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Was going for a PR but mistakenly also scheduled my vacation for this week lol. So a terrible week of no running, poor eating and jet lag didn’t lend itself to hitting sub 45. Not terribly upset though. That lemon popsicle at the end was amazing!


Okay yeah shout out to those popsicles. Such a treat😍


I didn’t see the popsicles and I’m so sad


Just got over food poisoning the previous Sunday. It's life😑 still ran, had a great time and caught a nice tan.


PRd and moved up a corral!




how do you know you moved up a corral?


Google NYRR corral times. And then look at your best pace 10k time on your dashboard.


Check the Google Sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15iwn0ad1UlaviNjguH2JZq76tycSHvpNlcm10EO19JI/edit


Thanks! New runner and didn’t know how important this was. I feel like I wasted energy trying to pass bc I was in the wrong corral.


Yeah I went too far back in corral A as I wasn’t planning to go full race mode yet felt like there was too much traffic. It’s gonna always be front of A for me moving forward now even if that means people pass by me


Was going for a PR but wheels came off at the 5k mark from the heat. Interesting course, I liked it, however saw a woman knocked down pretty badly early on. Course is probably too narrow for the volume of people.


Oh god I hope shes ok and she was almost right in front of me when that happened. I think it occurred on the bridge.


Still a great race tho! Course is too narrow tho, saw a lot of people get tripped and fall


Yah - especially at the beginning - I definitely got elbowed coming out of the corrals. Saw a lot of people running up on the grass too on some parts of the course


Just finished a marathon two weeks ago so I was hoping to finish this race in one piece and not the ER. That was fun. And a note to the perfumed brother with H bib who started with D folks and played music on speakerphone: you are the paragon of idiocy and I hope you are happy to be a sheep dingleberry douche sponge.


Get bib info (or picture, maybe photos coming)? Report to NYRR, if inappropriate behavior they can suspend/ban


I will next time. I have been naturally reluctant to be a gatekeeper for events intended to be fun. It's also hard to turnaround and snap a pic but I can memorize a bib number in the future and just get on with it.


Not gatekeeper… it’s community service. Pics… I meant would marathonfoto etc pics come out with that person in your frame? Just hoping!


Omg. Found him on marathonfoto next to my 18 absolutely terrible running mugshots Reporting. But I seriously doubt NYRR would do anything about it.


You are really doing a public service. On behalf of myself (and other runners), I'm saying thanks. I agree NYRR unlikely to do anything certainly for a first complaint... but I hope this helps prompt something helpful whatever that is (a gentle email to offender about respectful running?), or lays the groundwork for future suspension if there's future complaints. I am possibly naive but I believe orgs really TRY to do a good job, but can only do something if they know what's going on. Again, thanks!


Was he playing cotten eye Joe? I passed someone on the road coming back and they were playing that. Honestly gave me a chuckle.


It was not cotton eye Joe. At least not when I ran past this incel who was blasting a lyrical thesis in mainstream misogyny. I am not a prude but this was sorta mixtape that was not really intended for a mixed audience entertainment...especially when the audience are not explicitly consented to hear your choices in music. I quickly ran my fastest mile away from him. Sorry, he pissed me off for a while. There were children on and around the course


Great day for a race, and hit a PR, but compared to other NYRR races this felt a little shoestring and there was no enforcement of corrals or any rules to speak of. Perhaps that’s the norm for this race, it was my first time running it.


Great morning and great race! Got a seat on the train home too so now all is perfect.


Fun race!!! I wasn’t going for a PR or anything, I just got back from 13 days in Sweden last night and got like 5 hours of sleep. I finished 7:48 pace and have 3 more races to finish the 9+1, can’t wait to get that guaranteed nyc spot for my first marathon next year


Love this race and course even in the heat. Such a fun break from the usually loops of Central Park. Gotta do better about keeping walkers out of A corral. Last two races I’ve passed an older gentleman that starts walking from towards the front and it’s only a matter of time before him or another runner get injured because of it.


My biggest accomplishment was not getting beaten by the guy who was hocking loogies behind me the whole race. He tried to pass me just before the finish line but I didn’t let that happen 😎


Had a good race, but I honestly walked away feeling bummed about all of the bad sportsmanship I witnessed and experienced. Was literally shoved by a man at the start line so he could get out in front of me??? Saw many other runners shoving and generally cutting people off.


Was shoved very hard by a woman at like mile 5, why? There was open spaces. Also the dad who jumped the fence with his two kids near the finish line right at the final turn, you can’t be doing that. People can’t see you and are coming way to fast I almost hit the kids and has to do a weird jump to avoid them.


There was a dude with his kid who was encouraging him to push through people aggressively in the last mile of the race. The kid looked to be 10 or 11 and was literally shoving people aside while his dad cheered him on. Super not cool.


I never saw particularly bad behavior at a race, now I can’t believe I have to copy paste this multiple times in same thread…again… Get bib info (or picture, maybe photos coming)? Report to NYRR, if inappropriate behavior they can suspend/ban.


I never saw particularly bad behavior at a race, now I can’t believe I have to copy paste this multiple times in same thread… Get bib info (or picture, maybe photos coming)? Report to NYRR, if inappropriate behavior they can suspend/ban.


I don’t get the cutting off when there is so much room. Has happened to me so many times that it has left me just puzzled at their logic.


The weather was immaculate for late June — breezy with no humidity. I PR’d by 5 seconds and appreciated the free lemon-popsicle stand on the way out. There’s an uptick with people not respecting corral numbers. It’s easy to exaggerate but maybe 3-5% of Corral C had wave 2 bibs, including Ks and Ls. Anyone who’s volunteered knows that corral marshals can’t be bouncers and actually stop people who ignore them. It’s an honor system. This race especially has a narrow and ragged surface. The pace mix was chaotic for the first mile and I had some near collisions. NYRR should include some warnings about jumping corrals the way they do for bib transfers, even if there’s no easy way to bring people in line.


