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honestly the earlier seasons are miles better so i wouldn’t skip them


Definitely 💯💯💯!


by faaaaaaaaaar.


the first 12 seasons are definitely the best (s12 argumentative) and plus it goes by fast. you dont gotta skip


I think 13-19 have some pretty good/exciting episodes , season 22 has a follow up Henry Mesner episode , but that’s the only episode from that season I rewatch


I've been watching 13-16 lately and am really enjoying it. There are some clunkers in there, but I agree there are a lot of really good episodes too. But I decided to call it good at 16. LOL I might try to watch 17 too at some point.


Season 17 is really fantastic—one of the best of the post-Stabler era. If you’re enjoying seasons 13-16 (which I definitely do so I agree with you), I highly recommend watching season 17.


100% agree. season 17 has so many fantastic story lines. So many of the characters are written so well.




Why do you think producers — or anyone, for that matter — are obligated to address an actor’s weight?


People gain weight as they get older and after having kids…it’s a natural part of being a human being…it’s not like she’s obese or something. Stop being a judgemental prick.


This is a opinion based thread. Disrespectful and disparaging comments are not welcome in response to original commenters or posters.




Yeah, 13 and 14 have a lot of good episodes that don’t involve sexual assault


I think the biggest reason for the drop in quality is how this show has begun to completely revolve around Benson. It went from her being one of the main characters to the only main character. Everyone else is just background for the Olivia Benson show. I hope that Rollins comes back, her, Carisi, and Fin are by far more entertaining when they’re on screen. Also idk if it’s just me but I’m so sick of the empathy whisper that it seems like she uses for 80% of her lines.


Agreed! 100% I love Rollins and Fin. I like Liv, but it's overload with her now it feels like she's being shoved down our throats. JMO 😆


I’m so so jealous that you get to watch all episodes for the first time.


I know right? And why skip *any -* what's the rush? Just enjoy the ride....


Seriously I saw it for the first time and binged it on Hulu during Covid.


Honestly , you could probably skip the last 4-5 seasons


Part of me wishes I’d stopped with the season 17 finale. If I do a rewatch at this point that’s probably what I’d do.


I will say, in season 18’s defense , American Dream/Sanctuary is a dope hour long episode , and it’s nice to see Dodds’ character development after the death of his son


Do not skip anything in the first 12 seasons!


to do so would be a heinous crime!!


You won’t want to skip any! Once you watch 24 seasons you will want to watch all over again!! Same with the OG and CI. Never gets old! Enjoy!


The show is so rewatchable and 95% episodic with a few long arcs here and there. Feel free to skip around.


I would just stop at the season 17 finale honestly.


The show is very episodic, it’s designed so that you can just jump into any episode. There are some running plot threads throughout the show, but for the most part you don’t need to be too familiar with them. That stuff becomes a bit more important later in the run of the show, where they lean into running plot lines a bit more. I would even say that, for the first 10-12 seasons, you can jump around from random episode to random episode and be just fine.


Start at the beginning! It’s so fun to see guest stars before they were famous, Or background actors from more modern shows, the technology evolution throughout the show is amazing (and hilarious) to watch, the acceptable language used is reflective of the time, honestly it’s like a time capsule, so good!


It may seem like a lot of episodes at first but man they go by so fast when you get hooked 😁😂


You can start anywhere you want lol


i would truly advise you to please watch the first 12 seasons. after that is up to you lol


Nope. The show and characters evolve over time. I’ve seen every episode, and still watch the weekly marathons. Every once in a while I find one that I don’t remember.


You have to watch all the episodes to understand things later and to get to know the characters ♡ The good thing is the show is amazing and you’ll enjoy it maybe even dislike some episodes, which is still a good thing since you’ll be engaged.


i just started the show too and i’m just watching random episodes


I’d honestly stop at the season 22 finale if I were you. I think the later seasons are great (unpopular opinion perhaps) but it really falls off sharply after 21-22


First 12 seasons are the best. Don't skip those


There are a couple of seasons that sorta have arcs, but they're pretty spread out. The earlier seasons is mostly just a lot of "vic/perp of the week" episodes, but they're still worth watching. Also, if you skip certain seasons you might miss a few things people talk about in the fandom and in this sub a lot. I say just enjoy the ride and go from there. There's no rush and I doubt SVU is going anywhere anytime soon.


Watch seasons 1-16. Skip everything else.


It's a good show enjoy!!!


I wish I could enjoy them all for the first time like you are - I have to pick-and-choose reruns because I've seen them all multiple times already. What's the rush? Don't skip *any* and just enjoy the ride 😊




where can i watch season 1-12 cant find them anywhere, even nbc is no longer available


i have the same problem…I’m in Europe so I can’t get Hulu and apple only has 14-22, so stupid!


i just found complete seasons in Telegram, do you have the app? might as well give it a try


what????? i do


I started at the beginning and I just hit Season 22. It’s my favorite show.


There is no overarching storyline, so you can essentially pick up wherever and it will make sense. Save for some of the recent seasons where they extend the storylines for a few episodes. But honestly, why would you want to just skip seasons. If you just want to cut to the chase, read some imdb pages and call it a day. If you want to watch the show, enjoy it, and grow with with it, then watch it all. If you enjoy it, it honestly won’t take you too long to make it through all the seasons, believe it or not.


The show is going to change a good bit, several times, for better or worse.


Stop at 12 lol. Those seasons have the OG cast and best episodes


DON’T SKIP PRIME TIME SVU by not watching 1-12, it’s the best.


U can skip. If you get attached to Liv, there are some episodes u should watch.


I think the first 12 seasons are so good that I stopped watching after Elliot Stabler leaves. And that's where I stop when I do rewatches. It's like a different show after that.


I started 2 months back and i am close to ending season 3. Love it so far. Munch and Fin are my absolute favourite


Don't skip any of them. I know it seems like a lot, but you are so lucky. I wish I could watch all of them for the first time.


It's essential to watch 1-12


People getting into shows/music and asking for cheatsheets will never not be weird to me. Are you interested in watching the show, or do you just want to "catch up"? Just weird.