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After the A30 my hopes weren't as high for the flip.


I did a silly thing and ordered the a30 on sale. It was cheap. Let's see how it is with the community created Spruce firmware. Hopefully it will make for a good device. Time will tell.


Love mine and spruce is great


Same here. Got it for 28 on sale and got it today and really enjoy it.


Was that price part of the current aliexpress deals?


I think so. With the discount code


Get spruce and you will have a better experience


Yeah. I assumed they would make it powerful enough to play systems that would utilize 2 sticks. Now after the A30 I'm wondering how much power they're going to sacrifice for the thumbsticks.


Flip is rumored to have an RK3566. It's not great but capable of playing N64/DC.


Who said it's almost here lol by the time it arrives in 20 years the demand will be gone.


For real lol dude is taking the posts with the answers from customer service a bit too seriously


The ones that said it'd be released in like, March?


Brutal lol




Tbh this post (and OP's responses) sounds like it was sponsored by Miyoo




Anbenic knocked it out of the park with their version and filled the void. It's a hard sell for me.


The only think they majorly screwed up was the “2.7x” integer scaling (obviously lack thereof) for GBA which is literally the console they’re emulating.


And the Miyoo isn't gonna fix that because it's going to be the same display resolution.


Didn’t think it was


I don’t understand 2.7 wouldn’t be integer scaling it would be normal scaling, integer scaling would be integers 2 or 3 (which would be too big)


That was their marketing term. You are correct.


And the colors, imo. Could have had a lot better selection.


Yeah I am willing to pay $30 nore for metal case


That would break integer scaling in 99% of other retro consoles


Why would anyone buy this when andernic curb stomped the market.


3 reasons 1) options aren't bad 2) the rgsp is chunky 3) could be super compelling if they nail power suspend when the lid is closed


I can't imagine this is less chunky with analog sticks on it. Don't think sleep/suspend will be any better than on the A30 which isn't a significant upgrade over latest anbernic offerings. But more options are good for sure.


Bad buttons and no sticks as well


I agree with the no sticks, but I love the buttons on mine.


If it was skinnier than the 35XXSP and had quieter buttons, then honestly I’d consider it. Not a fun of how chunky and loud Anbernic’s version is.


If miyoos is less cheap feeling and not as bulky, I'll happily sell my rg35xxsp for miyoo




Analog sticks.


The position of those sticks make them look absolutely horrible to use


I’d rather have the option and not use it than want it and not have it


I'd like to have the option to use them, and occasionally use them, without developing tendonitis.


Then just don't buy verticals.


It's going to come down to the buttons really


I haven't picked up an SP myself because I heard the dpad feels really stiff and more importantly is loud as hell.


I have the SP and barely use it. The clicky buttons are a total deal breaker for me. I grab the H instead of the SP 9 times out of 10


I fixed this with tape, now buttons are very quite…


None of the firmware options on Anbernic's XX+ series are as good as OnionOS, and the SP in particular is a bit wonky with all of them. If that could be adapted to work on this (which isn't a given since it'll be a different chipset), that could be pretty compelling.


Publi post?


The A30 underdelivered, so I'm not too hyped.


3ds is the flip console everyone needs.


I don't think I would ever buy an SBC device right at launch, they often have issues in the initial batches and it's not like the retro games are going anywhere. I would only contemplate buying one at some point if it had Onion so I could replace my MM+ but I'm not sure if the chip they are using would even allow for it.


Using the same chipset on the Flip as the MM/+ to make it Onion compatible straight off the bat could have been a big brain move on Miyoo's part, but obviously with trade-offs in emulation power. I really hope we get Onion for the Flip, I feel like it's going to be a much harder sell without it.


correct answer


I have a couple of retro handhelds, including an anbernic of course, but the MM+ is still my main when I go outside (silicon case and landyard for the win, also I got my 2 miyoos absurdly cheap), so Miyoo have to come up with something really special to emulate the Mini success, let alone be a competitor to the 35xxsp


Miyoo mini is up to V4, I think the Bittboy had 4 hardware versions too. Anbernic devices seem to be more final on release, even though they release new models often.


