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Thank you Daisy. I'm not sure I believe in the secret messaging she's suggesting from the raspberry jam release. It was tacky to release it against POW's first public appearance, but to say it means cheating and skinny b and such is too far for me.


This if from The Royal Grift. As many have pointed out, Roachel isn’t likely bright enough to figure this out on her own. Marcus, perhaps? Or Omid? Or her new PR dude in UK?


Yep. It is from Royal grift. MM has done hidden messages before so I’m sure her and her ilk day around saying “ what can we do” She can’t be trusted. She’s extremely devious.


> MM has done hidden messages before Man! Is she 12 or something? What a loser.


She’s a manipulative twat


Agree...probably Marcus. He is the one who helped her stalk Harry, for whatever reason. And why does a man, with a good job have so much time for the likes of a nasty bore like M? Marcus seems like a piece of work. But can't work out his motives.


Right! In a bit lost on these hidden messages. The real message is that she still believes she’s greater than her in laws and that what she has to offer is just so much more grand. A delusion.


Meghan is still believing the press from the lead up to her wedding when they were calling her a royal rockstar.


Yeah my hypothesis is that Meghan assumed Catherine wouldn’t be there, hence there would be puff pieces in the press about how small the family looked on the balcony and wouldn’t it be nice if William would reach out to his brother - we were already seeing some pieces like this over the past few weeks- and then the raspberry jam would be the most recent bit of activity from Harry and Meghan, not the faux-royal Nigeria tour


I am sad to see Lady C is also reading to much into this, the sad reality is that Table 12 is just a dumb bitch, let her eat biscuits with jam


I’ve said all along as Sinners will verify that skank set her father up because he knows most of her dirty little secrets and she told the RF and plank so many lies about her life. Thomas even said she came back to retrieve her eggs. Thomas knows what she is doing


Yes, I believe that she went to retrieve her eggs and start the surrogacy under the guise of Thanksgiving dinner w family. The surrogate would have to start the meds etc. Wherever it happened, she had to get her eggs to the clinic.


Occam's Razor. I believe she needed to stop him telling the truth to Plank and RF.


Exactly right.




H&M like to play little games though. Look at the engagement interview when they said they were having roast chicken when H proposed, (even though Meg said she was vegan). They think they are hilarious. Waffles and crocodiles are all in the urban dictionary. All the 'will they, won't they' nonsense is more games. The hidden microphones are possibly a ruse as well. Remember when Samantha Cohen told Jason Knauf that it was like dealing with a couple of teenagers?


I can understand the raspberry and 2 x 2 but the dog intending to be a b\*\*ch insult for Catherine seems to be a stretch. If that is true, then what in the world. Trolling the media with A's first words seem to be more of her speed. Rachel is not too smart to come up with that symbolism in one Instagram post. + Did Nacho seriously stay up until 3:30 AM to attack Catherine. That seems like a very pathetic attempt to try to attack the BRF.


Also nacho was hanging out with Zara and Mike Tindall and Eugenie


The Sidley Twins were reading out some replies on Nacho's Insta. Oh my lord, people have gone full out on him. I hope he realises now.


That’s what doesn’t make sense.


Another way to spin it is that dog is a service dog for the family as per a photo....and even it is refusing the biscuits and jam


What sprang to mind is Hank Definitely needs to curb his bitch. And jerk the leash of his “friends”. Even the starving dog refuses to eat anything she makes- jam or biscuits. Regardless of what issues he has with their parents. One would think he’d have, having been a spare, having lost a parent at a tender age, his own father having cancer AND his paranoia over his own kids/family…. That maybe Hank would half an ounce of compassion, empathy, consideration or love for GC&L. For the fears of GC&L loosing a family member to cancer- they’ve relatively recently lost both beloved great grandparents (who had cancer), now their grandfather and their mother were very recently Both diagnosed with cancer and they see firsthand the difficulties a patient undergoing chemo and other therapies must endure (getting violently ill, exhaustion, etc) and the toll it takes on them. You’d think Hank would step the hell up for once in his life, Do the Right and Decent Thing, speak up and stop the crap being said and done (by his wife, their “friends”, the squaddy sugars, their publicists, etc) to his family. No more tit-for-tat, desperate “I’ve got to try to steal the limelight” nonsensical crap releases on big days for the BRF, no Urban Dictionary double entendres, etc. Stand up and take charge, put an end to it. SILENCE IS COMPLICITY. And they wonder why no one can stand them, they lost all the goodwill, respect and support they one were given. Look in the mirror. That’s why.


