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You did nothing wrong, honey. One time I had someone do something similar, and she was like, "did you pick it all up?" I replied with "Sure, but do you want me to come back with a mop?" She just went back inside. :)


I had someone yell at me on a public sidewalk for “not picking up after my dog.” She had peed. I asked him how would one pick up urine…. he looked confused and hopped on the bus. People are weird, and dogs pee/poop where they want. I’ll steer them away from places they shouldn’t, but it’s not always something you can predict.


Just adding that no matter what you do, someone somewhere will have a problem with it. You can't please everyone, so don't try. As long as you know you're doing what you're supposed to do, that's all that matters. Sometimes dogs have to go right that moment, and there's nothing you can do about it except pick it up. You did what you were supposed to do, OP. I once had a guy threaten to call the police on me because a dog peed on a telephone pole near his house, if that makes you feel any better.


What a great response 😂 I’ll keep that one in case I have to use it.


I have one neighborhood where the owners told me the places to cross to the other side of the street to avoid upsetting those who don’t want dogs on their yards. Keeps things interesting having to remember when to cross the street several times!


People are so fucking weird.


Yea like if you feel this strongly…install a fence. Otherwise it’s fair game.


I’m not a sitter but I have a dog. Is there a strip of grass on the other side of the sidewalk? If so, then I would guide the dog over there for pees and poops. People in my neighborhood have strong opinions about this too! (But I also know when my dog is getting ready to do his business.) Don’t worry about it too much! But yeah this is kind of a thing (along with not putting poop bags in private garbage cans).


There is that strip of grass, but Milo doesn't really like those! I'm not sure why. I could tell he was ready to do his business, I just have never encountered people behind angry about it on their front yard, especially considering how close it was to the sidewalk. I just figured it was okay since I was picking it up


I used to live in an area where at least one house on every street had a little angry sign in their yard forbidding doggie 💩 A popular one is literally a wooden silhouette of a dog in the poo-crouch with the word “No!” painted on it. As if that thing isn’t already ruining the aesthetics lol


My absolute FAVORITE was someone on the curb grass (the small strip) had one of those signs and then enclosed that whole strip in front of their house with a small wire garden fence. Where everyone in the neighborhood collectively decided to throw their trash and all of the leaves gathered. It looked (and smelled) horrific. But at least no horrid dog urine I guess.


Except all the dogs probably peed on that little fence 😂 I just don't get people! I'd rather the dog go on the grass than the sidewalk where if any is leftover you can't pick up nobody steps on it.


Haha true! The dog I normally walk on that route is a demure lady so my mind automatically went to squats 😆


*community composting*


There was a house near by my old house and in addition to those ugly ass signs, she had a motion sensored camera and this obnoxious recorded voice going "you're being recorded, you're being recorded" it was so off putting she'd try to say hello if she was out when I walked by with my dog and I'd just walk on by lol


A motion sensered camera specifically to catch dogs pooping in her yard? 😂


I think it was just a regular security camera but combined with the creepy voice and the angry signs in the yard it was just a lot 😆


I try to curb dogs the best I can, but the lady in my neighborhood and everyone else ever with those signs on their curb grass can bite me.


They are so ugly,


These signs always make me want to dump poop on their sign in the middle of the night... but instead I just sip my wine and walk on, lol.


My neighbor has one of those. Tacky as hell, but they do have a really nice lawn.


I’m suspicious of lawns that are too nice anyway. I don’t want the pups walking around in chemical fertilizer just as much as the homeowners don’t want poo on their lawn! But unfortunately sometimes it’s just unavoidable.


For those types of pups I usually will walk on the strip so that the dog can't reach the yards until poop has been accomplished.


Just so you know, most municipals have an easement on both sides of the side walk, so technically even if the dog pooped a foot into her yard there’s nothing she can do. They can put up all the poop signs they want. Please don’t think you did anything wrong. People can feel however they want about dog crap but as long as you’re picking it up, there’s nothing that can be done. If you’re good at comebacks, I’d think one up.


THIS 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


He probably doesn't like being vulnerable so close to the road. That lady has obviously never known the unconditional love of a pet.


Right?!? Love of a dog outweighs poop in a yard any day!


I’m definitely not defending the homeowner! I agree that it’s a silly thing to get mad about. But my neighbors get mad about a lot of silly things. Don’t sweat it too much!


The person who said that to you is an a hole, plain and simple, and obviously never walked a dog.


It's not normal, but it happens. Just let it roll off your back, she was just being rude.


