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Stony is way better for engineering


stony is much better for stem generally


Socially Binghamton is always better. Academically, Stony Brook is almost always better


Stony is easily the best school in the SUNY system for Engineering.


Stony hands down has a great EE program. I'm a product of it and doing quite well. Bing is also not a flagship school for SUNY and doesn't get the attention Stony and Buffalo get from the state.


Was in AOI in EE when I applied for stony went and recently graduated with my degree, honestly it’s not that bad, you have a couple of bad and hard classes but over all most of the professors are pretty lenient and understanding. Stony is the flagship for Stem and has a lot to offer if you’re interested in doing research too. Ultimately it’s up to you but even if you have AOI on your letter it’s not the end of the world.


Well the town of StonyBrook is boring as hell and the town of Binghamton is a shit hole so take your pic 


Want a really rigorous curriculum where a lot (not all) of stem people are antisocial but puts you to the test STONY If you want to have fun and party more BING


stony your also way closer to stony you can even commute to save $ if your feeling crazy


If you are a huge party person then bing, if you want the best academics and are kinda quiet or nerdy, then stony


Bro Bing all the way .. the lifes pretty dead at stony


Don't listen to these people. I graduated Electrical Computer Engineering 3 years ago. R U N. Go to bing. I legitimately wish everyday I'd gone to bing instead of Stony. Especially if you're AOI. You see those three nifty letters on your acceptance sheet, burn it.


are u in AOI? if ur an AOI in EE at stony then please do not come to stony.