That came from The Royal Grift video. it was a stretch IMO. Also the dog biscuits weren't branded ARO. She has nothing new to offer. It's like a hobbyist's arts and crafts project at this point.


the Royal Grift is big on conspiracy theories and reading meaning into things which others might not see


You are absolutely right there. The rabbit holes can be very deep and winding, conspiracy wise. I do enjoy some of her videos but very often they also end in a sudden turn to the political. This is one thing I have always enjoyed about our fellow sinners. No politics! 🤷‍♀️🇨🇦


Well said! It’s always the same old ‘conspiracy theory’ formula and as you say ‘nothing new’ is really ever offered. She does seem to have a lot of time on her hands IMO.


I don’t believe that either, that’s too much conspiracy theory and drawing long bows. I do believe she asked Nacho and Delfina to sit on their jam release post and release it when she wanted to clash with Catherine’s return to public. I don’t think you can read any more into it than that.


I don't either and I don't like how people are taking this one wild interpretation as fact.


the 2 of 2 has to mean something, I thought maybe it was referring to the two cancer patients, but maybe it is about cheating? Kate and Will must be so annoyed with this. MM and H need to go away.


W&K don't even know this. They don't even care. They are far away, in another universe, far away from the Harkles. Not even the anti-monarchists could beat them, much less the two scammers from Montecito and their childish tricks.


I honestly doubt William and Catherine pay attention at all.


I think it was an attempt to prevent the speculation about who refused to advertise it which is what happened with "strawberry". I think people are crediting MeMe with way more brains than she has honestly with this Illuminati level conspiracy theory. She's not a Bond Villain. She's Dr. Evil. ![gif](giphy|JeKLoVq2KzdpS)


I thought this as well 2 out of two means it was posted and the other is likely at Montecito this is what we are supposed to think but in reality I'm not sure it's raspberry jam not enough seeds but likely a relabeled strawberry jam but keeping the numbers like that stops every one saying why did only x amount of people post oh because no one wants to be associated except other D Listers 


>I'm not sure it's raspberry jam not enough seeds but likely a relabeled strawberry jam I also suspect this to be the case.


It's jelly at best... You'd think a "word nerd" would know the difference and I'm sure it's been a Jeopardy question too. Plus raspberries lose their colour when you cook them sooooo what's the colouring agent?


Absolutely but she's trying to make it and her,  sound more royal, as well as preserves, Highgrove has several jams, and biscuits is a British take on cookie or treat shes once again trying to come off more like a British royal (a real one not a poser)thats where she wants the comparisons to be in the media. If its jelly well its never going be said in tbe same sentence as Highgrove products for comparisons. she thought she'd take on KC idea something that he loves and win and not just win in the media, but make money for her pockets not some charity she probably scoffs at the RF making no profit she isn't capable of getting her head around doing something without it benefiting her most. Yet despite using all these non American terms its American Rivera Orchard ( the orchard part is another rip off straight from. Highgrove preserve names) I mean she could have stopped at Riveria in the name. It must kill her that they are called Royal Orchard this or that on Highgroves product list. I wouldn't eT the jam its suspicious the colour as you say the lack of seeds even the texture isn't right for  raspberry jam you can tell by looking at it. That's home made nothing. Its obvious to anyone who makes there own jams. And in what world do you ever make a two jar batch and send someone 1/3 of a jar of dog treats, I mean this giant jar twice the size of the bones, which would be fine if it was packed to the brim, with a cardboard cut out label with maybe 6 bones in it. Snort.dont get me started on the bones because I don't believe they are home made either because of the completely even color across every biscuit they are very fine and just strike me as machine processed. But I could be wrong i just don't believe shes rolling up her sleeves baking anything, especially after the banana bread carry on at admiralty house, which absolutely 100% happened. I know that for a fact.