Don't miyoo consider V2/V3 to be effectively identical rather than distinct revisions? Also, v4 wasn't due to functional issues so much as them not being able to continue sourcing the previous display, so a different kind of failing on their part. It's not like they are alone in having issues, the rp4p, the rp flip, the cube and the rg405m had issues at launch that basically moved them to v2's and powkiddy have had several devices that needed multiple revisions as well. Obviously, after the issues with the A30, people should be cautious, but that's a sensible approach to take with all these devices anyway and if there's a new device we want enough we'll ignore that approach too in all likelihood.


I hope Rocknix or maybe GammaOS Core (Touch-less Android TV port) will work on here. The only thing I miss about Onion is the quick game switcher.


I’ll be honest, the original GBA SP is so nostalgic to me that I actually prefer a design mimicking it to not have joysticks. Hell I almost wish Anbernic would release a special edition 35xxSP with only the A and B buttons lol


anbernic rg35xx sp Lite , even thinner than the og sp


There's probably a weirdo doing a mod to remove those buttons right now, like they did when they removed the sticks on the RGB30.


I feel like the RGB 30 having sticks just makes perfect sense. It’s tall enough that you can hold in a way so that you can use the dpad and not let the sticks interfere. Due to the tall screen, you might as well have them otherwise you have a lot of wasted space.


Definitely. There's no reason to remove them. They're not in the way and even if you don't use them for playing games they can be used for shortcuts for stuff like swapping screens on the DS emulator or as touch input.


they're in the way if you put it in your pocket.


Yeah the mod looks weird because you can't really center the buttons after removing the sticks so it's more empty space there. If the buttons were centered and full size and fill more space with speaker grills (even if it's the same speakers) it would look a lot better.


I get the nostalgia for the Gameboy SP, but adding thumbsticks to the Miyoo Flip is a great move. It enhances gameplay for Dreamcast and other emulations. With thousands of games on a stick versus a single cartridge, it just makes sense. For me, it won't ruin the nostalgic feel; it just takes a bit of getting used to


Yeah for sure, it would actually be nice that 35xxsp doesn’t have them and the flip does, gives people more variety to choose from


I wouldn’t buy the Anbernic if it had sticks. If I want sticks I’d choose something else


Same. If this Miyoo released first I wouldn't even have considered buying it.


The sticks are exactly why I'm looking to buy the Miyoo Flip if it ends up being any good. Time will tell.


Same. I like playing Doom and Quake on these handhelds, the dual analogs are a million times better than a d-pad for those games.


It looks like a neat system but I can't use these types of controllers myself. While normal controllers don't bug me too much, I broke both my thumbs in a car accident a ways back and they get cramped super fast.


My thumbs are big and strong and healthy and they cramp up on every device where the thumb stick is on the bottom. Then again... Any game/console that suits a thumb stick (is that the correct name for them?) doesn't work well on a 3.5" screen.


I don't like sticks in the SP form factor, but they have to add them, otherwise they'll have nothing on the 35xxSP. Anbernic already ate Miyoos lunch, so they have to come up with something at least a little better or different.


The Flip had sticks before the 35xxsp was even a rumor. They didn't add anything. The sticks have been there since the first mockup was released.


You're right, my bad. Still, the pressure on Miyoo gets bigger by the day, after what Anbernic pulled. They better not come up with a stinker. The 35xx SP has set the bar pretty high.


Anbernic's move could easily be reason enough for the extra delay. It gives Miyoo and Onion time to bake longer and maybe even update it for all their hardware. The last update was February, which was prior to the March/April estimated release date. The Mini+ doesn't have sticks. Miyoo has to get them right in the Flip.


I don't think the development of Onion depends on Miyoo, did they confirm the chipset already? And even if they did, the onion devs can't work until the device is released, right?


Now that I have the RP35XXSP, I wouldn't mind testing out some sticks. I'm enjoying the stick on the Datafrog SF2000, esp for racing games.


I have an SF2000 too, but more as a novelty lol apparently it's a pretty solid device (once the battery is replaced, that is)


For about $15, it's a fun device. Tadpole makes it 100x more fun.


