• By -


Our libel laws put the burden of proof on the one complaining. Add in our discovery process in lawsuits. They have never been super popular to influence people or even have status. Also, Americans love to boost up the underdog, but equally love to see a rich privileged person fall. They wouldn't do well in our courts and even worse in public opinion than they already are.


This x 1,000


Rachel has always wanted and wants to be a Hollywood A list star. Rachel would be jumping up and down if the U.S. media were covering her 24/7. Rachel is suing the British media because they were on A's surrogacy, Rachel wants money from the media, and she is feeding into Haz's trauma of being afraid from the media since the 2000s. Americans also pull no punches and are not afraid to stand up and put narcs in their place, more bored than the British media and the BRF.


She's written off Britain and she still wants to bank on the American market. Meghan's dream has always to be a Hollywood star. Don't forget, Suits was filmed in Toronto not California. She failed in Hollywood for years, but gained some smalltime relevance in Canada on the Toronto scene (though less than we thought following Sophie Trudeau's rewriting of the record). She was the face of Reitmans, a Canadian (edit) ~~department store~~ women's clothing store. But Suits was coming to and end and she sought new pastures and a bigger market. She set her eyes on Britain then bagged Harry after flirting with all sorts of awful footballer types (Ashley Cole, look him up...). But she never wanted to be big in the UK, she wanted Hollywood stardom. Her social climbing involved writing off whole countries not just individuals! Ultimately she never had any affinity for the UK (nor Canada, nor the whole Commonwealth). These countries were always a stepping stone to try and launch something in the only place in the world she sees as worthy of her. It's natural she wouldn't smear the US when cashing in and being a celebrity there, specifically in Hollywood, was always her dream.


And honestly, I didn't know she was the face of Reitmans and I'd never heard of Suits until she started showing up with Harry. She was not a force in Canada and had no relevance here. Or if she did, it was only in Toronto. The media sometimes like to act as if Toronto is Canada, but they did not publicize her to rest of Canada,


She wasn’t really what I would call the face of the store. She was in one Reitman’s TV ad, shot by the worst ad agency in Canada. Reitman’s also isn’t a department store, it’s women’s economical/affordable/value-priced clothing.  Edit to add context. 


I have to say, I was impressed with the Canadian discount stores. In their version of Ross Dress for Less, I found a substantial CASHMERE sweater that was lovely. (I love me a good bargain!)


She was in several Reitmans ads, which can be viewed on YouTube. I wasn't impressed.


Canadian here and I had never heard of her or Suits or seen a Reitman's ad with her face ever. The supposed big deal actress didn't have a public persona \[outside a very small group in TO\] until Hazbeen showed up.




I've heard many Canadians say the same!


Torontonian here and I had no idea who she was either. I had heard of Suits, because it got advertised during other shows I watched, but had no idea who was in it. I didn't read the Toronto gossip pages so never saw any snaps of her at the time. I knew who Ben Mulroney was of course, and had a vague knowledge of Lainey but didn't read her blog or anything. And since I never pay attention to commercials I had zero idea of the Reitman's tie-in.


believe me she was not a force here in Toronto (except apparently in her own little Soho House) circle and I believe she was just at the beginning of her relationship with Reitman's as I'd never seen any ads and all that stuff she said about the media outside her house was garbage as I live nearby and never saw any media


My friend was a few doors down and had no idea a “star” lived on her street


That's cuz a star didn't!


Me neither and I shopped reitmans. Still do. Never heard of her till Harry.


I uses to walk past Reitmans and there was a huge poster of a model on the window. I didn't know who she was but everytime I walked by, I would feel this darkness come over me and I would be annoyed. I always wondered to.myself why that picture bugged me so much.


Was it the eyes? She has creepy psycho eyes.


I don't know what it was. Sometimes the hair in my neck stood up . Definitely psycho everything.




I do remember the Reitman's ads. I didn't know who she was and why I should care. From the ad campaign, nothing made me want to learn more about her. 


Hollywood star and model. Remember Harry reassuring her on netflix that she was good enough to be a model bahahaha! She must constantly mooch around fishing for beauty compliments.  Remember when Harry allegedly fell out with David Foster he referred to her as being his very hot wife…bahahaha! Sad deluded narcissistic losers. 


