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Waiting for another Meghan and Harry cemetery stunt.


Well they thankfully were invisible on Memorial Day, so let's hope they keep it up


We’ll be goin’ ballistic if they show up at another US remembrance event. I’ve got more business there than he ever will, and the only business I have is as an American, still in awe of those men and women.


Bringing those participation medals out again! ![gif](giphy|iDJrIOR9kHTtfnEcHO)


I watched the King’s speech this morning after it showed up in my YouTube recommendations. I was thinking “look at the King and POW with all those medals. I bet they are real”. If Harry and that thing go grave stomping in stilettos, I would hope it would be the final nail in the grifting coffin.


I get so angry when I see him wearing the one around he neck. For service to the monarch. You betrayed her and your nation while she was dying, and you want to wear it. No shame, mother f*cker, no shame.


He definitely has no shame.


Looking sad — while holding hands, of course


Maybe they’ll bring out their invisakids, also looking sad; mama Megan pinching them ‘Look sad ….sad I said’


she'll show up in Uvalde!


Final nail in the coffin?


Or a pRiVaTe "renewing their vows" ceremony 🙄


Have you all ever noticed that "vow renewal services" are the death knell of marriages?




Or a Pearl Harbor stunt. He is repugnant.


He needs to keep his whiney ginger ass OUT of anything related to American veterans!!


Any excuse to play dress up with Granny’s medals… count on Harry. It’s worth reminding, our legend of aviation can’t even fly a helicopter ffs.


With one tear coming out of Meghan's left eye.


It will be a solemn day. So few WWII veterans left. Let it be their day.


I know just a handful and even leaving the house is a lot of effort at that age. It was lovely to see what a fuss was being made of them all.




That is such a shame that he missed out. I'm glad they ran the interview thanks for the link


😢😢 This makes me so sad. All I can think is that he wanted to be where so many of his brothers fell one last time. I am sure, at the moment of his passing, he was greeted by those very brothers to guide him into his next journey.


Great Honor to this man, Bill Cameron.


Oh no! That is so sad.


Thank you for posting and linking his story. So many heroes and their stories are wonderful. We owe them a lot!


Yes, I was telling my grandchildren about this last Sunday. It will be 80 years so very nearly beyond living memory, the Vets that are still with us are amazing.


I used to work with seniors, many fled from Europe. The last generation of holocaust surviviors are also leaving us. I fear that our societies will become untethered from the lessons of that war.


My grandad was in the tank regiment and part of the Normandy landings. He was in the Battle of Falaise Gap. He was the sweetest, most gentle man you could ever meet. After the war he became a carpenter, and he helped rebuild Coventry Cathedral. He virtually never spoke about what he'd experienced, he would never have boasted of his kill rate. A real soldier, with honour, doesn't do that.  When my nephew (now in his 30s) was at school and studying recent history, he was given an assignment to talk to an older person and investigate their story, so he spoke to his great-grandad. Grandad told him that each person in the tank was given a little spade. That was because there wasn't a toilet in the tank, so they had to get out and poop behind a tree. The spade was to bury the poop, so the Germans wouldn't be able to estimate the number of soldiers coming by counting poop. He also said that the best thing he'd ever eaten was in Belgium-they'd been driving through a village, and a lady ran out with a big pile of steaming hot fresh fried chips (fries). And that's all we ever heard about his war experiences. He never wore his medals either (and they were genuinely earned, not just participation baubles). He just didn't want to glorify it.  Harry is a stain on soldiering.   


‘Harry is a stain on soldiering’. :: In just six words, you’ve summed him up brilliantly! Bravo! And what a man your Grandfather was! 🙌🏻


Grandad was lovely-we never could work out whether his burying the poop story was real or just invented to entertain a little boy, but it meant my nephew could legitimately talk about poop in his class, and he thought that was hilarious.  Even in his 80s he was still climbing ladders to fix roofs and sort out windows (and doing a good job of it). He was astounded by some of the quotes various family had got for getting work done, and he was one of those old fashioned trades who could turn his hand to most things. 


