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He wants some loving, go scratch his chin or play tug-o-war.


Exactly like my girl! She is boring or wanna attention and start doing this.


But we played so much! We just came back from the park


That's why. They have fomo. Fear of missing out šŸ˜‚


They are needy needy babies


He just wants to do things. Alot of people forget Rotties are a working breed, they were bred to work all day, always having something to do. Im not a betting man but I have been working with dogs for over 12 years, personally I think some mental stimulation here would go a long way (not saying you are neglecting him in that regard, just spitballing ideas) They have treat puzzles on amazon you can purchase (start w/ novice ones) Make sure when you lay the puzzle down (loaded with treats) to preface with a phrase like "lets play a game" or "solve your puzzle". Its okay to help them their first couple of times if they are missing a piece or two. You can also try a Kong filled w/peanut butter or yogurt and then put into the freezer. By putting them into the freezer they will last a LOT longer and your dog will use alot of brain power trying to get every last but of it out. By the time it is done he will be mentally tired and ready for a nap! If you have any other questions please dont hesitate to reach out to me via DM! You have a beautiful boy!


We bought a few puzzles for our Rottie and keep them on a low shelf. When he gets whiny or seemingly pent up energy. We tell him to ā€œpick a puzzleā€ and heā€™ll go over, grab one and pull it off the shelf. We then load that one with treats and let him go to work on it. The company we got ours from, have difficulty ratings on their puzzles from 1-5. We started by trying a 2, smartie pants figured it out in seconds. So now we have a couple of fours and theyā€™ll keep him occupied for twenty minutes to a half hour. Highly recommend


Ooh what company?!


Nina Ottosson by Outward Hound šŸ˜€


We also put a treat in a cardboard box and duct tape it, then in another box and tape that one too. My baby loves shredding them to get her treat. Wears her out too.




He sounds restless, that sounds like the cry that says, I still have energy, play with me!


Animal Behaviorist here. Some people are saying boredom and to do something stimulating like play but this pup looks like he may have already played too hard. If a dog does have generalized boredom or anxiety then puzzles and lick mats would be much better than overstimulation with more play since they need to learn to be calm rather than always getting stimuli. The 1st cry is while he swallows and the 2nd comes with chomps which is a pain response (don't worry though!). I would bet he's in pain something like when kids race on the playground until their ribs and lungs hurt. Possible muscle soreness too and temporary tendon strain. I would suggest slowing him down while he runs or chases. He might not want to chase if it's not far enough or moving fast enough so find the right distance and speed so he's not holding his breath while running all out with his hunting instincts. If, like most Rotties, he refuses to slow or stop then intermittent play would help. Take the toy (or a treat if no other dogs are around to smell/fight over it) and guide or gently force him to go walk and catch a breath before water and a 2nd play session. Treat toys could also distract from overworked muscles but I would only give those after catching breath. Good smells, music or TV may help distract from the pain a bit. Hyperfixation of hunting/herding/guarding instincts on an item for a prolonged period also causes hormonal release so he may be coming down from a high which can be like us losing adrenaline (tiring and a little stressful, but that's good after having instinct outlets) cattle dogs have this for 30 minutes or so after working.


Thank you for your response! Iā€™ll definitely try slowing him down as I do feel he goes all out while playing.


That sounds like extremely sound advice. I'd just like to ask, where does he run? Have you looked at his paws? Are his pads scruffed up? Or does he cry if you touch them?


I actually tried touching him all across his body and pressing spots including his feet, but it doesnā€™t seem to hurt him. He gets most of his exercise in the park with grass


Ok, was just curious. Most of my rotts get rough paws from too much time on asphalt, so I use Mushers on them regularly. He's panting pretty hard, but it doesn't seem like thirsty panting. It could be anxiety like someone said. I'm not a fan of excess meds for pets, but there are some out there. Possibly try talking to a vet about a sample? Maybe change his routine 1st and see if anything changes?


Mushers secret is fantastic! I wish more people used it and thought about paw sensitivity to running and heat.


I was going to suggest maybe pain, but I've only ever had pitties so i dont pretend to know these (but looking at these bugs as our next pup. My girl started doing this when she got older, and the osteo set in (the chatter-chomp a lip licking was an indicator for us), which I thought was universal. If I can pick your brain about the lick mats... do those not promote ocd behaviors?


