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Big Bang Theory jokes aside They’re biggest draws were Cody then Punk Mox, Jerco were never draws


CM Punk was the whole reason I started watching to begin with. Back in 2019 I was on one of my off cycles with wrestling and didn't really pick back up on it until around 2021 and he was the main motivation for me to start watching it again. I was watching WWE and AEW every week but now all I watch is WWE because it really has everything I like in a wrestling show along with having some of my favorite flight Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Gunther and CM Punk.


I still remember when the people who were watching the NBA finals and then saw Jericho posted all kinds of tweets making fun of him


I started watching thanks to Jericho


Just the idea of a new promotion was the draw considering how bland fed was at the time


There's never been a promotion that began with so much good will


Nonsense. Everyone wanted them to fail from the beginning. It's not like people actually wanted them to succeed but have been driven away by their weird af fan base, army of "journalists" who spread misinformation to protect them, and their loveable owner.


Whether people liked the Fed or not, it was a new thing and had a lot of money so they could afford a bunch of the people that left the Fed and the favourite indies There's tons of shit from the early shows that was utter utter rubbish and the crowd went mad. There's stuff on shows now, if it happened back then, the smarks would have lapped it up but they don't like it as much now


Malakai Black when he feuded with Cody.


A new promotion existing was the draw because late 2010s WWE under Vince was absolute dog shit. And the dub had hints of something nice early on to be fair. But unfortunately marks, smarks, a toxic fanbase, and a manchild’s need for approval ruined it all beyond saving.


Nobody ever really has anything bad to say about Joe, but I guess I’d hardly call him a draw either


There were times when things seemed to have promise to actually draw and they were shut down in every way possible. Cody opting not to go for the title killed him from ever being able to be the big draw. Rusev joining when he was still a hot character and being paired with Kip Saban. Daniel Bryan becoming the best heel on TV and then they stuck him in the BCC. Punk actually starts drawing and people let jealousy end that brief period of growth. Now instead of building on your top free agents and your heavyweight champion you decide to try and make the guys that ran off Punk the focal point. It’s almost like they’ve intentionally tried to keep anyone from caring.


Mina shirakawa


Daniel Garsia David Graciano I don’t know some thing like that…the idiot that dances


Pizzeria Uno


Nobody is a draw in dub, they are unable to produce a draw even after 5 years, the whole company is full of wrestlers who are getting the millions with out the effort they put, like noway cope jericho sasha deserve millions now, they don't move the rating needle at all.


Cm punk was the only reason I tuned into aew. Cm punk vs Mjf was the only storyline that they have ever done right and we were robbed of the 2nd act.


Portlands finest Dykehausen


Maki Ohno


WHEELCHAIR YODA OBVIOUSLY! Do you not remember how he bled against Moxley? Instant Megastar


Sheldon. Always sheldon




I first started to hear buzz about AEW due to Cody, but ultimately tuned in later because Punk returned. I've personally never cared less about Jericho, he's just been OK to me and never got the appeal except for his entrance.


CM Punk. The only draw.


Potential. I got two episodes into the debut and they managed to bury him too. It seems to have become a pattern, bitch.


I was actually watching during the pandemic. I will give them credit pandemic AEW was pretty good. I gave up around the time Cobana got slapped in the crowd. But those two or three weeks were really good. Tried again w Punk but the wcw thunder vibes were too great. Haven’t watched since I’m hoping AEW is some kinda long form skit from a Portlandia reunion. That would be brilliant. It was never a wrestling show it was just a joke by Fred Arminson.


Jericho as Le Champion when AEW started was entertaining, until it wasn’t.