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**Articles mentioned in this submission** - [**SCP-579 ⁠- [DATA EXPUNGED]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-579) (+349) by *scroton, Sophia Light* - [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3441) by *Tanhony*


As wikidot user Brewsterion 1017 puts it, Running the image through [this tool](https://manytools.org/hacker-tools/steganography-encode-text-into-image) results in the following text: >My hands shake as I hold the document. "This is confirmed?" >He nods. "We got the report from PNEUMA staff yesterday. It's everyone." >"Even us?" >"Even us, Tejani. To think I'd find myself agreeing with that damn lizard…" >"What do we do?" >"You know what we have to do. We'll have to disseminate a cure, I think, among personnel before we get things underway. It'll try to stop us otherwise." >"God help us, One." >"Don't be like that, Tejani. That's IT talking."


If that's what was fond in the picture what is actually the reason for scp5000 that they knew about it before and follow to with it and how does it connect to 682


The same thing that 682 says is so “disgusting” is the same thing that’s “infected” every one, and it might also be the pestilence from 049 It’s SCP-2718


[**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1816) by *Michael Atreus*


682 on his way to find 2718 disgusting then kill as many things as possible so they can experience it


I think it’s implied that as long as you don’t know about 2718 then it won’t affect you, idk tho


iirc that was just the O5 trying to cope, since the reality of "yeah when you die you are confined to this complete hellhole" was too much for them so they just erased their memories of it the entity also seems to gain strength as they kill people in 5000, considering it rips into our world as a gigantic sky man


That actually make sense it also solves some of the scp 5000 questions


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3443) by *Tanhony*