Heart attack beautiful! Another bit of self-praise you can bet came out of Meg's own mouth.


Vancouverite here! WE are Hollywood North. We don’t know her. If she is working film in Toronto, she didn’t make it in Vancouver either. Never heard of her until the one Reitman’s Ad, nor again until Harry. And, I work in Corporate Fashion, and barley knew Reitaman’s…..to give some good Canadian context. Also, yes, no one likes Toronto, as a national agreement. They believe they are NY, and we just let them, like Drake! Oops!


Loving all the Canadian tea!


Second This: Most of Canada kinda laughs at (+ 'puts up with', like a difficult relative) Toronto peeps - b/c they DO think they are a smaller, cooler N.Y.C.




Very well put.


She's not pissed at Americans. She's pissed at the RF and by extension all Brits because they didn't make her and harry the heirs to the throne. She's mad because they saw through her. She doesn't gaf about Americans because we never noticed her at all. We didn't wound her ego like Britain did. She is a never was here in America but she though she would waltz into the RF and be the hottest of hot shit. She got the biggest narc wound of her entire life in Britain and failed out of the RF publicly and she will carry that the rest of her life. She will seethe about it every day that she breathes. All of her nasty antics are directly related to the "rejection" she received when she was in the UK and she has a deep and abiding hatred for the RF and Britain because of it. Her narc wound is picked ever wider by the love and admiration that the RF particularly HRH Catherine and the Wales children receive by Brits. In her mind by all rights that should go to her. Make no mistake she *hates* the Wales and would do any of them dirty if she could. They are the villains in her narrative. Any and every portion of her unpopularity is entirely HRH Catherine fault in old rachels festering mind. Trust me I know her ilk,I am the villain in my mil narrative. According to her I am keeping her grown ass son from contacting her(despite the fact that he has his own cell phone ).


>She doesn't gaf about Americans because we never noticed her at all. We didn't wound her ego like Britain did. She most likely blames Britain for the bad press she's getting in America - iirc she or one of her mouthpieces (possibly Scobie Doo) suggested the RF were pulling strings through contacts in the US press. If they had that sort of influence, you'd think they'd have thrown it at getting the Oprah interview shut down or buried, not at publishing petty hit pieces on her... but no, she can't process the possibility that more and more Americans are seeing through her act for themselves. I think narcissists can and do devalue and discard their own countries sometimes, but usually not if there's a more obvious target. To her, Britain is what made it all go wrong for her. If the Statue of Liberty came to life, strode across the continental US to California and crushed the Olive Garden underfoot while singing the Star Spangled Banner, she'd find a way to convince herself that Catherine put Lady Liberty up to it.


Had Harry been in the US after his mother died, he would know the BRF don't control the US Press at all. The US Press adored Diana, still does. Has always portrayed the BRF, especially Charles, as villain that harmed the dear, sainted, perfect Diana. If the BRF had any control over the US Press, none of this would happen.


It was also the producer of CBS News who showed footage of Diana dying who went on to do the Oprah interview with her second son


That is brilliant, especially your last paragraph 😂🤣😜👏


You're right. It's never anything that Mahgan herself did, that caused a bad reaction. It was someone or something else running interference and not disseminating Mehgan's "truth." Like that episode with Mariah Carey where Mehgan gives her soliloquy that maybe Mariah read lies about Mehgan and that's why she was called a "diva" too? "Harry! It's all your fault and YOUR FAMILY'S that people think badly of me!"


Mariah Carey skyrocketed in my estimation of her after that interview! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yes, you could just hear Mariah Carey's eyeroll.


The idea that there is a conspiracy to take her down is hilarious. Only a megalomaniac would see themselves as being influential enough to warrant such a concerted attack. Her grandiosity also shows in her desperate need for security as though her daily life necessitates protection. Similarly, she asserts that paparazzi are constantly clamoring for photos and she acts like she’s being chased, when in reality, no one notices her. In her mind she’s this high profile target amidst an ongoing character assassination, whose mere existence provokes such jealousy and hatred. She’s a martyr.


Believe me I understand. I've been a narc's villain. I was the woman's villain even before we met. It was very unsettling. You are absolutely right, Markle hates Catherine intensely, and terrifyingly.


Exactly. She failed in the UK and her narc pride was wounded. But in her mind, it is our fault because we failed to see her fabulousness. Therefore we are all idiots and racists.


