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If you live in Berkley no. If you live in Bakersfield yes.


I was there last week and it felt like a beach to me


What does this even mean? As in, “do I feel safe and welcome as a member of a marginalized group” or “will I get bullied for being a republican?” It’s a town. Like most towns, nobody cares what you do or look like so long as you mind your own business. Touch some grass




>Like most towns, nobody cares what you do or look like so long as you mind your own business Haha, we all know THAT's not true. >“do I feel safe and welcome as a member of a marginalized group” or “will I get bullied for being a republican?” The funniest shit to me is that people looove to equate these two things. On the one side, it's people worried about actually being *harmed*, on the other, they're worried about being made fun of. One of these things is not like the other.


As the post above states: touch grass.


FOH, lol. Guarantee you I'm out in the world more than you are. It's cool though, you don't want to admit that the world is a fucked up place, all good by me.


Sure thing boss, next time you’re out though touch grass.


Says the person who has never felt oppression.


So many tourists it’s hard to say


It’s all tourists, like 8 people live there and they don’t care what you are


It feels like the beach




Literally what does this mean


I think you would find more value asking about the pros and cons of living in Avila.


Like 20 people actually live in Avila. It isn't much of anything other than a tourist destination


Actual Avila Beach is tiny and almost completely hotels or vacation rentals.


To be fair, the town of Avila is too small to ever notice a political lean. It's tourists and shop owners.


Man, I remember wayyyy back in 2015 when these kinds of questions were still considered rude and weird.  Now it’s an expected conversation starter.


I’m guessing you’re asking how far left? Not very. The liberals around here are mostly sort of Whole Foods and Patagonia puffy jacket liberals, not actual leftists. OTOH, the right here is pretty fucking far right.


This is helpful.


It feels pretty neutral. Not Bellingham, Wa but not Mobile, Alabama either.


Thank you


Please just don’t move to the central coast.


I would say slo county in general feels 60/40 liberal:conservative. That applies to Avila as well as it’s a local beach (unlike pismo which primarily caters to tourists)


Oh I’d give it the reverse. 40/60.


Thank you. One of the only helpful comments.


Generally it depends on election year as more people are centrist than they let on around here.


I’d go more 55/45, Democrat and Republican because some change depending on election and others just don’t say.


Oh okay thanks.


No one really cares though if you are democrat or republican.


Unless you make a habit of bringing it up whenever you can. I wouldn’t want to hang out with people I agree with if they brought it up too much.


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Like downtown avila proper? or do you include up to avila valley barn, the hot springs, see canyon, san luis bay drive, etc? Lotta retired people outside of downtown proper. Take that as you will.


Honestly, it’s so filled with tourists and people just visiting from other parts of slo it’s like a mish of people. I don’t think it feels like a political affiliation either way it’s just beach people and older people trying to retire and those who can afford the rent there. If you consider yourself either liberal or conservative I don’t think that you’d have a bad time there or people would treat you badly or differently. It’s a melting pot!


Hey OP, your post history tells me you are something of a political activist. You aren't going to be able to move the needle if you are so determined to avoid people who disagree with you. This whole region is a mix of political viewpoints, and you're not going to be able to avoid any of them while living here. Id strongly encourage you to get off the internet and have some conversations with people in real life. Maybe the weather here can help you do that, but sadly we have very little grass for you to touch.


You have no idea the motivation behind OP’s question. Bridge divide by showing humility. What would you like to ASK OP?


Hey "scoff-law", your post history tells me you're a grumpy old man who gets slightly offended by a simple harmless question. Maybe if you went outside, touched grass, and talked to people around you, you would understand that you might have more friends if you actually say something nice once in a while. Thanks for your extremely helpful input!


😬. 👀


Uh-huh. I also saw that when you're back on your heels you often resort to a comment like this, or "you must be fun at parties." If you think this is a reasonable response to my comment, then I don't think Avila or most of the central coast are right for you.


Sure thing. Picking at every comment I say in my post history is a strange tactic.


You don't have many and it was a quick read. The frequent reposts of the same campaign ad made it even easier.


Seeing as you started this conversation by telling them to touch grass, it kinda seems like you're the asshole here, sorry. OP has exactly one comment saying "you must be fun at parties" and I don't see a single snide comment besides that. You, on the other hand... I didn't have to scroll far to find you being a dick to multiple people. Pot, meet kettle.


Thanks lol. When I said "you must be fun at parties" I was just responding to a deleted comment of a guy calling me a racial slur


Nah theyre not down with you walking around naked


Pirate's cove enters the chat


Okay dude


It's a beach town, nobody cares except you


Have you been to Santa Cruz? Monterey? LA for god's sake? Santa Monica?