I do try to curb dogs - meaning that I try to keep them going to the bathroom on the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the curb. But sometimes they just go in the middle of the street. It’s beyond my complete control. 


You were totally in the right, OP - but I'd mention it to the owner anyway. "I got a 'really???' from your neighbor as I was picking up Fido's poop at the edge of the property. Are they always that cranky? 🤣 " ... just in case the neighbor says something. 🤷


Yeah, I’d run it by the owner. Dogs got to go somewhere lady! That’s pretty ridiculous, dogs have to go outside sometimes it’s on peoples lawns, and you were picking it up right after. There’s no problem with that. That’s what we all do and she just seems Unreasonable and cranky. Doesn’t sound like an animal person ha🤔🐾


Why? It's totally inappropriate to let the owner know, it just looks kind of like drama.


Inappropriate? I think that’s a stretch. Everyone has their own preferences, but I think it’s fine to run things by the owner, especially if someone else might make something an issue when it’s really not. It shows that you’re upfront. You’re not trying to hide anything and you’re doing your job and taking care of the animal, even if the neighbor is weird about it


What is your point of telling the owner? What is your objective? What are you hiding by saying nothing? You achieve nothing in telling the owner one of her neighbors didn't appreciate the dog pooping while on the walk.


You achieve nothing, unless the neighbor raises a stink with the owner at some point. She's not going to paint OP in a good light when she says "your horrible sitter lets your stupid dog shit all over my yard!" The owner probably won't believe her but there have been serious neighbor feuds sparked over less than this. It's probably fine not to say anything but how on earth is it inappropriate if they choose to? You don't have to talk about the poop part, you can be appropriately euphemistic. It's not inappropriate to give a heads up to owners that their neighbors act hostile to their pets' caregivers.


I think in general people aren’t thrilled about dogs pooping on their lawn (my own included 😂) but I would never actually say something.


People that own dogs know that when they want to poop, they are going poop. As long as you pick it up, you’re being a responsible dog owner/walker. People that have never owned dogs seem to think their owners/walkers can make them poop on command in certain places. Bizarre. You did nothing wrong.


I mean I doubt I could train a dog that I’m just sitting for to only poop in one spot, but I most definitely taught all of my own dogs where to poop and “on demand” with no issue.


Does it suck yes. But that is their property, not a place that you should be letting the dog you are walking go. If there are strips of grass keep the dog on that area. I love our dogs. I personally would never be mad if someone let them walk Into the yard and picked up after them, but that doesn’t mean everyone needs to be done with it.


Tbh I’ve had a dog before, walk and sit dogs and I still wouldn’t want someone else’s dog shitting on my front garden.


I feel the same way


I mean yeah, this is pretty normal. Many people don’t want dogs to go in their front lawns because irresponsible owners or walkers won’t pick up. I’m not saying it’s *right* but it is pretty normal. I’m sorry that happened tho! It seems you were doing everything right. It’s not like you can move the dog mid-poop lol.


Don't let this bother you. Next time, be like "I KNOW, right? Dogs pooping in nature on a walk, crazy, right?!" And ignore these people. She wanted someone to take out the anger of her day on and you were a convenient target for her.


Yes, it's very normal. Some people don't care as long as you pick up but thanks to those leaving their droppings behind most people have become hyper sensitive. I once was walking a female dog when she urinated on the strip of grass between the curb and sidewalk, and this homeowner went ballistic! He started screaming at me about picking it up! I tried to explain that it was #1 and there was nothing to pick up, but he just kept screaming at me. I apologized, I told him I would avoid his house in the future, but he still kept yelling about all these dam dog owners, dog poop, and yelling that's right just let your dog sh*t on my property and walk away. Another time I was walking a dog that did no potties and a guy walked by us and yelled "pick up sh*t"! Cussing at a strange female when the dog didn't even go! So you can do everything right and still get yelled at, but to avoid as much confrontation as possible I suggest making sure any pup you're walking doesn't even look at a front lawn.


If that is her property wouldnt it be considered trespassing? Thats not allowed in my town.


Trespassing? 😭 I didn't even step on the property... never left the sidewalk.


But the grass is their property and that's where the dog pooped. I wouldn't personally be upset and I understand that dogs go where they go sometimes but technically yes, you let the dog on their property


I call bullshit. Or dogshit. That's gonna be a municipal easement going back 20'-30' from the road. It is in fact not their property, but the city or county's property, and there's no law being broken, here, technically or otherwise.