It’s actually a thing. It depends on the theater of operation and the battles, but the further forward operating the mission is the more likely they have to conceal it. It also leaves a scent so on recce missions behind enemy lines those troops have to poop into ziploc baggies and take it with them so the enemy’s military dogs can’t smell it and dig it up. But that’s on spy missions where they are going into places and don’t want anyone to know about it. Your grandad was in a tank, so they knew troops had rolled through, but it’s still important to conceal how many actual troops are moving through a specific location. There was a funny scene in the true story movie Bravo Two Zero. This group of SAS was on a deep recce mission in Iraq, so they had to bag and carry their poop. One of the soldiers asks Sean Bean to hold the baggie for him while he poops because he had a “bit of squirter”. It was gross but funny.


Brilliant-that's one family mystery solved, the poop shovel exists! 


Your grandfather is part of the reason my dad was able to come to the States, and live the rest of his life a free man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


That's a great story. You must be so proud of your grandad. He sounds a wonderful man. I'm old and my dear grandad was a dispatch rider on the western front in WW1. One of my most treasured possessions is a photo of him and his motorbike. All we can do is hold these brave men and women in our hearts and tell their stories to younger generations. I look forward to watching the ceremonies tomorrow.


I had hero grandads on both sides of the family. This is why H&M cosplaying at US Memorial sites with their professional photographers in tow is so aggravating.


I have known a lot of Veterans in my life. I live in San Diego which is a military town, hard not to know Veterans here. From WWII to the GWOT I've known Veterans from all those conflicts. My father and father in law, step mother in law were Veterans. Uncles, cousins, friends who were Veterans. I've heard stories from them of war time life. Mostly they like to talk about their comrades, how they helped each other. If they said the word hero it was always about someone who died fighting, saving the lives of others. Never, not once, have I ever heard a Veteran mention their kill count.


My dad and FIL were WWII veterans. Other than acknowledging they were in the army, and occasionally making jokes about the bad food (“sh*t on a shingle” aka chipped beef on toast), they never, ever wanted to talk about their service. It was just what needed to be done. So they did it.


>Never, not once, have I ever heard a Veteran mention their kill count. Exactly. My husband's uncle was a POW in a German POW camp. He had been shot down out of his plane. After the war, he never said ANYTHING about it, even to his wife. And my husband's father, my 2 grandfathers, and my grandmother also served in the military during WWII--- and they never said anything about it either. The war was a terrible thing.


nothing they do honors anyone other than themselves


Nothing they do honours anyone.


I’m a baby boomer who is alive because my dad survived that hell. He was a teenager who picked up the injured and rushed them to their makeshift tent hospital. He had scars from the Great Depression and barely having anything to eat and from the things he saw in war but those scars never came to the surface and burdened us kids. He was an incredible man.


I doubt there’s many of us who’s Dads weren’t in that war, and most connected to combat. Now before anyone starts, many women served heroically as well - I’m just generalizing for a period when they weren’t allowed in combat. My Dad was drafted at 19 in early 1945, so had a shorter war stint. He was a supply medic and infantryman in the South Pacific and in Occupational Forces in Tokyo. In an era (today) of total selfishness and self-serving gratification, for me it’s an honor to acknowledge what they did every chance I get. Now, after letting that take me to place of respect for them, the mere thought of these two sweaty, self-serving pieces of filth anywhere around that make me want to vomit. And a few other things I’ll just keep to myself.


>many women served heroically as well They sure as heck did. My great-granny worked in a military hospital during WWII. I think that's why she used to love that soap opera "General Hospital", lol. I loved her so much.


My father and uncle fought in that war. I would spit in harrys beady eye if I saw him at their cemetery. They were real men,harry is anything but.


i hope they do something and no press is there what so ever. I find it so funny that these idiot press think we all want to see and hear about these two, when really no one wants to. They will pull something to grab attention and Harold will wear his fake medals again.


Maybe she’ll make Harry wear his medals on his suit and repeat her word-salad script to camera? It’s embarrassing, but if it’s what she wants, he’ll be bullied into it.


Maybe Rachel could march again? ![gif](giphy|xhvv985KTwsrm)


She does so many inappropriate things, it's hard to choose the most heinous.  This is top 5 for sure. 


How could he not be totally embarrassed to wear those metals on D-Day? Think of the metals the veterans will be wearing as they commemorate their lost comrades! That is valor!


Wearing those medals on his Men's Wearhouse Suits is so disgraceful it actually makes me laugh. That goes under the category of hilarious in their cringeworthiness Markles. I like them much more than interfering in international politics Markles.


hear, hear!


