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Threatened by what exactly? Your arenas are a quarter full (there’s are packed to the rafters). Your ratings resemble a ski run (theirs rise and hold throughout the show). You still haven’t secured a rights deal (they have secured $10 billion in tv rights, including being totally diversified by being on streaming, cable, and network tv) How EXACTLY are they threatened? Concerned by the number of Meltzy stars???


Study cagematch and get back to me.


you have to be a different kind of a fucking idiot to suggest someone to study fucking cagematch and this man is 60 years old ffs




He told you to study, so get your ass on it!


I studied it, Dave, it's full of idiots. Now what?


Lol meanwhile wwe is in it’s hottest period since… I can’t even remember when. That Rock segment on Monday actually felt like something straight out of the attitude era in the best way


Which one fed shill? You mean this beat down? https://preview.redd.it/jhsubbkfr2sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd26bcc87403a8e32c4931969199be5c1bad9350


Nah, Dub will get a big rights renewal any day now! (thing I've been hearing for literally 4 months now)


Study cagematch and get back to me.


threatened by a company that loses more of it's audience every week both in arena and watching from home, that's who!


I guess monopoly is the buzzword this week. AEW wouldn't exist if WWE was a monopoly. You'd figure the smartest and most affluent wrestling fans would know that.


There wouldn't be 20ish cottage industry Indies running in the same city as every WrestleMania if it were a monopoly either.


I went to Mania weekend in 2019 & it was insane how much was going on. At Wrestlecon alone there was something like 3-5 shows a day. When WWE keeps everyone fed.


Back when I had twitter it was 90% "see me at this show, this show and that show, Mania weekend" from every single wrestler. Even ones that barely had any bookings for the rest of the year.


>I guess monopoly is the buzzword this week. AEW wouldn't exist if WWE was a monopoly. You'd figure the smartest and most affluent wrestling fans would know that. Whatever Fed Shill, until WWE shills stop watching WWE and start watching AEW exclusively the WWE will always have a monopoly!


Dae hate monopolies??? Don't look at my comments in the thread when TK said he was gonna buy WWE


I hate monopolies. Especially that stupid top hat and monocle he wears.


A lot of the Dub's problems come from thinking they're at war with the Fed instead of just getting on with doing their own stuff Been like that since the start They think everything is about them cause everything they do is with the Fed in mind


Saying WWE has a monopoly on the wrestling is like saying McDonald's has a monopoly on hamburgers.


When HHH saw Wrestlemania was up against Dalton Castle vs Johnny Empty Arena for custody of The Boys (whoops) he had to send in the big guns. Sad.


I don’t watch ROH (like most people), but wasn’t the feud between Castle/Empty Arena over custody of The Boys? And he ended up firing them before the ROH Live Event on Friday where the match takes place? So what’s the reason for having the match any longer


Doesn't need to have a reason if it's a banger.


DAE They only put Jordynne Grace in the Rumble to lord over TNA? Basement/IWC in full cope, there's so much jerk out there rn, just unexploited.


The CM Punk interview told me a lot. Dubbalos crying out in pain and being overly defensive and pathetic anoit it tells me more though.


The biggest thing the CM Punk interview told me was that if AEW was as innocent as people believe, then AEW would have zero problems proving Punk is a liar. But instead they pretend All In didn't happen despite having video evidence of the incident that would show exactly what happened and lock Punk down under an NDA for All Out so he can't talk about it.


Yep. With how petty and petulant Tony is, you know he’s looking for any opportunity he can to dunk on someone online- the fact that he’s been radio silent on this tells you all you need to know. Combined with the NDA only being about other people and not Punk’s actions… you just know that entire situation was the Buckaroos pitching a fit lol


>But instead they pretend All In didn't happen despite having video evidence of the incident that would show exactly what happened and lock Punk down under an NDA for All Out so he can't talk about it. I think it's pretty notable that he mentioned various backstage employees (some that we wouldn't even know) by name, but when it came to Megha, he only called her "The Lawyer."


my favorite part, personally, was him expressing some regret with the “in 2005 I left pro wrestling, tonight I’m back” because it pandered a bit too much to the niche internet audience. what’s so funny about the Dubbalos is that like, that never really crossed their minds that a pro wrestler on TV was working them.


Tony was free to talk about the situation the entire time if he wanted the press from it. Another own goal to let a single "I nearly died" hyperbolic statement define a promotion breaking decision.


All they have to do is release the footage of Punk acting like a psycho and lunging at Tiny. Unless that footage doesn’t exist and Tiny is just so soft that he felt personally threatened by two guys having a scuffle in his vicinity


This, all of this. If everything Punk said was a lie it would be an easy slam dunk to prove it.


AEW putting one of their biggest names out there to talk shit about WWE during every other fucking week tells you a lot. They aren't telling Ospreay to do this to Nooj. You know their mudshow is threatened as they fail to get a TV deal for it.


