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The basement waving this away with *"but Covid"* while forgetting about the after show hotel parties was truly hilarious.


And that she even suggested she attend to watch the wrestling practice, and was turned down.


With an excuse too like they're bunking off school *"I don't need to, I'm injured"* 😁


Why is it only dub threads that get ~~excuses~~ clarifying flair?


Having Madusa personally invite you to a training session for free and you say 'I have a doctors note I don't need to learn today'. Whoever said that doesn't need to be in the wrestling business.


I desperately want to know who this was. I hope she does reveal. I have some guesses, but that's just me being messy.


Gotta be Britt


Absolutely it's Britt; hell I would bet money on it She a dentist by trade who has said that she'll likely never giving up her practice She doesn't need wrestling & she knows it; the reason she was hired back at the start of AEW was because of her relationship with Adam Cole so the Bucks & Kenny did him a favor so that he was more likely to join when his WWE contract expired To their credit it worked


Adam Cole sucks though so it backfired


Remember when they made a whole “Total Divas” style show to focus on how Britt was Americas Sweetheart and the hardest working woman in wrestling? And within half an episode she showed she was political, conniving and an awful gossip? Then the whole female locker room was shown to follow suit.


She wrote her own note


Honestly, it could be a number of them


I’d bet Britt Baker, Dentist girl. Has been injured for a while, is injured on and off but appeared on screen for previous injuries.


Seems like britt baker to me, she is still bad after so much time


She did say she may do so in a future episode, so we'll see.


It rhymes with Shitt Taker


Malakai Black???


The Undertaker??


I immediately thought Britt as well. It’s clearly someone that still works there, and thinks highly enough of themselves (and their position in the company) that they felt it was okay to tell a legend to go sod.


If you feel you don't need to learn anymore in any profession you need to get the fuck out. Imagine a doctor saying this lmao


every day the scrum rant becomes more understandable


What did Madusa do to deserve some empty headed dumb fuck not going into business for themselves at all


I mean a doctor saying that about her casual basketball team on the side is fine. It's Tony who's paying them for doing badly at their hobby. Not the talent's fault they're getting paid for being whack and not wanting to learn, as far as I'm concerned. I'd take the money too


I feel like this applies to a lot of middle management.


They’re a serious, serious injury just waiting to happen. Bookmark this thread. It will be a big “I fucking told you so” to Tiny.


Why would you train when your boss is soft as butter and you’re being paid 350k to rock up to arenas and sit in catering


I don't NEED to is telling They're really 'getting away' with something REEEEEEE they want me to learn


An injured women’s wrestler signed to the dub? Could’ve been literally any single one of them.


yeah we can see the lack of training in the content they put out on tv.


Why'd there be a training session? They obviously know their promo work (Marina Shafir) and how to kiss and seduce and make the dubbalos howl.


You don’t know her


Yes i do


You know her
you don’t know her!


It shows on TV how awful they are. When you have a spineless leader without any direction, you’ll get a bunch of lazy workers, so no wonder their fans find them relatable. Their lack of discipline will always reflect by turning a shit product


As I always say, no one is being held to any standard cause Tiny doesn't know what he's looking at He cannot judge good or bad in ring work or tell someone to work on this or tighten up that


AEW "where the best wrestle" I'm already the best! I don't need these fossils training me!!


Look at the verb. Best. We ain’t here to best.


One of the most brilliant parts of WWE having NXT is being able to clearly see who's there to learn and who's there to earn.


On NXT if you’re there just for a check, you’ll never see TV. Unless you’re excellent at the smoke and mirrors usually the dopes get weeded out. Unless you’re Parker Boudreaux


Dopes...weed....do you smoke Uce?!


Because Tony doesn't have authority. What is he gonna do, fire them? Lol Say what you want about Vince but he had authority and while he did give leeway to some of his top stars, unproven talent could never act like this


Vince made all wrestlers report to the PC just before they went back on the road so they can get into ring shape and be ready for the schedule after Covid.


>Because Tony doesn't have authority. What is he gonna do, fire them? Lol He told them to do House shows and they told him no. Imagine telling your boss "No, that's not what we agreed upon my working schedule, I'm not working more than what *I* feel like working" and he says "OK" and just drops it.


