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Subreddit rule (see sidebar): No body shaming. Any rude or unnecessary comments about unedited natural features will not be tolerated.


Loose skin from rapid weight loss? Very pervy, wearing this outfit to a school, I still feel sickened by this.


As always Meghan Markle gets a dress that is too small for her, hence the bulges


This was pre-Ozempic but it's clear she always wears a few sizes too small https://preview.redd.it/cdr2s98ip76d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612d6ce6599cc5820216d77f1334c06f06237b95


This picture is so embarassing. And you know, she thought she looked so beautiful. What a fool


What an ugly woman, on the inside and out.


I know, they overflow in the back and gap loosely in the bodice.


And too much fabric on the bottom, so it puddles by her feet.


I’m surprised no one who fitted this dress on her mentioned back fat.


Skin-tight stretched hair vs pouches of stretched out baggy skin. Someone should have loosened up the hair and covered up the skin. All so wrong.


I think she was such a PITA they just let it go. I am not sure if that Herrera designer is still with her. He has done some really awful designs.


And risk being fired on the spot?


All that money and time but no money or time for custom tailoring. Makes no sense. If I had a fraction of their millions that they were given for no reason, I would buy few pieces but make sure they fit impeccably.


This is completely an opinion, but I think she has made friends with that Cali designer (too lazy to look up her name), went into her shop, asked for something free to merch her designs, designer found this discontinued dress in the back, gave it to her, but Meghan likes to wear sandals but also wants to hide her feet so she didn't have it shortened. I can't decide if M planned on returning the ugly dresses from that designer or not. None were the thousand dollar pieces that she wore as part of the RF, but a girl has to cut costs somewhere.


Always on someone else’s dime. 😐


Probably feels she must bc she’s not very tall. She is unfamiliar with tailors.


Makes me think of older women wearing completely inappropriate evening wear, thinking they're glamorous - its totally gross.


Yeah, I'm old and I am not ever exposing my décolleté again. It had its day.


My narc gran discovered leggings as pants in her 70s 😀


I'm not a narc, but love me some leggings. I'm also old enough not give a damn about other's opinions of me and my fashion backward leggings. I tell my daughters they'll be happy to reach this stage of no sh*ts given about fashion. So far they're not impressed and I'm fine with that.


My narc mother is turning 80 this year and wears leopard printed leggings thinking she is hot and sexy 🤮 she told me people probably think she is my sister... I am 44 years younger than her 🫣


Plenty of 30 year olds that have no business wearing leggings out there also🤢


Aye, mutton dressed as lamb


That dress was actually made for her. I saw pictures of it being made. She must have made them make it that small.


So was her wedding dress, and look what that ended up looking like. I think the seamstresses are so appalled by her their behavior, they must just give up halfway through the project.


I think she was yoyo ing in weight


Ibble mentioned in a video that it was like she sent measurements ahead of time that were smaller in hopes of losing 15 pounds before having to wear it. I always liked this theory.


This dress was an absolute disaster. She thought she was a knock-⁰UT in it. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦


She looks 20 years younger in this picture 🤯🤯🤯


It was also pre-Ozempic face.


It's very snug... I'd be afraid to bend over or something and rip it. But then, I wear my clothes more than one time, she wears it once, drags it around on the ground and ruins it.


So, that photo will the Nigerian teenage school girls behind her with judgemental smirks. Now we see what they saw.


The girl who is waving has an “alrighty then” look on her face.


Shevis skinny fat. No muscle tone whatsoever. Yoga? Not likely,


I’m sure that other pharmaceuticals and non pharmaceuticals take their toll as well. Cigarettes too are a complexion destroyer.


She also had a back fat flap overhanging the red inverted nipples dress.


She wore this outfit to school?! No. It can’t be.


Well, for her previous visit to a Harlem grammar school, Mehgan was in their face with a too expensive outfit (the baggy red pants suit, sort of). Now, for the Nigerian children, it's in their faces with the impression of bare skin and the actuality of it.


A muslim school no less.


it wasn't a Muslim school but it was worn in an area where most women dress very conservatively (see the other women in photos with her, except one)


So conservatively they all cover their *hair.* But there’s Megs, a one woman peep show.