Big hug to you. A grown woman should expect her grown ass son to leave home and have his own life and priorities. I hate it when a woman tries to blame another woman as the reason for not getting enough attention.


Great comment! It sounds like you know the situation in your own family. So.... In your opinion..... Do the children exist???


Probably. But there is something hinky af about all of it.


This is an excellent post.


This is chilling. No wonder H&M are not allowed on Royal properties. Sorry about your MIL 🙁☹️




Ngl I love that for her


Markle reacts impulsively. With the BRF as soon as she got a solid NO to her demands, when enough was enough, she waved the victim card. Accusing them of racism was easy because they're all white and foreign to her so racism is just too easy to claim. Plus she never wanted to fit in. With Hollywood it's different because she desperately wants to fit in and she could never claim racism in wokistan. So she just shuts up.


She sure educated us in photoshop and backgrid shitshow s!


In Britain there are very many actual black people. And many more brown people. And even more olive-skinned people. Her complexion was not remarkable. Nor would have been her mixed-race parentage. The excessive use of bronzer, though, was a bit if a shocker because outside the rather niche worlds of body building and Latin-American dancing it's not a common look.


It's only easy to claim racism if your audience are totally ignorant about the culture of the UK in which we had anti-discrimination laws decades ago and London is the most diverse city in the world. As you say mixed relationships and children are nothing new here, nobody cared. Maybe she was surprised when she didn't actually encounter any racism?. There was one headline about Compton and that was written by an LA journalist. Just as with the lies about being papped, she lied about the racism as well and it's something I can never forgive her for..


She never felt ‘black’ until she was in the UK as she said. IMO the very thing that she accused the RF, the British media and public of being, she herself is. All her life she identified as Caucasian in part I believe because Doria wasn’t in the picture and her skin tone let her get away with it. The British media kept referring to her as biracial which she felt was shining a great big spotlight on being half black (so reporting the truth) but she is only biracial when it suits her. Calling the British establishment and people racist was an easy out for someone who never intended on staying in the UK because she knew the RF would never speak out, and it was during the BLM protests so she could get away with it. A lot of Americans who haven’t travelled there would buy her narrative because she had Oprah’s help in spreading that narrative knowing no one would correct it and Americans (her target audience) have no idea how multicultural Britain is. The only two known, documented racists in the RF are Henry and Rachel!! It drives me crazy and makes me livid that it has taken this long for her target audience to catch on to who and what she is - an evil, race baiting, vile, vicious twunt!!!


The racism sideshow's tragic because it shows enormous ignorance. IMO.


Personally? I think it's harder to sue the press here.


Damn the 1st amendment and its freedom of speech and press 🤪


Bonkers. Like American football. Lol


Don't you be making fun of my American Football now 🤣 FLY 🦅 FLY


Lol. I am remembering Everybody loves Raymond and Deborah's pretentious dad on Thanksgiving. H will crack me up if gets a new wife older than TOW .🏉🏉⚽⚽🏉🏉⚽


Exactly which is why her and her idiot husband are trying to suppress freedom of speech!!


So with that feeling of disdain for the 1st Amendment, why does PH bother to stick around the US? Also, he's talking about him having no security in the UK, when among high-income countries, the US has highest rates of death due to gun violence. If he's worried about protecting Mehgan, then in the US, she has a significantly higher chance of being extinguished by firearm.


Yep, it's as simple as that. Otherwise you can bet they'd be doing it.


She desperately needs support from the Americans, that's all she and Harry have left, and they are in serious trouble, because even the Americans now see the true narcissism from both.


Because we (UK) didn't buy the bullshit she was selling and didn't prostrate ourselves in front of her and lick her boots. We weren't eternally grateful for her presence. We didn't play our part correctly in the movie that plays in her head - where we, the plebby Brits all declare her the most exquisite creature ever to have graced our shores and bow and scrape to her so that she could take that cachet back to the US and rinse the hell out of it. We (well, many of us) were on to her from day one, therefore the narc rage insists we must be punished forevermore. We should have known our place. She wants to be big in the US. Whether that is through being a politician, movie star, diplomat, influencer, philanthropist, businesswoman, or all of the above, she wants to be the Queen of the USA. So she's not going to rock the boat until she's achieved that goal. She wants this desperately, it is written all over her face. In my opinion.