Yes! I actually almost posted on this sub a couple weeks ago. I have a dog walk client that lives off a main road with no sidewalks on either side of the road. A car was oncoming so we stepped off the roadway into the first foot of grass in front of a couple homes. Homeowner RAN out of their house and totally FLIPPED tf out on me saying I was trespassing. She screamed expletives at me and actually got in her car like she was going to follow me. I kept walking. But she actually called the police on me. The police stopped me further up the road and told me I was doing absolutely nothing wrong, the first few feet of everyone’s front yard in our city is not the homeowner’s property, it is city owned easement/right of way, and I have every right to step on it if I had to move out of the roadway for oncoming cars. They said they were going to go to her house to have a talk with her. I’ve had to walk by since and she hasn’t come out…lol.


What a shitty experience... other than maybe a bit of an adrenaline rush and the vindication at the end, anyway, but still... we're just trying to walk dogs, here. The fuck is *with* some people?


Uh.. yeah?? I personally wouldn’t be that upset as long as the person picked up the poop (which I know u did), but it’s common sense to not walk a dog on someone else’s property that you don’t know.


I would have that dog poop in her yard every chance i got after that


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No that’s 5-7-6, right?


Awe, man - so sorry this happened, OP! When I moved from the city into a more *suburban* neighborhood, I noticed that people are regularly butt hurt about dogs pooping/peeing on their lawns. People even have signs in front of their houses! I just have my pup poop in public spaces, on concrete, etc. It’s annoying, but I’ve been yelled at too many times - like you were 😫 Dogs are dogs and it’s not your fault at all.


I once had a neighbor of a client get mad when a dog peed on a small bush in front of their yard. Like straight up SCREAMING from his couch a string of curse words and a mumble about letting the dog pee in front of his mailbox. I just said “sorry!” And hurried the dog away. I then texted the owner who let me know that that neighbor is just crazy pants and once yelled at her for standing in her own driveway. Soooo. Don’t be discouraged!


i worry about this every time i have to walk in similar areas and i just keep them from walking on the lawn but sometimes they really wanna poop in the grass right on the edge and i’m definitely going to pick it up every time. i also cant control a dogs poop i mean


I had a lady cut me off on a driveway/sidewalk intersection with her car (scared me and also wtf!) after the dog I was walking PEED in her grass. “Are you gonna clean that up!?!” “Uhh she just peed?” “Oh…”


Yes its normal. I look for signs. Anyone with turf doesnt want dogs. Anyone that watches me but doesnt say hi, doesnt like dogs. Anyone with cameras i avoid. Older people i avoid (no offense they just take care of their gardens) i dont let dogs potty on flowers or pots or trash cans. I also ask at meetngreet if we have any enemies or grumpy neighbors and they usually point out who to avoid. I would let the owner know. I usually say “so and so didnt like pup pooping in their yard” and they usually already know. Even if you pick up the poop it can still leave behind gross things and if people like to lay or be barefoot on their grass its not fun. I try to respect peoples desires in the hopes i will also have mine respected 🥰


Ooo I've got one for you- Dog walking cocked leg up to wee on a bush outside her house(we are on the pavement)in the pouring rain and this old lady burst out her house screaming FUCK YOU!!!


this has happened to me, they didnt even poop. just sniffing. I now avoid that lady's yard like the plague...she even has a dog of her own, I just don't understand some people. her lawn isn't even that nice!


Fuck them rich pricks.


I had a lady who, I guess I was in front of her house, was down the street talking to a neighbor, yell at me to pick up the poop the dog just pooped. He had not pooped, he peed. I yelled back he only peed and she came racing over to yell that she saw him poop, I just ignored her and walked off.


Omg, this happened on my very first rover booking which is a reoccurring walk with the cutest 1 year old puppy. He starts to poop and homeowner is like “please don’t let him poop there” and then I said sorry and just awkwardly let puppy continue as I’m not going to yank him out mid-poop. She sees me start cleaning it up with the bag and goes “well, I guess when they have to go they have to go” and it’s like … yeah… we are outside lady I’m not quite sure what you want me to do 😂. Even though I found it absurd, I don’t walk the dog by her house anymore. Don’t wanna cause any animosity between client and their neighbors. Idk


I had someone follow me in a car down two streets before stopping me to ask me not to let the dogs I walk pee in front of their townhouse. In a HOA community, so she doesn’t actually own the grass in question. I told her I’m walking every dog in her neighborhood past her house. 🤣 I did tell my client what happened and what was said, and included a picture of where the dog peed, which happened to be on a little strip of grass next to a sidewalk. When people act crazy like that, you gotta assume they’re going to speak to the owner, don’t let the crazies control the narrative.


