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Gamepark GP32 Front Lit purchased from liksang about 22 years ago. I would sooner use my phone and a bluetooth controller. For it's time though, it was slick enough to do the job. Doom and NES games on the go.


its easy to think this stuff is relatively new holy shit 22 years ago


I have a gp2x. Not going to fly these days. It still works though.


I still have the GP32 mug they sent out with the console, it's a pleasant reminder of how far things have come. The 128mb SmartMedia storage seems hilariously tiny nowadays.


>The 128mb SmartMedia storage seems hilariously tiny nowadays. What are you talking about? That's nearly 90 floppy disks worth!


I had the GP2X. Played a lot of the games I grew up with but not much PS1 if I recall. I'd still use it if it was all I had, but I'm happy with our choices now!


Googled it and it kinda looks like the rg cube 🤔


My first thought when I saw the RG Cube was that it looked like my old GP-32. I would have bought one for that reason if it wasn't an Android device.


My first handheld was the Anbernic 35xx (the og). I loved using it but I would’ve eventually been bummed out because I would’ve been missing out on two things: a horizontal form factor and ANALOG STICKS.


In reality, the OG XX is still a great device for gaming and it has many custom firmware options. So as the only device you have and you’re shielded from this world with everything new that comes out. I think most would be quite content.


Yeah, I actually prefer the OG XX over the Plus because of Garlic OS. MinUI also boots faster on the OG XX.


Wait isn’t that three things?


The dingoo a320 is a far cry from the devices of today. But i still miss it.


the wiz is still a nice device with the resistive touchscreen and all - great for SCUMM & ran up to SNES (also: Albion!)


Alright, so some people are going to find this almost blasphemous to say. My first one is the Odin 2, and honestly if it was my only one, I probably would be a little bummed. It can play any retro game I could ever want and plenty more. I can stream with it, I can play Android games, etc. The reason it isn't my only handheld though is because frankly I find it uncomfortable for GBA, PS1 and other D-pad centric games for more than short periods of time. If it were my only handheld, I would be bummed for that specific reason.


Love my O2 but I play the RGB30 and the Miyoo Mini+ more. For the type of games I love, namely 'true retro' sprite games a 4:3ish screen and d-pad centrism is better. Sounds like you need a small device to complement your O2. Having a smaller device is also great for errands/portability. If I didn't already have a couple I'd try out the 35XX H.


Oh trust me, I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of smaller devices and had a small pile of them I was testing out. For me, I’ve got three four for different use cases. Technically I have more, but these are my mains. Odin 2 obviously for more modern retro games. RGB20SX for more retro D-pad centric games at home. RG35XX SP for gaming on the go. Miyoo Mini Plus for trading Pokémon because Easy Netplay is awesome.


PocketGo 2, eh :/


Aww, I actually still like playing on my pocketgo 2.


The thumb stick is something else for me D:


My thumb stick fell off, and the UI is certainly not up to modern firmwares. I compare it with my newer Trimui Smart Pro and it's crazy how far they've come at lower budgets.


Technically my first was probably original DS with a homebrew enabled card. More realistically mine was the original PSP nearly 20 years ago. I remember installing homebrew on psp firmware 1.0 and 1.5. Not long after that you had to make a pandoras battery to hack the psp and install CFW. I used to play SNES and even some super Mario 64 on the thing back in my middle school days. To answer the question, I wouldn’t be super bummed. SNES and before, which was capable on the PSP, is probably a good 75% of my nostalgia.


Mine was the 280V, and yes, I'd be ok. There are more games I'd like to play, but PSX and under could cover a lifetime of gaming. Plus it's pretty small and very well built.


280v that fried a chip on the main board. Anbernic refused to replace it and refused to tell me what the chip was. Worst customer support I’ve ever had, and won’t be buying their shit again.


Technically my PSP, the first thing I put cfw in and emulated non native games, but as far as the more recent additions would be an RG35XXH,  which I wouldn't be upset about. 


pft... cfw... I started with some emulator launched via a - was it GTA? - savegame.