Yes, The chatter chomp and or lip licking is a very common pain response for all types of things including arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle fatigue and gastrointestinal distress. Edit to answer your question because I thought I was responding to a separate comment: Lick mats can definitely lead to obsessive tendencies, but only in dogs who are either extremely food motivated or have a high affinity for licking things. Truth is it's like any toy or activity, it really depends on the individual dog. Many dogs are obsessed with chasing light spots over obsessively squeaking a toy for an hour or chasing a ball vs shaking a floppy toy or catching Frisbee.They all have their preferences for ranges of different stimuli to the senses (EX: hating certain noises, nibbling or carrying textured toys, listening to music or watching TV if they are capable. ) I believe dog training should be individualized to one's specific traits and needs. Pressing one dog's butt down to learn sit might make them more compliant, where it will break the trust of another. There are so many contradictory training methods for helping any one activity (leash training, jumping, barking, resource garding...) because they all work if used on the right dog in the right way.


Thank you for the thoughtful response. And... I do think you were responding to me. šŸ˜‰ Have a great day. Glad your in the forums to help.


mee too... i had a rottie once. this is how she behaves when something pains her.


rottie manipulationšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sometimes itā€™s just anxiety


Is there a way to help him with that?


In this situation completely disagree with any medicating for anxiety. My Rottie is very vocal, and when she doesnā€™t get enough exercise or simulation, or love she will whine like nobody ever loved her before. Itā€™s as simple as sitting on the ground and cuddling with them , or even talking to them with eye contact acknowledgment, kongs and stimulating puzzles help and bones too, but if you donā€™t give enough exercise AND love/cuddles the mental stimulation wonā€™t help much. Typing this reminds me how high need and dedication Rotties arešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cat tv does wonders too


I think you can get medication for it, my parents did it for their dog. My old dog used to do it flat out, he was a Finnish Lapphund, he was just a sook.




Always accessible for himā¤ļø


Idk the panting is indicating that heā€™s in some type of pain. Maybe it only becomes unbearable for him when heā€™s at rest. Might deserve a trip to the vet.


Just a heads up, panting without your dog being hot is a sign of pain. Whining also might be. Not trying to scare you or anything but something to keep eye on


He is after training, play session and a long walk he always pants afterwards


Not necessarily. Rottweilers pant for all different reasons. Heat panting is almost always accompanied by thick slobber with a thick tongue. Pain panting is usually more akin to huffing, and happy panting is usually accompanied with a big goofy smile. All depends on the situation


give him love bro, dont stay there with the phone and go make some things with him šŸ˜•


Our Rotties, particularly our second one, were very vocal. If I was too busy to stop and devote myself exclusively to her, I would just talk to her. We would have long conversations about God knows what. I'd also initiate a "sing alongā€, Fortunately, we don't have neighbors.


To me it either looks like they need a colder area to be in or they're thirsty The way that they're sitting there and kind of moving and carrying themselves to me doesn't look like it's an intention thing looks like it's more of a feeling a certain way physically. I felt like the dog was breathing a little too fast like short quick breaths basically The only thing I can suggest like I said was wate with ice cubes, a fan, maybe a bigger bed more comfortable, also if you post a video of them walking or doing something we could probably see maybe what's going with their body a little bit more. Best of luck


I got a rottie/husky mix.... nobody can warn enough about the amount of this whining that will happen. The need for constant attention and love is exhausting. But hes a handsome pup and you can't say no ! Lol


bed is too small


Maybe water?


I was going to say boredom is most likely cause , I had twin brother rotties they were a handful thank goodness I was a lot younger then but they would wine and pace around if we wasn't active


My Rottweiler "Sissy" used to do that too. However, she only did that when she was tired from being outside. Especially if it was Hot outside. I used to put ice cubes in her water bowl and wet rag on her belly if she had gotten too Hot šŸ„µ. She also would do it if she got really excited like if someone pulled up the driveway or was outside and she wanted to go outside too


Board.. Needs some attention


I saw you said you just got back from the park. Mya does this too when we get back in from throwing the ball around. I assume itā€™s just like us being extremely gassed out from running.


Because you beat it?


Dog looks hot has hell, you have air conditioning? What about ice water?


Because she needs a buddy?


I tried to attach a pic but soared it didn't work


Looks hot. Laying in the bed wonā€™t help. My boy loves to lay his belly on the tiled floor to cool him down or on his cool mat.


My boy has always communicated in whines.