Harry thinks because he didn't lose his shit in SEER training *(or the equivalent of it in the British military)* that he is a soldier.  I wonder if he even knows the names of the two Americans who died at Camp Bastion saving his ass?


"I wonder if he even knows the names of the two Americans who died at Camp Bastion saving his ass?" Spot on, especially given his memory issues. Let us remember and honor the two: **Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Keith Raible and Sergeant Bradley Wayne Atwell.** Seventeen US and UK personnel were also injured. #


🇺🇸  Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Keith Raible and Sergeant Bradley Wayne Atwell. ❤️ May you have eternal peace.  Thank you, American & UK personnel for your courage & sacrifices for the causes of freedom. 🇬🇧🇺🇲 Thank you, Toujoursjustice.  I didn't want their names in the same space as these two traitors, but you phrased them so well.  To the family of our warriors, a mere thank you is not adequate for the sacrifice of these admirable men.  Our nations hurt with you. ✝️🕊🙏🏽


Do you think H even completed the full SEER training? It doesn’t seem like something he could get through without a lot of help.


My husband did SEER training. They stuffed him in a barrel at some point. He’s 6’4. I think Harry is too much of a whining bitch for all that.


One of the most curious things about Harry’s military service is that even his fiercest critics in the British media will say he bravely served his country in Afghanistan. We’ve all heard the stories about “Bunker Harry” and not being to pass his pilot’s exams, even after multiple attempts. Why doesn’t the British media dig into this? In the US, Harry would be accused of stole valor.


I’m sure all of his shenanigans will come out in time. There are less than 6 degrees of separation within the military. At least in the U.S. For instance, 29 years ago I went to basic training. This guy was in the same squadron as me and is friends with my husband’s friends. It’s a real small world. I’ve heard all of the stories about bunker Harry. I’m pretty sure the on helicopter he flew was in a simulator and his kill count was not human. He most likely just killed little pigs playing angry birds while on the toilet.


I think a lot of what we have seen is because of AI works/gathers information and how all those so-called spin articles the duplitcious duo put out about the Aviation Award.  (ALL their various awards) If you go pull up articles NOW, you will find articles that "praise Harry's skill", "That ol Harry was a 'natural' considering his years of gaming"....,blah blah blah.   Sinners, please, take time to learn how AI & all of the articles published about these two. Published as fact, with nothing other than it was printed is what AI is learning.  It is what will be spouted out/printed out and presented as fact should our young, impressionable minds ask.    Looks like we are going to have to be the stewards of accurate information...AGAIN.  *edited - clarity & misspelling 


It broke me of ever ever ever being in the snow.  


Mine did as well. He still gets edgy watching people crawling into tight spaces. We've been married 20 yrs and he's only started telling me a little more about what occurred during that training.


Great point.  All we have is the retelling of a conversation between Harold & his ghost writer.  And unfortunately, we have not seen or heard people contradicting these two on ANYTHING. 


Harry please don’t put your “medals” on your business suit. You look ridiculous and you’re an ex pat.


He is an immigrant, and possibly due to his visa issues an illegal one.


They don’t respect veterans. They’re disgusting if they try anything.


Not only do they disrespect them, I’m convinced neither one could talk about a single event of WWII in any depth or degree of accuracy. It’s doubtful either Haznobrain and Lilipuntang could even list 15 separate events of that war.


Them: It was a war in the world? Not sure which one? Maybe the second?/s Edited to mark for sarcasm


You don’t even need the sarcasm.I remember my first wife not knowing how the Axis powers were connected and they were all in that war. And it’s worse today - I’m not talking about knowing about which exact beachhead at Normandy each Allied country was assigned and their order of landing, I just mean very general stuff. It’s no wonder we have Harkles and sugars and the politics we have today - ignorance is in full bloom in every nook and cranny -and I exempt no organization. And we have the Duplicitous Duo of DickFlutery in their participation ribbons, hot pants and flip flops pushing and shoving and bribing their way to the front, when they need to be in a basement , each with a broom and barrel - waiting for the parade to end, so they can start sweeping up confetti after everyone else has gone off to other events.


>It’s no wonder we have Harkles and sugars and the politics we have today - ignorance is in full bloom Agree so much.


