the past month or two that I've gone there.


That's nice


I don’t consider RC a religion. May I suggest you examine your reasons for joining this or any other organization because this may not be what you’re looking for.


Yes, we refer to them as Sorrors, and they can hold any and all positions that men can hold. This question is for yourself?