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IF they were to show up, I believe they would be close to Rebels and Empire but with different keywords just to change them up enough to be unique. There are enough units and characters to use to start up some Battle Forces. Probably not in a core box. Battle Force boxes would be a good idea. I can see Phasma as a tanking commander with Armor X. Maybe Kylo as a weaker Vader with a Flawed card. Old Luke can have a Force Projection decoy Command Card, which can force the enemy to shoot the decoy first but it costs some health. They can grab things from the latest Battlefront 2 game. There are plenty of things they can play with for the Sequels. I wouldn't mind playing against them. Would I buy them? I would need to know more information about the final product.


Love those ideas. But I think they could be full on factions. There's enough differences between their characterizations and disciplines that I think full factions could go up. I was playing with the idea of Kylo working similar to Anakin, maybe having a command card that makes him activate first but he attacks all units within range 1 or dice choke nearest eligible unit. Same thing with Force projections for Luke. I like the idea of Fin and bb8 rocking the terrain.


It's just the empire and rebels again. Just characters added but they are not different or exciting enough for new factions


Sadly I disagree. I thought the first order had plenty of differences from empire. I do see less with the resistance but they can have some cool changes that would make them play different than rebels.


I'd rather have gungans/naboo security


No one said you couldn’t have both?


Developing 2 new factions would put new units and battleforces on delay


While true, the lead time required for two new factions would still provide plenty of time for release of other product


And what do you think will be happening during that time? Just planting raw plastic in the ground and harvesting unit boxes in 6 months? Thats time that would be spent developing, playtesting, sculpting, designing sprues, commissioning box/card/token art, commissioning mini painters for box art, formating cards, and doing it all again, for 2 new factions. Doing all of that for new units while doing it for factions would mean either both of them would take longer to release or slavish work conditions for the staff. All for factions that no one really wants because of how similar resistance and FO are to rebels and empire, and how poorly the sequel trilogy was recieved.


I very much don’t care for the sequels or their factions, BUT the FO strike me as fanatics whose identity would be an immunity to panic. Resistance are very literally just other Rebels tbf, but you’re right that they have a strong character identify, so perhaps an organisation chart that has extra slots for commanders and operatives.


> My idea behind this is that the resistance is really ragtag. Way more so than the rebels who had some kind of organization under them. The various tv shows would have you to believe that the new republic had too much organization, not too little. The Resistance cartoon referred to Poe as a James Bond like operative, carrying out New Republic missions with plausible deniability if he were caught.


Did not know that! That is cool. Maybe if the resistance becomes a faction then Poe could work like iden on empire in the respect of being both operative and commander. I wish the movies would have given a bit more of that characterization of them the first five minutes of Force Awakens. I can see the new Republic being so bureaucratic that the resistance is the ragtag. Because the resistance the Republican not the same but actually makes the films make more sense.


> I can see the new Republic being so bureaucratic that the resistance is the ragtag. Again: No. The T-70s are top tier tech. The weapons they used were military surplus. They had multiple Admirals, Generals, divisions/sub-groups, a full navy, army, multiple spec ops including the surviving Inferno and multiple headquarters.


I wouldn't say top tier. By the time of the movies, the new republic was on T-85s while the resistance still used T-70s. Remember, Leia was kicked out of the senate for being a war hawk and formed the resistance due to concerns for imperial remnant groups. The resistance was specifically formed against the wishes of the new republic Edit: Prototype T-70s were being I introduced at the Battle of Endor


> I wouldn't say top tier. But they're also not salvaging broken clone wars Y-wings, stripping the armor, and hotwiring them.


It's true they are better equipped than the rebels, but only because of the connections formed during the rebellion. The Alliance walked so the Resistance could run.


That was my argument.


I was initially just adding the implication of top tier is usually the best/cutting edge and in this case what they had was good and better than before but was still below what would be the military standard of what was available at the time


I think their should be some kinda keyword or ability with the resistance that would let you continue using your commander specific cards even after their dead to some degree. Regardless if poe gets killed the new leader can play his cards or just one or somthing like that.


I hope this factions will never be added to legion, better factions would be Mandalorians, Sith Empire and Old Republic armies from KotOR age...


Agreed. Problem is the sequel factions just don't look that different from the originals. Rebels in camo and white armoured bad guys. KoTOR would allow for more distinct armies from anything else


I disagree, I think it would be a good opportunity to explore the differences between the new and old factions. Kylo Ren, Sith Troopers, and FO Jet Troopers were really fun in Battlefront and I think there’s a lot of room for innovation, and it would allow AMG to produce more Empire content without it actually buffing the Empire. The only downside to them being in the game is it would take away development time from the existing factions.


This part of Star Wars is dead for me, even Yuuzhan Vongs would be better factions than FO or resistance


I hate the sequels, the FO, and Resistance as much as the next guy but I do think that there is a lot of potential for fun. BF2 showed me that those two factions have a lot more potential than meets the eye


I'm glad you mentioned BF2 in this because I share your mindset here, that game did wonders for making the sequel era actually fun to experience. My only gripe is that there is still a distinct lack of variety more so on the Resistance side. They don't really have anything, even in BF2 their vehicles are an old Empire AT-ST, a stolen LIUV speeder and the Ski Speeder. If I remember they're all map locked too. Naturally Legion wouldn't have that issue with location but it brings into question the legitimacy of having them as a functional army in a table top game.


I like that, have the resistance not have new vehicles but give them cards for existing ones. I don't believe that was your intent but it sparked something. Since they don't really have their own vehicles it is thematic that they steal them from other factions.


On top of that, given that their stolen technology is old and refurbished, you can give the existing vehicles new keywords, dice, and health/damaged values


Not against this. Would work fantastic as a homebrew, but because it's recycling current models, wouldn't gain huge favour as its own entity I don't think.


Would it if they used new cards to change up abilities/dice and had conversion models for the faction (ie a resistance piolet for the empire tank)?


The thing is, how many people would buy these factions? I like the idea, but there aren't many people that really want to play with anything sequel related. Most people don't like the movies and don't like the era, because it's just rebels Vs empire 2.0. therefore I think it would be a bad idea financially to release these two factions


I'm not sure how true that statement is. I'm not a fan of the sequel films at all, but I love the idea of playing them in a strategy game. As someone already has said, battlefront 2 have some great units from that era and was really fun to play as. I could see that being true for this game regardless of people's love or hatred of those films. And I can see tons of people trolling their game shops with their resistance army that rocks. Personally I would definitely get the first order, and my wife would prefer the resistance. If they made them we would have all six factions, the only thing we would not have would be Shadow collective.


Some people don’t want FO because they dislike the sequels. I don’t want FO because I hate painting white armour. We are not the same.


No thanks. Don’t need them.