He should watch the coverage and feel ashamed of himself. The BBC programme this morning was very good so lovely to see the veterans being made a fuss of and you know none of them were moaning or talking about how many people they killed. Harry is not fit to be used as a footstool by one  of them.  The King's speech was wonderful imo he looked very frail at first but once he got going it was spot on. I cried a couple of times my mother cried all the way through and my stepfather noticed that an elderly vet was insisting on standing to honour his lost comrades all the way through so he decided he ought to be standing up too amazingly the king never talked about any of his own life traumas I suppose he's not that good at royalling. Thank you for mentioning imphal and kohima your majesty it meant a LOT.


I am in tears over the elderly vet standing to honor his lost comrades!


He was so determined his family were holding him up ❤


She's out of money to make a real media splash as parking lot pap shots are so last year and she has no products to sell.


She's waiting for her local grocery store to restock Smuckers strawberry jam so that she can send out more jars to minor celebs. I heard that three Democrat First Ladies were asked via handwritten note to post jam pics to their instas but declined.


Interesting... Would the 3 Dem First Ladies just happen to be: H!, Michelle, Jill? (asking for a friend)


That's what I heard.


OMG! That woman is insane, absolutely stark staring mad. SouthPark wasn't wrong when they called her First Lady Botherer. Of course when she was a working Royal Hillary Clinton visited her. Because she was a Royal, Royalty matters, Royalty gets noticed. She thinks she should get that attention as a has been. What a loon.


Hillary didn't visit her any more than she ate chicken tacos with Michelle Obama.


Don’t insult Smuckers like that!


I ❤️ Smuckers. You're right. Too good for her.


No, she’ll buy some runny off brand red dye #5 to pass off as her own, which would be quite appropriate, for her. I did not know she sent that jarred gruel to First Ladies, I cant even type, I’m laughing so hard 😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣


And so say all of us!


I say go ahead and report their shenanigans. It will only emphasize how they have been relegated to the dustbin of history as brat harry stomps his feet and decries "but pa, LOOK AT ME, I wanna another sausage"


I’d say that they’re more likely to do something performative on our Remembrance Day in November


Stay out of our cemeteries


My grandad survived WWI and my dad got through WWII (though he was honourably discharged for his services in working with medics in dragging people and dead from blitzed buildings) he suffered ptsd until he died forty years later. My Uncle Jim was promoted to Sergeant for his service during the D Day landings. I visited Omaha Beach when I was staying with a friend in Normandy.


It’s such a long deep beach (like in NJ) I was shocked. All that beach to run whilst being shot at from above. Heroes every damn one of them.


I have to admit that I don’t know which beach my uncle embarked upon. All those who could have told me are gone now. I do have a little hand written card that he wrote to my mum, his youngest sister. It’s merely inscribed with her name and “from Jim, in France”. I should note that the calligraphy is beautiful and goodness knows how he found the time to do it. He had trained as a sign writer, calligrapher and also inlaying gold leaf on hardback books


I was just there. An experience like no other.


Harry could wear a merit badge like this one! https://preview.redd.it/l2jd1rkv9s4d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed91d3aeb7cca0c6ff97fcf029dec25430c30e28


Beautifully said.


You're asking the media to do something it's incapable of.


Yep, they are amoral. Anything for clicks and views.


I've been following the activities in Normandy....it is so poignant to see so many vets there, and the reception they are getting. I was there ten years ago in late June and people were thanking ME for what my countrymen did. The French honor their liberators. Lest we forget.


Well said, I support your personal thoughts and honour those brave people who gave their lives on that solemn day 80 years ago.


If the UK media, especially Daily Mail, could make Prince Philip's and the Queen's funerals the Harry and Meghan Show, it will certainly pick up ANYTHING H&M sends their way. That Nigerian tour went on for 3 days in UK media with glowing, fawning coverage. The "facts" about the questionable people involved were held by the media until the tour was over.


My Father-in-law went in D-DAY +4. He only shared with his sons after my son asked about it for a history assignment. I luckily had my video camera available to record it. Like most of the greatest generation, they came home and worked til retirement 30 to 40 years later. My husband and his brother had never heard those stories.


I just saw that Bob Iger was given a nighthood yesterday.


But does he know MM does voiceovers?


