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It's just another hot Sacramento summer, just like any other major city across the USA. This is the time of year that violence spikes.


Crime rates increase when the temp increases. This is a well-observed phenomenon.


Then we should put a giant sun shade over the city to keep it cool and the crime rate down. It's a win-win situation.


Also, three shot in Rancho Cordova on Friday. https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/person-detained-after-3-shot-in-rancho-cordova/


And we just had another one today... [https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-county-shooting-report-holworthy-way/61243732](https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-county-shooting-report-holworthy-way/61243732) Fire and shootings.... and coming soon... explosives.


Explosives already happened. Pipe bomb last week at the recycling center.


Oh that’s right! Welp, more celebratory explosions to come next week.


Also, a 20% chance of thunderstorms predicted for Tuesday, per CBS 13 ⛈️.


How the f*ck does 4 total shooting stretch the department thin. There are over 1 million ppl in this area - so there are thousands of cops. WTF


There are only like 675ish cops working 24/7/365. The Arden shooting took a large numbers of cops to secure the scene, gather witnesses, chase the suspects and gather video footage. Add the wild number of DV calls that happen, and it can drain resources very quickly


Also there's this little hiccup called jurisdictions. Not all police will have the permissions to respond to calls outside of the their department jurisdiction.


You ever seen what happens when "gun" is mentioned? It's like 20 cop cars minimum


I'm wondering the same thing. This article is PD PR for "please give us even more money to piss away".


Maybe they should spend more money on manpower and not armored vehicles. Just a thought.


Yeah, you'd think. But then that wouldn't allow them to keep on ripping off taxpayers for overtime money.


My biggest problem with it all of how much we pay undereducated cops vs educated teachers. It’s all horseshit.


This is it right here copaganda




ACAB ![gif](giphy|U67CajqFIjiDSACi5i)


Any time I see a grown ass man unironically say or call someone “bootlicker” it makes me cringe and think, “I peaked in high school when I was a misfit underachiever”. Was that your peak? You’re a grown ass man/woman dawg. Time to leave the teenage rebellion and angst in high school. Edit: homeboy is big mad. To answer your question: someone with a career. I know that probably sounds like a foreign concept to you. But I work as a criminal investigator for the courts. I’m not sworn though. Thus, LE adjacent.


Yeah your posts history will say otherwise. You are a bootlicker. "I'm not LE but LE adjacent" what does that even meeeeann?


lol how did you figure that??? There are about 500-600 sworn cops. Of that number, give or take 100 are admin. Another 100 are specialized officers (detectives, bike cops, motorcycle etc.). Another 50-100 or so are on vacation/FMLA/time off/training etc. Leaves maybe 300 other cops that are working. Divide 300 by the three shifts: day, swing and nights. So roughly 100 cops working every shift in the whole city. Enjoy your sleep.


It’s because 5011 of them have to show up at every incident.


The article posted mentioned a person found in a car with a gun shot wound at 2:30 am at the 100 block of K Street. That's Old Sacramento, right? Gun shot to the leg? People are shooting at each other in the wee hours in Old Sac??? Or the asshole accidentally shot himself while carrying a gun???


They had enough resources for a fuck ton of them to participate in a mid-day fun run today for the special Olympics


That’s not usually paid. That’s people’s time off. Believe it or not, cops are people and they’re entitled to time off from work to live their lives.


Mid-day isn't usually when shootings happen


I forgot that shootings were scheduled in advance.


When do they usually happen? Please enlighten us because this is news to me


Why are so many officers responding to the shooting? After the shooting, they all just stand around talking about God knows what when they could be patrolling and not being spread thin throughout Sacramento.


Many of those that look like cops aren't actual LEOs. Some are auxiliary civilians and some are CSI and the like. All in uniform.


Its kind of like construction imo. When you happen to be looking you see what you see for however long you are looking and think everyone is always standing around doing nothing because that is what you saw. Even if that is indeed what you saw, its much bigger than that. I think investigations are also not determined by the officers responding to crowd control in patrol cars, they're all trying to follow orders appropriately from their structure which can lead to inefficiencies over time. But also, too strictly adhering to protocols has led to situations like uvalde so its really a tough situation to be in. I imagine being stretched thin applies also applies to support staff, office workers etc that are all paid for under the police budget. Long hours for patrol officers I think is just one aspect. Also I think the bigger issue is with a long term lack of having enough resources across the board. Particularly stressful times like these really highlight the weakness of the system but its more than just re-assigning resources for the day from one situation to another.


Good analogy with construction. The shooting scenes are pretty dynamic. Heard it come across the scanner, and you had cops: Directing traffic on Arden Looking for two suspects Interviewing witnesses Canvassing for evidence Processing the scene Going to businesses looking for video evidence You’re not going to do all of that with 2-3 cops. When they’re “standing around” talking they’re doing their jobs


Makes me so glad that I got the hell out of there and California. Sitting up in the mountains, enjoying the cool weather, and a cold one. Little crime here, because we can open carry. Seems the bad guys are outnumbered here.


Police Debt. Fire Dept. really any public safety dept. hypes up any and all events and takes advantage ANYTIME they can to remind the public how important they are and remind the public they need more resources and a bigger budget. It’s part of their marketing message.


Yep. It’s one big reason why people think crime is out of control, and even when crime rates are going down the public believes that they’re going up.


Thin budgets are because their crazy bloated payroll robs the city of resources.


lol stretch police resources thin?! Their budgets go up year over year for infinite overtime but we are supposed to believe this stretches them thin, interesting.


Don’t worry. They still have enough officers to take a report and then sit and do nothing if you report something stolen.


Sac police don’t care to enforce crimes. They are more likely to be the problem than solve a problem. It’s hot out so they chilling next to the a/c.