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Hell yeah, won the 50/50


[Pixiv Source](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119749747) Best of luck with your Ruan Mei pulls. she is such a good character to have




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Got her on first run, so I pulled her signature. Yes, it came


Got her and Firefly, trying for her LC atm


I got her on her first run. I just got her LC tho


She has!


Won BOTH the 50/50 and the 75/25!


Had her E0S1 since initial run, made her E2. Next time E6 for sure


Yes. Got her e0s0. I needed her for Firefly.


Missed her first run, lost 50/50 rerun, now I missed out on firefly xD


Yes. After dodging my 50/50 the first time around and dodging it again this time I barely managed to get her garuntee in my 2nd to last 10 pull


Won the 50/50 and got the lc!


Got e1 in like, under 20 pulls so I'm quite happy. They trolled with me with the welt light core but I have motp so ig I'm satisfied


I had a double guarantee, from losing on both banners for Topaz. Science Mommy came home in 20 pulls, and her LC took like, 50 more. I'm now 48 pity again, trying for E1.


Got the wrong harmony at hard pity...


red hair and white dress in 79 pulls followed by brown hair and green dress in 30 pulls


Yup, Soft Pity. And I got her S1. (I don't have S4 MOTP)


i finally got my dream Ruan mei e1, she will never leave my main teams whether if it is the dot team or break team


Yeah. Surprisingly, I had really good luck this banner. E1 Firefly and E0 Ruan Mei. Never had such a good string of pulls before but I'm glad of all times it happened here.


Lost the original 50 on her debut banner, but got her eventually. Went after her light cone this time and luckily got it before pity. Used all my saved wishes and after continuous grinding I lost my 2nd all time 50/50 on my 2nd account which is on Asia to e1 bronya which I also got after losing my Fu Xuan 50/50💀💀 I'm gonna keep grinding everything till the banner ends and if she doesn't come home I'll have guaranteed jiaqiou/yunli.


She has graced me twice now. Bless this sociopathic queen!


Yes, she has!! Thank god I won my 50/50🤧


Got her around 70 pity then I managed to pull her early again at 30 pity for a E1. Don't care about LC only need firefly E2 now.


Yes, at 20 pity too!😊


Ruan Mei’s E6S5 came home to me during 1.6 🤩


had like 36k jades so she and her lc came home, got firefly too so my firefly superbreak team is complete.. now I save again waiting for black swan


I am trying her E1




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Already got her on her debut, guarantee. But I don't think anyone can beat my 88 pity. 🥲


Well, I lost 50/50 on my 67th Pull but got her after in 30 pity. Alternatively, I pulled for her LC banner (need eyes of prey and Motp dupes) so far I got S4 Motp and S5 EoP, needless to say I also lost the 75/25 to Bailu's lightcone (which idfk why when I could have had Gepard or Bronya's lightcone) and I'm still pulling for the last copy (send money pls lol)


Just got her earlier after losing to a super early Bailu. Im already more than impressed with her and i haven't even leveled her talents yet and she already helped me full star MOC 9 & 10 and 3 star AS stage 3 after previously being stuck on them lol.


Yep, E1 in the same 10 pull


Saved for 6 months 54,000 stellar jades, 77 pity, and a dream... I was only aiming for e4s1 but i was genuinely happy when i got her e5s1 and got an early guarantee for her e6! Currently farming extras in hopes of getting her last eidolon


Had guarantee and 40 pulls more than hard pity saved. also prefarmed full traces and a pretty good relic set. Also got E6 Gallagher while pulling for RM and now Firefly (lost that 50-50 to E2 Bailu at 80 pity though 😓)


I have her guarantee, i’m at 65-ish though so hopefully there’s enough time to scrounge up the last pulls i need


Waiting to get paid to go after E2.


I got her after pulling firefly at 80 pity after completely emptying my world of any jades. So worth it ngl




I already had her, but I won the 50/50 for her LC


First post I've seen for Ruan Mei mains I didn't especially want her especially after my discord was people only screaming st people to get Ruan Mei because according to them, the only right way to play was to get Ruan Mei instead of wanting to get your favorite characters. Its not about getting influenced but I literally couldn't talk about my fav character on the dedicated subreddit However after they eventually stopped forcing the ruan Mei propaganda I decided to get her (not her LC) instead of Firefly's eidolon. It hurts me I used my Guarantee but she is quite fun. Just as usual they came at very huge pity and I lost all possible 50/50


150ish pulls but yes.


E0, Got Geparded at 80 pity but got her at 77. Rip to all dreams of having firefly though