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Bro isn’t she like a glorified extra? Stop talking like you’re the lead in billion dollar box office shows.


She was remarkably forgettable in all 5 episodes across two seasons she was in


True Uce. To this day I can't remember her name without google. The best description is Bo Katan's sidekick


Kona Reeves?


The Finest?!?




How many minutes on screen did she actually have?


Like 5 minutes total And like 10 lines


DAE that Disney berried m'Mone?


Lol I heard about how delusional Sasha fans were but knew for certain how bad it was when they swore to me she’d make bank even if Tony didn’t sign her just by doing conventions. Yea sure random Mandalorian # whatever. Just raking it in on those sweet sweet Star Wars fans…😂


Considering how bad even her pretaped promos are, even that probably took days of shooting.


An extra?! I'll have you know that she briefly stood in the background a couple times! She might've even shook her head acknowledging someone once if I recall. Stop making a fool of yourself & stop trying to downplay her breakout mega-success fed shill!


I was so underwhelmed by those episodes and I only have the basement hype train to blame.


Til I'm just like Mercedes. Look for me this fall on The Righteous Gemstones.


Holy shit can I have your autograph


I'm gonna be in a scene with a pretty big star. If it shows right I definitely plan to give out autoed 8x10s as a gag gift :p


You and Walton Goggins dick double?


I tried for the nude scenes lol


Ooh I didn't know that was coming back this year. Good shit, uce.


In her defense, performing a jet pack-assisted hurricanrana on fucking Boba Fett was pretty cool and memorable. That’s about it though lol


Check imdb and get back to me, fed shill


IMDB the new Cagematch?!?


Her highlight is pretty much giving Boba Fett a tornado DDT


While he was wearing a helmet.


Did she botch that too?


Wasn’t she, at one point, trying to put herself forward for an Emmy nomination for her “featured extra” role?


There's a complilation on YouTube of all her scenes in The Mandalorian - it was like 2 minutes long lmao.


she wish she was dwayne johnson


I remember when this sub used to use her role to prove that the Fed is mainstream. How times change


Shut up dummy, I was talking to the rest of this sub, not you.


Hi LA Knight 👋


Ah yes, Le Baus appearing in a Star Wars series is the big deal. Not The Rock, John Cena, and Batista being three of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Wrestling is mainstream and she's the proof.


They are rinsing that man dry and I applaud them for it. Tony gives his own personal jet because let’s face it, it isn’t a company jet, he’s using his own jet to fly her to movie shoots and auditions when he’s already paying her millions. The biggest mark the industry has ever seen. 


They are all getting 5x their value in salary. To work 1 day a fortnight. And to just do what they want. I applaud them too


It sounds like a dream gig, tbh. But I say that as someone with zero work ethic.


It is the physical aspect imo, not a work ethic aspect. Look at how badly guys like Hogan or big show move.


Hulk Hogan has the greatest work ethic of all time. Wrestled 400 days in a year, Brother-Jack-Dude.


That's genuinely big, yeah. Not even talking joints, making your brain rattle around a lot for money isn't a good idea on paper unless it's every once in a while for a humongous bag and all the perks


“All the perks?” *Kurt Angle has entered the chat*


This will be in the documentary about the death of aew. Not that I hate the company, but it's bad business decision after another


He’s like a sugar daddy but instead of the occasional pity sex he gets repaid in “friendship”


and high match ratings from Meltzer


It’s his money shill, let him use it how he wants! (Unless it’s paying millions directly to her as payment for favors…)


I was a big Sasha fan and still dig her. I'll never direct ire towards wrestlers going to the company that pays them a bazillion dollars to do very little, though I will be disappointed that I personally won't enjoy them as much as they used to. Tldr get that bag I guess


Obviously you give the private jet to someone who has top billing in the Mandalorian


Pedro Pascal is All Elite?






She has like 3 scenes in 2 seasons


3 seasons Uce, don’t forget Book of Boba Ray Fett Testify!


are u spinning in a circle while saying that?