In Canada that would be considered a jam. We consider the clear ones jelly.


Exactly. She's not some criminal mastermind. She's basic and quite dumb.


Yes Milkbone Markle is Whip Stupid.


OMG… now THAT makes sense… she’s gloating that 2 of 2 ‘royal racists’ got cancer. The 2 of 2 is too embarrassing otherwise. She definitely put it out as a victory lap


>She definitely put it out as a victory lap If so then she is in an echo chamber because the rest of us don't give a toss.


I think in her warped mind 2 of 2 made it seem more exclusive. Also she probably already is sure that the first person will post the other Jar. Maybe H on his 40th? With the kids? Or the Paramount dude. Or some politician from Nigeria. I’m thinking who could be ‘big’ enough of a celeb… Oprah? But she kinda cut ties with the Harkles. Possibly KarJenner?


>I think in her warped mind 2 of 2 made it seem more exclusive. I think this is exactly it. Meghan is extremely shallow and vapid. I think people are crediting her with too much brain power.


This makes the most sense of any theory. It is infuriating to think that she's gloating over their cancers.


It must be quite difficult to make only 2 jars of jam in a batch. Assuming she didn't drop most of it on the floor, also assuming she actually made it herself, I think the 2 of 2 has to be significant about something, be that cancer patients or cheating 🤷🏻‍♀️


The two royal racists got cancer … This message makes so much sense to me


Wouldn’t the cancer reference have been 2 out of 4 (King, Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales)? I thought maybe it was that she had sent Nacho and Delfina 2 jars, one for each of them, and the dog biscuits. Maybe the message was, “you are my two true friends” or something. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Whatever it was, it doesn’t merit analysis.


there’s definitely a meaning, but what it is, who knows!


I saw a comment somewhere and they took the 2 as meaning sh*t. That makes more sense to me. Is she labeling Catherine and Charles as sh*t? I definitely believe the hidden meaning of the raspberries and the female dog. It’s all disgusting and such a childish game. 


Honestly who even cares. You're talking about the inner workings of a deranged and deluded disordered mind


I agree; they’re reaching.


Yeah, I know she's done "secret messaging" in the past but this was too convoluted, if she wanted Catherine to pick up on it.


I don't get it. Why is 2x2 about cheating? If it went over my head, chances are it went over a lot of people's heads.


Agreed. The problem is that most people would have seen it for a second and scrolled on by. They wouldn't sit there analysing it. Wearing matching bracelets or a necklace with initials is one thing, but thinking this is a high level cryptic message is a reach, imo.


Yeah I thought the same. Meghan has a visceral (visceral Meg, not guttural 😂) need for people to know how clever she is so a "hidden" message has to, ironically, be obvious. Otherwise the great unwashed and peasants alike won't pat her on her boney back and whisper in hushed, reverential tones how very smart she is - like Sherloch Holmes but with less cleavage!


I don't think I'm buying it either. It's too much. People need to be careful not to go down conspiracy rabbit holes too much in regard to this sort of thing. We're not like the sugars and their warped way of thinking. This sort of speculation plays into Meghan's hands.


If this is secret messaging, it’s pretty lame. Cause for most potential customers you just turn them off by putting Jam next to a dog. There is no need to go deeer than that.


It wasn’t aimed to attract customers, I think, but to prove to the world that Meghan is important and selective about her friends. ARO exists to advertise Meghan, not to promote or sell any products.


>ARO exists to advertise Meghan, not to promote or sell any products. Bingo.


It's a strange combination: closed jam jar next to a sleek and bored dog. If anything, I'd wonder if this was a subliminal message that Nacho was being b!tched at to Instagram Mehgan's latest culinary masterpiece.