Rp2+. Fucking awesome device, I played a ton on it, likely would be pretty chill with it, though would want gcn at some point


RG351MP It’s still a solid system and I love it. I recently figured out how to play a lot of 90’s point and click PC games on it. It has great form factor and is very sturdy. 


Thats a 3 year old system.


My first was a Dingoo A380, the reverse improvement of the A320 (better hardware but worst emulation), so I'd be pissed nowadays. In theory it should run any SNES game fairly well, but due bad software it ran it very poorly. Same with Sega Genesis and Game Boy Color.


We've come a long way since the GP2X Caanoo...


RP2 would be pretty cool.


My first one was the RG350M, and it actually was a pretty nice entry even if it only could play up to PSX. Had a beautiful 640x480 screen, the analogs were decent along with an excellent dpad, and ultimately ended up using the Adam CFW. My only quibble with it (besides it being underpowered) was how heavy it was, which it made me continue to look for alternatives. But if it had been the only one ever, it wouldn't have been a bad choice for what I enjoy playing, often pre-PSX titles.


Does a vita and new 3s count ?


I's say that, if you modded them to emulate, them yes Edit: Typo


Good to know, since I didn't mod my GBC, GBA, DS, PSP or PS Vita.


My Ampown XU10? I could probably live with it, but I wouldn’t be doing a lot with it. As such, I probably wouldn’t be much of a SBC gamer.


Pocketgo 1. Yeah, I'd be pretty bummed. It was a device that showed potential, but had a lot of room to improve.


Anbernic rg351m. I have no regrets, EXCEPT I should have got the black one


Mine was the Odroid Go. The original one that looked and felt like a Game Boy pocket. I don't think I'd be *super* bummed, but I'd certainly miss out on being able to play games that needed a more powerful chipset. It could only do up to Game Boy Colour.


Mine was the original Pocket Go, pretty good for the price though it struggled with the tougher to run SNES games and had some bad screen tearing issues.


I JUST joined this whole thing, and my first is the RG35XX-SP and I'm frankly very happy. I've barely touched any of the more modern home consoles it can emulate and I'm not half as excited about doing so as I am about playing the ones it handles without breaking a sweat. I'd like something that has analog and could do DS, but that's not going to come easily in the primary desire I have for it, which is to fit in my pocket without a fuss.


, it's got a lovely screenI have an SF2000, it's ideal for the games I played, and didn't play, back in the day i would like bluetooth audio/an audio jack, stereo sound and an easier way to add ROMs and artwork but apart from that I love it. It feels nice in the hand, it has a lovely screen, the menu is laid out well and it even handles Neo Geo games well, having 4 save states per game is a bonus too, especially on older games without any sort of save feature such as Tetris. I wouldn't want less functionality but i'm happy with it.


RG280V and it’s still pretty great.


Best looking handheld ever built.


Really just want them to 2.0 it. Maybe a bigger chipset, better screen, WiFi … seems like a winner for them.


The exact same shell, but with the "xx" chip (or better) and a screen with better contrast, would be awesome,,...definitely! ,...but then I do really love Gmenu with its stand alone emulators.


I had the BittBoy back in like 2018-2019. Opened it up, turned it on, listed it on eBay that week. So yeah I’d be super bummed. Took a few years but finally got the product I was expecting when Miyoo Mini/Onion OS came onto the scene.


I'm new to this, so my 556 would do the trick. It's got a great screen, quite comfortable and, playing up to PS2 with no major issue. I can play N64 games all day without worrying about battery life.


If I still had the Tiger Electronics version of Street Fighter II, and actively still played it, I would either be so much better at many other activities, skills and hobbies OR I would be in a much, much worse place than I am now.


Imagine bringing that bad boy out next time you have a spare 5 minutes. People would either think you were the coolest or 'going through some stuff'.


Anbernic 351mp. Ehhhh…I dunno about super bummed but I doubt I’d be happy.


