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Safety and security have made me miserable. I can manage my own. I’m ready for passion.


We often value freedom and adventure. Each Sag woman is unique, but many prioritize excitement and genuine connection over practicality in relationships.


Same: I create my own safety and security. I‘ll always be there for the passion, romanticism, sexiness, exploration, and depth. My wife/soul mate on the other hand loves the safety and security that I provide and in return, she naturally provides what I don’t have and need, so it’s the perfect balance.


How exactly were you miserable ? When I say safety and security I’m referring to a good man who you know won’t cheat and lie rather than a bad boy who is exiting but not as stable


yea, see safety and security for me is someone who won't rob me and potentially murder me... we clearly date different people...


Maybe should've been more clear in your OP.... these are pretty subjective qualities.


Why not both ?


Sometimes it can be hard to find both that’s why I listed one or the other . Most people have to choose


never choose...never settle life is too short to be miserably married.


Safety and security doesn’t keep me interested. I’m my own safety and security. If there’s no passion I’m not hanging around.




When I mean safety I’m talking about dating a guy who you know who is a good man and who you’re like 100% will not have a wondering eye instead of going for bad boys who are more exciting


I used to prefer safe men and things didn't work. Some of them were dull and boring. So now, if there's no passion, I don't want them. It's both or nothing.


Ah, I see. I don’t date those with wandering eyes to begin with. If I’m not enough, I’m not hanging around. That shortens up my list by quite a lot. A man who respects me enough to only be with me and one I feel a passionate connection with is one that will keep me in the corral. If he doesn’t check all those boxes I’m gone.


110 %


I would like to know what guy doesn’t have a wondering eye these days? Who?


I’m going to take option C, and have it all


Seconded. Both are essential imo


That’s why I married him. The sense of humor was all it took really. The rest was an added bonus. My biggest turn on is can you make me laugh? It’s been 13 years and 2 kids, still giggle at the stuff he says.


What’s his sign?


Sag sun, Cap rising


Married a guy I am passionately head over heels for. It was a whirlwind romance and we're still happily married 6 years later. He also makes me feel safe and secure to this day.


You got lucky ! Most people have a hard time finding both in one person


Passion has made me miserable, time and time again. I'm on indefinite romantic hiatus, until I find someone who is a balance of both. I've dated primarily other Fire signs and Water people. I'll probably end up with someone who is a mix of Fire and Air with just enough Water and Earth to make them practical and compassionate.


Both can I say both lol


I always went for what felt intense because I took that as ‘going with your gut’, thought that the ‘practical’ things would happen as long as the connection and commitment was there. None of them worked out (Aries, Aquarius, Gemini) so I was single/celibate for 4 years, my man now (Capricorn) has his shit together and we share a strong connection. The things I would tell my younger self but you live and you learn lol My rising is Taurus, moon is Gemini


I’m in a relationship now for safety & security… wondering if I should leave for someone I can actually be in love with… I also have a Capricorn Venus


So you’re not in love with him? That’s not good. You need love also


I was in love, but I’m with him because I know he loves me..


i'm in the same situation. married for security and now missing the passion real bad...but staying because he really loves me and who knows if i can ever get that back?


I date whoever I’m interested in.


Talk to my moon, rising, venus, and mars 😗


What is it?


Passion love, I'd live in a box with my love. I'm resilient enough to not really take security into account. However I have fell for some real losers with this mindset. (Drugs and alcohol guys mostly lol)


Both. 1000% flaming fiery passion, and 1000% a good person. Also extremely important: highly intelligent and hilarious enough that he makes me laugh till the tears come. 🔥🔥🔥


What if you only had the option to pick one tho ?


Having been a dumbass in my youth, I picked “only passion” a few times, but as Sags our mandate is to learn from our lessons and experiences, good and bad. That includes eventually cultivating wisdom in whom we pick as our partners. And no passion is just as bad as only passion.


Stupid love


Both! safety and security I know is more logical but passionate love is something I need in order to continue. I require pressure. Even though I’m with a libra, my fiancé has a Scorpio moon that’s intense and my Aries moon loves it even if it doesn’t always understand his placement.