>Thank you Daisy. 😊🌼 well done, as always, and appreciated.


I'm with you on this -- MM is playing checkers not chess.


Geez. If those were intentional Easter eggs created for that Instagram posting than she's even more pathetic and petty than I thought. 


Another day, another moment when the Harkles further denigrate themselves.


And Harry goes right along with it. Think how close he used to be to Catherine and now he is attempting to taunt her. He is every bit as vile as his deranged wife. 


Yes he sure is!


We don’t know if there was any symbolism intended, but even less do we know if Harry knew about said symbolism and approved it.


She’s trying to do a Taylor … She’s always done ‘sweet nods’


I was just thinking the same thing. Megsy trying to plant Easter eggs like she’s Taylor Swift. It’s ridiculous. My hunch is they took all the “brand” images on one day, just swapped out that stupid label, then she was ready to “launch” her next item the second she got wind that the Princess of Wales was making an appearance. It didn’t matter when or where or which event. All those Urban Dictionary secret messages just prove what a lunatic she is. Like who the F\*\*k actually does that? Dirty Trash.


Meghan Markle isn't smart enough to come up with all those secret messages. With the exception of the timing of the posting, it's all just happenstance, imho.


Idk. Mm has form for hidden messages. Such as the bananas cuddling on her Tig post, b4 they were outed as a couple. She was *dying* for someone to ask her about that.


I agree, she isn't smart enough--which is why I think she spends an inordinate amount of her time trying to think these lamebrained things up Expending that kind of time and energy for evil and meanness is truly Madame in a nutshell


People are giving her too much credit. She isn't some kind of evil genius. She's very surface level and basic.


Yes, she is very capable of these secret messages. She is very twisted and swears that she is clever with those evil things. The only thing it shows is how very lazy she is.


I think she spends time on urban dictionary. That's where she gets all her classy expressions - waffle maker, crocodile, roast chicken... She thinks she's so clever sneaking "shocking" expressions into her messages. My friends and I did the same thing. - in junior high.


Yes, This. I was going to post the same, you beat me to it.


That's right, it's something we do in high school. Not at 40 years old!!!!


It shows how disturbed she is. She is seriously mentally ill. This type of behaviour is common with those who have arrested development. They are forever trapped at the level of a 12 year old. It is heartbreaking while at the same time chilling. They are real life vampires. They suck the life and love and laughter out of everyone around them. And now with the internet, their reach is global. God help us all.


And looking back I'm sure out teachers and all knew what we were doing. They just recognized our immaturity and assumed we'd grow out of it sooner or later.




Oh...Okay.......you're probably right.......Perhaps it's ME who is not very smart or diabolical!


No, what happens is that you don't spend all day believing yourself smarter than everyone in this world.


I don’t know... Don’t forget that Roachel was a yacht/escort girl. She would know all about raspberries, skinny female dogs, extramarital affairs, etc. She seems to excel in everything “gutter”.


You are right about that.


One hundred percent. I used to think I was being harsh by calling her a "gutter slag" but it turns out I was just calling a spade a spade (and NOT in a racist way). Harry's wife's currency is anything that smacks of tacky.


She’s like those movie characters from old movies where the rich guy marries a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. It never ends well. 


She sure does, all while trying to look like a miss priss.


She can’t pull it off because she just exudes tacky tart. 


I'm thinking lady c and harkles all found out about Catherine attending the same time we all did. Still enough time for her ridiculous post....


I agree because Catherine herself could't be sure until the last minute. I understand this. I have good days and bad days and I can't tell how I will be tomorrow.




Yes, and hugs from me too.


I think you're exactly right.


Why are people taking one poster's "interpretation" of Nacho's post as absolute fact? This is how misinformation is spread.


And how this TRG conspiracy rubbish can make us all look deranged by association.  The fact they're using this sub to spread this nonsense is doing the job of those who can't wait to censor us 


I agree. I mean it's fun to speculate, but going into woo-woo territory, well, how is that any better than what Meghan herself is doing?


