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Can’t stand that shit


Yes! I guess he's not really my man if he's still attracted to other girls. Id rather let him go than fight for his attention and loyalty.


Being attracted to other people is one thing, it’s human nature. But going out of your way to show that person and everyone else that you’re attracted to them is just blatant disrespect.


It is. I’m so sad I had to end things with my Aries. Our connection is so intense but he can’t stop liking and commenting 🤦‍♀️clearly it’s an addiction. Tell me I’m not crazy for letting him go 😭


Hell to the no. Instagram is such a public platform. I don't want to be associated with a community dick. Even if you don't respect me have some respect for yourself. I hold myself to the same standard. I keep my socials clean and don't watch porn.


That would give me big ick. I like pretty people as much as the next person but curating a public feed of you just being a coomer is just kind of pathetic and unattractive.


I wouldn't actively care but it would make me take him less seriously and/or give me the ick.


Would be in a relationship with him?


>it would make me take him less seriously So most likely not.


It should bother you. It’s not something that’s done involuntarily.


Would you date someone like this ?


My bf did this at the beginning of our relationship, so I unfollowed him. Now he’s given me all his codes & passwords & no longer follows those people & sees it on his feed. His algorithm looks totally different now too


Is it really bad if you don’t care? Idk I’m less jealous these days


Elder millennial Sag woman here. Yes, it would bother me. I think it's weird. Like, what's the point of grown men looking at mostly nude women, then they just keep scrolling? For a lil boner? A small thrill? A tiny daydream? It's voyeuristic and is porn-y, and I'm not a fan. Teenage boys I could see doing it, but not grown men. I'm also much more a fan of modest things than overtly sexual things, so that probably plays a factor.


I've got an interesting perspective because I'm in long-term recovery for sex addiction.Voyarism is not one of the ways that I get high off of sex so Instagram people and online persona's pictures in general do nothing for me. Yet I have a lot of friends that describe going on social media to objectify and sexualize bodies as a way that they get high and they can't stop..I don't see the point.It's like, give me the full spectrum of the relationship not the fantasy of the one that I have in my head with you.... That doesn't even sound like a good time.. All of these people usually follow strangers on the internet because they're in their attraction spectrum to get high off of their pictures.its so sad... As for my mate my thing is I know what I bring to the table you want something else than let's have a polyamorous relationship and I too will go start relationships with people I feel sexually attracted to fill the void of the hours they spend with their other partners...


Nah I only care if he's not being a good dad or an attentive husband. But I don't care about this nonsense, or whether he has female friends or whatever.


I honestly get the ick from people being occupied with porn and social media too much. So yes. I can't trust the personality and taste of such people.


I wouldn’t even date a man that had an instagram


Why is that?


Sign of vanity and then also potentially soft core porn addiction


Dang that cut deep lol


This is so real


What? I have an instagram and don’t even post. It’s just to keep up with friends & send funny memes


What if he’s on there trying to make a career out of it by being an influencer ?


I mean there’s always exceptions, if it’s a part of his business that could be interesting!


Weirds me out when people wanna be turned on every time they go onto their socials, or worse, can't get turned on any more because they've desensitized themselves to the whole thing.; I've deleted all my socials, but honestly whole thing feels voyeuristic and self-mastrubatory


It’s honestly an ick 😫 I used to follow models like Alexis ren and I used to see guys with girlfriends like all their pics and I felt secondhand disrespect on behalf of their girlfriends. It’s just like…. Why


It’s a red flag 🚩. I would keep it in mind and notice his following and which posts he likes before the relationship. During the relationship is an absolute no. I’d bring it up if he continues, and I’m out if he does even after that.


Yes, do not fucking embarrass me.


My relationship predates social media. That being said, the level of fucks I do not give if my husband “likes” a photo of a model are damn near undetectable. When this became a “thing” I will never know or understand but hey, you do you I guess.


I mean I like some models but I’m a single person, if I had a woman. I would quit liking models altogether and quit looking at porn


I’m not talking about a man who is in a relationship


Ahh, sorry.


Yeah is disgusting...💔


It’s disrespectful


Yes, ew


Don’t love it 🙃


Nah. He can look at them and fantasize about them - having fantasies is normal and doesn't mean you want to act on them... But actually engaging with them (to a certain extent) by liking their pictures? Big nope. Unless he's actually irl friends with them. That's fine. I'm a bi woman with friends of several genders, and hence know having friends of genders you're attracted to doesn't make you disloyal.


Idc if he sees but actively liking and commenting and even talking is where I have an issue. My rule in my relationship is don’t do something you wouldn’t want me doing, because I promise I can do it better than you. And I don’t even mean that in a get back way. I mean, I like men, and find them attractive, so if that’s what you’re doing, why can’t I do the same. But I know you would have a fit if you saw the way men interact and go for me online and in person. So, to avoid any issues…please refrain. People can be inconsiderate until it happens to them 🤷‍♀️ and a lot of men I’ve noticed fall into this category from my experience. I’m a Sag baby, I’m into what you’re into. But make sure you’re ready to play when you step up to date us, because we bring it!


Tbh I think it depends on the severity of it, I like pics and stories without thinking too much abt it, but granted my fyp isn’t filled with overly exposed ppl but for the most part. If I see a pic of a girl in like a cute bikini or a guy working out shirtless I’ll like it and not be weird abt it, it’s more of a “oh wow this person looks great” and then I’m onto looking at memes or beauty related posts etc. I’d say if that’s ALL that’s on their fyp along with other sex related content esp the girls look super different compared to how I look then I might be thrown off by it or a lil hesitant.


No problem at all. Just because they find a picture of a person is attractive doesn't mean they don't love you or care. I mean even as a woman I may see a man and thinks he looks great but I am not about to go do anything. It's just nice to admire. 


I don't care unless the girls are underage or idiotic like uh what’s her face, Breckie Hill. Then I just don’t like that it’s someone with such poor self-esteem. I’d just tell him to do better.


Big ick. Wouldnt bother me in that moment but most probably will come up later during an argument or fight that was meant to be something else lol.