I mean, I do tell my boss that I'm only working my agreed hours all the time. Almost everyone should. Now, free training that improves my skillset and improves my long term employability, that's a different story. Almost everyone should be all over that.


See I agree with this, you shouldn't work more than you are scheduled. The issue is that most jobs people aren't being paid what they should and are worth to have a good living. These guys are being paid more than they are worth and aren't adding any revenue to the company and allowed to do stuff that they know won't draw an audience. People like to call what Punk said about contracts ruining wrestling to be anti worker rights, but don't understand what exactly he was saying. AEW is an example of how guaranteed contracts can hurt a company. None of the wrestlers who have pull or are Top guys are trying to save the company. Mox knows death matches don't fill stadiums and that House shows help talent get rips in. Danielson knows that if he had the belt and someone beat him with a storyline it would help establish someone. He was literally the man that Kofi beat to get his belt. Again, Tony should have made it in his contacts that wrestlers had to go to provided trainings, so to make sure everyone knows how to wrestle for AEW or television in general.


You're not on the entertainment business or sports and if this is what is scheduled, it's expected It's like being booked for more TV and the other shows or ROH, this shit would generally be in the contracts for wrestling, unlike our real jobs and being asked to stay late, etc


Its an absolute cheat code. Not only do they get to work when they want, they also get paid AS IF they were working all the time


The house show thing was hilarious on a number of levels First, Tiny *still* refused to match up his main people. Absolutely terrified of them facing each other and one having to lose. Who would pay to watch that? Secondly, it ruined the utopia Tiny promised, everyone REEEEEE'd and he stopped Forget that it may help the company financially and also help wrestlers to work more regularly


And he believes the bullshit he says publicly about everything being fine. It’s not fine, it’s a shit show, and not putting your foot down to make your employees take it seriously is how you know he either believes it, or he’s made of bitch and unwilling to confront anyone about his program that’s rapidly declining.


Not the match, but practice.... https://preview.redd.it/op8c8ifa4d9d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd182a5c5b914db2aae325a0f610879cebebb471


"I'm supposed to be Britt Baker DMD and we in here talking about practice."


>“So we were getting ready to start, and I’m like, ‘Where’s everybody?’ And he’s like, ‘Well, it’s voluntary.’ And I’m like, ‘So it’s free? You got Dustin Rhodes training the girls, where are they? Why aren’t they here?’ And I was a little baffled. He’s like, ‘Di, it’s the kids. What am I going to say? It’s the new kids of today.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, okay, that was respectfully said, I get it, but isn’t it mandatory? I mean, half or more of them are under contracts, they’re getting paid, shouldn’t they just be here to show up too?’ I’m like, ‘Because back then, the girls’ work sucked. It was a [__] show, man. They were all basically learning, and no bad things to them, there was just no direction. Who wouldn’t take advantage of that?’ >“So anyway, I went and I was talking, and then the next day I saw some girls and they walked out and I’m like, ‘Oh my God, hi! How are you?’ And they’re like, ‘Oh, hi, nice to meet you, Medusa.’ And I said, ‘Great. We had practice yesterday, we have it now. Are you coming?’ And she turned to me and said, ‘Practice? I don’t have to go.’ And I said, ‘What do you mean you don’t have to go?’ She said, ‘I’m on the injured list.’ I looked at her and she had her makeup all done, she’s walking just fine, everything’s fine. But sometimes, internally, you just don’t know. She goes, ‘Yeah, I have a doctor’s note. I don’t need to go, I don’t have to practice.’ And I said, ‘Well, you look great to me. Why can’t you sit outside the ring and learn something?’ She goes, ‘It’s voluntary, and I don’t need to show.’ >I’m not saying this person’s name for a reason because I’ll mention it probably later in another episode, but it really opened my eyes to how the women, not all of them, may look at this business as a meal ticket, as money only, or do they really respect it? Are they that much of a c***? You know what I’m saying?”


I had the fortunate opportunity to help out at a show where Robbie E (Robert Stone) did a lil meet and greet and seminar with the roster of the company and pretty much every wrestler on the roster was there for it. The idea of not even bothering to attend a training session with someone who is legendary in the industry using a doctor's note as an excuse is just baffling to me, especially when you're going to be on TV that night because your makeup is already done.