Well, apparently Lady C got on the conspiracy bandwagon. 🙄 It is not just this sub.


Lady C does and says whatever she needs to for clicks. She has been moving the goalposts for years.


A lot of the You tube “royal watchers” are just in it for clicks.


Daisy, thank you so much for your nuggets. I hope you are doing better. All of us here really appreciate your work.




I think it's a slow but incessant death spiral the Markle is in. She is just failing everywhere.


Yes. People are giving her the silent treatment. Death by a thousand cuts indeed


Yes agreed, professionally she's done. I doubt she has any serious project and income to come, even lemonada is dead imo (they'll maybe host her first season but that's all). Archewell is on the verge of disappearing and I'm sure their many LLCs generate no revenue. Not to mention she apparently tries to dodge the IRS. She has literally nothing to do. Well maybe raise her children but we all assume it's not her main priority.


Better for her to be doing nothing than raising any children


i agree with you about this being Meghan Markle's end point. No matter if she was attempting some secret messaging. The real point is that more and more people are now able to see her vile pettiness regarding POW and the RF. This latest attempt showed no doubt as to her limitless jealousy of Catherine.


There was no support of Markle in any of this. The most "support" was someone saying, "surely -- this was unintentional? Because otherwise... it is really pathetic to try and upstage Catherine with....dog biscuits." That literally was the most supportive statement. Unless you count throwing Nacho under the bus as supportive, which I don't.


Nobody cares enough about her to give her a big comeuppance. Sometimes people's silence says it all.


It certainly feels like the end is near for her. Public opinion has greatly shifted against her and the media has finally started calling her out on her shit. I don't remember seeing articles in big papers that reported honestly on her shenanigans when they first left the BRF, but it seems like they all see her for what she is now (except the rags that print her puff pieces)


Today in the Express, she's offering Catherine an olive branch - again. Wants to forget the "nonsense." You can't make this sh*t up! Only death will shut her up.


She is obsessed, and doesn't seem to realize that people can SEE her deranged stalking of Catherine. People KNOW to stay away from her because she is disordered and scary. All she has is Harry because nobody else will touch her. Even Doria seems to have sunk back underneath her rock now that Meghan has gone to Nigeria and no longer needs her for "Black cred".


Agree with you completely.


Ah yes! There Meghan Markle goes again with her offer of an 'olive branch'! So, so predictable! Her pathetic excuses! This was all a mistake! A sheer coincidence! MM wouldn't do such a thing as attempt to show up POW! This is her standard operating procedure now! We in SMM realize just what she is capable of and know that this was no mistake on her part! The wonderful outcome of all this is that so many people are awakening to her pathetic attempt to steal POW's moment back in the public eye and are now just reassessing MM and her nasty character!!!


Yes, this was so blatant and ridiculously petty.


Meghan has killed so many olive trees by now that California fears a shortage of olives next year. /s


The secret message is silly, and lady c looks like a crazy person for indulging that nonsense


My thought also. It reminds me of the “Paul is Dead” rumor about the Beatles back when I was a kid. With all due respect to TRG and Lady C, I can’t imagine Meghan coming up with this kind of snarky symbolism. It’s far too subtle/complex for her. She would want something more obvious, I think.


Thank you, daisy! I'm conflicted regarding the perceived symbolism of Queso Fresco's IG post. On the one hand, it seems like a reach to pick apart and analyze every visual for a jab at PoW. Because in my mind, the Temu Emu's IQ is the same as her bra size. On the other hand, we're talking about the Temu Emu. Given everything we've seen and heard from this idiot, she _would_ pull this teenage stunt and think herself clever. One thing for sure: the Temu Emu and Queso Fresco are spectacularly stupid.


Flair checking in! 😂😂😂


Your flair cracks me up every time 😂


Thank you! 😂


I don’t understand why 2x2 means a spouse is cheating? If anything, the Wales marriage looks more solid than H& M’s because both people seem sane.


