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It’s actually next month. I’d really like to see the rebels get another force user, specifically Cal Kestis.


I would instantly start playing rebels. He needs to come with his different lightsaber customizations too.


Maybe an equipment/weapon slot but instead of changing weapons it changes his Saber Style keyword?


That sounds like a perfect idea. I think having a similar idea for Force customization would be good too. You could build him weaker for fewer points or stronger for more. I'm into role playing to some extent with this game, so I see this as a way of representing him in Fallen Order and Survivor.


Sounds like a unique set of Training slots to me


> He needs to come with his different lightsaber customizations too. Looking at Delta Squad and Bad Batch, I would be worried if AMG announced Cal. Mono-pose, no robot, one stance card if you're lucky.


Looking at Delta Squad and Bad Batch, Cal comes in at Op Vader power levels for 160 points.


Can we get padawan Cal for GAR lol.


Padawan Cal Kelstis, Kanan Jarrus, and a generic please.


generic was confirmed to be coming with ARF, and will be attachable to ARFs and ARCs.


IIRC those are Jedi, not specifically padawans? So I'd hope they are just Knights, not stand ins for Masters and Padawans as well.


ahh, i thought you meant generic jedi in general. I’d assume Knights as well, yes. How would you handle generic padawans?


Have them as a lesser version of the Knights, if the only way we're seeing them is as a unit upgrade. Personally I'd have implemented jedi as Commanders to begin with, with a Padawan being a small upgrade model that can be joined as a Partner. Lightsabers and Deflect, but only one power and no Master of the Force. Then Masters can be the premium choice with Master of the Force 2. But alas it seems they're being added only as an ARF upgrade and can't be taken alone. Probably so the ARF work as a tax.


an interesting concept I saw floated around for home brew was doing them as basically being force users without the ability to use their powers on other force users, to show their comparative weakness. with that in mind, i’d want to see them as weaker (as compared to full fledged force users) solo units that can aid the troopers around them.


I hate rebel scum but for Cal I make an exception. 👍🏽


GAR has 3 force wielders...... Let's calm down


GAR also has the Jedi order. Although, if they do get another force user announced, it had better be Ahsoka.


That's my point. They have the Jedi order but in game only 3


I misunderstood. Some people say that comparing the Jedi order faction to the rebellion, and personaly, it makes sense the Republic has more force options then anyone else. Except Empire I guess


Even empire only had a few dozen at the peak of then inquisition. The republic had thousands.


To those down voting me. I'm saying that GAR only has 3 force weilders when they should have the most. So they should get more before rebels. Not sure why that is some major controversial opinion


The Geonosian battle force we were promised. Hopefully also a GAR counterpart.


I just want the 212th


Oh Geonosis clones would be sick


I don’t think there’s a difference other than the paint job.


Yeah I did some googling and there isn’t as many as I thought. There’s just the flame trooper in what looks like snow armour for some reason and then there’s the clones with the weird like stealth helmet


They could pair it with ARF trooper release since they were featured in the second battle of Geonosis in clone wars


I'm hoping that they do a special issue version of the arfs for a point rain battleforce. Like a second card in the box to make them more unique and feel more like the 212th but can only go in the battleforce


When did they say this? You can run an all Geonosian army as is because they're Separatist units, not mercs. You'd be lacking any heavy hitting units but it can be done 🤷‍♂️. Besides, we never see the Geonosians fighting alone with no droids outside of the "undead" ones. There's not really a theme here to make a battle force out of.


I think they mentioned it in a stream, see e.g. here https://www.reddit.com/r/SWlegion/s/med8HwFTj1 I don't think that the battle force will be exclusively Geonosians, it will include droids as well, potentially also Dooku.


there are loads of scenes where there are only geonosians and no battle droids. You have the entire battle at point rain where it’s just bugs pushing clones in sep armament. Ki Adi mundi is held off via a tunnel and bugs, Anakin crashes and has to fight bugs in spires with j-10’s, Obi wan crashes at point rain and is surrounded by bugs in AATs. Even the main spire had anti aircraft mounted by only bugs


So a battleforce comprised entirely of one Corps unit. Excellent.


Tatooine Battle Force: Commander Boba on Rancor, Fennec, Krrsantan, Gamorrean guards, tusken chieftain, tusken female warrior, tusken raiders Corp units, jawas, Cobb Vanth, People of Free Town (Mos Pelgo) with Weequay sniper heavy, Peli the mechanic Jabba's Palace: Jabba, Gamorrean Guards, Weequay mercs, Klatooinian mercs, jawas, Rodian mercs, Rancor with Malakili (from Return or the jedi), Dengar, 4Lom, Zuckuss (also allowing current bounty hunters)


Really do hope they add on to Shadow collective and make it a “battle force only” faction rather than just being a single battle force. It would be cool to see all the other scum factions than just lame ol Saxon and Maul. Where are my weequay pirates led by Hondo? My “Actual reason to buy Daimyo Boba”? Muh Trandoshan Hunters!