I heard that those high enough in the echelons at Disney still will stop Iger in a hallway or catch him after a meeting and say, "Did you know Meghan Markle does voiceovers?" just to give him a hard time.


This pleases me to no end!!


Just picturing this has me giggling hard. Now I know what to say if I ever run into Bob Iger...




Omg!! I bet he loves that one more than « put and chick in it and make it lame and gau ».


Lmaooooooo oh gawd this needs to be a meme




She does??! 😱


They give knighthoods for running Disney into the ground now?


It was an honorary one. Americans can't be awarded proper ones.


Exactly my reaction to that sentence!


I hope it came complete with a 50-gallon coffee enema.


Beckham will likely eventually get his but it will be a real one and not honorary. Angelina Jolie got an honorary


Angelina is an Honourary Dame Commander of the British Empire. Its a very prestigious accolade for a non-subject to recieve (and was well deserved) Iger is probably getting his in exchange for keeping quiet about what a disaster Todger and Rachel Markle were 😁


"Iger is probably getting his in exchange for keeping quiet about what a disaster Todger and Rachel Markle were 😁" 👏 Thanks for making me burst out laughing! 


My Grandpa flew with the RAF. I’m expecting some grift involving Harry and the US military tomorrow, he and Better up seem to have an in with them, bloody infuriating.


unfortunately, D-Day is merely a backdrop to their mission to ensure their vapid lives are highlighted in the media every single day they can manage it. they do not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the brave and unselfish soldiers and their families left behind who did the best they could to ensure freedom for all.


His Majesty speaking at Portsmouth Harbour [HM King Charles speaking about the D Day Landings](https://x.com/sabirahlohn/status/1798311296561185205?s=46)


Thanks so much for posting that. Brought a wee tear to my eye 😢🫡


Saving Private Todger? Harry does have something in common with D-Day: Bunkers https://preview.redd.it/ybpwa9ifmr4d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa832ff3d6b5379c14e00a91b8621a89f08448a My uncle was a D-Day veteran.


If only the bunker he was in was that secure! I imagine it was like all the other ones, with Texas barriers eight feet apart with a slab of concrete on top. https://preview.redd.it/q4j1047eks4d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45aaa23c321ab377e5aa34db1cdc60043332ba10


I’m setting my watch for “new pics” of Lily tomorrow - If they do i for one will not be clicking on anything related to them (other than here 😉)


Whelp, the ‘media’ consists of whores and anti-monarchists, opportunists and other grifters. So whichever media or ‘news outlet’ recieves a check from Skank will ‘write’ about them, Guest Speaker will rub one out to seein her fug face in print, again. Chills, chills, chills, yes?


I would not be a bit surprised to see the Markles release pictures of the kids on Trooping the Colour day. And guess what the headlines and lead stories would be in the UK media?????


Hear! Hear! 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Waiting for some dubious video message of Harry wearing his participation medals the queen GIFTED HIM.


Beautiful post! They’ll show up at a military cemetery in LA. So infuriating. I was in Normandy in April, and it’s just so humbling to be at the sight where countless young men risked/lost their lives to save the world. And the reverence and respect people still have for these brave soldiers 8 decades later is both heartwarming & heartbreaking at the same time. Makes me even more furious at that ginger prat who played war games and pretended he was going to attack his father’s car.


My 19 yo son does WWII reenactments and has had the honor of meeting so many vets. He is particularly close with a D-day vet and he, along with his father, often drive out to pick him up to ensure he can attend events or ride in parades. It has been a real blessing for my son to hear the stories and be of some small service to the vets. He and I wanted to travel to Normandy for the 80th. Sadly, it was just too expensive for us. I am glad you were able to go. I don’t think I can go there or Pearl Harbor without crying of the loss and crying in gratitude.


I am so good at it. I get my Harkle news here once a day. I just need to convince my algorithm that I don’t care.


I don't know. This Duke is far richer than the BRF and is free to comment as much as he likes.  She'd be stupid to take the focus away from the bride.  Who knows what strings the Grosvenors are capable of pulling. 


I stood on Omaha beach a few years back and was overwhelmed by what happened there. I agree. Madam and Hazbeen need to keep their mouths shut. The day is NOT about them.


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Haha. If they do anything, this subreddit will be all over it. Just stating the facts. Theyre impossible for us to ignore.


Yes this so much…






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