The old girl (14y) I'm currently watching pooped in the middle of the walkway as we were crossing the street, lol! Held up traffic for a minute while i quickly grabbed the bag n kissed her head (told her good girl), but whatcha gonna do!? Dogs go where dogs go.... their neighbor is a Karen 💩


One time a dog I was walking was having digestive issues, poor guy. He had to go on the strip of grass between the sidewalk and street. The consistency was impossible to completely pick up but I did my best, which was pretty good although not 100%. The guy in the house came running out screaming at me (mind you I wasn't even on his property). I showed him my bag of liquid poop like what the hell do you want me to do??? He brought me another plastic bag and watched me SCRAPE the ground as I did before, which I told him I did. He yelled some more and went back inside. You didn't do anything wrong, people are simply the worst. Why we all enjoy working with animals!


Who picks a fight with someone who has unlimited supplies of dog poop, and knows where they live?


I actually have wondered the same thing about that. It’s one thing to flip out on someone out in public at some random place where they know nothing about you but to do it in front of your own home so the person you pissed off knows where exactly where you live? That is next level wild. If you make the wrong person upset they could decide to come back later and retaliate.


It’s normal in the sense that it happens sometimes, but frankly you didn’t do anything wrong. You said the dog was in the corner of the yard, not 20 feet into the front yard next to their front door. One time I was walking a dog in the little strip of road behind a townhome complex where the dog lived. One of the neighbors came out and started yelling at me about how this is private property, I can’t be walking my dog or letting him use the bathroom here, etc. I told her that the dog lives in the unit next to her and she promptly shut up. Frankly, I’m surprised she did.


We have a neighbor that gets mad when our dog poops in her yard (yes, we pick it up each time). She also complains about people parking near her house on the public road ….. she’s always threatening to call the cops for little things like that 🙄


A guy was running his mower as I walked my two dogs past. The little one stopped to pee on his grass. He whistled at me loudly, I stopped and turned toward him. He said, "Clean that up!" I looked at him with a questioning look. Like how? "You people keep letting your dogs go on my lawn." I held up the two doggy bags in my hand. "Not me!" He grumbled as I walked away.


Any house with those signs I just say sorry that the pup can’t read, but I’ll work on it


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Don’t let that ruin your day. She’s being ridiculous and a Karen lol these types of women are easy pickins here lmao jk but yeah she’s dumb ignore her


Yea people do get mad. But I just have to ignore them because that’s life sometimes. Just do the right thing and pick it up and do your best to avoid that persons yard. But sorry I’m not gonna shove the poop back up into my dog to make your anal retentiveness feel better lady


My neighbor in my old neighborhood did that one time and said she hoped my dog didn’t ‘mark her territory’ on her yard…lol okay? Like I can tell my dog to stop peeing after she’s already popped a squat? It was so weird. She had a dog as well but not sure why she was so pressed about other neighborhood dogs peeing near her yard like who cares lol


I would keep the dog off private property.


It really depends on the homeowners, I know people who don’t even want any dogs to walk on their lawn (weird, but real). It’s annoying, but it is their property, so I do my best to avoid lawns when possible. I try to walk dogs around common areas to avoid problems that way.


The majority of people don't pick it up so I think in general it's knee jerk to just be pissed first, think second lol. You did fine :)


When I was walking my clients dog, a neighbor around the corner didn’t even want the dog stepping in his yard(which was in a wooded area with no sidewalks so the dog just wanted to walk in the grass and not on the concrete) and he came and asked me to keep my dog out of his yard so now I just don’t walk the dog down there at all anymore and we go to the office that way and I’ve had no complaints since.


omg i would literally be so mad like chill out


dogs poop get over it i can’t believe there is actually ppl like this, u are picking it up what?


Kind of like the people who put the stupid signs in their yard for dogs to not pee or poop in their yard. Like cool, but I’m pretty sure they are just gonna do their thing. Wtf do you do about wild animals relieving themselves in your yard. People aren’t smart. You did nothing wrong.


I was walking a dog for an owner who was home, we got outside and the dog automatically peed on the owners grass (less than 30 seconds out the door) and they got super mad at me. Like what did you want me to do 🤷🏻‍♀️


You did nothing wrong. People are just crazy when it comes to their yards. I had someone curse me out because one of the dogs I was walking(7lb chihuahua) took a pee on the edge of his FAKE grass


Aww people are so fucking weird about their grass and dirt. I moved to the suburbs and was very surprised that people in my new neighborhood so jealously guarded their front lawns. Where I come from as long as you clean up the dog poo all is well. One of my neighbors lawn looks like a crime scene it has caution tape held together with sticks as a perimeter to his lil lawn. Another has one of those whistle emitting motion things every-time I walk by and the lawn is brown and overgrown… people be crazy.