It's just my current wish list. I did forget Trandoshans. I think Hondo can fit anywhere with PROFIT or his own Pirate Battle Force as you said. Shadow Collective is a bit short. Easy additions would Savage, Drydan Voss, Qira, and his Crimson Dawn Enforcers. Maybe Tobius Beckett, Scoundrel Han, Lando, and Chewie as operatives.


I have heard rumors that Hondo and crew were being playtested, but not how it went. Might still be a live possibility.


This is the way!


I’d like a balance and point adjustment for lesser played units/models to bring them more in line as opposed to nerfing higher achieving units.  I’d like to see them acknowledge community feedback about tournament/gameplay issues re: clocks, painting competitions, and cover. I’d LOVE to see a new mission pack. 


I could see a balance pass here in the next half a year. Feel like everything else is gonna be put off til the new edition comes out. Especially mission packs. Put those in the new core set as an incentive to but those.


More objectives/deployments/conditions would be lovely.


I have been out of the loop for a while, what's the issue on paint competitions and cover?


From what I’ve heard (as I attend one next month) the official AMG supported grand tournaments don’t have prizes for a painting competition. Instead, if you have a painted army, your name goes in a hat and there is a raffle for “best painted”….. As for cover, 2 years ago AMG changed how cover worked to make it “more intuitive and easy to learn” for new players, and whilst I applaud them for trying, the new version of the cover rules are so much worse and harder to understand than the old ones.


At least a plan for a future balance pass. Cards/details for the Rebel Sleeper Cell, Imperial Riot Control Squad, and LM-432 Crab Droid. More info on the Aqua Droids, ARF Troopers, and the GAR generic Jedi attachment. New battle cards would be nice.


GAR Ashoka we were promised years ago which is definitely, positively, without a doubt coming. Lol. How she hasn’t been released for GAR yet is mind boggling.


GAR Ashoka is gonna be the core set commander for the released Core set box in 2025. Source: my deluded mind


Ahsoka and her clone company against Ventress and her droids? Could be pretty cool.


Honestly not even impossible lol.


I'm just hoping she's an operative. We've got limited operative options, the 501st battleforce allows an operative but has no operatives that's allowed currently, and we have no lightsaber operatives. It would be nice to be able to run Anakin, Rex and Ahsoka


I think the biggest reason she hasn't been released is it'd make GAR have 4 force users, while the other factions are at 1-2. Empire can do 3 as well. Though I do think she should be added


Even though that shouldn't be their reasoning I agree that's probably it. They've been moving away from having everything needing an equivalent unit in the other factions. GAR should have the most force users because they are the only group to have a lot in the lore


GAR has 3. Don’t know where 4 is coming from. Empire has 2 Darth Vaders, sidious and 2 inquisitors. So 4 total, but 5 options. Rebels sits at 2, but three options. CIS at 3, and grevious a 0.5. So I dont really get your point of GAR having all these Jedi. At best we’re in the middle of the pack.


I'll be shocked if they announce plastic that is within 1-2 years. However, we could easily get a battle force, points update, rules announcement.


Legion 2.0 with mechanics for Empire & Rebels, fix cover rules, points fixes for units that aren't used, and units that are used too much


Didn’t realize how much we needed this until you mentioned it. If they do eventually do a 2.0 do you thing AMG/ Asmo is capable of doing it well?


They're going to have to :)


Personally, I’m not totally convinced that it’ll be great, considering their track record, but I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised.


What's the issue with cover? i'm a new player so I'm curious to hear about the gripes people have with the game mechanics.


Cover currently is way too easy to get; it’s now drawn from any point of the defending unit to the attacking unit, and that is chosen by the player controlling the defending unit, so if you shoot at a unit with a single toe behind cover, they can claim cover. At the same time, you can only defeat as many minis as can be seen, so you can hide much of a unit out of sight and tank big shots. This means that small dice pools are largely useless a lot of the time instead of being the reliable ‘plink’ damage they once were, and big dice pools can also be nullified in certain situations. Just leads to more frustration than there used to be 🤷🏻‍♂️


What sort of mechanics do you want to see for Empire and Rebels?


Honestly have no idea. Something that actually gave Rebels some staying power, with the current dice pools it is fairly often I pick up a whole unit after shooting even in heavy cover.


I fear that a fundamental rework to Rebels won’t occur without a full, official 2.0 version


Partisans that spawn when a rebel infantry unit dies?


I'd like to see updates to units that need it. Give my Droidekas Generator 2 and I'll be happy


What could be cool is if the Droidekas have a dice you roll to get back either 1-3 shields


Similar to how the Refurbished Gonk Droid works. Not a bad idea at all!