She was so pushy! Just trashy and it surfaced so quickly


Bang on.


Possibly because she lied and said there are no tabloids in America. If she or Harry responds with a lawsuit to a magazine article from USA Today or People or even National Enquirer, it would backfire on them. She’d have to admit she did know who Harry was and that America does have tabloids and maybe it’s not that every other country is racist, maybe it’s just HER. And she can’t face that. Harry can’t face that maybe he made a mistake. So they will never ever sue or react to American press because it would cause a lot of lies to come tumbling down.


She leverages Harry’s status (now former) in Britain to attack the British people and press. In America, she’s a nobody - more importantly, so is Harry - so the American press laugh in her face. In sum, she doesn’t hold an ounce of status here - and she knows it. Like all bullies, she never punches up.


Her narcissistic rage at the RF for not bowing to her superior self is the problem. She thought the Queen was some soft old lady that she could hoodwink. She didn’t think she would receive any pushback. She was furious that in Great Britain considered her a person of color. Even though she seemed to push that topic to manipulate the press, especially when her misbehavior started to be leaked to the press. She’s been in a narcissistic rage ever since. She can’t go after the A listers in Hollywood, she won’t get anything. She can’t understand that a lot of them see her for what she is……a stage 5 clinger. She’s a TAKER. She does nothing if it doesn’t push her agenda. She can’t accept that people are seeing her for who she is, the Queen and the RF are very popular in the world and Hollywood. She’s overplayed her part and she is a failure


>she is……a stage 5 clinger LOL Perfect description


When she actually admits she has failed in America there is nowhere left to run. Maybe she should discover Jamaican roots and star in an all female retelling of the famed bobsled team taking the Olympics by storm. Harry could be a ganga runner for the squad.




Nigeria is calling


I loved *Cool Runnings*. Leon was total eye-candy. And Doug E. Doug was hilarious. But could anyone buy the idea of Mehgan as an athlete?! Or with a sense of humor?! But I adore the imagine of Lady C. telling off Mehgan for pretending to be Jamaican.


Oh that pesky first amendment against. I hear it’s bonkers.


It is! How dare the peasants speak out against ROYALTY!


“Just wondering why the stark difference between their reaction to American vs british?” It’s all about: 1. Revenge for not giving them half in and half out. Narcs NEVER let go of the past when they feel they have been slighted 2. Any association with the RF is better than none. Picking fights keeps reminding the public that they are “Royal” and they need that to grift off…otherwise the RF would be as ignored as her Father is. 


Yes, good point. The imaginary feud with the Royal family puts the Harkles as equals to the Royal family. In reality of course there is no feud. There is just the Harkles constantly throwing mud in order to make themselves relevant.


"puts the Harkles as equals to the Royal family" This is brilliant! An enemy in a sustained fight, who is important and famous, therefore means that the other party is the same. That's why the Grey Rocking is so effective. The Harkles keep trying to set fires but not answering means no air or fuel to sustain the flame. The Harkles just look more and more disturbed, striking endless matches and getting burned themselves.


"Bonkers". Every time/any where I hear the word "bonkers" it reminds me of that dim-wit sitting there saying that .. as he sit's there running his mouth for all the world to hear. He is so stupid, and I mean actually dumb. His no-good ass should have been run out of the US after that. Go home ya bastard, and take your scruffy piece of "she'll do anything" with you!


We Americans need to hear that bit o' wisdom from a foreign prince. /s ETA do NOT ever give PH a job as a diplomat!


British tabloids sensationalize any tiny detail about the RF. That is because they are very important there. Anything they do is big news in a country where people curtsy to them. Here in the west coast, mega celebrities and multimillionaires are around every corner of the wealthy suburbs. LA is overrun by D list celebrities of which the Harkles are part of and they are extremely boring because they pretend to be royals which restricts what they can do.


It's not mandatory to curtsy or bow. It's long been a matter of personal choice. Sometimes I think people in the US have a totally false idea about the UK and our attitude to the royals. We mainly treat them with wry affection, sometimes take the piss if they deserve it, and generally see them as just part of the furniture of the UK but we certainly don't abase ourselves and bow and scrape to them. That's only on TV.




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Oprah just got markled by precious and it’s so much more than I knew lol it’s a YouTube on popcorn’s planet. I need a smoke!


