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He’s taken you weirdo https://preview.redd.it/j3z71wzjhf7d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=8715b2cdd352eb67fd4e12e27dfb4ddcd77e2eea


She genuinely thought she was better than Kate….


Bless her delusional little heart! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276) ![gif](giphy|i8QAoKuqgFnry)


That shot reminds me of Mrs Peel in the Avengers.




ohmygosh YES!


Oh yeah! Yes you're right. That's a total Diana Rigg moment right there.


Absolutely stunning.


![gif](giphy|yDKHgOZcZGzclIHbrU|downsized) *I can be discreet, William.*




The eyes are the same !


I will let you do…… anything!


She really did. Especially with Haz's recounting his buddies reaction to him landing Meg: "you pulled THAT?!?" But if true I'm sure that was out of sheer horror. not envy. In a world full of Megsies... https://preview.redd.it/d4qgkt0o9g7d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=36c3bfaa2212d2a8e307082eecb86e8c90781ce2


Harry's friends hated her. He had dated Chelsy and Cressida who were much prettier than Lolo, so the friends wouldn't have been surprised that he landed someone pretty. The whole story is imaginary.


Meghan’s imagination for sure. Harry’s friends urged him to dump her.


We sure did.


I can see it being real, but Harry the clueless reading things wrong. Friends say: “You pulled that? (Emphasis on that, tone of disgust and confusion and disbelief). Harry reads: “You pulled that? (Emphasis on that, tone of shock and confusion and envy).


As sung in 'Grease' by Rizzo 'did you pull that crab with a net?'


I always thought it was "did you pull that crap with Annette?" 😭


Haha that's 😄 and sweet lol


Me too!


They knew her from her soho house side hustle


We all know Meghan wrote Spare. The way she described herself.. delusional.


She definitely dictated all the parts about her. She was too lazy to write it thought.


Except the Crown is over TWs name 😬


Good catch! I totally missed it. Changed the picture, lol. THE HORROR.


Very nice now! 👌 


I believe they said that, followed by "taking one for the team there haz"


i can only imagine what this witch did behind closed doors. She's an expert at putting on the moves.


Her husband’s brother no less.


I still don't see this as a lascivious look from her. Imho. it looks more malevolent, i.e., smug, "you have no idea I'm about the force your brother to move to the US and we have all kinds of horrible things planned to try to tarnish you and Catherine. I'm so much smarter and better than either of you. Just you wait my pretty."


Ibble Dibble once contemplated that William and Catherine had dinner parties and didn’t invite them. Then ibble Dibble laughed and said “do you think this is where it all started?.. because William and Kate had parties and didn’t Meghan and Harry? I actually think Megs is that thin skinned and that petty.


I have a former sister in law who was that think skinned. Megs is much more malevolent than ex-SIL.


Oh absolutely! And teas, and ....


I love Ms. Dibbles!!! I think she and Grifty are the most intelligent and insightful content creators when it comes to TW


I could listen to Ibble all day. To me she stands head and shoulders above the other creators. Her astute and acerbic wit is something I can only aspire too.




Like the Valley Girls say, **AS IF**!!!!! William was the one who tried to warn Harry. Edit to add clarification


Frank Zappa - Valley Girl 🎶 "Okay, fine, Fer sure, fer sure, She's a Valley Girl, And there is no cure" 🎶


Oh the day Meggsie got officially scarfed by William. One of my favorite videos. She was trying to make it appear like they were together, even with Catherine right next to William. He wasn’t having it, scarfed for all eternity


He was wise! https://i.redd.it/9v2m7avjgf7d1.gif


William was onto this harpy!


Probably from day one. And Catherine too


That was most of the problem


That is an upset man. Wasn't this the Christmas Ginge and Minge stayed at Anmer Hall with William and Catherine? It wouldn't surprise me that Minge had made a pass at him the night before.  All I see in this clip is a profoundly uncomfortable guy trying to hold things together for his family and the public.


Here, she does her deep curtsy and then looks around to see if anyone noticed…like she’s waiting for a compliment from someone who has done it their whole life


Not one other person is bowing or curtsying. You bow/curtsy when the monarch arrives not as their car pulls away. She looks like such a dunce.


She just wanted to show off. I bet she practiced the curtsy long before and taught her childhood friends to curtsy to her…SMH


Actually, you do a bow/curtsy the first time you see the monarch that day. That’s why sometimes you see three people at once and then others who don’t.


expecting all to do a frenetic seal clapping


Makes sense that this was the night she tried to seduce William. What a trash can.


And a cum dumpster.


Lol @ Ginge and Minge!




That was her very last Christmas with the Royals. After this it was clear she was never going to get William, so she went running back to California.


Or Charles for that matter.


Her lust for Wills was was exposed to the RF. She couldn't spend another Christmas. QEII and PP probably made that clear to her. I can only imagine what went on that we don't have a clue of.


No one would talk to her. Everyone already knew what she was about at this church event.


Oh most definitely.


Of course she wanted the money shot standing next to William.


I think that is referred to as: Shot down in flames 🔥


She looks so much like Cardi B.