Started with the RG35XX but I did so much wall jumping in Metroid that I couldn't handle the finger pain. The H is much better and I can't see needing anything else. I already have a Switch and a nice phone.


I just ordered my first one!


What did you go with?






I would be. First one i got was an rgb30. Since then ive bought an sf2000 i quick gave my mom as a tetris machine. An bg3000(? The vertical one by datafrog) im keeping as “here play on this and dont touch my expensive stuff” and i just bought a trimui smart pro that i have yet to receive but that was purely an impulse buy. Love my rgb30 for gba


The RG280V was my first, and it was great... STILL WAITING ON A V2 ANBERNIC!!!


It was a GPi Case, and nah. It was comfortable on the hands and all, but the bootup time was atrocious and the compatibility was spotty.


405v, not counting the screen issues I had with my device, I’d be pretty hyped by it, there’s only a couple of games I can’t play on it that I wish I could but I’d be happy with it


First handheld emulator I owned was a R36S it cramped the hell out of my hands so I'm gonna say the next handheld I got the rg35xx h is way better and I would be great with just that


RG350. Had trouble with even GBA so I think I’d get frustrated pretty quick, I know I was back then until I was able to get a 351v. The 350 did still serve pretty well for a while my girlfriend at the time actually used it more than me and played through all the NES Marios and the first SNES Mario World I think. She had to start using the 351 for Yoshis island though


Original rg350 before the p and my, I would be happy with it.




I have never owned a retro emulator handheld before so RG35XX is the first handheld retro I have and I have to say, the screen looks so clean


Rg353v and frankly I was disappointed at Linux performance for n64 games. I’ve been thinking of getting the cube but I dunno


Datafrog - bummed.


RG35XX here and I'm happy with it. I want the SP


Mine would be the Retroid Pocket 2 Plus. I wouldnt be mad at all, if anything I dont really need anything beyond the Dreamcast.


Cool with it because of the nostalgia factor. The SP was the first console my parents bought me around 20 years ago. Handheld consoles also just have this magical feeling to it.


I didn't get into handheld emulation until recently, so I guess my first one would have been the steam deck. I would be very happy with that. My first handheld that was emulation only was the Miyoo mini, so I'm cool with that, too.


GP2X Caanoo gang rise up, I miss that thing


Rp2. I would be bummed cuz the buttons were painful. If it was the 2nd handheld, rg351v, id be a happy kid. That chonky boi gives me nostalgia. Played through chrono trigger on it.


arc-d I’m looking to get a bigger, loaded sd card


I’m regretting my RG556 purchase… don’t get me wrong it’s dope.. but I have a deck and Anberic 353P… I guess I need more good PS2 games to play on the RG556


RG280v….😬 don’t think that would be the greatest


Rg351p… yeah


Don’t think my gp2x wiz would be very good today lol


Odin Lite - yea, I’d be cool with that. I’d miss the 24/7 convenience of being able to whip my Nano out at any time, but I’d eventually learn to poop without a handheld.


I bought an Xperia Play specifically for retro games so I suppose that's my first handheld. If I could guarantee it'd never break, I'd have been happy enough. My first "proper" emulation handheld was the RG35XX. I wouldn't have been satisfied with that, no. Maybe with the SP. The SP has been my most used handheld since I received it.


The Bittboy. Played Kirby Pinball for gb well. I was happy. Now I try to emulate a bit more.


The RG350P. Kept me highly entertained when I delivered newspapers and had to wait for them to come.


I got my first- a TrimUI smart pro, a month or two ago, and it’s way better than I expected. It would be fine if I never got another- I’m really mostly into psx and below for nostalgia reasons, plus the pico 8 is a blast.