Some people just want to be mad and aggressive for no reason.


I'm autistic too, this post really helped.


You didn’t do anything wrong. People are pricks and obsess over their pwecious gwass way too much


I wouldn’t even care tbh bc it’s not like you can make him poop on command! Idk if it’s just bc I live in rural Alabama where there’s literally nothing but my neighbors across the street lets their dogs out 10x a day and they poop in my yard and I’ve never said a word. I have 3 dogs but they poop here bc I keep them on a leash or in the fenced in backyard when they go outside. My neighbors aren’t that considerate but I’m not going to cause a stir over it. You did good so don’t worry about her. She’s just uptight!


100% has to be an American. They get mad if you put trash in their beloved trash bin.


So I might be upset if someone put a bag of dog poo in my trash can. I live in the South, it's humid af and 100 degrees in the summer. The trash gets picked up once a week, I don't want to go throw something out and vomit because someone put their dogs poop in my trash can 3 days ago.


some trash services will get pissed at you if they find dog poop bags in the can instead of being bagged within a larger bag. I guess they are worried about mess, falling behind on their route due to messes, or exposing their workers to gross and potentially hazardous material if the poop bag breaks (or gets squashed/punctured by something else in the can). they outright say in their rules that if you are caught having poop bags in your bin without that double bag, they will stop picking up your trash. In those circumstances it is in fact pretty inconsiderate to drop your dog’s poop bag into someone else’s can and risk having the WM service penalize them. They can also attract rats and raccoons, especially if they sit in the hot trash can for a while. It’s fine for people to make their own choices with their own cans or public ones, and a lot of the time it costs nothing to not inconvenience someone else.


Is that an American thing? Why would anyone be upset about that?


I live in America, and they really do 😂😂


I've had people yell at me for putting a bag of poop in their trash can...that was half empty, had a bag in it, and was on the curb to be picked up by the garbage people later that same day. (Parts of my neighborhood legitimately have no public trash cans, so not sure what else they wanted me to do.) That's just to say that some people are very weird about dog poop, lol. I think as long as you didn't cross a fence or otherwise go out of your way to let the dog poop in her yard, you're fine. Dogs go where they go—I've walked dogs that would ONLY poop on grass or dirt, never a sidewalk—and I guarantee you that isn't the only time something has pooped in her yard. At least you picked it up!




I have clients that have small square cans with lids that are a separate thing. If all four corners aren't snapped closed upon pickup, the company decides the can must have been overfull and adds an additional charge. Doesn't matter if the poop bag is the only thing in there. So, if one of those clients sees someone else use their can (they're in a public alley), they have to go out after to make sure the lid is right. I can guarandamntee these dumpers that if the homeowners recognize the dog and not the human, they are either going to tell the humans who belong to the dog that their walker is an asshole, or they're just going to badmouth the dumper to everyone BUT the owners. Either way it's a bad look. :-P


That’s basically a declaration of war in some neighborhoods, I’d definitely reconsider doing it because there are some crazy people out here. https://preview.redd.it/cfo7g77ppz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1cd69f606426676992b3486a11153850ced816 I initially wasn’t going to reply to you but I scrolled down two more posts to see this one so I scrolled back up with a screenshot. 😆


Hahaha wow. I mean you're not wrong; I know it makes some people lose their minds. I fully expect to get yelled at again in the future, but.....I'm also not gonna stop doing it, lol. I only do it if there isn't a public trash can nearby, I don't ever go on people's property, I only throw it in cans that are lined with a bag, and honestly I'm not gonna carry dog poop all the way back to my house just because someone is precious about their trash can ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"Carrying poop all the way back" is, like, the fuckin' job, man. 🙄 There are a lot of garbage rules that can also vary broadly from one side of the street to the other and regardless of how stupid or pointless they are, you don't know them, you aren't the one paying for the service, and you're not the one dealing with the consequences. So just don't do it. Period.


In the summer it makes trash cans STINK SO BAD every time you open it so I kinda get it. I dread throwing away dog poop in some clients bins cuz it stinks so bad. I will 100% put poop bags in them if they’re on the curb for garbage day tho.