That moment and when Catherine stared her down at the walkabout before the funeral should go down in history!


Was it when they were outside (on stairs iirc) and he decided to let her walk ahead to get some distance from her?


Catherine moved over to separate them, in the same way Andrew and Anne protected QE2 on the balcony 😁


Truly a Queen moves in any direction.


Princess Catherine was Boss at that walk about. i never tire of watching it


She is amazing.


Knowing now that TW likes to flash her parts at men (married), I wonder how many times she flashed our Prince of Wales. She should be registered as a repeat sex offender.


Oh Lord, just the image of her flashing her well used private parts to entice William has me 🤢🤮. As the late Paul Newman said about his beautiful wife, Joanne Woodward, why go for hamburger, when you have steak at home


I think you’re wrong in assuming she was wearing underwear when she flashed Serena’s husband


Oh she absolutely wasn't wearing underwear..what would be the point of flashing panties?


Sorry! I misread parts as pants 😂😂. No one wants to see/smell that thing.


Toxic wizard's sleeve😂😂


I know, let's ask the Squaddies


He couldn't quite get it right. lol


Um, was that a curtsy to someone out of the frame that I just saw? Thought she didn't understand that part.


Lies for no reason all of the time. A narc.


The truth and lies are all "her truth" she believes all of it. She is mentally ill in the most literal sense. Worst of all, she makes it up as she goes along.


The Queen’s car had just pulled away. That’s what she was curtsying to: a plume of car exhaust and PP discreetly giving M the bird from the back seat. You curtsy when the Queen arrives and gets out of the car but not when the car pulls away to depart. That’s why no one else is curtsying or bowing. Even as Charles gets in place for his car to pull up behind the Queen’s, there is no need to bow or curtsy. At least that’s what the “royal expert” explained at the time as they giggled a little.


A comment I read on Youtube - "Omid Scobie is writing a new book called The Liar, the Witch and the Kids in the Wardrobe." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)






The same eyes she tried with Kevin Costner. Wise men know what she is and stay away.


https://preview.redd.it/0gmkyz2pog7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc88b9269ed325a20a361dff4e6222837dbcc43 And nacho


I have had male friends who i’ve known for 20 plus years. No way would they hold another female like that ( except wives .)


Looks a bit intimate. Wonder what she's saying to him


"She wants to eat his Jam"


Her face and bodily expression look completely intimate. He looks a bit more defensive.


Nacho is doing her


The Scarfening.


I like that...clever!


She really wanted William but ended up with the dimwit. But everytime William was round she wouldn't stop staring at him. Complete stalker mode. The funniest thing is thought William didn't even give a crap. I think he was honestly put off and repulsed by her.


She’s so gross!


I just keep thinking how awful Haz must have been to let that woman marry in the family and let him flee to the US with her. Good riddance to the spare and even all the awful betrayal he does it is still a relief for the family that he is not roaming in the palaces.


Oh look at her curtsey! And William side eyeing her with a gesture of tasting something unpleasant...he even wipes his mouth!


Of course they’re going to “hide” the invisikids more. Why? Because at least one is unlikely to exist and the lies they’ve told are starting to catch up to them. It’s time for at least one child to be in school. My guess is this never occurs and we’ll hear some jackassery about “homeschooling”. Proof of life required or this is just more bullshit.


It’s easier when little ones are still little. “Babies change so much over two weeks.” Older children not so much.


Agree. People have commented about this very thing happening as they get older.


Yes September will be interesting.


For SECURITAYYYY reasons..


There will be a drowning in the ocean and they will bury the child next to the stillborn under the tree


It won’t honestly surprise me if this is how the Lillibet situation eventually resolves itself. And for those screaming “conspiracy” (and I would be one of those usually) Proof. Of. Life.


Can anyone help me on this? Megsy and Hank are going to hide the children more, that's what Jack Royston told Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-meghan-markle-new-era-privacy-prince-archie-princess-lilibet-1914049 But the whole gossip seems to be that the reason these children can't be exposed is because those children can't stand being looked at. **It seems** that what Royston told Sky News is that "Little children are said to cry a lot (from what appears to be uncertainty and fear) every time they are seen. They are reportedly not curious, they are fearful, attached to the nannies and Harry, and they're not easy to be around. The poor children have to live their lives in terror." That agrees quite a bit with certain gossip about Archie not being able to attend daycare without making a fuss because he cries and has trouble relating to other children, and in The Cut the journalist who interviewed Megsy said that the little girl Betty doesn't even smile. I can't say for sure that the gossip is true, I don't think Royston said that, but I read the quote on a site that pointed out that this is the reason why the Sussex children are out of sight of everyone, and it's not for privacy. Has anyone seen that guy's gossip out there?


*"…and it does feel like they've now hit a point where we perhaps won't see the kids again."* Yes, I agree, that’s exactly what it sounds like. How strange!


Someone posted this word for word a few days ago on here. Perhaps Royston got it from this sub?