I would hope that nobody would show up at any school wearing this.


absolutely agree - who would visit a school anywhere in the world wearing a backless dress in a nude shade (actually it's more of a bib top as it's not just backless - there are no sides either!)


I wouldn't wear that in my back yard.


Yep visited an elementary school recently in the US. They absolutely would have been appalled if I was dressed like that. I wore appropriately body covering business casual, like a normal person.


Yeah,  if it was a Muslim school in that part of the world, they may have stoned her.


I believe it was a conservative Christian private school.


It’s creepy and not at all glamorous.


A few weird things going on....her massively huge veiny hand with man size knuckles at the end of her skinny little arm should look a lot smaller, being the furthest point from us. Also, the side face contours of the skin we can see is stretching back unnaturally over the false cheekbones.


Whatever happened to the feeling of being objectified?


Weight loss and she’s a little long in the tooth to be wearing address like that…


I would have no problem with her wearing that on a date with her husband. Or out with friends. It’s just really inappropriate for this setting.


Extremely inappropriate for a school visit anywhere on the planet.


She just looks flabby. I’m 64 and my body is more toned than that!


Rapid weight loss will do that.


It looked better from the front😂 What is that hair-do doing?🤔


I still contend that a carpenter made this dress. Edit: so I showed my Nigerian mother photos of her on the Nigeria trip. She was speechless and disgusted by this outfit. I may also have heard the phrase "bag of bones" uttered a couple of times, LOL. She also made a comment about her knee when she saw the cutout black and white outfit. My mother typically does not have bad things to say about people (she's much nicer than me), which makes her saying stuff like this even more hilarious.


My mom was the same way! (I take after my dad 🤣🤣🤣). There are only a few times in my life where my mom surprised me, but you know when she had something bad to say, there was validation to it. There is no defense of wearing this dress to a school in ANY culture. Period. End of.


My mother was the same. The most I’d hear would be a murmured, “Unfortunate.”


Yep. The fact that she was in Nigeria is actually immaterial.


I really appriciate your comments about how the Grifters were recieved in Nigeria. Thank you.


We can say it 100 different ways but the bottom line is they were a disgraceful mess in Nigeria. So glad the First Lady called them out.


That's nice of you, thanks. 😊


It's great to hear from actual Nigerians! The schoolgirl in the background is exactly why the Nigerian first lady had to give that speech IMO - reminding girls that it's not their culture nor their definition of beauty, lest some of them begin looking up to this American cable actress.  What a scandalous outfit to wear to a school visit. It's like she's actively LURING the schoolgirls. Meghan Markle is gving me Ghislaine Maxwell vibes!  Hope someone could make a slide of Meghan Markle's Nigeria photos with the first lady's speech as the audio.


Saggy skin from weight loss.


Which is completely okay and normal, from a certain age on skin in addition looses its elasticity. But why put it on display by going naked?


Exactly. I'm sure few of us here (myself included) have perfect bodies, whatever that means. But there is no need to put our imperfections on display. Dressing appropriately takes care of this. Edit: I mean that my body isn't perfect, obviously. 😊


Wearing side boob, even if one has a perfect body, to a school with children is disturbing imho especially given her hosts and what’s happening in their country.


I believe she intentionally dressed this way on this trip. Nothing was by accident.


Nothing ever is an accident with her. Always an ulterior motive.


Isn't her photographer friend's father a billionaire? Maybe he is in need of a wife? Gotta keep the merchandise on display, for sale or lease!


This has been my theory all along - this tour was about putting herself up for sale on the world market at an event she knows will be published worldwide. She’s hoping some Russian oligarch or Kevin Costner will take notice and reach out


Yep. But when your merchandise looks like that, you should probably realize your days on the flesh market are behind you.


He passed away in 2012. Maybe that's why the friendship with the shadow, I mean the photographer.


Yah, if she wore that to my kid's school here in Canada, there would be a lot of parents complaining. She is so clueless.


Neither is mine, dear. 😀




Don't get me started on my wrinkles, wattles, and uncooperative knees!


And the sounds that knees can make are horrifying!


And flabby thighs and cheeks when not bound into knickers.


Skinny Flabby is a body type.


Sadly, the art of dressing one's self appropriately has gone by the wayside. I still can't get past the idea it's ok to go around with your bra straps showing, lol. Nowadays people wear whatever they like even if their attire shows off the worst of their assests. On one hand I kind of admire their self confidence. OTOH I have to politely look away.