Currently getting the table


This is the way.


Sasha didn't even had that many lines either + I can't see how WWE could put restrictions in place on their talent if they choose to do some acting.


The restrictions were probably more about - "No, you need to be working a show that week" rather than "No filming!"


She's trying the Miro method of "filming".


Bro doin all that shit and still won’t get his hug


Ssshhh... True reasons should never be revealed


She was pissed because she was the champion while filming, so she was doing both. Nevermind that… 1. This was in February, so literally right before Mania. They didn’t want to take the title off of her. 2. Production was supposed to last only a few weeks (which is what happened). Thus no reason for her to miss any shows. 3. All of Sasha’s interviews at the time were overwhelming in praise at how she appreciated the busy schedule and it made her look like more of a star to the Star Wars team. We could keep going, but FEDBAD.


And then she delivered one of her two lines and they were like fuck.


Thanks for fighting the good fight, fellow soldier 😎🫡


Y'all aren't supposed to get worked in here. Top tier.


First job wants priority over the second job. That's the way it works everywhere, even in television and movies. You would think a CEO knows that


After seeing her promos in AEW, it’s starting to make sense why she doesn’t have many speaking roles in the Mandalorian… if any…


How much bath water you think she has to give him?




Yeah he gives off foot fetish vibes


Nah, that’s almost too normal, he’s gotta be into the ankles or something, maybe the back of the knee


This cracked me


He's definitely making her submit her dirty ring gear to him the weird fooker


Tiny may not be able to hug Trabant Tabloons but he can certainly hug her ring gear!


It's probably like that weird House of the Dragon feet scene.


Tony: Mercedes would you like to fly my private jet, Air Disappointment? My daddy named it after me!


Air Force FUN


He literally got finessed into wasting 5 months of an overpriced salary with her not even wrestling.


That was some straight up legendary carny shit right there. Good for her. Whip that mark.


He's also got Megan Bayne and Kamille under contract for who knows how long and neither have started yet. If Kamille is signed I'm sure she made bank but she's gonna be joining to Riho on ROH soon enough


So great! Tony is such a good guy. So wholesome! 🤗🤗🤗 Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I need to go track that evil Taylor Swifts private jet. Can you believe the audacity? The world's climate is going to hell & she's using a private jet for trivial stuff. I'm so glad people vandalized it. Such a piece of shit.


If she made an appearance on an AEW show she would be Forgiven©. 🤓 DAE Tay-Tay is Wholesome© and Refreshing©???


Taytay is a fed head e-drone! https://preview.redd.it/x0epdlvwkc9d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97344ccff9c80f73604ccade857d8fdf5767d65e


I blame Jeff Jarret.






We Stan an environmental murderer


Sasha Banks had restrictions while filming the Mandalorian while still in WWE? I wonder what they were. ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Probably nothing, she’s just lying.


Smh she acts like she’s way more famous than she really is (unless she moves to the Fed, in which case I retract my statement). Also I can’t help but to visualize Mone asking tiny for his jet from 10 feet away lol


Her “millions” of fans migrating to Fed wrestlers like Liv and Tiffany proves she’s not.


Her fans can’t be into Tiffany now.  Tiffy is actually good.


Well they certainly aren’t with Bentley Eros anymore considering they don’t watch the product.


It will be funny if she ever desires to come back to the evil fed. *RING RING RING " Hey Hunter its me Mercedes, The CEO, what do you mean you're not interested in me returning?"


She'll eventually use Tony's(dad's) jet to fly to CT when/if she signs a new deal with Da E. It will be interesting to see the double 180 certain fans do on her when she Goes Home To WWE©. 😭 DAE Traitor who was never any good??? 🤩 DAE Future HOF'er!!!


She’ll eventually crawl back to Fed. And Hunter will make sure she has a stipulation in her contract that she gets dinged pretty hard if she pulls that stunt again.


