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Non-consensual posting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN here! If anyone sees anything of this sort, I implore you to immediately contact me through modmail to ensure I'm aware of it. I try my best to stay on top of things like this, but unfortunately, things do slip through the cracks. Once I'm aware of it, I will take action immediately. Thank you, everyone, for being vigiliant. We should all be looking out for each other and making sure this community is as safe as possible for everyone. The more bad actors we can weed out, the better. Thanks again!


I’m honestly suspicious of any guy posting pics of women on here. I suspect most of them aren’t consensual and yeah maybe they really are swingers and maybe the wife really doesn’t care, but how would we know? Shit is sadly common. My sis had a guy posting her pics on a different social media without consent for years before she found out. Dudes that do that are basically digital rapists and creeps of the highest order.


Yeah me and my wife post on here, I am the first to admit that I primarily am the one managing the account but every photo I post my wife okays on and likes to read the comments/replies we get. Shes just not good talking to people But yeah it would be weird even our relationship for me to take a picture and post without first asking her opinion on it, It blows my mind that guys would post pictures without their GFs/wives knowing at ALL.


I am suspicious as well. I’ve found it very rare to find a person that has been ok with posting not to mention their face. I’ve lucked out and found a couple who makes content and they gave me permission to post. Otherwise most of the fun I have is never filmed nor posted as I try to respect their boundaries as best I can. So it sucks to see guys like this create distrust not to mention harm. I am sorry about your sister:( I hope she is ok now


Exactly. In my experience, if a woman wants to post pics and vids, she’ll do it herself. They don’t need a dude to do it for them.


Besides being super creepy…. I would add… it’s actually against the law and you can also be sued… California has pretty strict revenge porn laws (revenge porn is basically anything you post without permission from the person pictured).


True! I hope people know that. But just being a decent person should stop peeps from posting non-consent stuff. Should at least:(


Account has been suspended.


Happens ALL the time. I had my images sent back to me before on Social Media haaaa. Why I remove ppls faces if I have or do not have their consent. I'm not here to blast other ppl. Not my right to. My own is different.