Good to hear you enjoyed using tadpole :)


I get it too, the stick placement is tough.


why not just get a gba sp if you're only going to play games that are limited to the gba sp's button layout. This thing is capable of playing up to N64/Dreamcast/PSP, all of which require a thumbstick. I'm glad Miyoo's taking a different approach and going function over aesthetics. Anbernic cashed in on nostalgia. When more and more people realize that there are a ton of games these devices can emulate require thumbsticks they'll realize the value of the miyoo flip


Because a GBA SP in good condition with a backlit screen is way more expensive.


People don't seem to be that bothered, but the loud buttons were kind of a dealbreaker on the ambernic sp for me. Excited to see how this one is when it comes out. I'll definitely be waiting for reviews before buying anything


Any release date?




Now that I look at the SP and the RGSP hinge, the miyoo flip hinge looks really weird to me, especially the closed view. The hinge design is closer to the Retroid Flip which had issues on first release so hopefully this doesn’t. I gave up on it and got the RGSP. I was thinking I needed sticks on it, but all the PSP games I want to play don’t really need them (the 3D games that need them both this and the Miyoo flip won’t be able to run well anyway), and the Dreamcast game cameras can be mapped to L2 and R2.


how's the dpad on the rgsp?


I'm waiting patiently with my RG35XXSP


Once this form factor has GameCube & ps2 game over


https://preview.redd.it/roql633sb38d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83f32f63fbfb798ac06c785e7087aeaa62383bd Dual boot confirmed


I have a 35XXh and my biggest issue is that the buttons are too stiff. Apparently that's also an issue on the 35XXsp, so that's a no buy from me. If Miyoo can make their flip, with analog sticks, and with buttons that don't feel like shit to me? They just win straight up. If it gets onion support that's just a bonus. And I do really want sticks, I wanna do light moonlight streaming and/or things like dreamcast or n64, I really don't wanna play those with dpad.


I just want sticks for extra inputs so I don't have to hit that damn menu button a zillion times


Then the sticks should REALLY be far far FAR away from the face buttons for me not to tilt them accidentally when pushing the face buttons, or pushing the stick buttons for that matter.


I have the H and I’ve never ever tilted the sticks when using the face buttons. I don’t really know how you are holding it.


yeah that's a deal breaker for me as well. Will have to wait and see what the consensus is, although they should be pretty low profile I'd guess being a clamshell...


you can look up how to add painters tape to under the buttons to make them much softer. obv gotta open it up but i've done it before on others and it's not too bad to add new buttons from etsy and add the tape


I've tried putting tape under my buttons and it makes no difference. Russ from retrogamecorps even tested it on his own 35XXsp and found it made [little to no difference, 115g vs 120g](https://youtu.be/EnDCumOfgWg?feature=shared&t=1090) when he measured on a scale. We just need softer membranes.


thanks for the heads up, i've heard both sides so it's helpful to hear others to trouble shoot this


I am waiting. Personally I like how it’s trying a little bit more to have its own style and not exactly mimic an SP. Also, I am gross, I like to use joysticks on analog input games like GBA even. It is just more comfortable to me. I like DPAD for menus and not much else.


You’re not gross. This is normal


Sticks are way too low


Those joysticks look painful to use so low on a device like this. Am I suppose to hold it with my fingertips or strain myself stretching my thumbs down to reach them?


Those sticks are a nope for me. Glad they made it. Someone will love it. With respect, I pass.


I have been waiting for it so I could see comparisons. So far the anbernic SP did a good job replicating the original hinge. The hinge on the miyoo looks different. Makes me wonder how strong it will be. I still havent got the SP but I am very tempted to just get that one.


After my Retroid flip hinges shit the bed I’ll wait a few months after release to see how they hold up lol


It's been "almost here" for months. Please, stop this. This is a desperate message from Miyoo to stop people from buying the Anbernic SP by giving fake hopes.


Honestly an SP-style clamshell with sticks is my ideal setup so I really hope it delivers.


I dont like the joystick... I feel like they would be on the way. Kind of like the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro... Bought it and barely used it cause joystick were annoying...


The sticks are actually a turn off for me. I want the device to be as thin as possible and have no rumble.


Okay I've gotta hear more about this "no rumble." I kinda get no sticks as that's an aesthetic preference, but what does an unused rumble motor take away from either the experience or the aesthetics?