They get paid so much money for doing nothing, why should they bother? No incentive from the owner to strive and get better because no one is rewarded based on outcomes of effort, just on whether or not they are the favorite toy of the week.


“What am I going to say? Its the new kids of today” Jesus even Dustin is scared to be a leader. There is no one there who takes any form of control


Control means responsibility. Responsibility means success gets you Young Bucked.


He knows if he says anything they will politic him out of his cushy job himself. There's no incentive to speak up and do anything about it when the owner doesn't care. Tony just wants them all to call him the best boss ever and be his friend and hug him while taking his money. He doesn't want to make them do anything they don't want to do but is best for business and will actually keep them safe and keep them from looking like morons on television.


> There is no one there who takes any form of control What control does Dustin have? He can try with those who are willing to learn, but he's not in a position to make anybody listen.


He *could* say to Tony, in his role as a vet, we need to get some of the women more up to speed I'd imagine he's not overly interested in training people that don't *want* to be there either though This comes from the top though and Khan doesn't think anyone needs improving cause he's not 'from' the business and has no clue who needs to work on what


The biggest name in the business tried to take control and was rewarded with being assaulted backstage, having a whisper campaign directed against him, blatant disrespect from lower card wrestlers who never drew a dime, and ultimately losing his job. If that is what happened to HIM, what difference is Dustin going to make? Better to wrestle as safe as you can, put your shoulders on the mat for a 180 lb. goof and collect your check.


Everything he spoke at that media scrum was true, these jackasses couldn't even manage a lemonade stand forget Target.


This is why I honestly think when people say Mox, Edge or Bryan are locker room leaders is more hearsay. It's more that they don't get in the way or call out people's behavior and just mind thier own buisiness. Mox doesn't come off as if he's leader and seems to just keep to himself. The most we have gotten out of him was that he was tired of all the leaking at AEW. Danielson gets to have the matches he wants and wrestle in a way that will damage him with no one to stop him. He also doesn't realize how he got over, because you can just look at Yuta and realize despite being in a stable with people who are considered main stars , it has done him no favors. Edge is just having the matches he wants and wants to blame just the fans for tribalism despite his boss trying to profit off of the tribalism.


Locker room leader means they're famous from the Fed and nice to everyone


Yup, that’s Britt. I’d put a fiver on it.


That's the company culture Tony fostered. We literally have video of Tony boasting that he didn't need a performance center because he has shows like dark and elevation. Tony fawns over and gives significant screen time to indie darlings who sold one hundred tickets on the indie circuit. Since those guys got the big pay day from Tony, they don't see any benefit to continuing to hone their craft. Doesn't help that Tony listens to the fans who think WWEs more hands-on approach to talent development is a "sports entertainment" trait and an insult to the performance art of "professional wrestling". Will quickly bought into the company culture. Triple H didn't even name Will during his appearance on the pat Macafee show when Triple H made those remarks about not wanting people who are unwilling to Grind and Will, Tony, and the "sickos" they book this company acted like Triple H was a bitter asshole who "failed" to sign Will. Let the wrestlers be wrestlers and bank on the audience forgiving their on-screen botches while punching above their weight by taking pot shots at WWE every chance they get. That's the company culture and that's why the causal fans are giving up on the current AEW product.


What does that stupid bitch know about m’womens wrestling?!?!




"This technique will keep you from needing neck surgery in a few years." "Stupid boomer." \*gets suplexed on head\*


https://preview.redd.it/hl9ia3mdoe9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e34b57d47ed5b21715df0ef87ca3337dbd039dd Never forget


pEoPlE lEaRn DiFfErEnTlY Guess where people can be trained differently? At the PC They believe it's some conveyor belt This phrase became some get out and smarks and smarky wrestlers swallowed it hook, line and sinker The notion a multi million dollar facility, set up by a top wrestler (HHH) to help improve every aspect of your work is not a good place to learn is freaking hilarious Anyone saying that is guaranteed not getting to the Fed, for sure


And also like, what is the similarity of Tiffy and Thea? That their blonde?