The most threatening 700k in history


I've honestly never met a fanbase who are unable to accept any criticism on their favourite thing than SOME AEW fans


Remember the time when JR was like “Kenny Omega is a great wrestler, but imo Randy Orton is the best in the world right now” and a bunch of the dub wrestlers and fanboys went after him to the point that he was getting death threats?


Dub fans tops it for me also. Certain anime fans like the top shonen ones can get like that too but not at the same level of delusion and pride.




SOME Sonic fans. I can say that as a Sonic fan, Uce. We get MOODY over criticism


why the fuck would AJ do this? 🥴


Yea, TNA didn't do anything to AJ Lee


You dumb mark, he's clearly referring to the greatest sports entertainer of all time Alex Jones. Study infowars and get back to me.


Alex Jones and Ronda Rousey vs the Sandy Hook "truthers"


> Study infowars and get back to me. BAWH GAWD THAT'S DAN FRIESEN'S MUSIC


Wasn't it told by Uncle Dave that Perry was banished by Khan after costing him Punk? Like, total radio silence before settling on Perry v. Lawyers. If Perry had, in any way, been clean as a whistle, he would have been back by now in Dynamite.


No bro, that's all a work bro, Dave is just getting worked ahahahah. I know the last 4 times something like this has happened I was wrong about it being a work, but this time it's really not real.


I mean, this is the best that Tony can do after being asked by his top star to be a boss for once. But too little, too late. I do hope that everything Jack did to reach this point was all worth it. It looks like his EVP buddies are not bailing him out. Also, if it is even a work, it will flop bad. There is no foil to serve as a counterforce to Jack Perry's return. They wouldn't know how to get themselves and others over, even if you slap them with a primer on how to create a wrestling show.


They work with and actively put over TNA stars. While AEW just does childish side mouthing about "the other company" and constantly fed bads. Plus, I think H knows not to put to strong a leash on Punk, just pet him say what he wants and the money will roll in.


>think H knows not to put to strong a leash on Punk, just pet him say what he wants and the money will roll in. That's a point that gets overlooked quite a bit in my opinion. When Punk was in AEW the dwellers kept claiming that he wasn't a draw because they still struggled to get a milly and even over 900k. Nah, Tiny was just that much of an incompetent clown.


Just let Punk be Punk and give him an adults to work with and he'll elevate the match, the event, build up and the pay off as well as the guy he's working with. Not to mention the bank balance. I wasn't watching during Punks first WWE run, and I'll have to go back to watch because he's only been around a few months in this run and I'm a big fan. Edit spelling


I think Triple H and Punk are kind of similar in a weird way in that they both do a lot of their best work when there's that blurring of reality and fiction.


The best stories are the ones that have some reality in them.


TNA accepts reality, Dubbalos don't. TNA has nothing to gain from being on bad terms with the Fed, in fact, they play it smart and every now and then they get a nice plug from Laveck. Meanwhile, TNA itself wants absolutely nothing to do with Tiny. People who recently signed full-time contracts with them are not allowed to work Dub shows. Geez, I wonder why.. It's only a matter of time before New Japan gets tired of their bullshit too, they raided almost all the talent from them.


Besides, is there even anyone major still involved with TNA who was there when Styles was there? It's a completely different operation from then. Unless they mean AJ Francis 😆


In TNA? Eric Young, Kazarian, Rhino, Gail Kim and Tommy Dreamer. That's about it.


Least deluded Dubbalo, right here. Once Cody gets booed out of m’Philly for beating Roman Reigns, you Fed Shills will see that Tripple Himmler is all out of booking ideas and Fed will indeed be ded


Don't let the record breaking gates and nearly unparalleled mainstream attention fool you. They're failing. They have to be.


They are. Look how TERRIBLE Maxine DuPri is. It’s laughable. Not like the dubs women’s division


WWE hotter than they’ve been for decades. How the fuck are they threatened?


Their monopoly is threatened by a company who packs a dozen million+ dollar talents into quarter full buildings and doesn’t bring a merch stand? That’s so fucking rich it has to be fattening.


Reality is not some people's strong point.


It has to be just full on parody at this point right? Like no jerk uce, I cannot explain them. I'm almost 40 and have been on the Internet since 1988. In all that time I can't think of a more delusional and hypocritical fanbase for anything. There are likely worse ones, but they're mostly self aware. What are the odds that the basement is just a legion of sock puppet accounts funded by the bucks and Aubrey or something to keep the checks coming in?


The internet existed in 1988?


Through a phone line and a blazing speed of 2400bps, and there wasn't what we'd now call the web. Just a choice of pre curated portals.


AEW has been shits. I get it for free,PPV included but I never wake up to watch that shit.