What else besides PS1 supports rumble? These things have bad N64 and mediocre Dreamcast emulation so its not really worth it. Rumble motors/Sticks are a waste of space and adds to the thickness of the device also as you pointed out the sticks are an aesthetic thing as well. Videos we have seen of this are just as thick, if not thinker than the RG35xxSP. You want a nice a small, light pocketable device that doesn't physically take space. I basically want a more premium version of the Powkiddy V90. Just as an aside the OP is making this look better than the device actually is, videos we have seen look incredibly cheap and look worse than the V90.


The Miyoo Flip is supposed to be a more powerful chip than SP, but I don't remember what the chip is, but I can't say for sure that your performance assumptions are correct.


I love my anbernic sp but not for PS1 and I'm definitely interested in buying the miyoo flip for ps1 after reviews drop


But why though? Both are likely going to have the same screen. And PSX games don't really make use of the sticks. The Miyoo Flip would make more sense for N64, DS and PSP


Yeah I prefer sticks for ps1 and if miyoo is better then anbernic I'll just sell the anbernic


I’m waiting for it with my original GBSP and RG35XXSP lol I love clamshells, just not sure when the Miyoo Flip will be released


I'm just waiting patiently


I was patient enough to get through the SP but still caved and picked up an extra cheap base 35xx. I did it to hedge my bets in case the Flip never releases lol I won’t regret it until the Miyoo Flip comes out and then I really will 😅


Can I have a link to information on this, I'm looking for price and screen resolution really


price: who knows resolution: 640\*480, like every other device with a 3.5" screen


ME ME ME ME 1000% ME I'm so fucking pumped for this thing, I've been wanting it since they announced it years ago lol


That looks so sick wish I had that


Only reason I want this thing is cause I keep hoping they manage to port onion over then I can have 3 devices that use onion and swap SD cards


I don't think the flip is actually real


I’m just hoping they’ll do a better color scheme than Anbernic. The SP came in a ridiculous range of colors yet Anbernic picked the most boring lineup.


If they’re going to put analog sticks on a clamshell handheld, why not make it a widescreen form factor so it works better with PSP and feels better to hold? Sticking with my Anbernic SP til something better comes along, which usually happens right after I buy something new.


Yeah yeah "flip is coming". I've been reading the same drivel for a year and a half now.


Are those thumbsticks ergonomically comfy after like 15 min?


Uh, is it actually coming out? I have lost interest in this device fast and bought a second hand RG353P instead. I mean I can dualboot Android and things.


I love my Anbernic SP, but there have been multiple instances I wish there were analog sticks. What I would hope for in the Miyoo Flip is good build quality, good buttons, and good availability. What would be amazing, but I’m not holding out for, is HDMI out and separate USB-C power and OTG ports. I really want the Flip to be good, and I wouldn’t mind owning both clamshell devices.


If it didn't have the sticks, I'd consider it.


It exists and it’s called the 35xxsp


I don't want thumbsticks, I just want good GBA integer scaling FFS!!


its a device for Compulsive hoarding community.


i'd have an anbernic if the dpad and buttons were squishy and not clicky. Hoping miyoo comes thru for the win.


I got my coke nail ready


If RetroBreeze's size estimation is correct, meaning, it'll be approximately the same size as the V90, and thus more pocketable then the 35XXSP, it'll be an instant buy from me.




I doubt it - display size will be the same as the 35XX, and bezels don't seem to be much thinner. The thickness when closed could be reduced but the difference will still be minimal.


https://preview.redd.it/4d7w1nn7318d1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070c6e982d51c53f04922ff13431a88ce78e197d A 3.5" screen is 2.80"/71.1mm wide. Those bezels are 3-4mm, meaning a total width of 77-79mm. V90 is 78mm and SP 85mm. A noticeable difference in the hand. Size is one area Anbernic may have rushed in order to launch first.


My thoughts exactly, thanks for backing me up 😁


not I


I can't find an updated release date.


How is it almost here? There’s no indication of when this will come out, if ever.