I know🤷‍♀️


Again, much appreciated Daisy!!! I think some may be reading too much into the alleged symbolism Lady C is suggesting ( I don’t think H or that woman really are able to think that deeply), but agree the timing was terrible and believe Nacho has been Markled.


I think so too. It's ONE person's conspiracy theory. And too many people seem to want to take it as fact. I doubt Meghan is that deep.


And that person fails to see how they are just as abhorrent for dragging up the affair rumours involving innocent children and families and a woman battling cancer. They certainly took exception to me pointing this out yesterday claiming I should just look away.  Glad to see original sinners like you feel the same way so I know it's not just me.


It's not just you. At all. I get that sometimes it's fun to wonder what if, but it's easy to take things too far.


I had a exchange with a Sinner who strongly disliked the posts where another Sinner fixes Meghan's fashion mishaps. The reason? It made Meghan look good. Yeah. Some people take their hatred of Meghan Markle too far. It's one of the reasons I refuse to listen to Paula M on YouTube.


>It made Meghan look good. LOL really? Okay so I'm going to admit I found her looks attractive when she first came on the UK scene. I acknowledge she was pretty, I still had that ~~visceral~~ nee guttural dislike of her. Then her true self began oozing out of her pores and she began to look ugly to me.


You're not allowed to say anything positive about her according to that person, apparently.


Knowing narcissists, yes, Megsy is very capable of doing things like that. Isn't it that 2020 dressed in phosphorescent colors so that no one would ever forget it? Megsy loves those games, that makes her very intelligent in her eyes.


*But the messages were there.  It does seem impossible for these images to not have a double meaning.* Ya think? https://preview.redd.it/bne7i0jfod7d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f46e5f01ea2fd121fd910b07729c6e3a3d35cc0d


I’m a tin foil believer.


I’ve been known to don the occasional tinfoil hat 😆


Yep me too and I wouldn’t put anything past mouldy old Megsy.


Why is she pretending to know that Catherine would attend the TOC? As if she is an insider when we all know how private the Wales are, how the Prince of Wales has protected his wife? What has she revealed anyway if she is that close as to know? She says a lot without saying anything. She sounds like the ILBW at times with her grandiose statement. Like the Queen's health etc.


I had thought for months that Catherine would attend at least the Balcony. By my calculation (assuming 6 cycles), her last one will be in early July. Different chemo cocktails have different side effects, of course, but usually by 2d week, you feel well enough to do a few things. With each cycle you have less energy, but that is to be expected. She was able to sit for part of the fly by. Source: Been there, done that, and very grateful for the extra decade + (and counting) it has given me. I wish the same for Catherine.




She always does this. Pretends she has inside info.


You're completely correct about her sounding like the ILBW. Right down to her clinging to her title despite being asked not to use it. She is literally no different than TW.  Though she's probably made a better grift for herself than the ILBW ever will 


She has the right to the title which, for her, has commercial value. I agree that it is not classy to use it, but she isn’t badmouthing her ex husband’s family every time she can. I think anyone who takes Lady C as a member of the aristocracy is deceived. She is a socialite on the fringes of the lower aristocracy. Lady C is pretentious and her gossip is not really from insiders. However she has an occasional good insight and has a history of doing her homework.


>her gossip is not really from insiders. Hey now this sub *is* INSIDERS! hehehehehe


Ha! Yeah, we have some insiders in this sub.


There would have been preparations for Catherine's appearance and Lacy C ran with it, but even so Catherine could have been unable at the last minute. It's usually day by day but it's sometimes hour by hour that the patient can just drop.


The media was given a heads up a day in advance, I read. ETA: Just as many of us speculated that she might be there, folks in the media may have been speculating, and the way some of these speculations changed on Thursday (when some were “in the know” but others weren’t) may have given Lady C and others a stronger idea that PoW would be showing up.


I personally do not think there are hidden easter eggs in Nachos post. i think Meghan did want him to make the post to get coverage during the trooping event but that is it.