I guess. 🤷🏽‍♂️ If people who were on the outs with much worse reported discretions, perhaps she'd be welcomed back without animus. At least not from her co-workers, can't speak to members of the fanbase who seem to have a serious hate-boner for her. I'm not a fan of hers in or out of ring but she's been prime goofin' material so it's all good.


She'll have to put over a younger talent and she'll walk out again.


She is impressively unlikeable


All time carny grifter tho. Not a fan of hers in or out of ring, but much respect to her for conning Tony out of a bug chunk of his inheritance.


And YET she’s a baby face in Tiny Clowns dying promotion figure that out!


Yeah... Such an Oscar worthy actress shouldn't be kept bound by anyone


Telling us what we already know: Fed Bad because they don't give me everything and *anything* that I want, Dub Good because Tiny gives me everything and *anything* I want because he's a Money Mark desperate for friends and to beat The Filthy Fed.


Tony loves putting his shows at risk by allowing his talent to have outside employment.


You wait until Miro's show comes out. I think they have already filmed 5 seasons ahead of time.


She and Ambrose/Moxley were the only two who seemed odd while being interviewed by Austin. Everyone else seemed like they were being themselves. She especially seemed like she was unsure if she was in kayfabe or not. 


Wait, so your actual job didn't let you off work to do a side job!?!? How dare they. On a shallow note, she looks prettier without the wigs and drag makeup.


I know they’d never admit it but for the edgy try hard landscape of the dub… surely dark hair and minimal makeup would be the look with the most chance of getting her over? She could be a silent (please) badass who wins all the time, never bleeds unlike that Fraud m’ox’l’ey


No jerk. I think the ego has gone beyond simple "heel work" and it's just straight delusion. They still let her film the mandalorian, so I don't understand why she's criticizing. It still happened. Mercedes is high on her own supply. Well, now Tony's


Did she mention she was on the Mandalorian?


Jesus christ how narcisstic is this chick. She quit WWE because they weren't booking her with the proper level of respect(She was tag team champ at the time). She legit thinks she's so special she needs a private jet.


I mean if I get offered private jet privileges I’ll be taking full advantage of it too


I would too but the way she's talking about implies that TK is a better boss because he treats her the way she feels she deserves.


How many things has she filmed since joining the dub? Having the ability to fly wherever you want is kinda irrelevant when nobody wants you to film anything.


Would she have even been hired without the fed lmao??? If I’m doing auditions and someone “famous” with hours of acting I can use to judge them is here, I’m using that and uhh for Honda… she ain’t getting a role in The Room let alone Star Wars 


Glup Shitto is #AllElite


Her role was slightly more than a cameo because of the Fed. She’ll get a lot of screen time now. 


So a perfect example of AEW pissing money away that any serious for profit business wouldn't do.


the only reason you even got that job because of wwe lmao


She legit only got the role because she was in wwe. Shut up mate


Hmm, I don't really like stomping on opinion with wrestlers because I legit love when they're getting the flowers they deserve. However I don't find Mercedes half as good as she says she is. When she says she was one of the main figures behind the women's revolution, I'm like...really? Does anyone think she did more, or even close to the amount of things that: Trish, Lita, Charlotte, Becky, Alexa, Bayley, Bianca, (In her "short" tenure)...did for women's wrestling? I don't think she's that talented. I really don't. Her mic skills leave a lot to be desired, and a lot of her in-ring work comes across as very amateur or sloppy at times. Most of her Meteora's look terrible and on the verge of injuring someone. Her gimmick in AEW is meh. The dance + music are both cringe. Has she had many memorable matches? I can think of her and Bayley in NXT but to me; no one has a bad match with Bayley. Kind of like how no one has a bad match with Bret or Bryan Danielson. I legitimately love seeing wrestlers change my mind. Like, Julia Hart? Man, I thought she'd never get it. She absolutely gets it now. Anna Jay as well. Hell, even Nia Jax has shown improvement. I don't get it. What am I missing? I don't understand why she is treated like such a big deal. I don't. Fucking. Get. It.