If its the dimensions of an actual sp its an instant buy (if it can run dreamcast)


Eh, too tough, so I’m grabbing my Anbernic next week.


i'm going to get it


The Miyoo A30 was disappointing and I hope that Miyoo will continue with the quality of the Miyoo Mini Plus this time. And about the Miyoo Flip, if it has the same physical qualities as the Miyoo Mini Plus, such as comfortable buttons and Dpad, as well as silent shoulder buttons, it will be the right purchase.


I think the toggles are in an awkward position for this model design.


I’ve been waiting for a while now


No way this is real. I literally just ordered my RG-SP today with a sticker set to make it look like the NES SP. I've been thinking that it'd be nice for the RG-SP to have joysticks for its 5th gen emulators, but I decided it didn't matter enough and went ahead. If this can run 5th gen emulation well enough, then I'd have half a mind to get this one too! I would just hope that it's similar in size to the SP, but I feel like trying to play games with such low-seated joysticks would cause cramping. Still, I'm interested in seeing what it's capable of doing!


Ive been holding out with my MM+, but I did snag an A30 for 26 bucks, just to scratch the itch. I figure it doesn't hurt to see how Miyoo does before I buy it or the RGSP.


Can it play Dreamcast?


Not me. Love my Anbernic RG35XX SP


I ended up putting a magsafe mount on a v90 and made it usable as a controller. Still looking forward to the miyoo flip, but I'd need either good moonlight support or "use as a controller" functionality, which doesn't seem like it'll be coming. Will wait to see Edit: v90 can also use thumb sticks over usb, so also got another bsp d3+v90 setup for playing with that, it's just that it's pretty underpowered even after that


Left it a bit too late, will still probably get one.


Does anyone know of a ds version? With a touch screen like the original?


If it will run GameCube PS2 or Dreamcast would be cool, but if it's miyoo but in different form factor then I don't need it. I need something like retroid but from miyoo. Hope they will have something more powerful


Hope the buttons aren't loud like the SP.


A strong competitor to the Flip huh… I mean this was supposed to be the first quality retro flip system to hit market. Anbernic frankly stole their thunder on this and honestly I don’t know if it’s all that desirable considering that if it’ll likely be in the same boat of the A30, decent hardware but not OnionOS. OnionOS will truly determine if these products have much a shelf life




The thumbsticks are an interesting addition i always wanted my brother's Gameboy Advanced SP. i need that pikachu sticker


That's the worst stick placement I've ever seen


Stick placement looks like shit ngl


One of my favorite devices ever was the gameboy so. My favorite SBC is probably mini v2. The plus for me was whatever. The failing of the v30 was concerning. The hinge design and potentially pointless analog sticks... I'd wait to see reviews


Idk…I’m really tempted to order an Anbernic SP. have the Miyoo mini plus and love it but feel playing Pokemon would be more natural on the SP


Here here. Attempting to be patient for the flip in the hopes it’s not a flop


I don’t see the point in having the gba sp form factor but ruin that retro feeling by adding thumbsticks


Taking way too long to release, not really interested anymore after the RG35XX SP came out unless the Miyoo is significantly slimmer. The RG got everything else right already.


I’m getting two


I’m getting two


Me, I haven’t bought the SP cause I think it’s missing some analogues, but do y’all know if this one is gonna do 64/ps1/dreamcast decently?


Not me 🥲 Bought the RG35XX SP and while it's my most played on handheld so far, man I really hate these heavy / clicky buttons so here's hoping that the Miyoo Flip will be the one. Gonna give the A30 with Spruce OS a try while this one releases I guess.



Kinda disappointed at this point, since I know they were developing the flip since last year and then anbernic just releases the SP out of nowhere and it's so good that I don't think the flip will add anything new to the game.


I will wait until it gets (if it gets) onionOS. I learned that the beauty of the handhelds come from the custom firmware. I love my miyoo mini plus due to its cfw so it will be a waste to buy this one just to leave it collecting dust. BUT, if it does get onionOS with its improved hardware then it will be a killer device.


If it's got the horsepower to play a fair amount of n64 and some dreamcast, I'll consider it. But I really don't need a new handheld. the RGB20sx has been fun as hell for gameboy and 8:7 and pico 8, and my MM+ is still working great.