Exactly. It was a shoddy (and laughable) attempt at upstaging TTC is all. Having to engage in mental gymnastics to come up with a hidden meaning is not a good use of time.


Thanks Daisy both for your reporting and your common sense. While we are on the subject of planning, maybe Nacho is in Argentina, where the post would have been made around 7 AM. He certainly isn’t in California posting at 2 AM or whatever. (He is still either an idiot or being blackmailed.)


Lady C must've gotten the dog and raspberry interpretation from The Royal Grift's video; she'll be so flattered.


Thanks again for the summary, Daisy. You have truly taken one for the team. Lady C just drones on too long for me. I feel like Lady C is getting her info from here or other H&M blogs or X. No way is she coming up with this raspberry skinny bitch stuff herself. It's not that deep. I think Meghan just had an impulsive idea with no thought behind it (what's new?!) and here we are.


I remember reading somewhere that, during the early stages of her relationship with Harry, she told her father to "lay low." The fact that she would tell him something like this suggests how scared she was of her father revealing the truth about her past.


Yes she did. And Harry yelled at her father over the phone- a man he had never even met! It boggles the mind. The lies she had to have told.


And he told on himself on their Netflix liefest.


I didn't watch it, but that's what I hear.


I didn't either. I just saw clips on YouTube. No way I was giving them any views.


Same here!


What?! How dare he! What did he yell about?


About Thomas talking to the press! Poor guy had no idea! He'd never even met a member of this family his daughter was marrying into! And now his daughter's fiancé is shouting at him over the phone! For something he couldn't control!


Ughhh what an arse!!!


Yeah I'd be livid personally. Like "who the fuck are YOU to talk to me this way?"


Wasn’t that when he yelled something about the grandchildren, and Thomas said, “You don’t have any children?” I swear, you couldn’t make this stuff up.


Yes this was before they were even married! And they were using "children" as their excuse!!! Like hello.... you haven't even tied the knot yet. And you're complaining about kids you don't even have! Get help! Immediately!


Yeah, well, that “skinny bitch” is an Italian Greyhound, the aristocrat of small dogs. Joke’s on those idiots. It will be interesting to see what happens the next time William crosses paths with Nacho on the polo circuit. Nacho just might find himself iced out by the European crowd. He must be as stupid and arrogant as Harry.


The 2 x 2 is most likely nacho and harry🙄


Had That One been able to hire whatever she perceives as a suitable looking father to walk her down the aisle, she would have. She never had any intention of being on the world stage with her father on her arm.


Her solo walk into the chapel was extremely choreographed to the point of exactly how she would be backlit by the sun and would be there ALONE, in her moment of stupendous theatrical glory. She was never going to allow schlumpy Dad to foul up the Cleopatra-like spectacle. It was very obvious to me and the point when I really began to despise her deeply.


It was actually very creepy. I don't think that was the look she was going for.




these far-fetched interpretations of Nacho's post are ridiculous - anyway who cares?! we are not in high school - what adult would create such a post?! I think this interpretation is a leap way too far.


I thought so too -- but the 2x2 thing gets me. Because who makes a freaking batch of two? I dunno. I agree that any normal person would never ever think this way but meghan has proven herself again and again that she doesn't have a normal mind. She has a very sick brain. It's anyone's guess. Otherwise, I think the "jam with the dogs" is a total troll move on Nacho, but not so sure either. Granted, considering Madam's "freakish attention to detail" we got some wackadoodles on our hands, intentional or not.


I agree!


Why would any normal person allude to a cancer patient going through chemotherapy as a “skinny bitch”? The nature of chemotherapy is that it makes many patients lose weight. This cruelty and absolute heartlessness boggles my mind. I knew that she was mean, treated others cruelly, her husband was equally bad and enabled her cruelty, but this was completely uncalled for. Karma has a way of watching cruelty and repaying it sooner rather than later. To top it all, she plants puff pieces about her heart going out to Kate and being a bigger person and forgiving Kate while alluding to her as a skinny bitch at the same time. It makes me really angry and sad that she is being a two faced snake publicly to a cancer patient and exploiting the illness to get PR for herself. My conclusion: Kate ignored every attempt from Sparry, MM, Nacho to make contact and wish her well. They are mad that they have been repeatedly ignored. So, they are taking it out in an underhanded manner.