She's only in her early 40s and has lots of free time so she is quite capable of hitting the gym and getting great results in terms of toning.


You mistake her for someone who is willing to work hard for something 😜




Fags, wine and drugs are more attractive than exercise or indeed any useful work, she’s a lazy mare.


And her BFF is an exercise guru.


Going by the hiking pics from last year, it's not helped much 


For many Nigerians it was the opportunity to meet members of the British royal family, which doesn't happen often. It makes me so angry they met inappropriately dressed person who can't speak of anything but herself. They may think all British royals are like her, God forbid. She is incredibly damaging.


Yes, so sad. I visited a Nigerian sub to see what they say. There were different opinions but a lot of the commenters thought this was a royal visit, and that they represented the royal family. People corrected them, but still it seems like a lot of people who don’t follow the news about the BRF didn’t realize this was just a ‘private tour’.


And this is exactly why Harry did this.


Yep, all they need to do is create enough confusion.


There is a difference between being thin and being toned.


Catherine is thin but she always has strong, healthy muscle tone


Let’s not beat around the bush: Catherine has a fantastic figure and Barbie doll legs, end of. I’m asking Santa for Princess of Wales’ toned arms, tennis swing, and mastery of high heels for Christmas this year.




Absolutely true. I remember Meghan in yellow dress in royal engagement, she was proper toned back them.


Look at just last year when she played tennis with Roger Federer. She has amazingly toned defined muscle. Meghan used to be toned but she let her envy of Catherine get the better of her and used some form of weight loss drug and now she just looks skinny fat.


I think she wanted to lose some weight too quick. Its frustating how the human body works and as people grow older, it gets difficult to lose weight. Her public image was all about yoga, exercise, so don't know if she relaxed in that area.


For the life of me, I just cannot wrap my head around what possessed her to wear this disaster of a dress to a Nigerian school. It's so utterly inappropriate for anything other than a bbq on a Californian beach. What's more astonishing is how unflattering all those outfits were on her. What was her goal? Does she think it makes her look hot (barf)? Or was it just to deliberately offend conservative Nigerians? Why does she always go out of her way to be so unprofessional, sloppy and offensive? Every. Single. Time. All it ended up achieving was to highlight all the parts of her body she really shouldn't be drawing attention to. Like, girl, you need a bra with some stuffing in it on a good day - this was not the time or place to mince around half naked just to underline the point on a world stage. It's awkward as hell for people with western liberal sensibilities, but I can't imagine how weird and uncomfortable it must have been for the people there. I really think she has the opposite to body dysmorphia. The weave looks like she swiped a tail off a horse on the way there and got Harry to stick in on blindfolded.


I look at the schoolgirl in the background, how she gazes admiringly at Meghan Markle, and suddenly I understood: Meghan Markle wore this outfit to the Nigerian school visit *precisely* to lure the girls into some sort of lifestyle. Suddenly Mrs Sussex is giving me Ghislaine Maxwell vibes!  The Nigerian First Lady was right to remind them that this is not their definition of beauty.


I kind of see where you're going but I'm not sure about it being anything *that* sinister. *She* thinks it makes these poorer, darker skinned black kids long to be a white passing 'Princess' like her. So, she drips layers of cashmere in 80 degree heat in Harlem NYC, to lord it over poverty stricken 6-year old kids, reading her shitty book about a Dad/kid relationship that most of them will never know. Because, one day, they too might be lucky enough to Yacht their way up the greasy pole and bag an idiot white Prince. Because: #lifegoals Then she lords it over kids in a conservative Nigerian school, mincing half naked in a horribly unflattering dress so the girls there will think 'wow! Look at that half-naked, middle aged, Ozempic ravaged vision I see before us!! She's a Princess and one day I might be able to stalk and sleep my way up the greasy pole to hoodwink a rich white Prince into marriage. I too could be just like her!! I think it's just down to her Disney Princess fantasy illness, rather than anything else. She thinks because she slept her way to wealth and a rich British Prince, that automatically makes her a woman of talent, substance and authority. She thinks she's the dog's bollocks and everyone looks up to her and admires her and wants to be her. That the opposite is almost universally true, and, in fact, most people think she's a talentless grifter with a very loose moral compass, evades her totally. In her mind, she's Oprah, Jen Anniston, Julia Roberts, Jordan Dunn, Angelina Jolie and Michelle Obama. Only better, because she married a dumb Prince. So, I can probably now see where her warped mind goes at these events and perhaps what informs her insane and wildly inappropriate wardrobe choices.