The anbernic is cool, but the buttons are mad stiff and loud af. If the miyoo runs n64 and dc effectively, I'll give my anbernic to my brother or something. I bought it and I was immediately disappointed. In all fairness, I'm really only excited for a tiny n64 clamshell, and the anbernic was a terrible choice for that.




Held off on the Anbernic because it's too thicc. Hoping this one is a more pocketable profile.


I don't get why you got downvoted. I think the thickness is a major factor. I would prefer a thinner model even if that means less power.


The only thing which set me apart of this device was those thumbsticks, pointless to my use cases; Anbernic solved that with the RG35XX SP and in addition released earlier and with better build quality.


Not me, my RG35XXSP is in the mail


Okay, make it 4 inch and add more power. Like a RG Cube competitor...


Did not wait. I wanted sumthang to play May and June, but the RG35xx-H battery, charge dud. My friends ordered a RG35XX SP, so we'll see if it's another Anbernic dud, at least Amazon has a better RMA process, if not. The flip took too long. We'll see how colors, cfw, reviews sales go, but I'm tapped out, unless the SP bombs as bad as the H.


No thanks. Sticks on this ruin it


Tbh, I don’t understand having thumb sticks on such a small screen, at least for the games I would want to play that would use them. I would prefer a smaller 35xxsp, but honestly, I’m loving it so far. Still, I’m interested how well the Miyoo will do.


I'm not sure why people like miyoo so much compared to anbernic. I've had the original miyoo mini, the mini plus, and the a30 and I found that miyoo has far worse build quality and they're not that much cheaper. I loved the miyoo mini but it felt cheap and fragile, not good for a pocketable handheld. The screen would flicker when I bumped it and the buttons didn't feel nearly as good as anbernic or Nintendo. It's "niche" is kinda pointless when I have to use a case for it when I can get a larger more durable handheld caseless for the same size. Miyoo mini plus was an improvement but the anbernic RG35XX is the same thing but better. There's nothing on the miyoo mini had that RG35XX plus didn't have imo. Controls on the anbernic was better The a30 was basically a worse version of the 28xx. The stick was nice to have but the device was slower than the 28xx. Their buttons and dpad aren't as good as anbernic. I have a feeling the miyoo flip is just going to be a worse version of the rg35xxsp.


There’s too much shit going on in the bottom half, it just looks ugly. But that’s my opinion.


The only thing that would make me get one is if it's at least as good as a MM+ while still being at least as thin as the original GBA SP. Otherwise, I don't see a point in getting one over a MM+ or the Anbernic flip.


When is the estimated release date?


My problem with these consoles that try to mimic the look/feel of different Gameboy models is the fact that I was a child that had much smaller hands when I was playing GBA daily. I have the R36S and it's a great console, but it did take a few days for my hands to adjust to a Gameboy Color type handheld. It's still very much playable though, so it's not a *huge* complaint. I'd just love if they made them somewhat bigger than the consoles they're mimicking.


So, I have a Miyoo Mini Plus. I bricked the SD and have been (lightly) trying to find an entire thing to flash. OS and roms. There are sites, but the instructions arent dummy proof. I've had the worst ease of use with linux devices. Sure, if you know what youre doing, you have have a 10/10 experience. For me, I dont have the time to fuck with Linux. The ease of use with Android without doing anything is something that shouldnt be overlooked. There arent many android-based devices that drop the ball in performance. I'd prefer to pay more money for android, than screwing around with formatting and flashing an SD card. I'd much rather pay more money to be able to drag and drop downloads and be able to instantly play them on software im familiar with, then save $50-$100.


On the MM+ specifically, where the core OS is on the device, so you can’t really brick it no matter how badly you screw your card, it’s pretty much a drag&drop experience to restore in working condition/update your ROM library, and you barely know Linux is there There is nothing to flash, just format a card, drag&drop your favorite UI build, and drag&drop your roms


Since I have a v90 the sp wasn't worth the upgrade, maybe this will be?


I will only buy it of it has nice screen with integer scaling of GBA. And of the hinge quality is decent.


getting wrist cramps just looking at those analog sticks.




The people saying they want those sticks on there are going to want to cut their thumbs off after using them for 5 minutes.