She’s treated like a big deal because The Ant pays a lot of money for her. So what if most of the roster can speak better than her (only just in some cases but still) or that they can wrestle better than her. She gets paid the most, therefore she’s the best. It’s like football(soccer for the sickos) The player getting paid the most rn is a washed up old man in Saudi Arabia, not any of the more talented youngsters or adults in the world 


Is this real? I have no doubt it’s true, it’s just wild that she would openly say it. ‘Yeah, Tony gives me a private jet whenever I want’ They just openly gloat about fleecing this doofus.


"Even doing the Mandalorian..." You ain't done nothing else.


You can get all these unlikely add ons as part of your deal when the company giving them to you isn't beholden to anyone to make a profit Sounds like, all in all, she made the right choice and no reason to bring up 'why I didn't join the Fed' months later again and again


Thank you Tony. Truly cares about the talent. Doesn’t care about story or character but cares about the actual human being. Nobody would ever take advantage of Tony’s kindness and love for the sickos


He flies an ostrich in from England every week in first class bruv, are we surprised moan is getting the private jet? ![gif](giphy|2fJ3kgoTA96EwddgCZ|downsized)


Someone should tell her it's not 1980 and shes not the nature boy, bragging about frivolous jet use doesnt go over in 2024


Didn’t know Bo Katan wrestles for the dub? Oh she’s not Brother you ain’t even the Armorer


Funnily enough, she's only in the position to be in a Stars Wars show because of the WWE.


She is really is full of herself if she thinks that her character in that show even matters. I honestly don't think 80 to 90 percent of people who have watched the show even remember her character's name.


Like I think Mercedes is talented as hell, despite her recent showings and absolutely abysmal promo performances her entire career, but it’s very hard to tell where the whole CEO heel character ends and her own insanely massive ego begin. Talking like this is embarrassing, especially now that if she was to go back to WWE, she’d be upper mid carded best with all the new talent and upcoming faces.


She was in the Mandalorian as a glorified extra and despite Dubbalos insisting she is a recurring character never showed up in any kind of acting role after that happened 5 years ago


He’s gonna want to hug her so bad after this.


Internet good boy points are All Elite! Heaping Highfather Tony with praise will keep him happy. Seriously tho, why should I give a shit about employee perks granted to millionaires by (sons of) billionaires? Good for them, but yeesh. Give it a rest. 😂


When the #1 Moné Mark hears you fed bad. https://i.redd.it/xmqn83cnjc9d1.gif


She’s a nobody on that show.. is she dreaming?? If she didn’t show up, who would give a 💩? She is not the star.. she kinda sucks


If you need it…which is never.


Please show me the shows you are in now Mercedes? Oh yeah? It’s none because you threw away mainstream exposure for Tiny Clowns money!


I’ve seen better performances from the yearly wwe cameo in psych.


Welcome to the real world miss CEO, in which you have to be available for the company that pays you thousands if not millions to be on their shows and products. It sucks that Triple H doesn't kiss your ass and spare you a private jet available to you if you wanted to do a side job, but that doesn't make him or WWE bad by any mean.


So she essentially gave up the tag titles to do a 30 second scene for a character that most people thought was dead


AEW really thinks they're seen as down to earth by constantly mentioning their private jets


They're a small upstart company, you see.


Ok, I before commented on this sub that Tiny was actually kind for once lending him his jet, even though she's already a rich woman, but whatever. I'd like to retract that statement, because wtf. She acts like she was the star of the show when she had a minor role. And demanding private jets all the time. Why? Well, did the CEO act in something else after that show ran it's course? How arrogant and full of herself can one person be? That's why she fits like a glove in the dub. She can be as arrogant and pathetic as she likes, the mark owner will always pay her fat checks. How dare the fed try to manage their wrestler and not let her do as she pleases, even though she is supposed to wrestle


Let's not pretend her being in AEW is anything other than her having a hissy fit about doing a job and walking out, then finding out to come back they aren't going to pay her as much. Let's also not mention her saying before she even debuted on AEW that she wants to go back to WWE and will do one day. Only to find out to get to use the man childs private jet, she has to be a good toy and chirp Fed bad.


