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Where did Mayhem go after S1? How did April meet the turtles? What ever became of the crazy dentist? Where was Draxum during the Krang invasion? What happened to the Foot Clan after the movie? Are they even still alive? What happened to Splinter's mom? Those are just the ones I can think of right away


And who Big Mama's assistant was, why she had turtle armor


I can't believe I forgot about the dentist! He looked like such a fun villain, too


I remember that in a Q&A it was answered that those who got infected by the Krang like the Foot Clan didn't return back to normal. So they basically stayed as slaves even after their defeat.


Jfc that's dark


Idk about the rest, but I'm pretty sure Mayhem was in season 2, and the creators' explanation for where Draxum was was that he was defending the school


With Mayhem, I think he only appeared in the first episode of S2, and they reveal he's an agent for the council. Beyond that, we never really learn what became of him, or what that whole council is really about either. With Draxum, I'll buy that explanation, but it's pretty weird how he's never even brought up once throughout the movie, given that he's effectively a second dad to the turtles and was instrumental in helping them with Shredder. His conspicuous absence is one of the bigger reasons why I wish we could've gotten a full third season over a movie


Actually, they explained how April met the turtles in one of the episode novelizations. I don’t remember it all off the top of my head, but she said she met them while they were playing basketball on her roof one day.


- Is Shelldon dead??? Seriously please someone tell me! - How/when did Future Raph and Donnie die? - What was the identity of Big Mom's turtle-mutant-looking assistant? - Did Big Mom turn over a new leaf after the season 2 Finale or is she still a baddie? - Is future Casey the biological son of Cassandra Jones, and if so, who is the father? - Were there any permenant injuries/issues as a result of the Rise Movie events? - What is up with the TCRI? It seems they took the surviving Krang at the end of the movie, what are the consequences of that move? - Are the foot guys still alive? ....are _any_ of the mutated people alive? - Are the turtle boys living in a more alert to weirdness city now that Aliens invaded? - Was the Yokai prophecy predicting the return of the Krang? - What are they going to do with the dimensional key they now have to stash somewhere? Not really a mystery as much as a complaint: we needed more Piebald episodes if she is their sister. Also no tmnt crossover episode? 🥺


TBh, I have a theory that the Kraang were the prophecy and that the council of the heads is actually the rottmnt version of the Utroms. Given Empyrean comes from the kraang as seen by the dead corpse found in the crying titan. And Empyrean is said to be tightly controlled by the council.


I could totally see this! Such a shame the writers had to shove their plans into a shortened movie (even if it was _glorious_).


Shelldon is very dead, I'm so sorry. The Shredded killed him at the end of season 2, and then in the movie, there's a clip where sister Krang crushes his head into a wall https://i.redd.it/2wlydxvv9e8d1.gif


No 😢😭


Woah, really good easter egg! Maybe Donnie was about to repair him


According to a Twitter post by one of the writers, the turtle-looking assistant was supposed to be 1 of the turtles 2 lost sisters. Another post also confirmed that at the very least Raph has some form of PTSD from the invasion.


Ohh, good to know! I wish we knew more about the sisters.


* How is Casey is related to Cassandra * How did April meet the turtles * What has Big Mama been up to after the 2-year time skip. * Where was Draxum in the movie and why didn't the TMNT didn't think of getting his help before and after losing their powers?


Casey is Cassandra’s son. He literally calls her his mom in the movie.


Yes I know. However, it's been debated if he's biologically her kid. Since we don't know who his dad is, people have theorized that he's either a dumpster baby cass found and adopted, or he's a clone.


What happened to the Krang sister and who were the government people that were taking her away? What happened to Baron Draxum? How is the Hidden City now that Draxum has calmed down? Yokai, now that he Krang have come and gone, how are they doing with that news, seeing as Empirion, the very thing that made them, came from the Krang. What's Big Mama up to? Overall, these are things that can be answered with more seasons (and I won't stop believing/hoping it can happen), but I just want more of the family being together, exploring the world together, growing, showing each other love more them anything.


To answer your first question, the government people were the EPF. (Aka Earth Protection Force) They're a recurring government organization in the TMNT franchise that first appeared in the 2003 TMNT.


Another thing we were robbed of.


My biggest question is how is Casey jr even still here after changing the timeline because in most time travel movies when a character from the future changes their future that version of the character won't exist anymore causing them to dissappear.


I think they went the route of branching time theory. As soon as Casey landed in the past he created an alternate universe from the one he was from, making him an interdimensional time traveller.


I think it's because time isn't linear and disappearing from existence doesn't happen all the time when the timeline is changed in time travel tropes. As long as Casey still has a chance of being born, he'll just be an alternate version of his past self.


As with Future Trunks' future, in Rise only a new timeline was created where they managed to stop the invasion in time, while Casey's (the original timeline) was not saved.


Who was Big Mama's assistant? What mystic powers would Donnie have if he chose the staff in the first episode? How did April meet the turtles? Was Sheldon ever repaired after fighting Shredder? Were the foot clan members killed after freeing the krang?


Tbh, I think Donnie's mystic weapon powers would be similar to his current given the others. However, I like to think that his weapon would have the unique ability to change its form to anything he wants just like his tech bo.


The writers said that Big Mama's assistant was supposed to be 1 of 2 of the turtles lost sisters that they were supposed to go looking for in season 2. Shelldon was repaired (or at least started to be repaired), but one of the Krang crushed what seemed to be left of him against a wall https://i.redd.it/94nk4fw9be8d1.gif


How is Casey Jr. adjusting to the new timeline after living his whole life in the apocalypse?


After "Donnie Vs Witchtown", was it my imagination or did Donnie and April really start to up their game? What did Splinter's mom actually leave to do? Does April still have ninja and nin-po abilities? Were the Dentists going to be a recurring villain for Raph, like the Purple Dragons were for Donnie? Are Yokai fuelled by alien blood like that Krang head suggested? What about the Council of Heads? Is Shelldon repaired? The explanation of how April and the Turtles met five years ago.


April does still have ninpo, because we see her bat glow green when the turtles first meet/fight the Krang. Shelldon started to get repaired, or at least his head was intact, but Krang 2 crushed said head into a wall during the movie https://i.redd.it/dqbox38qbe8d1.gif


What’s the lore behind the crying titan that showed up in episodes relating to the hidden city?


What was that weird thing April found at her school in the rottmnt movies that hurt the kraang


Who is Casey's dad?!


What is the dentist guy going to do next??? 👀