Please tell me more!


Which video do you mean? There's a Popcorned Planet with Oprah mentions on a Katt Williams one and a Monique. Neither one had a mention of Markle, so I came back to find your comment.


Maybe they mean the actress who played Precious?


Gabourey Sidibe?


They know if they go after the American press then they will turn on them. Further, i think they give a lot of publications stories in return for favorable press.


That’s an interesting question. I think one factor must be that she clearly told Harry she is a much bigger deal in Hollywood circles than she actually was, and he would be livid if he ever figures out she lied about that (and that the A-listers at their wedding were actually there for a royal wedding, not for Meghan’s wedding) Also, of course, she can always claim to an American audience that the cold/mean/snobbish Brits never even gave her a chance and we can’t really disprove that, even if everyone now agrees there was reason to be suspicious of this particular American


This esp doesn't work well with neighbors like Gwyneth who lived in London for years and actually got in trouble by putting her foot in her mouth saying she preferred British people to Americans years ago (or something of that). Most of the people she is trying to glad hand esp in Hollywood or in politics have either worked, lived, or have friends who are British. Her act of "they are all so horrible" will not be believable to the much more powerfully connected and more respected British members of Hollywood some of whom are close to people like King Charles and others who probably don't like having it look like they are all horrible. I feel like Brits maybe only tolerate that kinda thing from each other---not an outsider who lived in luxury at their expense.


Yeah, we can. It's easy to disprove. Let's start with the costly wedding and all the ways she got her way as a (1) foreigner and (2) divorcee. She was given attention and permissions previous women marrying into the RF NEVER got.


Harry was having fits. That’s how the wedding happened. Never again! Ever! Did off the pair of them


Harry was told. He was getting it and she was hot!


She goes after the British royals and press because she knows they aren’t going to fight back. The royals because of never complain, never explain and the press because she’ll sue them. That’s not the case in America. If she went after our press or A listers here they would rip her apart and there’s not a damn thing she could do about it. I wish she would pick a fight here. It would be fun to watch.


Yes. She's a bully. Bullies only attack people who can't, or won't, fight back.


There is no First Amendment in Britain. Here any claims against the press by these two would be laughed out of court unless something was clearly libellous. So it's interesting that they don't even try. Truth is an absolute defense to libel. Hmmmm...


Hairball would love to get rid of our First Amendment. Won't happen, so "eff both of them.


And for anyone who wants a refresher re: USA law re: these matters, there are 2 BIIIIIIIIG lawsuits in the past 2 years can review: * ***Dominion v. Fox*** ^((en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion\_Voting\_Systems\_v.\_Fox\_News\_Network)) * ***Carroll II*** ***v. DJTtrump*** Read-up on these, and will see how long it has been since a previous case - and how clear both those cases were - so could win. Net: T.W. has ZERO chance of winning a libel/defamation lawsuit in the U.S.




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I think they believe that in the UK they already have the clout to stamp their feet and demand things. And sue the media. In the US, they have come to realize that they are really nothing and need to suck up wherever/whenever the opportunity arises. Also, they know they’d better not piss off the media, because the US media (unless paid) does not give a damn who they think they are. The bloodletting could be tremendous if (when) it begins. ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


Nothing to do with clout and everything to do with different libel laws and freedom of speech. The UK is the libel capital of the world. If the laws were different you can bet they would be suing the US media too. They don't really sue the UK media either though as ,just like your laws of defamation a case can only succeed if the person you are suing has said or written something that isn't true. There were so many stories in the UK that they claimed were false and yet they didn't sue. The stories were later revealed to have been true all along.


I still think they try to ingratiate themselves more in the US vs. the stance they seem to take with the UK media. Just my opinion.


yes they're definitely trying to suck up to the US media as that's where they see their future. They have a bad habit of trying to play the two countries off against each other so it must sting that now even the US media is being more critical and they can't spin it as just the UK who are the mean ones.


Because she was looking for an excuse to leave. She couldn't hack it, so convinced herself that Britain was the problem, and that she would be embraced if she went back to California. Instead, she is ignored or at the butt of people's jokes.