Yeah I think it would be cool to have a slight random element but at minimum giving us 1 shield back


My top wishlist is new missions and upgrade cards. Just two new options per upgrade type. Also bring old units up to par with the newer units. Characters I would love to see added would be savage, Cal, Aayla Secura, and Thrawn


With the sleeper cell coming out, I’m hoping for Saw Gerrera or Cham Syndulla. Give me the aggressive rebel leaders!


Rebel sleeper cell information 🙏


Realistically, it'll probably just be the stuff from the roadmap, but with the sunset announcement for our sibling games, they really need to come out swinging with surprises and stuff the fans have been asking for. Legion specifically needs another rules polishing. Put deflect back how it was. Reduce the size of the creature trooper silhouette. Change cover so that AT-STs aren't firing out of their feet. Show the remaining communities that you're working hard to make the game as good as it can be instead of a minimum viable product.


This. I know we’ve got a lot in the pipeline but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t incredibly nervous for legions future after X-Wing and more specifically Armada were sunset.


2025 rules update is gonna be the make or break. If they do well Legion has a long life ahead. If it goes over like X-Wing 2.0, then Legion’s gonna have real problems.


Legion evidently sells very well and they’ve got a team that actually wants to do something with it so I don’t think you need to worry that much


I don’t find the deflect changes have been all that bad. Plus it gives a reason to take into the fray on Jedi


If no Jedi had it, I could see your point, but if you have force users who can easily get surge:block in melee, then all force users need to have that option.


What force user has that other than yoda and palpatine? Cause Anakin can only get it if he spends a dodge token but other people can use his tokens so that’s the trade off, same story with kenobi which matches his defensive fighting style sorensu. Into the fray gives them his ability essentially


> Anakin can only get it if he spends a dodge token That's how Deflect used to work in melee. > but other people can use his tokens so that’s the trade off That's not a trade off, that's additional utility. It's only a benefit. The only, minor "trade off" Anakin has is 1 guaranteed reflect-wound during a ranged attack where Deflect can, in theory, reflect all hits if you somehow manage to roll nothing but surges. However, None of that applies to melee attacks, so Anakin and Obi-wan are simply better.


I can see the point. But my thinking is anakin is the chosen one, while obi wan is a defensive style master so makes sense for them.


Ok, so Darth Vader should have Djem So? How do you justify the inquisitors having better melee defense than Jedi Luke Skywalker?


Djem So Mastery doesn’t just block range attacks. As long as Anakin is defending (so range and melee) he may spend a dodge token, and if any crits or hits were blocked then the attacking unit suffers a wound.


Correct. That's what makes Anakin 'simply better'.


We should see additional details for the models being released for the rest of the year, additional teasers for the re-sculpts. Oh, and more official terrain teasers. Maybe they will address how the re-sculpts will effect the core sets. I would like for them to redress vehicles in respect to silhouette and cover, though I could see that waiting from the proverbial 2.0.


Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe, but I highly doubt we will ever get them honestly. Mace Windu, a lot more likely. Would be great if we got a box with a bunch of Jedi Council members or something. Imperial Commandos, the ones we see at the end of Mando S3. Would be cool to have a jetpack unit for Empire. Purge Troopers, would be great to have an elite squad to accompany inquisitors. Plus have the variety of weapons they use. Rebel Honor Guard, pretty much the same as Purge Troopers role but for Rebels. Could give them some unique weapons and gear. Galactic Marines, could make for a different squad for GAR. Give them some interesting cards and gear to stand out.


“They fly now?”


I'm hoping we get a point cut across the board. It almost feels like the commandos were released about 10 or so points less than they should be in the current state of the game. I feel like cutting points to other units to around the same efficiency would open up for more creative list building. I would also like to see a third battleforce for the other 3 factions.


Cutting points would allow for more models per army which in turn would allow them to increase profits. I think that may be something they do just for the financial side of things.


the counterargument is that they also want to speed up the game a little. More units on the table doesn't help that.


It would give people a reason to buy the new hard plastic rereleases. There is likely to be some sort of shake up to get people to buy them


What it sounds like in the interview with Will Shick and Crabbok, something like game size is changing. I’d love to see them increase the game size from 800pts to 1000pts, to make the option to field more units.


I hope they release more for the shadow collective. Wasn’t there another faction within the collective we didn’t really see much on screen? Specifically referring to the scene where Maul tells the leaders to go into hiding. Anyways, maybe Rook Kast as an operative? On another hand, it would be nice to see another batch of Rebel Mandalorians, even if it’s just a named unit, maybe do the Nite Owls. Purge Troopers for the Empire would be great to see, especially if they’re designed around dealing with force users and making it so they can’t operate to their full potential as easily


Just any kind of specific rebels support


Given AMG's handling of Armada and X-Wing, and dropping them, I expect nothing anymore from them.