While technically my modded switch was first, the rg353v was my first dedicated retro handheld, out of the box plays fine but lends itself to lots of tinkering if you like, I've had it for a while and while being tempted by all the new stuff coming out but it still holds up personally i love docking it and playing arcade games with my dad, probably gonna upgrade and get a rp4pro as a gift to myself at the end of the year:)


Technically my first one was my hacked OG PSP. I am forever sad that I had to sell that years ago. My first one now is the Trimui SP and so far I love it especially for retro gaming on the go! I was thinking it would be a cool device for streaming modern games, but the lack of L3/R3 in the sticks is the only complaint I’ve had so far


Rg351v. It’s bulky for a 3.5” device but it plays the vast majority of what I use a handheld emulator for. I had the rg300 as well but its software was garbage. The 35xx is the perfect replacement for me. 


Miyoo A30, a cool pocketable device for quick gaming sessions. That's enough for me yeah


RG353M. I would be ok with it, but would be wanting a bigger screen.


\*thinks\* Well.....depends, are we talking cheap Chinese handheld from Aliexpress, or modern-day console from big name manufacturer? Modded or non-modded? Use my old cell with a telescoping controller or dedicated handheld? You see, it was a journey for most of us to get to this point, so this question isn't so cut-and-dried.


I believe my first was retroid pocket 2. I would not be happy, I barely used it when I got it unfortunately. Nothing wrong with it just didn’t take to it.


I can't even remember the first one I ever bought, in terms of Anbernic it was fine, but quite underpowered.


OG PSP-1000 Series. I felt like a wizard when I was able to self-jailbreak it and have it run (5.50) and then have it run SNES, GBA and PS1 games at some point. Haha playing Pokemon Emerald on a Sony device back then felt like a travesty. On top of that, the functionality that it could play PSP games, have a dedicated music and video player, a swappable battery with decent life, adhoc file transfer, a web browser that could download roms on board without the use of a pc, and as a pdf reader? I'd be cool with it... For about a few weeks before I get FOMO haha


HELL YEAH I'm jumping playing PS2 - dark cloud 2 and kingdom hearts - then I get bored and go to 3DS - pokemon x and Dragon quest 8 (orchestral patch) - and then I feel like playing some Metroid fusion but without touch screen controls since I can play it on my iphone. And those games aren't that special but playing it in a vertical Gameboy like format is cozy af it wraps it all up into a perfect gift like experience. Amazing


GPD Win4 unless you count a modded Switch Lol


The first one I bought with my own money was the dsi xl. Not great but not too bad I guess.


Super bummed. GPD XD Plus. The controls (especially dpad) are pure shit and so i never use it.


Anbernic rg280v. Pretty nice little console, but mine was faulty, so that would be very disappointing


RP2 hmmmm at least it has a idk I forget mine has something wrong with the charging port


My first retro handheld was the retroid pocket 2 plus. I still use it occasionally, so I think I'd be fine with it. It can play up to some PSP and some GameCube games, and that's all I really need honestly in that size.


Rg35xx for me. honestly wouldn’t be the end of the world as I mainly play Pokémon and GBA games anyways, but I would miss my N64 and GC comfort games for sure (snowboard kids 2, Mario 64, and Tony Hawks Underground 2). 3DS I’m fine with playing on original hardware.


This isn't hypothetical for me, I'm 🤬super bummed, because I do not have handheld I first bought to play. Ok, maybe I won't forever be without so mercifully that part is hypothetical. The Anbernic 35xx-H was basically DoA (I got to set up one day and play two, then the battery\charge port gave up). Aliexpress and CuteLivingStore have zero follow thru, when it comes to return for refund. It wasn't like I got it as an end game handheld. It was a $45 option for the next 6-24 months, that I wanted to start playing in May. I knew the clamshells were coming, but I it was possible I wouldn't be able to buy one until next year. I decided to get something for now and catch a sale later. If it'd been actually functional instead of leaving me handheldless for these two months (not counting the fact I've been thinking about PS2 /GC level handheld since January 2022), then maybe I'd feel differently. I would definitely be in the honey moon phase and there would be years, decades of play in that gaming library, alone. I didn't realize that PS2 /GC doesn't necessarily include Wii? Even if it can do those things, doesn't mean it can play pc Stardew Valley with mods. If my first handheld was a clamshell Odin 2 mini with quadruple the battery life, durable, repairable, functional, easily replaceable with same, then that mythical beast could definitely chill. Add my custom colorway preference that isn't a thing. My wishlist, not counting OG hardware, is one micro (gkd pixel, MM, 28xx, or idk), the pocketable (which was what I was trying to get with the RG35xx-H) & pc handheld. Maybe a dual screen & a 1:1. I got a laptop, a micro is a nice to have, so I tried to just get a budget pocketable and it failed to function. I guess if I really was stuck with it and it only forever, I'd definitely be looking into batteries, port upgrade transistors and soldering. I'd have to place another order for the grip case thing, refunded. That Etsy shop is top tier.