Because the royal family wasn't at all what she imagined. She had a Netflix version of royalty in her head and the reality fell far below her expectations. I don't think she could ever get over not being able to change things to the Hollywood version she wanted. Also, as many have said here the Catherine effect was unfathomable to her. She had visions of being the new Diana and so cementing her position in America/Hollywood but Catherine had that role wrapped up. I think part of her thinking was precisely because Diana was so revered in the US. It must have been a shock to her when she came to the UK that Diana wasn't actually held in such high regard here. Even at the height of her popularity she was worshipped by certain groups of people but by no means the whole population by a long stretch. Certainly not by educated, professional people I would say. I'm roughly the same age and I wasn't the slightest bit interested in her and knew very few people who were apart from the odd obsessive royalist secretary in the office. Sorry if that offends any American Diana fans, but it's true. Catherine has a much broader appeal I think because she - like Diana was - is clearly genuinely passionate about the causes she supports, but doesn't go in for all the irritating doe-eyed innocent teenager nonsense like Diana. And which Meghan tries to copy - very badly. Meghan won't bite the American press because she still has dreams of being a superstar in her home town. Her hatred of the UK is because we didn't deliver on that for her as she expected and nor did the royal family. We've all been Markled, same as anyone else who's 'failed' her.


I believe it’s along the same lines as making a Straw Man argument. They both do it constantly. Fabricate and set-up non-existent slights purely to create an excuse to then attack in retaliation in order to get what they want. It’s been her modus operandi since day one. Set-up ‘Daddy’ with the pap shots fiasco so she could legitimise the subsequent cutting off she intended to do regardless of if he took that bait. If it wasn’t the pap shots, she’d have engineered something else. Vile bitch. The whole ‘mean British media’ trope was also a complete fabrication. Done as a means to justify Megxit and swanning off to a McMansion in Cali. Again, it’s my belief she had no intention of sticking to what she signed up for when marrying a British prince. Cali was always the plan. So the ‘hounded Diana 2’ became the narrative. Racism was another. Tom Bower (or was it Valentine Low) said the BP staff were convinced very early on that she was setting a stage of faked grievances as a means to justify her desired outcomes. Narcs operate like that generally. Manipulate an outcome with fabricated or exaggerated reasons in order to justify (in their mind) a reaction that gets them what they want. They just assume everyone is too stupid to see what they’re doing. Won’t stop em doing it again lol.


Never thought about that. Perhaps because she knows she can’t go back to Britain, that ship as long sailed, but she can attack the press, it was their fault everything turned out the way it did. in addition, more British people know about Harry and Meghan, the Oprah interview and throwing the family under the bus. Here in America there are so many people who don’t follow the RF, have no clue who Meghan and Harry are and don’t give a crap about them. She needs to regain some of the good will she had going when she lived in England and when they made their Freedom flight. Unfortunately they’ve squandered that good will, and she‘s back to looking from the outside in where all the cool kids are. Karma came a calling. Curious to see what other sinners have to say


Exactly. I’m Canadian and there almost nothing about them ever




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> The American tabloids Fake news! America doesn't have tabloids! /s


For as kind and generous as Americans can be, we can also be mean and crank up the hate times ten. She was never anyone special here, and she knows we know it.


Because Britain and the BRF are used for their victim status in the USA. The WaPo article about the jams is also a good example of how the American attitude *against* Britain is shown as the mean old BRF made an Instagram post about the jam they sell, to compete with poor little Meghan, just sending jam to her 'friends'. No mention that the BRF has been making and selling jam from their gardens for years and giving the proceeds to charity, never mind that they have a right to show their products that they're **already selling** online anytime they want. It's framed like an attack or trolling, and no mention of her copying them or other businesses is made.


You make an excellent point. There's never enough credit given to the sizeable anti-British feeling in the USA, which has been around for a long, long time. I get kind of amused at folks on here trying to say the Carparkles are Russian or Chinese agents. Personally I think they're too dumb, greedy and volatile to be any kind of "agents" for anyone, but I'd honestly give more credence to them being set up by anti-British movements within the US itself rather than Beijing or Moscow. 


While they could be 'useful idiots', they're really not that useful as they don't have any access. But yes, there is definitely an anti-British theme, poking readers into the reactions they were getting on that article. It's no accident.




The answer is the Commonwealth. I firmly believe they're angling for a strategic role... putting pressure on King Charles to award it to them. "Give us what we want and the harassment will go away. We're equal to W&C and everyone loves us". It might sound mad but this is Harry and Megs; not exactly known for the sanest moves ever.