I picked up my bib today, I’m Wave 1 C corral. The staff handing out bibs told me they were out of Wave 1 bibs, but I could still run with my wave. I wonder if this is a NYRR flub, or a citizens bank error.


I thought this had happened — noticed a number of wave 2 bibs with early letters and good pace


Same. It felt awkward walking into my corral lol.


Same here! But I ended up just joining wave 2 with the G corral


This might be a dumb idea, but given that NYRR knows what corrals people are supposed to start in, and have chip times crossing the start line, could they start giving out warnings to people who are clearly starting ahead of where they should? This is consistently the (single?) biggest issue with NYRR races, and given how large the groups are for these, feels like some additional enforcement not on the shoulders of the volunteers at the actual start line could be helpful (similar to how it's very clear you cant trade/sell bibs, for example). Congrats on the PR!


I didn't think it was hot at all, weather was gorgeous. NYRR did a great job with organization too, particularly the expo area and the aid stations despite a narrow course. Good energy all around. Bathrooms were... expected. Some constructive thoughts, though: 1. SO crowded, especially at the beginning; I was going out to break 50, but ran a full 30-40 seconds per mile behind target in the first ~2 miles because I couldn't break through. Couldn't make up the lost time and (I think) came in at 50:30. Got hung up pretty frequently when the course narrowed or there was a turn too - pretty hard course to PR. 2. The course - I thought we were running through a park, not a parking lot? And the trip hazards, jeez, I wouldn't be surprised if the EMTs are still working through the backlog of rolled ankles! 3. More people than usual running with portable bluetooth speakers blasting their awful music, what the fk is wrong with these people? Get some headphones man! Overall a great morning run though


This is not the typical course for Queens 10K. Usually you run a lap around meadow lake but the course changed in the last couple of years. The meadow lake area has been under construction and some areas west of the lake is prone to flooding. Here is the course map for 2014 https://preview.redd.it/t27i1elfvz6d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99bb9214225bca433a97e2ca540405cb0d905dea


Whao.... this makes so much more sense... The existing course is a bit odd...


Didn’t PR as the heat got to me. Not a fan of the twists and turns but still a nice change of scenery!


Beautiful weather. Didn’t PR but running through a minor injury so just having fun. Nice medal but what’s the cold colosseum looking thing on it? I used to be in queens and have no clue.


citi field! #lgm


Thanks. That totally makes sense now lol


I was trying to jump up a corral, but missed it by 40 seconds :/ Still had PR, so I am happy about it. It was a good race, but there are WAY too many people either in wrong corral or going way slower than they really should. I was aiming for 7:40min/mile pace, and so many people were running at 9min/mile pace... Narrow lanes and lots of turns made it difficult to pass them. I probably could've saved 40 seconds and jumped up a corral if there were fewer people "obstructing" my path... But who knows...


The thing that motivated me throughout the run was some dude screaming “run for the apples! Run for the pretzels, YEAH!!!




Haven’t felt the best training. Left hamstring has not felt 100% since NycRuns Brooklyn half, but discomfort hasn’t increased. Long run last week was cut short due to lower right leg discomfort. Wasn’t going for any PR, was just hoping not to walk. Did end up needing to stop at the water stations because couldn’t run and drink at the same time today, so only stopped twice. Ended up finishing under an hour which I am happy with. I was corral F, surprised how many Wave 2 jumped in (and was thrown off trying to dodge the guided runners at the beginning).


Busted my knee, hoping it’s not serious 😭


The stretch of shade by the zoo before the screw hill and the breeze when running by the planetarium was heavenly


Ran a 70.3 the week before so was taking it a bit easy until I found my legs around mile 3 and turned on the gas. Probably my slowest 10K time but I don't care. Next year should be able to run this on fully fresh legs


Did I just pair a Facebook post to a Reddit post?!?


Ha ha yes you did! And me as well lol


Beat my Manhattan 10k time by a minute and five seconds… But I’m still pigeon holed into Corral H…


Progress is progress? 90s in this weather is no joke for this spaghetti course


I had a 9 min pr at last week's race, so all I wanted to do for this was get around in one piece for my 4 out of 6 credit, especially because I knew the course was spaghetti and the surface would suck. Made it around just fine to close out my racing season. Looking forward to the autumn, now!


Did anyone hear the national Anthem before the race?


Wasn’t properly prepared, so didnt do as well as I hoped, but had fun and loved the course, despite all the warnings online. But it did wrap my 9+1 and my 4 of 6, so will be at the half and full ny marathons next year.


Didn’t PR my 10K and my pace for this race is 8 seconds slower than my Brooklyn Half a month ago. I did PR the course from last year but that’s before I did any marathon training. A couple of things didn’t go my way: didn’t sleep well, low training volume, fairly warm day, and late to the start so I had to start in a slower corral. Personally I had a great time grilling with friends in the park after so the day was a net positive. It’s kind of amazing how quickly my race performance suffers with lower training volumes. My 10K in Feb was a minute faster than this race and I had to stop to tie my shoes 3 times in the former. I was doing maybe 35-45 mpw before end of April and lowered it to 15-20 mpw in the last 2 months. I feel like in 2024 my performance is hanging in delicate balance which is so different from my last year when I was PR’ing every race. Now that it’s 20 weeks to NYC marathon, my training officially starts this week. I got a tune-up race at the Bronx 10M so hopefully I will PR there. Good luck to your next race!