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How does this differentiate from chatgpt through voice conversation. I can tell it a scenario and the job type it can do the same. So how will you be able to convince users


Yeah, that's the first thing I thought about, too. It seems like anybody with super basic chat GPT prompting skills can just do that themselves. Especially if they have a paid account where they can access more recent data online.


Hey! Great question and I understand. You can indeed tell chatgpt the job role and job description and then it can print out 10 questions your right! One way we differentiate is by allowing our users to upload their CV so that we can build tiny knowledge bases of their work experience, qualifications and more so that we can then further tailor the questions to them and their history (making it more realistic). But we agree, we are in our early stages and we are all ears to how else we can step away from chatgpt and be a great product. Let me know any thoughts on how we can improve this!


Btw this is why right now we are a free product. we don't feel we offer enough value or difference yet so let me know any ideas youve got.


People can do that with the paid version of Chat GPT (build a knowledge base). The free version can certainly output more than ten questions depending on how many results the user wants and how they prompt. This makes your tool more of a commodity. I don't know what a paid value would be on something like this that depends on an openai, claude, jasper or gemini API where people could skip the middle man(you) if they want. Maybe if you somehow are able to market a value prop such as "We've talked to hundreds of mangers and recruiters to validate the questions generated" and maybe position yourself as "this isn't just based on a bunch of generic chat gpt hypothetical outputs"...I'm not sure. A decent number of average Joes are still not savvy with AI, so that is definitely a part of your target audience. The clock is ticking with that, though, as it gets more and more popular each day. Many companies now require their employees to learn AI and have their own company playground for generative AI and more.


Yeah I agree with the points concerning chatgpt. I think our product strategy is to refine as you say how we conduct the interviews i.e. real questions validated by real experts. but also build out some other features such as CV assistants, company researchers and more thus adding more value. The feedback we are getting is great though and everyone is saying it's nice to have a dedicated platform where they can do this. I would also make a case that there are hundreds of other job ai tools from CV writers, to auto appliers. All of these follow the same steps as in (API usage) but its who is your ICP and are they so savvy. But also have the time? To refine the prompts, experiment is wasted time for lots of people so having a go to platform like ours can be great. Likewise we have some colleges / unis using our tools now and they could say the same thing, tell their students to go on chatgpt and use that. Honestly I am all ears to this problem and am 100% committed to finding a solution.




Yeah I kinda agree. Social proof is a hard balance. Any suggestions on how this could be better?


The design is really nice. I love it. One critique though , the max width for the footer does not match the rest of the page . Seems a bit off.


Thanks, should be sorted now.


Looks nice, I would make sure the Nav bar has either some kind of blur background or is not visible while scrolling down, else you end up having the brand name overlapping with the content and that doesn't look nice. The dropdown menu could also have a better background, I feel like the content text is still making it hard to read the elements of the menu. Also it seems your product is not free however I can't find a pricing section, I would make sure to have it somewhere easily findable. I hate SaaS product that don't give you the pricing.


hey great feedback thank you! it is a completely free tool right now


Ah ok, funnily enough when you are on the features page and go all the way down to the footer you see a Pricing link that doesn't work


Thank you pointing this out! Sorted now


The design looks clean, I love it. When it comes to the SaaS itself, will need to check it out


by all means have a look, its completely free rn


Love the guts to put yourself out there! I think UAE's startup ecosystem could be a great fit for you - we've got free zones, tax incentives, and a streamlined process for setting up shop.


All ears. DM me.


Once I click your menu I cannot unclick it on mobile. And an annoying banner is scrolling over half my screen. Web design is very nice.


Thank you! Will sort ASAP.


Pricing section is not opening and not added in navbar


Thank you! Our product is actually free right now


what's the plan to monetize this?


Right now its mixed. We have interest from colleges and unis to help them licence to their students. We can potentially offer a paid plan (probs one-time). Any thoughts?


Looks good. My only feedback is that "supercharge" is the most overused word in SaaS. It means nothing. Try a better heading. "Ace your next interview with just 10 minutes of practice"


Amazing, really love this! Will A/B test to see.


Pretty nice just that in my phone the header is cut off so one could read till jobsee


Sorry to hear this, I will have a look now.


The popups don't have an exit button. It would be nice to be able to kick it away


Great suggestion! Working on it.


Your blog content on mobile doesn't have any margin at the bottom of the page and overflows the screen. Also it looks like lazy AI generated crap.


Hey, will sort out mobile asap. We use AI to build frameworks for our blogs like most other SaaS but all writing is ours. We will look in the future on how we can make this sound less AI ish :)


I think this is a great idea. It would be even better if incorporated speaking-only interviews (instead of typing). I was thinking of building something like this myself.


Hey thank you. Interested in the idea for only having speaking? our view is that if you are in a public place (e.g. train) on the way to the interview we felt people probably wouldn't want to interview practice so we added in the typing feature. Would love to hear your thoughts tho?


Solid concept, but the UI needs a serious facelift.


Hey, what do you suggest?


You should update the open graph tags on your landing page


Hey, thanks. Any suggestions on what to?


Well the bare minimum would be to set a screenshot of your website as the og:image


thanks, should be done now.