That is why she had the Commonwealth flowers on that ridiculous, virginal, veil of hers.


She is a joke on BOTH sides of the Atlantic.




I think she knows that most of Hollywood won’t ignore her and let her accusations sit unanswered as the BRF has done. The narc that came into our family did the same thing. The one in our family accused us of things publicly that were just not true, knowing that we had already taken the position (and told them as much) that we would never fight them or speak ill of them as that simply isn’t who we are. I strongly believe that the BRF had a similar conversation with TW, along the same lines as HLMTQ was purported to have said, “We don’t talk to people that way in this family.” TW knew she would be able to float whatever she wanted and never be challenged…not so in Hollywood.


In Britain, she's angry she isn't beloved. That she can't do half in and half out, which they had planned since before their marriage. She's mad she can't merch off her Duchess title. That's probably her biggest problem she planned to use it to make money. She has no "power" she's not in charge of anything. She will literally get booed wherever she goes. In the US, she's just glad people are talking about her. And her face is staying out there so people won't forget her. Not that that is possible at this point.


She probably could have gotten what she wanted if she would have remained a working actress and not joined the RF full time. She would attend the big glitzy events as Harry's plus one and be able to do all of the hollywood red carpets too. She could have played the strong independent woman card by continuing to work outside of the royal family.


Do you mean if they had married and she had continued acting? Which the Palace actually did encourage. Or Meghan encouraged it on their part. I think you're right. Harold loves the Hollywood spotlight, so he'd attended all of those events with her. She would have attended any important royal events with Harold. Too bad she can't act, though. I dont think Hollywood would cast her just because of she is and who she married. Disney already made that mistake.


Harry was an acquisition, albeit a British Prince - and that was her biggest mistake. Harry is bitter and paranoid. He thinks his status entitles him to ride roughshod over the UK. whilst playing at being a Royal in the US. That is his biggest mistake. By marrying him she invited intense scrutiny - everything she wore, everyone she spoke to, every place she went, everything she said and especially her past. Whilst she craved the attention and the flashing cameras she hoped Harry would bring, she underestimated the power of the Monarchy and the reverence the British people have for them. She invited the world into her life. That wasn't what she wanted. Her relationships are one-sided. The UK tolerated H&M for the sake of the Monarchy. By nature we maintain a stiff upper lip. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" - Napoleon (1769-1821). Fast forward 4 years and, as expected, they have been their own undoing. Her time in the UK was just a blot on our landscape. She sought revenge from the USA. However, H&M's actions in the UK, the subsequent opening of the Pandora's box she sought to keep closed, and their unmitigated disastrous choices, have wrecked their chances in the USA. The media cannot be controlled. Yes, as nations we have our cultural differences, but, curiously, our cultural differences have created the perfect storm with H&M's downfall. It started in the UK and America is finishing it. She should have aimed lower, kept her secrets and done them both a favour.


I think that Mehgan viewed the BRF as a stepping stone, so step on them, she did. She scorched and salted the earth to try to make them bow down to her demands. She does not expect to go back. Mehgan really worked the cultural differences. She expected Americans to believe her when she accused the British of being racists. She wanted to play herself as being the innocent and good American. She can't play off being an American and yet hope to be tolerated if she's accusing A-Listers of being racists. With America, she's still hoping to make it big here. She'll play nice as long as she thinks she can profit. The truth is, this is her last chance. She's done Harry out of his home country. She doesn't want to make herself so unpopular that she has to self-exile from Hollywood, etc.


>”In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. >”Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. >”We stand by our founding fathers." This is why the difference in responses, H also still feels he’s overwhelmingly entitled to receive preferential and extraordinary leeway in UK court cases as the son of Diana. One country they are laughed at and mocked when he tried to flex those royal muscles and the others, isn’t sure where KC3 stands really on his wayward son so they do nothing.


Charles hanging tough will enhance his status. If he invites harry , he will be toast! The British hate harry !


