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**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4056) by *Dr Dan*


They both are. The first one was the original, the second one is the remade one to comply with CC BY-SA


Oh ok. That's happened to some other famous photos like SCP-049's.


and 173


I thought the original artist deliberately wanted their replaced. Not sure if it's the same as 096s change.


It's not that they wanted it replaced; they were fine with it being used as 173 so long as the copyright remained his, and he didn't want to be bothered with SCP stuff. The problem is, people kept bothering him about it. So, out of goodwill, the wiki team *of their own volition* decided to remove the original image. Which, IMO, was a good choice.


I knew the wiki team changed it of their own volition, but I thought the motive was different. I thought the original artist didn't want the design being used commercially, meaning 173's terms of use weren't the same as the rest of the wiki's, and although that was fine for a while, eventually the wiki team decided they didn't want that to be the case anymore.


They changed it?


Damn, I've been away from the wiki for too long. I didn't even realize the change happened.


Find two hobos and show each a different picture. The one whose shredded remains make the evening news tomorrow saw the real one


More specifically they need to be on different continents so we have the added collateral damage to double check


shredded remains of one guy will not be the only effect


Ethics Committee’s number one priority: this person


Two of which in-universe are basically photos taken in different places coincidentally having 096 in it. If we're being technical both images are the 'real' ones


actually these are intended to be the same image, the first one was just replaced by the second


huh. the second picture is from 096’s wiki page, where’s the first one from?


Also from the wiki page, just a few years prior.


I remember the first one being the original picture on 096’s page, so both are correct.


The first one is from, I believe, a YouTube video called 096 by MrKlay


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4056) by *Dr Dan*


Well, that's easy. Just show one person one picture and another person the other. Whenever one of them dies, you know which was the real one


i’ve showed you all both so let’s see


Jokes on you I had my scramble gear active.


Of course, the scramble gear does have that bug where it lets a single frame of unscrambled footage through.


That *bug can't be fixed. According to the interview, computer recognition is fast, but not faster than light. That's how the entire Zulu MTF squad died. Edit: The person who made Project:SCRAMBLE was Dr. Daniel "Dan" [REDACTED], and the team that perished due to the SCRAMBLE Mistake was Tau-1. The info was taken from Incident 096-1-A.


Like the other guys said, SCRAMBLE only failed because they didn't just... think to delay the image. SCRAMBLE uses a digital camera to record, censor, and then display the images, right? There will already be a very slight delay. Having a second, very small delay, should be a negligible change.


It's not that they didn't *think* to delay the image. They did. It was intentionally faulty to drive the point home to the O5s that 096 has to be killed, instead of just locked away and hope nothing goes wrong. Same with the mountain photo; it was planted. That's the point of the Incident. It was staged. Hence why the doctor is to be executed after he discovers how to kill 096.


i think afterwards in most canons the SCRAMBLE gear was fixed though


I will have to re-read the article


The description of the bug actually makes slightly more sense if it was goggles made of transparent screen material that goes opague to cover cognito- and other memetic hazards


Well it can, you just need to delay the image ever so slightly


Just give it a millisecond delay to scramble each 'frame'


That "Can't be faster than light, it lets unfiltered frames through" makes zero sense. You don't send the unprocessed frames out the render buffer and to the screens. You can't change the frames AFTER they've made it to the monitor, that's not how computer graphics work. Once a frame is sent to the monitor it draws it and tosses it. You just.... don't send anything to the screen until it's done being processed and is ready to draw - which is AFTER the scramble is done Even for a bad excuse in-canon trying to justify why the failure was there it's a nonsensical one


I think how it's meant to work is the SCRAMBLER basisicslly draws over the image rather then completely processing it, hence the delay as it takes a moment for the AI to notice and kick in, whereas if it processed the image first *before* sending it to the viewer then you wouldn't see 096 at all - which is probably the "working" version now that Dr. Daniels is allowed to kill it


I just replied to another comment, but if the Scramble gear was made of transparent smart material that only goes opague to cover infohazards. So, by the time the chip is done processing and slaps the censor box over 96's face, the light has already hit the retina. If the chip was a 1GHz GPU and did all of this in a single clock cycle, the light would still have traveled about a foot.