The top right corner popup thigns are annoying. You claim that over 7600 people have used this and rated this five stars, yet there is no evidence to support that claim. Which makes this entire thing feel scammy and fake. The same applies with the horizontal scroll of famous company names. "See how InterviewBoss turns nerves into offers" - this makes no sense. I don't want my nerves to be changed into anything. All the screenshots under that section are too small to be actually providing any value. What is the point of showing screenshots if they are so small, I cannot see what they contain? Being able to click a screenshot to see it in full size is 1990's technology and sadly it is not being implemented here.


Hey, thanks for the feedback! We now have over 8,000 users. But i agree. I too am put off by misleading statements on websites with no evidence. but the thing is we do actually have evidence, at the end of an interview the users are asked for their feedback. we use this for multiple things. but i would love to understand how we can make the site feel less scammy etc. all ears. regarding the nerves into offers - what do you suggest would be better here? fair point on the screenshots, its a complete honest overlook on our part, we will add the zoom in asap. any other ideas lmk.


How many users do you guys have now?


as of 12:33 GMT, 6 July 2024 we have 8,045 (growing by around 400-500 a day currently)


That’s incredible!! And how do you guys manage feedbacks? Do you use emails and surveys?


hey so we use in app surveys and feedback boxes i.e. at end of an interview to monitor. as well as other tools such as posthog to track retention rates etc.


I’m currently working on a way to simplify collecting feedback, you add a sticky widget on your web app page and it opens a window to share feedback, give feature suggestions etc. Would you want to check it out?


for sure, dm me.


The main issue I see is how to ensure recurring profits. People might use it to get a job, but why would they continue using it afterward? What is your long-term strategy?


Hey, great question and we agree. This isn't a product that can be used all year round and only has value to people on the job hunt. Our long term strategy is this: - Monetise our app using a one time payment structure i.e. buy once and get unlimited access for 3 months. - sell to colleges and unis on a recurring monthly plan (we have significant interest in this). - potentially sell white label access to recruitment agencies to help them increase job placements. - build other tools off the back of this one and monetise.


I'm not much of an expert in this (I'm just starting out), but that seems like a good strategy. Maybe add features like practice exams for professional certifications such as PSM and CSPO? It's somewhat similar and related to what you already have, and it might give existing customers a reason to keep using the product. Just an idea..


that is a great idea! will look into it and see any players in this space. thank you!


Why would i use your product instead of chatgpt?


I'm a UI/UX designer, so I'll just comment on the site design itself - here are some things that stand out to me: 1. keyboard accessibility: I tried getting through your landing page using keyboard tabbing. The "Get Started" button is the last thing I can see that I'm focused on. After that, I can't tell where the focus state hits next, it doesn't look like anything has changed - it doesn't show up again until I get to "Boost your job search", which means I've completely passed over your first CTA without realizing it. It goes straight from "Boost your job search" to "Testimonials", then back up again. I also get caught up in testimonials section - because each element has a focused state and because there are so many testimonials, I have to tab through every one before I can move on. 2. Speaking of testimonials, I had a hard time reading them because of all the movement. The animation looks great, but isn't actually helpful for reading. 3. Same with the animation for the institutions. It wasn't very bad higher up on the page with the logos, because I can recognize the logos at a glance. But the names of the universities are text-heavy, so reading them with the animation going is much harder. 4. In the section "See how InterviewBoss turns nerves into offers" - I think it's great to include imagery of each feature, but the screencaps are a big too big to really understand what's going on. Images that illustrate what they do would work better than screencaps of an entire page. 5. You've got a flat UI design here, which is great. But the big downside to flat UI design is design cues can get mixed up really easily. Take the "Boost your job search" div. It looks like a button, and when I hover over it the cursor changes to a hand, indicating that it's clickable. But when I click on it, nothing happens. 6. Center-aligned text is really aesthetically pleasing, but is hard to read when there's more than 1-2 lines of text. It's because every time a reader reaches the end of the line, they have to jump back to the beginning and "find" where the next line starts. For any text longer than 1-2 lines (on mobile!), I highly recommend left-aligning the text. I'm especially looking at the text on the "About Us" page.


Hey thank you so much. We have changed some elements just now. Interested in the keyboard accessibility, is this commonly used?


Hey - so I'd say it's common for most users to use the keyboard sometimes - like navigating through a form. In addition, users with fine-motor-skill issues may prefer a keyboard to a mouse. Many blind users use a keyboard in addition to a screen reader to navigate. And users with an injury to their wrist (like a sprain, RSI, carpal tunnel, etc) may prefer to use a keyboard until the injury heals.


Your achievement in helping over **8,000 individuals** secure positions at top companies worldwide is impressive! Considering your startup's recent launch, could you share more about how you managed to achieve such significant results so quickly? Understanding your process and strategies would be enlightening, especially for others looking to replicate such success >!​!<


Hey sure. We haven't been live long but have done some pretty cool things. Our first month (March/April? was awful, the site didn't work and we were struggling to get more than 1-2 users a day. Then we did a product hunt launch which got the attention on twitter and linkedin a few times. We had someone recommend us (we still don't know them) on a random Saturday night and their tweet got a few hundred thousand views which generated us a lot of traffic which I suppose was our first 'oh shit' moment. Then we just continued with what worked, generating some decent traffic from blogs / organic google and a mix of CPC on google now as well. in the last 7 days, we've added 2,500 new users to the platform so our biggest week by miles. now looking to build out our value prop and our product so it stands away from comparisions with chatgpt etc. Once we have done this, we will monetise to fund growth.


Mind asking, what tech stack did you use?


Great 👍


appreciate it!