Hope so too! I'd rather have this delusional Disney Princess narcissism, vanity and silliness than the other infinitely more sinister possibility. Not that she'd *ever* be successful at anything she does, mind you, even criminal activities! She's a bungling idiot and is more like Wile E Coyote than Mafia godfather or Russian spy 😂 I'm still on the fence about yacht girl accusations because I can't really see it myself - she's very flirty and exhibitionistic but her sexiness is awkward. This picture though showed me a shade. Anyway, I hope it's just a mirage and nothing at all.  "In her mind, she's Oprah, Jen Anniston, Julia Roberts, Jordan Dunn, Angelina Jolie and Michelle Obama."  This! Omg, what potion of delusion is she drinking? And she wonders why we don't see it! 😣


So true, she'd totally order the wrong 'pizza' and even that would still be Harry's fault. I think, while she might not have 'yachted' regularly in the way some wannabee models, pop stars and actresses do, I personally believe she was more than happy to drop her britches or bend over if it meant she got a freebie or a gift out of it. I just don't think she labours under the same moral code as the rest of us, so this wouldn't be an issue for her. It's just all part of the hustle. And, in a way, some might applaud her for that. Not sure her the ex husbands and boyfriends who helped her to get where she is today would see it that way though lol. It makes my skin crawl to think how many came before Harold. (Pun intended).


#Nailed it!


Way too much flesh showing. Not flattering and definitely not appropriate. The hair extensions don’t look great either. 


She's proud of her body or she wouldn't wear such revealing clothing, which just goes to show her delusional, fractured mind; that, or she is a true exhibitionist.


I would say both.




In Nigeria, wealth is associated with the ability to be well-fed and to be well-clothed in lovely bright colors and patterns with extra details and frills. Poor people are thin and have few clothes using less fabric. She is exemplifying what Nigerian woman would interpret as a sickly, poor, or disreputable woman who's husband cannot feed her.


“Have you eaten, my queen?”


What happened to her wrist/hand? It looks like a raindrop on the camera lens?


Even if she'd worn that dress to a more appropriate venue, it would still be a heinous crime against fashion. Its a horrible, cheap looking, badly fitting, badly made rag of a dress. Look at those hems and the zip hanging out-its appalling and shoddy and didn't even look good on the model. It needs a lining, it needs to be tailored, and failing that, it needs to burnt or ripped up for dishcloths. 


This rag based on color alone needs to be retired to the rag bin. Where's the scissors?


The color is hideous


A lot of not exercising and depending on something else for slimness. I say this as an older woman who definitely should exercise more. Not body shaming as I’m likely more out of shape than TW but I know to dress my body for the body I have created (little bit laziness, little bit back problems) so I do not advertise the flaws. (There’s a bunch nowadays!)


We could be twins.


Bet you are lovely, twin. I am naturally thin but without exercise I am a bit mushy to say the least. I sound like uncooked dough when I say it that way (and so it stays!!!).


Well, I’m not slim . . .


Me neither anymore. This tire I am building around my waist says I’m no longer slim. (Wish my mom-mom taught me how to Jazzercize instead of how to cook.) But these darn chicken legs I have keep tricking people. And you know what, I am betting you are gorgeous.


Oh dear, it looks like she gave up yoga, no tone.


Did she really do yoga though? Some of those poses during photoshoots are questionable.


Everything about TW was questionable, looking back. Yoga was just another attire she wore to snag harry. And now she no longer has use for it. So why keep up the pretense?


I read that the yoga poses she has been photographed doing is the result of her being double jointed and not due to yoga practice. Given that she doesn't have a yoga youtube channel, I tend to think that is on the mark.


‘Yoga’ is a euphemism for her yachting poses and techniques.


Yoga was an excuse for all those pap walks when she was dating H.


Quite questionable. My sister in law teaches yoga and Tai Chi and is very, very toned. She is not naturally stick thin. Healthy weight, excellent diet, all that. But comparatively this does not look like a yoga body.