Clockwork Pi Gameshell, It ran quite a bit of stuff well. Even N64 despite no analog sticks. It also ran Duke 3d, Shadow Warrior and Doom well. Had Pico-8, too. I'd be happy with it, but not completely.


Retro mini was good I sold it though :(


RG350P, I would miss a complete fullspeed SNES and PS1 catalog, but it would do just fine.


The nvidia shield portable. It was too ahead of its time and I wish nvidia made another. It didn't care about size so speakers were amazing, battery was amazing, io was amazing, and power (for the time) was great. The screen was ok. Had hdmi out.


Ignoring my 3DS and other devices that can play games, my first would be the Ambernic RG35XXH. Not bad and it’d meet my Gameboy and SNES itch, but I got a Miyoo Mini Plus shortly after and I think on balance I prefer that device. I now have a RP4P too which will probably make the 35XXH a bit redundant now for me. All great devices, but I’ve felt each has been a step up in some way or another for me.


Game gear, so...not terrible I guess?


First for me back in the day was the PSP. I’d be fine with that if I still had it and it was my only one :) At this point, regarding handhelds the only ones I have that have emulation on them would be my PS Vita and Analogue Pocket so I’m good.


Mine was the Anbernic RG351p. So I'd be pretty happy with that. It's almost exactly the RG35XX H, which was recently released. So it obviously stood the test of time.


Rg35XX OG. Yes, still have it and just bought the H to fiddle around with it. But the vertical form factor and GarlicOS together are just 🥰


Powkiddy V90. Yeah I'd be a little bummed without full SNES support and frequently killing my battery by accident by forgetting to turn off the power switch after shutdown


Somewhere in between, I got a cheap clone device the R35s, it plays nearly everything I want at the moment, mostly (S)NES titles. However I forgot the PS1 didn't have analogue thumb sticks so there isn't much point in having them except for some of the PC and ScummVM stuff so I maybe should have got one without those on and a better d-pad. Then I would like to play some better, more demanding games in the future. I'd be happy keeping the R35s to play the classic 8 & 16 bit titles but maybe something in a few years with a bit more power but super cheap to play PS1&2 etc.


Technically the first device I emulated on was my new 2ds xl but my first dedicated is a rp4pro I got recently


I would be very happy still like I am now worried I over spent to get something that I use only for GBA games. I have no doubt I will branch out to other games eventually and be glad that the one I got was enough to play those games. I bought a rg505 its very capable and does everything I ask I just hate seeing the power drain on performance mode again that's a personal worry about running out of juice and I get that on all devices from my tablet to the car.


I'm pretty sure my first handheld emulator was a $40 atgames genesis handheld from Sam's club. Sound quality on it was terrible even with some cfw that sort of fixed it, wouldn't let you save either so beating something like the wily wars on it was pretty much impossible unless done in one complete sitting. So I'd probably be extremely bummed out about it. Amazing to see how far devices in that price point have come


Mine was the rg353ps. Yes I'd be cool with it, but obviously I wanted more and got more. I don't think I'd be bummed though if that was all i had.