Yea.. Nobody cares.. Just mind your own business!


Those are much larger cities, so will feel different. In Avila, like most of SLO County (outside Cal Poly) most people mind their own business. It’s a purple county, and people aren’t overwhelmingly one way or the other, so it becomes less of a thing. Of course there are still outliers, but the political situation here is much different than major population centers.


Yes, and Avila is much different


Hopefully these replies are answering your question. 😉


SLO is about the cutoff before it gets too yeehaw




On weekends and summer, it’s whatever the Central Valley is.


The fuck kind of question is this? You worried the beach will be too "woke"?


No I'm asking because I'm liberal and I'm looking into places to live


Hi there, I work in Avila and might be able to answer your question. You're the only person worried about this.


I have family who live in Avila. People who live there (both 'in the town' and in the hills inland) are generally moderate Democrat or affluent suburban Republicans. It's also a tourist destination for Fresno/Bakersfield, so you will be around plenty of MAGA nuts on weekends/holidays. It's really just your standard predominantly white neighborhood, and you'll probably spend most of your time outside the house in SLO since Avila only has tourist stuff in the town (no grocery or household stores - and the restaurants are expensive and okay at best). Nobody will ask or care what your political preferences are, nobody wants to be asked what their political preferences are.


Go somewhere else




Promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability.


this response tells me it's pretty in the middle. thanks for the very kind help poofshu




What can I say im a walking contradiction. I advise not learning from me personally


If you’re liberal, you may not be happy here if you are hoping for a decent amount of like minded neighbors. The central coast is one big town basically with small differences in culture depending on the area. SLO will be the most liberal of our towns, but housing is sparse and expensive. It’s that way wherever you look here, really. North county might have the best opportunities for housing, but it is off the rails conservative. In coastal towns, there is a strong conservative influence due to some locals and the massive amount of Central Valley Magats that descend upon us weekends and holidays. If you want to wear a mask, expect to be confronted at some point. If you put up political signs, expect they will be defaced or stolen at some point. If you are a poc, do not expect help from our DA should you need it. I could go on, but you get the idea. It’s not all bad here. I’m in Morro Bay and do quite a bit of gardening. Most neighbors passing by are chatty and polite. I tend not to put up political signs and fly under the radar for the most part. I have received hate mail/threats for not attending church, but that is only because my idiot family told their batshit church that I don’t attend. So, yeah, the crazies are there, but you might never see them if you are quiet and don’t advertise your opinions. Hope this helps. *Edited to add that if you are moving here from out of the area, you will need to consider SLO county as one big town. Asking only about Avila isn’t that helpful as you’ll likely be working in SLO, Atascadero, Pismo, etc. I have been here for a while and have lived in a variety of towns, but I’ve never been lucky enough to work where I live.


Thank you so much this is very insightful. A lot of these replies are telling me about how Avila Beach isn't really a town


Avila is so small you won’t feel either. You need to go to SLO or Pismo beach to even get proper groceries. All in all, slo or south of slo is blue while going up the hill is red. Nobody cares around here just love your life


Dumb post


Pretty liberal most of the time. Many conservatives visit on the summer weekends though.


Thanks for the insight. I'm getting crushed in this comment section


Who cares?


I do, that's kind of why I asked the question...


Why though?


Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong in a community?


I’m guessing you’ve never had a large man in Paso spit at you and call you a fa**ot for kissing your same sex partner at a restaurant? Because I have. Y’all in here pretending like all of SLO County is some mecca for POC and LGBTQIA folk. It’s definitely not.


You guessed co**ectly.


I hate myself for actually looking at your post history, but I'm just going to cut to the (probable) chase: *no one will give two shits about your ethnicity*, OP. The California Central Valley, where the dreaded sometimes-conservative tourists come from, is actually filled with south Asians. There's a fascinating history behind that fact, which is why you can get things like traditional Mexican-Indian fusion food (yes, it's a thing). [https://www.mantecabulletin.com/news/local-news/punjabi-americans-sikhs-their-deep-california-roots/](https://www.mantecabulletin.com/news/local-news/punjabi-americans-sikhs-their-deep-california-roots/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punjabi\_Mexican\_Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punjabi_Mexican_Americans) Also, stop using politics as a proxy for racism or lack thereof. There are some on the political left who would call you names, while plenty on the political right who either don't care or look just like you.


What does my ethnicity have to do with me asking about the politics of Avila Beach?




It doesn't have enough of a sense of community for that to be relevant. It's just 1 block of tourist spots and 10 square blocks of housing that seems like nobody lives there. Not a lot of political activity. If you're concerned about overregulation it's not much of a factor since they don't want to scare tourists away.


brain worms