She seemed to do the act when she got what she wanted. I dint think she committed to it, but gave the image she was


It's not her. Her face was photoshopped onto generic photos of yoga poses on available on the internet. A few years ago, someone posted the photos with the actual poser's face on X.


Yep, flabby


It’s age! Gonna be hard to tone that up. Poor thing


Poor thing thimks she's a Goddess!


I don't think she ever did yoga, past a few poses when she knew she was having her picture taken. Yoga and running are her mom's things. She just plagiarizes when needed. As usual. 🙄


Has she ever met a non-magical mirror?


I’m still trying to figure out the ponytail


They have a home gym and a pool, right?


Why is her hand in a fish bowl? Is this Misan’s work?


Plus the hand looks too big for her wrist and her face looks cut off. Who are they kidding?


Total photoshop fail... Misnan needs to go back to apprenticeship school.


bUt hE DoESn'T PhOT0sHOp his photos ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Could it be a manipulated photo? The girl’s shoulder looks photoshopped.


NO??? Rachel Megan Markle, Countess of Dumbarton manipulate a photo, tell me it isn't so!!!! /s


Why Photoshop a photo to make it look *worse?*


It's one of those bubbles kids blow


Isn’t that a Popeil clip on poneytail?


Can you also fish with this product?


The more I see of The Naked Dress, the more I despise it. Has this dress achieved even greater notoriety even than the red, inverted nepo dress? Does this peachy dress remind anyone of the little black nothing dress that Mehgan wore for the Craig Ferguson interview? On both occasions, MM came off as trying too hard to display herself as a sexy person--far too needy for attention. This dress looks like it's straining a bit. The side view is very unflattering.


The Ferguson dress screamed streetwalker


What's with the hand??? https://preview.redd.it/ivp9agpth76d1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=58b98eacfebd0dc8f1bab5170b361fc48bbe256b


What's with that dent in her arm just below the bracelets?


Who released this photo. It has all kinds of fails in it.


Just wow. That’s all I can say. 😬


She looks like a newly unearthed Egyptian mummy,


No muscle tone whatsoever


Her body is her body, no shame in whatever size or shape it is. Accepting that you need a larger size can improve how clothes look on your frame. Learning what styles look best on your individual body is key. Meghan just doesn't seem to get these points.


She’s the reason I can’t take black and white photos anymore 😫 because she and Misan haven’t got an eye for art, so they just pass their basic b&w pics off as ‘professional,’ yet my amateur ass will mosey around something to try to find the perfect angle.


The only thing I see is that I believe she learned to wave like that as a royal, and her hair is messy, but that's on par with her image.


Dumbass thinks visiting a school should be a red carpet event (which she never gets invited to anyway). I bet those kids don't ever want to meet them again.


Holy Christ was this in Nigeria?! To a school?! 🤦 The level of absolute, complete CRINGE is unreal.


I’m more fascinated by the hair. What is going on and was this intentional?


What happens at waist level? Is the waistline, um, cutting into her skin? What’s that small flap sticking out above the zipper? Is the fabric of that dress already pilling? Isn’t she said to be into yoga? Where are her muscles? And what’s with that hair? Who on earth would put a heavy necklace like that on top of a ponytail? Except, of course, if it isn’t their ponytail and they don’t feel the pull in the roots of their hair.




I shouldn’t talk, I last week walked into the supermarket only to realise that my belt was undone 🙄. But my mission was to quickly and quietly buy some milk, not to traumatise a country.




These cheap looking dresses are dangerous, as is the hobo chic or shabby chic for interiors. If everything else is not groomed to the highest standard, things quickly go pear-shaped and the whole look is slovenly.


I'm guessing Missan did not get the chance to photoshop this lovely pic.......


Yes, yes there is….but let’s start with that seam😳.


O wow! Great eyes! Didn’t even notice that!!


What’s going on with her hand? It looks like it’s in a bubble and too big…. Or is it me?


I struggling with the sheer mankiness of the mane - black and white is perhaps even more revealing of all sorts of textures, clip-ons, add-ons, a wig stretched over - it is definitely a composite.


The zipper that does not close ….


What's up with the "pb" on top of the zipper? It looks like fingers on a Muppet are trying to escape.


Wow im sorry but that is not a good side angle pic... Ooof!!!


