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Lol I have a similar collection of random vitamins and supplements none of which have ever helped me. I may toss them all eventually.


Same so far šŸ™ƒ only thing a few of them (looking at you NAC and Ginger root extract) burned my stomach which lasted for 2 weeks šŸŽ‰


As far as my knowledge goes, NAC can be contraindicated if leaky gut is present. Just something to be mindful of.


Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me! I am so overwhelmed managing supplements, my daily meds plus regular vitamins. I spend my day figuring out which to take on an empty stomach, two hours after meals, etc. I have hashimotoā€™s along with my methane sibo. I am currently taking neomycin and rifaximin along with herbal supplements prescribed by my func med provider. I donā€™t know if I will go through this againā€¦I have an actual spreadsheet of what meds to take and when. I am leaning towards working on my motility and moving on with my life.


The worst part about taking so many supplements is when one of them causes some bad side effects, and you have to stop all of them to find out which one it is šŸ™ƒ I already failed a round of rifax+metro, so now Iā€™m overdosing on herbs. Iā€™m taking twice as much as the recommendations say, yet the bacteria (and I) still survive


Do you ever think itā€™s the biofilm thatā€™s why Xifaxin isnā€™t working? Probably NAC and prokinectic can help? I havenā€™t tried NAC yet until I get another imaging performed soon


NAC only burned my stomach after a month of usage


I was in the same position as you the past few years. Trying all different supplements without any help. Doing an animal based diet with a little bit of fermented veggies, non starchy low FODMAP fruit, and raw kefir fixed my gut. I gave up all vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. and I am not looking back. After years of trying WFPB diets Iā€™m finally healed from my gut issues.


How? By eating carnivore?


It's 90% carnivore but the other 10% are super important to actually fixing gut dysbiosis. Fermented veggies everyday, raw kefir everyday, some low FODMAP fruit everyday. If it's not animal foods prepared by myself at home and some of the items listed above I don't eat it. Starch and high FODMAP fruits and vegetables and processed foods will prevent you from healing. It's a really satiating diet so I don't feel restricted at all. There's other positives that go beyond gut health that come from this way of eating but not worrying about gut issues has been incredible.


So ur not cured, just managing


Huh? As far as Iā€™m concerned Iā€™m cured. Anyway, gut takes a long time to heal and this is early days. After a few years Iā€™ll have enough resiliency to eat other foods but I have absolutely no desire whatsoever at this point in time.


So you had a negative LBT?


I have no symptoms. Thatā€™s all the test I need. I havenā€™t touched my Aire 2 in months. I wish you all the best in your health journey. Good luck.


How long did it take you to see results from the diet?


Iā€™d give it at least 3 months. You will see significant improvements earlier but it takes a long time for the right bacteria to colonize your gut. Full healing is likely 2 years. I started seeing significant improvements as soon as I introduced raw kefir. Itā€™s a probiotic powerhouse.


That is helpful, thanks! I canā€™t eat dairy kefir unfortunately, but am on my 3 week of SBI Protect. Unsure of whether adding probiotics would help so am probably going to wait on that


What is raw kefir? As opposed to milk or water kefir?


Swap out your garlic for kyolic garlic. I use Wakunaga brand, and feel like it actually made a dent in my symptoms.


I am supplementing my way into debt, unable to work. Have mercy. May you find health.


send ur Activision ID and i'll help can't speak German sorry English only


Saw. Only thing it did for me is burn my stomach


how many of each did you take, and how many times a day?


Follow the instructions on your supplement. Every pill is different.


Did you test again?


What brand are you using?


send ur Activision ID and i'll help can't speak German sorry English only


How often do you take this?


Seems like youā€™ve spend a lot of money. Could you work with a neuropath or someone who could guide you through their experience on sibo maybe? So you wonā€™t harm yourself by using too much products. Also I recommend and currently using adp oregano because it doesnā€™t burn you stomach.


Allimed is literally a scam. Look at recent threads here on it


This is heartbreaking. Is there one you take instead?


Look on iherb, usually they are called garlic extract a lot of the times, I know swanson does allicin


I tried swanson garlic extract and it didnā€™t help, so out of desparation, I bought Allimed


The swanson one has the most allicin per pill (12mg) that I have seen so far. If it did not not then allimed is probably not going to work either as it has far less allicin per cap


I know, I made a post about it a while ago, but the thing is allicin is *stabilised* and I thought maybe thatā€™s important? Idk


Just fancy terminology just like how they deceive people (allimed and allicinmax) to thinking the pill contains 100% allicin in the 450mg when it is only like less than 1% allicin


I [know](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/s/glidqLs4xS) about the smaller content. I just, you know, assumed everyone is using it for a good reason. So you think the ā€œstabilisedā€ part is bullsh!t?


Yes people still use and buy it because most people dont know about the tiny allicin content, the only people that would know are those that have read threads here on reddit or researched further. The only real way to 'stabilise' allicin (which just means that it does not degrade too fast in the stomach) is to enteric coat the capsule/pill which allimed does not


One has to no if you have methane or hydrogen Sibo. Which one do you have?


the pain !!! lol


I think some supplements can be replaced with food. Make your own garlic infused olive oil (and maybe add some fc cidal herbs as well) and keep the alimed away. Add black cumin seed oil to your diet or add black cumin seed to meat before you fry it. In some supermarkets you can even find organic oils. Cook with oregano, ginger, turmeric and black pepper. A high meat mediterranean diet goes well with those spices and oils. Drink green tea for polyphenols. If there is enough time make some yogurt from the probiotics. There are posts on reddit on how to make good L Reuteri yogurt. You do not manage to take all of these supplements regularly anyways so including them into a diet and especially eating them when one feels like it (when one is hungry for them) maybe helps to get more into a sibo reducing lifestyle in which you listen to your gut feeling instead of just swallowing pills while following your brain (you can only make so many active decisions a day, so the best is to get into a habit).


Any insight regarding bovine colostrum supplement for sibo?


Some people saw improvement right after taking it (not me unfortunately). It contains IgG which should help rebuild your intestinal lining, as far as I know itā€™s for healing, not killing.


Have you tried taking the bovine colostrum? I have heard some positive things about it but scared to try as it's milk/dairy.


I have, as I said, nothing. Keep taking it and hoping itā€™ll work one day. Just try it. Some people here overexagerate things and then scare people into trying things out themselves. Give it a go, if it doesnā€™t do well with you, discontinue it.


Thank you so much.


DudešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£u dont even wana see my shit