I already had this with someone else but why specifically do you think they’ll do bad with Legion? From what I saw they basically stopped updating either Armada or X-wing like 2 years ago so it kinda makes sense dropping them. I’m not saying it’s good but I get why they did it. Plus giving Atomic 3 new games on top of Marvel and I imagine they were already building shatterpoint by then just seems like it was destined to go poorly. On the other hand they’re actively still making new stuff for Legion and have a road map until like this time next year.


As I mentioned a long time ago I believe: More ; Generic Jedi, Inquisitors, Scoundrels/Smugglers, Bounty Hunters etc.


I’d love to see a new upgrade card pack. We need to get our hands on official battle force cards like tempest force and that general mardi (or whatever). Also, in that battle field expansion they mentioned, I hope they announce potential battle cards (missions, deployments, conditions) Wouldn’t hurt for more units teased (Padawan Tano)


Increased default format from 800 points to 1000 or 1200. Maybe a resurgence of brand army. Update to the rules to accomadte the increased points.


hoping they announce that they are making the crab droids in their ep3 style and not in the animated cartoonish style ngl. but i dont even play CIS so its ehh either way honestly hoping for more empire walkers since now that armada is dead i need something to fill the hole my 24 inch SSD model filled


I was wondering why the Crab Droids looked so under detailed... That explains it. I don't even remember them being in the show...


That they don't announce that they are pulling the plug


Can you expand on that? Yes they cancelled X-wing and Armada but it seems like they had already stopped developing stuff for them so I think it’s better to put them down now rather than keep going while not releasing anything but that’s just not the case with Legion it seems. There’s a road map for like the next year. Why do you think they might cancel Legion?


I don't think they will cancel but that's my hope, that they never cancel it


Sorry me neither. I’ve only just got into Legion and it’s just kinda draining to see people acting like it could be cancelled at any time. I really hope it doesn’t t this is cool as shit


I'd like Galactic Marines for the GAR. They've made snow troopers, can't be hard to edit a file to be clones.


Indication that Legion will last at least for more than a year.


I mean there’s a roadmap till Q3 2025 so why do you think they’d end it basically right after that? Especially after they’re making new hard sculpts for old models which is dumb if you intend on ending it there. This is genuine btw I only got into Legion in the last month or so


The Armada and X-wing announcement last week.


Can you expand on that? It seems the both of them and Legion were dumped onto Atomic by FFG and it looks like FFG broke X-wing before they dumped it too. Atomic isn’t GW it seems like wishful thinking to think they could handle 3 games all at once


AMG didn't release anything for Armada, and what they did release for Wing had already been developed by FFG before the transition. In contrast, AMG has been developing their own product for Legion. In other words, they have shown an interest by investing in new sculpts, etc, an interest they didn't show in the two canceled games. As someone who is devastated by the end of Wing, I'm also fairly optimistic about SWL's future.


Right, so how can they handle the current 3? Marvel, Shatterpoint and Legion. There's going to be more cuts.


Ok I’ll admit I didn’t count for marvel and shatterpoint but if anything that makes my point stand more. They couldn’t handle 5 games so they cut it to 3. Which seems smart given that from I could see on google Atomic has released anything for X-wing or Armada in 2 years expect from one mission pack. So again what makes you think they’ll cut Legion other than cutting two games they had clearly already stopped working on


It's not their baby.


So essentially your whole point boils down to they didn’t make it and they cancelled two other games they had already basically stopped making stuff for? And because of that they’ll cancel Legion, a game they seem to be actively making new things for the next year for. Thank you. This was massively uninformative


Don't feed the troll. This dude has hilariously bad takes and gets big mad when people ask him to support these bad takes.




I would like them to announce hero forces. The Mesbg game does it very well. Let me play just the Han, Leia, Luke, and Chewie or Phoenix sqaud. They don't have to be particularly good. But it would be fun.


That's called Shatterpoint.


No shatterpoint is an entirely different game.


I am aware of that. My point was if you want to play small forces of heroes against each other, play Shatterpoint. Legion is meant to be larger scale.


If I wanted to play an entirely different game I would be on that subreddit. So you know you're wasting my time right? Star wars is a setting where teams of people regularly take on large scale groups. Also I take it you've never played Mesbg? Its a full scale battle game with monsters, hell you can play the balrog. You can also just play full armies of heroes. They don't hold objectives very well, but they often have different win conditions.


I'm sorry to see you're being so unpleasant. That is especially ironic since you are also talking about an entirely different game. If I wanted to talk about MESBG, in your words, I would be on that subreddit. Hope you enjoy your day.


I'm being unpleasant, sir you showed up to a wishlist thread to shit on my wish telling me to play a different game? Could you explain to me what is pleasant about that?


Jabba Palace Leia.


naaahh lmao