That makes sense for what they're describing which is exactly the worst way to do any device like that, because if it had a power interruption it would fully OPEN view, when for 096 you would want to fully BLOCK view Legit, you're safer trying to deal with the thing if you're fully blind


close your eyes, look towards 096, open them again


That wouldn't really work, because you probably wouldn't know where 096 is, and it would be a calculated, but random guess. Besides, if you have SCRAMBLER Goggles, you're probably in a dispatched MTF squad, and you would be wasting time.


The first one was the original in the file, the other one is from SCP-001-J the fractal


[**SCP-001-J ⁠- The Big Red Button**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001-j) (+944) by *MalcolmMacLean*


both, the first one was originally there but removed for copyright reasons iirc the second is the replacement image


Nice try Dr. Bright


I know the desc. says it's on the wiki, but given that both of these photos were taken on mountains, this seems like it should have been a SCP-1529 instance...


[**SCP-1529 ⁠- King of the Mountain**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1529) (+591) by *Smapti*


Let's *not* find out, eh?


both im pretty sure


It's a really bad idea to look at your face, I guess blind people are safe, because I'm able to spot certain details on faces, so it might be a little worrying for me, :(


The best way to learn if it's a real image is if you hear screams of people dying outside cause 096 is out to get you ass


the first one




Neither, I'm still alive


I don’t know, we’ll see in a few minutes if I get murdered or not






Tbh I like the second one better




random scps 000 001 999 087 111 222 333 444


damn it


the one wh


The second image i think. It is shown in the scp- 96 article


Jokes asaid. Probye the secander one.




Is there a version of the second one without the yellow circle? I'd very much like it.


# F O U R F U C K I N G P I X E L S


Q hdp


1st one..also it's me in the picture,how did you get my foto?🌚


4 fucking pixels Also if Shy Guy will attack after you see even 4 pixels of it's face then what would happen if you saw 3 pixels of his face, 2 pixels of his face or even 1 pixel of his face? Will he still attack you or will he be chill?


The entire point of "4 fucking pixels" is that it will attack you even if you see the absolute tiniest portion of its face.


Yeah but so far, 4 pixels is the smallest Shy Guy's face has been observed and caused him to go into his rage state, but neither 3 pixels, 2 pixels, nor 1 pixel of his face has been observed and caused him to go into his rage state, so would seeing his face in less than 4 pixels cause him to enter his rage state or not? if so then what about a pixel of his face that's so small that it's basically an atom, also how does the SCP print out pictures of Shy Guy's face for testing without making him enter his rage state?


My God dude, this entire comment shows me you never checked SCP-096's page's once. Here is why they ""can"" print out pictures of Shy Guy without triggering it: [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/document-096-1](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/document-096-1) which literally lies in the SCP-096 article.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4056) by *Dr Dan*


Dude all I know about Shy Guy is his appearance, that he's tall, fast, indestructible, and has an internal compass that always points to the person who looked at his face and will stop at nothing to kill the person that looked at his face no matter where they are, even if they're in a different dimension Shy Guy will just wait for them to return to kill them, and that he lost a battle with 682 and now is forever afraid of 682


Understandable, lost my cool a little bit there since I've seen this same question more than a few times even though it can easily be answered by... opening up the articles


Ok, and honestly don't know if the minimum amount of his face has to be 4 pixels to cause him to enter his rage state or if it can be smaller since 3 or less pixels isn't as good as 4 pixels to tell if it's a face or not


The point of this incident article is to show the potential danger and destruction SCP-096 can take, and by saying that even seeing it's face as pixelated, as low as 4 or less pixels, it can still trigger the anomaly, so yes, even a single pixel of its face can trigger it. Why are you overthinking this so much?


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4058) by *Dr Dan*


First one