So what I’m understanding is she didn’t want to sacrifice one for the other. She found someone who will let her do both. Good for her. But also every other superstar who’s had movie roles in WWE likely had to deal with those same things. I guess you get to be on a high horse when you’re the CEO-CEO-CEO


Tony gets two hand jibbers a year from her in that private jet. Totally worth it. That’s what half million per HJ? Yep totally worth it.


She was written off / killed. One of the worst actors on that show, delivered her lines like reading a teleprompter


I always felt like she was on leave more often than not in her last few years with WWE. I might be misremembering that, but it seemed like she often disappeared for months on end.


Yeah but what does CFO Rolls Royce Moneyzzzzz have to say?


I, too, would like a high paying job that I can take time away from whenever I want for however long that I want.


wonder what Disney restrictions were.... we're heard about Marvel actors.


Id love to work for someone who basically worships me, overpays me, and lets me do whatever the hell I want too.


Oh no, your job expects you to be there at your scheduled times. Fed bad.


I do think WWE dragging their feet for fucking Star Wars which is way bigger than they are or ever will be is crazy, but why is the private jet a sticking point?


Didn’t he or someone else close to him say that he wishes people would stop bringing up the whole private jet thing?


Who gets upset when their boss doesn’t roll over to allow you to go make money for somebody else? I’m sure they crunched the numbers and realized it’s better for their company to have you there for Raw than the 2 people who might become fans based on you being in the background of a show on Disney plus… Also F the environment take my private jet for no good reason!


She had like 3 fucking lines and most of her scenes could be completed with a stand-in since she wears that helmet most of the time.


I’ve never seen one cameo be so overrated ever, my god she had one fucking cameo LMFAOOO


Wouldn’t be surprised if Banks and Snowman end up together


Just let her keep talking about how Tony is treating her special. I’m sure that won’t have a negative moral effect on the rest of the locker room. I’m sure Brit feels like she is really appreciated.


So a billionaire provides a millionaire a jet and I'm supposed to rejoice? Meanwhile ticket prices continue to be raised for 1/10th filled arenas making it unaffordable for hard working fans to go see a show. But hey at least the billionaire let the millionaire use his jet. #Priorities


What an insufferable twat..


The way y'all twist yourselves into a pretzel to take this woman's words and make them something they're not should be studied. Or maybe not because I know how misogynistic wrestling fans are. "I took this other job opportunity because it works better with my schedule," is completely reasonable, but not for the goofies! So unlikeable! What an ego! She was just an extra on the show (as if she has ever claimed anything but)!! Y'all mad that when you eat chicken wings you don't get noticed by Jon Favreau? 


She was in that show?


Yeah basically played a sidekick to another character. Had a fight scene and maybe two lines of dialogue.


✨filming in LA✨


The delusion is real in the dub


Yeah I'm sure they're just pounding on her door with more acting roles now that she's in AEW🙄


Flying in Mercedes on a private jet to do a promo should result in a carbon tax 


Don’t worry, opportunities in Hollywood are no longer a concern.


To think that there are people that would gladly smell this lady's farts... Go be a glorified entertainer in the company of that mark with money


It's like lighting shitload of money on fire. When someone has plenty of something, it ceases to be of any worth to them. Way to go, coky khan.


WWE seems so annoying to work for. "hey! dont have athletic hard hitting matches!" " Hey! definitely do not get movie roles! read this boring ass script and have these super simple matches!"


Tbf, she has a point. Khan supporting their acting careers is a huge bonus to there employment opportunities


I know people like to pretend bad faith criticism of AEW doesn’t exist but how do you read “it was pulling teeth to get time off” and then spin the issue as “they wouldn’t let me use a private jet”. One is reasonable and the other makes her look entitled and uppity, no surprise people chose the lie that makes the unrelatable look bad. If Mercedes is as horrible as people here like to pretend why just make shit up lol