It didn’t help that she wasn’t wearing proper shapewear or Spanx


There’s not enough covered flesh for Spanx. 😁 Just imagine, if she wore Spanx up to her waistline, the pushed up excess skin would have spilled over the seam in the back of her dress big time. And in the front there would have been an indentation from the waistband and above it a bulge. It’s best to wear Spanx to at least below your breasts, if possible with shoulder straps to avoid it rolling down. That way your dress really looks smooth and no bulges are on display anywhere. But I wouldn’t want to wear Spanx in the Nigerian climate at all, so maybe just wearing something loose-fitting and flattering might have been the best idea.


This is what confuses me about the body positivity movement. I can understand the concept of not being ashamed of it and flaunting it - but I can’t understand flaunting something that isn’t attractive (yes, I’ve been brainwashed by society’s concepts of beauty).


She has badly aged skin. As the years continue to hunt her down the damage that she did when she was young is going to show more and more. Even in the bloom of her youth she showed that she had little to no understanding of what flattered her body shape. As age sets in and that body changes even more I find it doubtful that she will suddenly become adept at dressing for an increasingly difficult body shape. She has very poor hygiene. She doesn't exfoliate. She doesn't properly care for her hair or her skin. It shows. And the damage is cumulative. As she ages it will become harder not easier to fix all the issues that have accrued due to bad lifestyle and bad choices.


There is no way this photo hasn't been photoshopped. Her hand looks enormous and her wrist and arm look wonky and way too thin. 


Her hand looks like an American baseball ⚾ mitt.


There’s definitely photoshop happening. My guess is the cheek/jaw area. Would explain the weird hand and warped brick in the back. https://preview.redd.it/2oi4734k4a6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492d2cb6c245fdbfa1ec330e5bf596e8e5cd87ad


Why does her hand look enormous?


I still can't believe she wore this on a school visit


Wow. Kudos to the photographer. This needs to be protected, i.e. NOT BE FORCED TO TAKE DOWN.🤣


Her wrist is tiny, and her hand is huge compared to her wrist. Such an inappropriate outfit to wear at a school. She might have been thinking, I'm going to show my body off for these girls to show them what a real woman looks like. She needs to lift some weights. Muscle tone is actually very attractive.


Yes, she is showing them the progressive feminist way forward to authenticity and organic-ness or orgasm-ness, or something.....


Is there a link to the source photo? This looks digitally altered to me — there’s blurring around her hand/chin on the left and hair on the right.


I tend to believe RealnHousewives when she says Megan's stylist hates her or she doesn't have a friend. Not one of my friends would let me out like that. I would get a very stern talking to.


Too much skin for the occasion


She’s a young mother who barely has any time for herself.


You know what, she is brave for walking out the house like that. It takes a lot of guts to wear a garment that doesn’t fit and that shows as much skin and side boob for someone who doesn’t have much side boob to show.


Wow the more she tries she fails and people will search for her failures always....when you are so jealous and vindictive and quite honestly evil...you will never win in ANYTHING!!!


Lots of lumps, bumps, veins, and a dress that appears to be cheaply made (pilling fabric, the zipper). I’m also alarmed that the hand also looks so https://preview.redd.it/72s4yyd2b96d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94279bb16b69a13cf06dc5e2fde16ebf4f23481 huge perched on the skinny wrist.


I thought it was one of those things where an area is magnified for something.


I dont even think its about a bodily flaw its more just ill fitting (beyond being entirely inappropriate). With all the money she puts into PR i dont understand why she doesnt have a stylist.


Skinny fat.And the dress is 2 sizes too small.


And coquettishly looking over her shoulder as her john— oops, I mean husband— leads her away for a night of fun


No class. No common sense. No one, anywhere in their right mind would wear something this revealing to any school, in any country. And what was the idiot doing during all of this? He grew up in a conservative, public-facing family and he, of all people, would know what is appropriate in a setting like this. God knows his mother never dressed like this when attending royal engagements. All the people in his life modelled appropriate dress on these occasions. Was he frigging blind all those years? Yet he claims Megain is so much like PD. Delusional. Didn't he think of telling her at least? Wasn't he embarrassed to see her wearing these appallingly poor-taste outfits during a mock tour? Morons. I hope they stay together forever. They deserve each other.


My eyes!  My eyes!  We need precautionary labels on her pictures.  