Who needs training when you can just show your ass and kiss your opponent for a pop


Just goes to show why WWE’s method of recruiting is far better. Getting collegiate athletes makes sense because these are people who’ve spent their whole lives getting feedback and wanting to be better. They know how important coaching. It makes sense why so many wrestlers in dub have failed WWE tryouts.


That is why aew sucks


I don't get this shit. Even if Tony has no authority over them, don't you want to get better? The training is free, ffs. You're learning form actual professionals. What's the harm in doing the training? At worst, you don't find it useful and you wasted a few hours. Even if AEW is just a paycheck for you, do you not want a shot at wrestling somewhere else in the future? This is stupid and lazy.


And you would think these people who paved the way for the wrestlers of today -- Madusa, Jake, Arn, Tully -- would get respect from people who WANT to be wrestlers.


Madusa is not the first vet to tell of this attitude there


"Where the best wrestle" this ain't a joke for them they actually believe this shit, that's why no pc no training, go and get injured


See the difference is that for some people, AEW is just a pay check, but for others, wrestling itself is just a pay check If AEW sticks around for a while longer, you’ll get some friends if it’s upper talent getting basic trained just to get a nepo job with Tony for the free money


They're 'getting away with it' The Fed is where they make them do yucky training and the Dub is the dreamland that doesn't tell people what to do! That's why they're where the best wrestle, they learned everything on the indies. What else can career veterens that have worked at the top tell them ...


The thread about this next door yesterday was a treat, the comments were straight out of SC 2021. They were hilariously very upset.


It’s crazy how every single veteran says this about the AEW locker room and the basement says “nuh uh!” and no one on the roster ever gets any better. I’m genuinely racking my brain trying to think of anyone who has gotten better while working for AEW and I can’t think of anyone.


"I'm already paid, why do I need to train?"


I’m already paid, why do I need to work?


Oh hi Miro. What’s it been, 4 years now of collecting a check to not come to work?


I make the same amount of money either way, why should I improve?


Is having one's head up their butt mandatory for this company or something


Wow, AEW is really where the best wrestle one day a week if that.


Get Meiko Satomura in there or Emi Sakura and they'll whip those has-beens into shape. But then again, they wouldn't even waste their time, training a bunch of scrubs.


Meiko Satomura is in WWE, but Emi Sakura IS their lead women's trainer.


Emi is too busy running her apartment wrestling.


ChocoPro is more cringe than ever now that they have an in-studio audince


Mods please add a tag that she was talking about 2021 or some horseshit that doesn’t actually change anything she said.


Talking about people not caring when she threw her belt in the trash. The word betrayed was used.


Wow I can’t imagine the arrogance of basically shunning one of the greatest of all time. Alundra Blayze basically got me to start paying attention to ladies wrestling seriously other than maybe the Jumping Bomb Angels or Sherri Martel who isn’t with us anymore. This is really disappointing to hear, even with all the bullshit you usually hear about this company. I hope she does eventually reveal who it is.


Indie wrestler mentality. (Idk fr, its just seems like the right thing to say)


Yeah whatever Grandma, I'll go out there and botch if I FEEL LIKE IT🖕🖕


Who the fuck is Madusa? Who the fuck does this no talent hack think she is?! I mean what did she even do in this business?!


The beast with two backs with Big Sexy


There are two women in AEW who run schools. One of them is kind of sketchy, and the other has run afoul of the mean girls club.


"Avoiding the groind" isn't *just* a meme.


Flash news Madusa that's what Tiny is to all these wrestler, He's just a meal ticket.


They were busy shopping for more clown makeup and hair extensions. Priorities bro.


Tay said 2-3 years ago that she could have the average matches and everyone backstage in dub would give her appreciation for it, compared to when she was in NXT and people told her that it sucked. Back then I was such a dub shill that I thought that was awesome.


Hilarious how this is nowhere to be seen in the basement. They’ll post the latest Bischoff take or whoever else so they can clown on them, yet when it comes to actual critique from someone who worked there they stick their heads in the sand.


In theory aew should be the best possible place to ask veterans for advice train and get better. Madusa, Dustin, Arn, Mark Henry, Regal etc My god 😭


What is Mercedes mcduck


You leave Bimmer Pesos out of this.