Are you suggesting that people in the UK live in country 'ruled' by a corrupt monarchy that bends the law to it's will and gives preferential treatment to relatives of the monarch? Your legal system is based on ours, from the adversarial defendant/prosecutor to the 12 members of the public sitting as a jury. We don't have a written constitution but we do have common law and something call precedent which is far preferable as it means you don't have a situation where the anachronistic 'right to bear arms' for example is so embedded in the national consciousness that it can never be removed. We also have a 'constitutional monarchy' in which the monarch reigns, not rules, and is answerable to Parliament which is, in turn, answerable to us. The common mistake of people in the US is to conflate fictional programmes like Downton or the Crown and not see beyond that to what life is really like for the vast majority of people in the UK who live in a modern multicultural liberal democracy in which demands by the monarch to hand over money for taxes is something that happened hundreds of years ago. We had a revolution in England that stopped all that nonsense. The comment from Backgrid was funny but totally ignorant at the same time.


Never heard of the twerp untill the Frozen got sand bagged by her. Did an in-depth check on her and her blog, came up utterly mistrustful of her. All I saw was an over the hill fame and gold digging hustler. She has one constant and that is that she is a liar and a grifter.


She’s a nobody! She sucks the air out of rooms and the media makes it about her because of what she does insisting on security and of course her dress is awful. Then she smiles and she always drags that balding guy with her


Does anyone here see a parallel with the British reaction to Wallis Simpson? I do.


You might want to search the reddit threads on this subject and also google old media. There’s actually been a HUGE amount of discussion on this topic since the day she was publicly introduced by H.


She thinks she owns the US. Still thinks she'll conquer it. So, she's not ready to throw in the towel just yet and admit Americans are as awful as Brits at not recognizing her awesomeness. At some point we'll get tired of the circus and squash her like a bug.


Simple: different freedom of speech protection and also easier to sue for libel in the UK. We were all laughing at her too, that's what she couldn't stand. Also she had to give reasons for leaving to cover for the obvious cause which was their greed and desire to make money in the US. She needed to avoid the tag of gold-digger so she had to paint us as unfair critics.


Well hold onto your pocket translator because if she feels iced out of Hollywood, she’s scheming for Nigerian Royalty next. This will be interesting.


I think she secretly wanted to be accepted in British royal circles but.. that was never going to happen. So she has let that hate brew against British people. I mean didn’t she want to be UK’s Beyoncé or something? As for America, I think it’s her home, so what option she has?


> I think she secretly wanted to be accepted in British royal circles More than just acceptance, she wanted to control.


Americans, especially Hollywood and celebrities, never gave a poop about them. Aside from the fact that, overall, Americans respect the Royal Family, From the day they arrived, here, they haven't been anywhere that wasn't a purchased fake award, or gate crashing Costner. Granted, it was during the pandemic, but "the show must go on" yet nobody invited them on podcasts, zoomed tv shows, etc. Even Saturday Night Live was able to do shows, lol No awards show after-parties, which are a bigger deal than the awards shows, themselves. Any social parties came to a halt after Haz blabbed about the party at Courtney Cox's house. Nevermind Harry doing drugs, Half of Hollywood is here on work visas! And didn't she insult Quentin Tarantino movies? Everyone could see that they are lazy, lying, blabbermouth grifters. They never stood a chance.


it's not complicated - she never cared about the UK, she wanted to/wants to be famous in Hollywood.


Because it's true. The rf by nature doesn't react aloud. Plus what county is left? Also she had a plan with regards to the rf . No back up plan now that she is failing on a public stage. Tho maybe she is planning smthng with nigeria


Excellent points.


Unlike the Royal Family, never complain never explain. If she acted that way in Hollywood there is no such saying. People in Hollywood know a lot about her, but until she starts complaining, all bets are off.


I won't pretend to know the reason but TW is a crappy, evil, narcissist from head to toe - and this probably has something to do with it.


TW can't afford to Piss Off Hollywood A-Listers.


The British monarchy represent opulence of the worst kind and many around the world don’t support the monarchy. They were an easy target especially bc Hazbeen up until last year won court cases bc of his daddy whereas a lister will sue her. In America people are also over the wokeness and will call her out over her privilege. 


Harry certainly has not won cases because of who his father is and he has lost as many as he has won. It's easier to sue for libel in the UK. It's as simple as that. It's too hard for them to sue in the US as the press is protected by the First Amendment. But even in the UK a case for defamation only succeeds if what is said about you isn't true. That's why they've hardly sued anybody even in the UK as most stories have proved to be true.