My boy too from birth to 9 and still whines everyday that he wants to go swimming.


my dogs do this when I don't understand what they want. I usually have a checklist I need to go through until I get it right response


Yup, are you hungry, thirsty, or do you need to go out? Sometimes itā€™s just that my boy wants to go into his kennel to nap but doesnā€™t want to willingly go in


sometimes it's just somebody taking a walk down the street and my dog needs to make Im aware that he's aware


He seems kinda hot, overheated, when mine did that I threw ice cubes into their water. They also loved getting face strokes with ice cubes


The respiratory rate is really high. Did you just come back for a walk?


Bored I would have thought.


He's much likely bored! Our pup did the same thing in his high active periods :) You should act on this and do things with your rottie BUT be careful! Our stubborn thing quickly made his thing out of it because he knew he could cry until we played with him :D So make sure you wait until your pup calms down and then play with him so you treat the wanted (quiet) behavior with fun :)


He seems to be in distress


my pity does this when she's about to go into heat. Idk what your baby is male or fm. PRETTY baby


Is he i pain or dehydrated?


Get him checked by vet perhaps he has pain


If usually after playing/running when he calms down, it could be hip dysplasia or other joint related issues. If overweight, as most Rotties are, it could exacerbate the joint pain. Has your vet screened for any joint issues?


Might ask your vet for some type of pain medication to see if he improves afterward. Also if he is having trouble eating or swallowing take him to the vet. Ours had myasthenia gravis and MMS both are auto immune . We noticed something wrong when he started doing what yours is. Steroids help. Good luck šŸŒ¹


Iā€™d say he just wants to be closer, maybe move the bed near the couch so he can relax in a spot that his but still be close enough to pet. Donā€™t reward the crying if you donā€™t like the behavior but see what you can do to prevent it too. That being said itā€™s good to make sure this isnā€™t a manifestation of separation anxiety and more specifically proximity related separation anxiety (if i can see you but not touch you or be close itā€™s bad basically) other than that heā€™s fine Some dogs just have difficulty winding down from good things like play time


Bro he wants a treat!


They need strenuous exercise like tug if war or maybe a heavy vest for long walks. Helps keep their mind right and the feel useful. Remember he is still a large breed dog and instinctively needs to use that strength for somethingā€¦.or tear up your house




Love is where is at. Feel and give off the vibe. All dogs are amazing and love you back unconditionally.


If he is not limping or showing any signs of pain then yes it is attention seeking. I have had Roddyā€™s for 50 years and they want love.


That is a good question mine does this to


If you find anything out please let me know talk to my local veterinarian and she just told me that it was a personality thing


Sounds like this baby had too much fun. Might actually be in some pain truth be told.


Make sure they do a blood test ā€¦. To rule out any diseases like hypothyroidism


My diagnosis is that something is stressing your rottie out and theyā€™re trying to let you know about it. The panting tells me theyā€™re feeling too hot, but I donā€™t know if where you are is feeling summer heat. If that is the case, work on doing things to cool them down like setting up a box fan that blows air onto the dog bed. If itā€™s not the heat, itā€™s gotta be something else environmental. It could be anything from something theyā€™re hearing outside, really wanting a walk, or wanting more attention from you. It may take some trial and error. Itā€™s difficult to do, but I eventually got my last rottie to physically lead me to the thing stressing him out. Whenever he would whine like that I would just start off my listing keywords to him until one of them seemed to get a positive reaction. Then I would attempt to resolve whatever that key phrase was. Over time it sort of clicked so he would walk up to me and whine. I would list out possible things he wanted me to ā€œfixā€. As soon as I got the right word he would do a little bounce and then excitedly lead me to the thing that he wanted. It was always: wanted a walk so he led me to his leash; wanted food so he led me to his bowl; wanted to chase a squirrel tormenting him through the window; or a toy of his was stuck under furniture in the next room.


Thatā€™s an ā€œI want something whineā€ definable by the look he gives you during the whine. I bet heā€™s not ready to rest.


Cause heā€™s a big baby Rotties are some of the biggest lap dogs you could ever come across. A Demon to strangers and threats but to family just big mushy K9s


My Rottweiler loves to do this very quiet whisper cry when heā€™s bored, hungry, or wants to go outside. At least in my case, heā€™s not in pain heā€™s just needy


Heā€™s in pain take him to a vet asap.


https://preview.redd.it/pl5go72gpi7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=72022dbfb8130464821d90c0295ef30d59642a63 He doesnā€™t look in pain most of the timeā€¦


I'm pretty sure the previous commenter was joking.


Because you haven't cleaned the floor and baseboards in years