Female talent shows a doctors note to Madusa. Doctor's note says: Trust me bro


Madusa is a has been she can't show superstars like Anna Jay, Skye Blue or Julia Hart anything. Bitter Fed shill.


Dub sucks


Spoiler : it was training for a driving a monster truck. Talent didn’t show cuz they use Uber.


If you’re not willing to learn under someone like Dustin Rhodes then get the fuck out of the business.


It’s unbelievable that you turn down an opportunity like that especially when a lot of those girls could use as much training time as they can get.


The rules are no gym and no learning to wrestle Dave will pretend it was good and give you stars and that's all you need


Isn't this what every legend has said about their time in the company?


You tell 'em Deuce!


She was legit ahead of her time re US women ring style. Loved me some Deucey back in the day. đŸ„°đŸ€© I'd wager she could teach some of the dudes in that locker room. Hell, she threw a better punch than 90% percent of that roster. 😂


This 'respect the business' thing is so stupid.


Eh I don’t respect my work or employer either that shit is just for money good for them


work was optional during covid


Work is optional in AEW all of the time.


Nothing says leadership skills like: * Holding training sessions and not giving a shit enough to encourage anyone to come because you're getting the same paycheck either way * "Why aren't people born in the late 90s/early 00s ***EXACTLY LIKE ME*** growing up in the 70s and 80s?????" * Going on a podcast to talk shit instead of attempting to get any of this under control This coming from two people who's greatest accomplishments are painting themselves gold and throwing a belt in a trash can (and then basically never being on tv again)


Dustin had far more accomplishments than “painting himself gold” ffs. I won’t bother with the rest of your expert opinion here, but that’s an absurd dismissal of a noteworthy career, and frankly she did more than throw a belt in the trash herself.


Dustin blew every push he got. Madusa had some good matches with Bull on Raw in the mid 90s and threw her belt in the trash can for a company that didn't even feature women's wrestling. What am I missing?


Pretty much everything that made them excellent workers and coaches. Dustin was training all the new guys in the ring since he was in WWE (most notably Sheamus), and Madusa was a trainer at the WCW Power Plant (if I’m remembering correctly). Just because their onscreen careers weren’t the next coming of Flair and Hogan doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy teachers. In fact, I think we can count on one hand the number of top main eventers that are coaches.


Wait why is it Alundra’s responsibility (who doesn’t even work for AEW) to get the girls to learn how to do their job? If I go into Burger King and the staff is having a raw meat snowball fight, it’s not my bad if it makes them look bad if I report it. WTF And I’m assuming the last part is just memeing.


Because this comment implies that all of the fault is on these damn ungrateful kids that won't get off my lawn. Yeah the young wrestlers should care, but do you honestly think they have an environment fostering giving a shit? Amazing how WWE is also full of wrestlers in the same age group and doesn't have this problem. Fair enough that she doesn't work there but if she cares so much she can help. She's just talking shit to talk shit.


??? The environment is paying for free schooling on their job and they don’t want to go. It’s like bitching about being hungry but your mom made dinner an hour ago you just didn’t want to leave the basement.


>The environment is paying for free schooling on their job and they don’t want to go. On a voluntary basis, when it should be mandatory. And please tell me what Dustin ever does besides make passive aggressive tweets and having the occasional match on Rampage. You run a shitty company from the top down, you get shit. Going on podcasts and crying about it certainly doesn't help. Maybe have some internal meetings and find a solution instead. Find me one clip of HBK whining that "kids don't listen" nonsense and I'll take back every point I've made.


Why are you acting like the people who work at AEW aren’t adults? They can be held to account for their actions. TK should make it mandatory & they should be wanting to improve on their own. Both can be true and it’s weird you think it’s the people calling out the Bullshit who are at some level of fault


I honestly can't tell if I'm not articulating this well or you're intentionally missing my point.


Leadership is top down. It starts and ends with tony---a billionaires kid who loves pro wrestling and willing to blow hundreds of millions on it. We could've got Bruce Wayne but ended up with Billy madison.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt


how dare you jerk from that side and bring up an interesting view point, we only jerk with our other hand around here fella (the dub bad hand)


Dub bad!