RG350, was always bummed that the DPAD was so low on it but tbh even after getting the retroid pocket 2 I still went back to my RG350 I love that handheld hell yeah I'd be okay with it


Fairly late to the game so, RG353M. Happy with it as it plays all my favourite games and it's compact. I tend to replay a lot of my games, so I'm happy. If I wanted to emulate later gen consoles, I'd use my PC.


Bummed. I don't even remember the name of it but it was terrible. I got lucky that a local game shop gave me a trade in for it, barely played SNES games.


Steam deck was the first and still the best bang for your buck so I’d be happy with that! I’ve avoided all of the larger handhelds since the deck will do anything they can do better but I may be addicted to buying the more portable form factors.


The GP2X Wiz is absolutely still a worthy machine. Tiny screen but it's OLED so it pops. I still have mine and it works with a decent battery life still after 15 years.


This would be a moving goalpost though. 5 years from now 100$ handhelds would do switch and under perfectly, and then you'd feel your old one is outdated.


rg351p was a pretty solid device. If I was stuck with it, I'd probably be a bit bummed I didn't get the metal case version.


too bad i got emudeck so everything installed at the same time


My RG350P bricked itself after a year, so no I wouldn't be happy with that lol. Tbh I didn't love the UI anyway (Adam image). Now if my Retroid Pocket 3 is the only emulator I ever own, I would be cool with that. I love that little thing. I'll only replace it someday when we get a device with a similar price tag that's powerful enough to do stuff like PS3-era. I think that's still a ways off though.


I usually just hack my official devices to run emulators on them like the ps vita and 3DS but the rg35xxsp is my first dedicated emulation device, is that cheating? I'm blown away at how well this little device can handle n64, psp and dreamcast games. I actually own a GPD Win Mini which I bought prior to the SP, does that count? I think I'd be quite happy with the mini as my only device.


I’d be down. First one was the RG353v. Gave it to my wife but if that was my only one I’d be cool


Id be cool with it. Anbernic rg405m


Unless you wanna count the analogue pocket but I didn’t get that for emulation even though I eventually did put roms on it


Rg351m I guess I'm lucky, still use it after 3 years and only miss out on n64.


Technically the first one I ORDERED (lol) was the Analogue Pocket. But that took a year and a half to arrive (again, lol). In the meantime I bought the Miyoo Mini (V2) which arrived within one week. I would be doomed, having to rely on nothing else but the Miyoo Mini, since it's too small for my hands (even the MM+ is). But I'd be fine with my Analogue Pocket. In fact I still play it every day.


GP2X F100 was my first emulation device. The GP2X Caanoo I got a couple of years later was so much better. If I had to, I could stick with that.


I got a miyoo mini and yes.


Miyoo mini , its nice handheld but I would be bummed not being able to play more modern games


Definitely an interesting question. My first handheld emulator was a Sony PSP with the m33 CFW way back in like 2006 and that thing definitely carried me for at least 10 years. I've since outgrown it for newer devices that emulate more powerful systems but realistically that library of old games could probably last me forever.


Miyoo Mini Plus, so yeah I'd be fine, though I'll certainly miss my RGB30 /RGB20SX I upgraded to from it


it'd be dope AF! to have my gp2x wiz back in my hands again.


It was a BittBoy Pocket Go, so yeah, super bummed, even though that was the state of the art at the time.


I'd be cool with it. It's the one I still play the most. RG280V


The first handheld emulator I ever bought was a GB SP with a flash cart. I'd be fine with that, honestly. I don't NEED to play Resident Evil 3 on the go. I just really want to. Haha.


My first one was a PocketGo 1. Not the best device on paper and the screen tearing was bad but it had a cool vibe and was fun for on the go GBC/GBA gaming and that's all I really needed from it tbh. I went down the rabbit hole and got lots of devices to "upgrade" including Anbernics and Miyoos but the PocketGo was fine for what I was playing. I've been wanting to pick up another but they go for stupid prices on ebay/aliexpress based on the specs and performance so if anyone has one that they're looking to sell let me know lol