I mean, this woman used dead children for a photo shoot.... She is extremely demented and disordered


Or, extremely callous and cruel.


That too


Thank you for the summarydaisybeach23 I hope your tendinitis is doing better. The real victim is the poor dog that was just hanging out getting roped to any of this drama.


Thank you Daisy!


I watch what's going on, have done for 3 solid years, but Lady C had been saying for the longest time for people to consider the parentage of the ginger one in her own way (allegedly!), and look towards an Earl.  However last time she was adamant that the ginger one is legitimate and from the marriage union. And the matter was not even to be questioned.  So I am now at a "meh" point. I would love to see the truth in all this, him, his kids, the Los, the secrets being held and used against each side, oh the list goes on, but I can't see it myself, well not whilst I walk this earth!


Harry is unattractive but he is definitely a Mountbatten.


I believe she was talking about Harry and Meghan's alleged "children", not Harry's own parentage.


All those hidden messages were a waste of time. Trying to subtly throw shade? TW isn't capable of subtlety. She succeeded in looking silly and desperate. Drilling down into the hidden meanings, she looks manic and mean. Thank you for the synopsis!


I think the hidden messages were more accidental than anything.


Thank you, Daisy!


Thank you Daisy 🌼


It’s around this sub somewhere but it was a few years ago. Does anyone remember Meghan Markle giving an interview and when they asked about her dad she did a flicking motion under her chin. Apparently that means the same as giving someone the middle finger. I’ve never heard of that before and I don’t think many people have, actually, it’s a more obscure way to say F off. If she’s capable of that, right on camera, she can do anything. I’ll look for that video but if someone else could locate it quicker that’d be great.


I know it as an Italian gesture — where Meghan would pick it up? who knows.


Thank you for this summary, Daisy!!!


Thank you, Daisy! I hope the tendinitis is all healed!


Thank you so much for this great Lady C update, Daisy, always a highlight and appreciated!


Thank you Daisy! How are you doing? Healing is a slow and frustrating process. You are in my thoughts.


Now I’m craving raspberry jam! I’m going to have to hit up the farmer’s market next weekend. Thank you Daisy!


Thanks, Daisy! Much appreciated.


Thank you op. I think this was a nasty message, the ppl that don't see it probably haven't had to deal with the deviousness of narcissists and are a bit naïve. Also I think the bandages are "Hanbury cloth" and I think they represent illness and death.


I agree about the secret messaging though I didn't get the 2x2 thing, said so in a post immediately on here. The rest makes about as much sense as the rest of this total malevolent malarky. Thank you for this update, Daisy! I can't watch Lady C but this time I agree with her and it's always good to find convergence rather than its opposite. Truly, thank you. Please take care x


Allow me to add to the chorus of appreciation and thank you, Daisy, for these Lady C summaries. Which are always a treat! Even with the sleazy imagery of the 2 X 2 and blowing a raspberry. The 2 of 2 in the photo of the raspberry jam made absolutely no sense to me - who does that?? - but now Lady C's interpretation sounds like something Roachel's twisted and jealous mind would conjure up. Each time you assume that you could not loathe this lying grifter any more than you already do she manages to outdo herself in the foulness department.


Thanks for the recap, Daisy


Who is nacho ?


This confirms to me that lady c grifts her channel by mostly reading social media and making weird sniffing noises and has next to zero real insight  I personally think the emu is just dumb and maybe thought she could ride the publicity wave alongside the royal family.. but miscalculated this one as she often does, because of lack of self awareness. I personally think, and I say this with love towards my fellow sinners, that taking a photo of your dog next to the dog biscuits you’ve just been gifted is pretty normal and obvious and that to see that as meaning you are calling another woman a bitch is a huge stretch