Imagine AEW fans if they actually overtook WWE. They are already out of control as the gap widens


Never mind that as soon as the Punk interview ended wrestling Twitter was filled with the usual Dub wrestler ass kissers talking about Tony saving wrestling or improving their lives and careers. Similar to when a former Dub wrestler calls out the backstage issues and they circle the wagons and shit talk that person as being a never-was.


He was WAY less abrasive than he could have been! If this was disparaging, I hate to think how they'd react if he went all Art Of Wrestling on Ariel's show!


Smarks using insider terms is lame lol


AJ is just sitting at home on his day off, being a good family man and playing his video games. Don't drag him in to this


Probably because they respect TNA If he doesn’t get in any trouble backstage, it’s probably because they agree with him


??? AJ showed up at the latest Bound For Glory and praised the company friend


Oh I missed that. He had a segment or was he just viewing?


It was a recorded message at Slammiversary 2022


Didn’t AJ do a shoot interview on TNA before years ago


Releasing a bunch of talents during one of the hottest period of wrestling says more.


In full honesty punk just kinda speaks his mind about everything, so if someone asks about aew he'll tell em


In full honesty punk just kinda speaks his mind about everything, so if someone asks about aew he'll tell em


These people are delusional. I want AEW to succeed so there's competition and both companies perform as best as possible. These clowns need to realise if they love AEW so much having a light shone on the dodgy shit can only be a good thing.


I mean he's gonna be on Ariel Hewani. After getting nothing from Tony, asking Punk about AEW was inevitable


Didn't Aj leave TNA like 10 years ago?💀💀


AEW viewership is decreasing week by week while Wrestling has never been as popular as it is now in the last 20 years. But yeah WWE is worried.


The conspiracy brain is outta control


Who are these fucking people!? They are so fucking deluded! That's one of the stupidest things I've ever read.


What would AJ even say about TNA that hasn’t already been said by multiple people? No one wants to hear how bad the Dixie Carter years were again lmao


I don't think WWE are doing this because they feel *threatened*, but I was thinking when watching the interview last night that it is dumb that the company CM Punk currently works for has their biggest event this weekend and Punk is there doing media bitching about the company he used to work for.


>29 min. ago > >I don't think WWE are doing this because they feel threatened, but I was thinking when watching the interview last night that it is dumb that the company CM Punk currently works for has their biggest event this weekend and Punk is there doing media bitching about the company he used to work for. Except that the AEW stuff was about 15 minutes or so of an hour long conversation which was almost entirely about WWE.


He was also asked questions about it. If Punk said “look, I’d rather not talk about AEW. I want to focus on WWE and Wrestlemania” then the basement would be bitching about that instead. How dare he not acknowledge us


If Punk had taken that stance they would have flamed him for signing an NDA, even though it would be Tony that made him do so. Punk doesn't talk about AEW? It's because he's a coward afraid of Tony! Punk does talk about AEW? He's a coward and a traitor trying to ruin Tony's business!


I don’t blame Punk for it. He knew that there were people who wanted to know what happened. Address it now and he controls the narrative. Don’t address it and they would utilize it to attempt to make money. They didn’t want to make money with him, so why should they make money off him by mocking him in their shitty little story the Bucks have or lame little jokey joke jabs.


It was going to have to be addressed somewhere eventually, there really was no better place to address than on Ariel Helwani's show. It afforded Punk the opportunity to address the things he was willing to address, and acknowledge things he's not allowed to talk about, and now the full AEW story is pretty much out there and Punk doesn't really ever have to talk about it again. It was the right thing to do, and now more people will tune in to Mania to see what happens.


The real threat lies behind the hard camera ,and how many are seated there


TNA took a single shot at competing with WWE and literally waved the white flag and gave up within like a month when they tried to go to Mondays. TNA has LONG accepted exactly what they are as a brand. The Dub and their basement of goofs think this shit is what all wrestling should be and can’t accept that their little experiment just isn’t working


I aspire to live life this blissfully ignorant


Meeting before the interview with CM Punk and evil Paula … Paula: hey, when you go there, spend all your time trashing AEW. I doubt Ariel will ask you anything about it so be sure you bring it back to AEW and put all the focus on that regardless of what Ariel asks you. Punk: You got it boss. 🫡


I can't believe WWE would put WrestleMania on at the beginning of April when everyone knows AEW did that one thing that one time at the beginning of April. WWE is so threatened by AEW.


AJ Styles will GLADLY talk shit about TNA I feel like


See guys. DUB is a threat. FED does fear for their life. The Good Guys haven't lost yet FED so petty. Of course, It's fine when DUB takes shots


But I thought they didn't have a monopoly anymore?


I wish I was this delusional.


It’s so funny they’d call this out though considering how often the biggest ex-Fed signings have to Fed bad as soon as their first paycheck from Tony clears.