Yes! This was SHC in Childish Behavior: https://preview.redd.it/8656hfcymf7d1.jpeg?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36d92f319b0a76156dd39c53f4e40bc6251e92f


Yeah I think a lot of media people lurk here to get info for their bits. It's terribly sad *if it's true* but rumors are so easily spread that I prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to kids. It's entirely believable that sheltered children with parents who aren't always around would have attachment issues or be shy or be uncertain but personally I feel like the calls I've see to get cps involved is a step too far. Especially since the children are in the care of mandated reporters.


This is important: California has extensive Mandated Reporting requirements. I get it is a snark sub, but this is on the edge of insanity.


My concern, and I agree that CPS is too far with no proof, is the rumors that the nannies are in and out because of Meghan's jealousy and she fires them quickly. And the newest headlines that Doria is taking over are, frankly, terrifying. I truly hope those kids have someone who loves them and worries for them.


Don’t CPS have enough genuinely at risk children and young people to deal with? (Being so under funded, staffed and resourced?)


Calls can be made to CPS but they usually don't go anywhere. Even if there is evidence to substantiate the reports. I've had to make CPS calls in my profession and sadly most don't go anywhere. Overworked, underpaid, understaffed. It's unfortunate.


AHHHH!!!! I knew I had seen something similar somewhere. THANK YOU!!!!


That's so sad. 🙁🙁💔 We'll snark on H&M all day but reading that makes me so sad. I have Narc Parents so I know how hard it is to grow up in that environment. There's never any sense of safety or comfort or support. No nurturing. It's going to get worse as they get older. The more personality they get, the worse the parents will get. Or maybe just M since it seems like H is has a decent relationship with them?


Idk, SHC has had a lot to say about this.


That's probably where he got it then or vice versa.


The phrase about the children being incurious was a giveaway for me.


That is a somewhat haunting phrase, too. Although I hope this gossip isn’t true, it gives it credence, because it’s such a specific and sad thing to say that it sounds like a direct observation. (I mean, compare to “our little ones are little”)


I know, it conjures up sad images of children terrified to move.


Typical narc mother senario.


I remember. I was surprised to see it again as a Royston quote. (I didn't click on the link.)


I just checked. I didn't find that quote in the article.


My God, if this is true about the children I feel really bad for them. It appears they already have psychological issues and if they don’t get a handle on them now, it will become worse as time goes on. Psychological problems/disorders are more difficult to treat as an individual matures.


I mean no one is raising them. Haz is always high- Meg is a narc. She probably over controls the nannies that stick around- so who knows what the nannies are going through…


Very sad and tragic situation. Hate to break it to you Hazznoballs but you are doing **way more damage** to your children than you could ever imagine. Your childhood trauma is going to pale in comparison to theirs.


Harry had tons of family around him to help deal with his childhood traumas, those children have no one.


So true and so very sad.


Look in SHCs comments. She seems to have information about the children. You may have to scroll back a bit.


> Can anyone help me on this? This needs a thread of its own. Do you have posting rights? *** eta ... >>It seems that what Royston told Sky News is that "Little children are said to cry a lot (from what appears to be uncertainty and fear) every time they are seen. They are reportedly not curious, they are fearful, attached to the nannies and Harry, and they're not easy to be around. The poor children have to live their lives in terror." Where does it say that? Can you provide a link, please. :)


Yeah, I didn't see it in the article.


how the heck would he know


What happens is that a site in Spanish was commenting on the issue that we will not see the children and a person made that comment, and it seems that Royston pointed out something about the behavior that the children have. https://preview.redd.it/uzjfgx9arf7d1.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a45b2290306e54cc1b1341d8d4c184800f8f5db Sorry, I don't want to name the site because I don't want to give publicity to the crazy sugar who runs the site. Seriously, she's crazy. But there is a thread where you can criticize the Harkles and this comment appeared and it caught my attention. That's why I was asking if you've heard or seen something like that, because it didn't sound like a comment from Royston to me, I don't think he was going to say something like that because it would be something very serious. But I thought I had seen something similar, and not for the first time but something that other people have commented on. I'm not saying this is true (although there have been rumors about it for a while), but it would explain quite well why the Harkles so fiercely refuse to show their children, and it's not because of privacy. We saw that the Harkles had no qualms about using the children in their documentary, and last week, CDAN spread the rumor that the Harkles wanted to make a splash and the only thing they suggested was a photo of the children. That Megsy refused (as desperate as she must have been looking to steal Kate's cover), and preferred jam was strange, even for Megsy.


> this comment appeared and it caught my attention As probably intended, and stuff like that just adds fuel to even more conspiracy theories. >had no qualms about using the children in their documentary Including showing their son in the bath, which very few, if any, parents would do to their children because it's a gross invasion of their privacy especially when the child cannot possibly consent.


Yes! That was so gross! especially from self-proclaimed experts on the toxicity of social media!


Royston has always been on Megsie's team..from day one. I don't believe he would write something that provoking about the kids. Unless he and TW had a falling out?


Word for word, this is what second hand coke has reported


Um that is VERBATIM what SHC said days ago FFS, Jack!!


"attached to the nannies and Harry," If those kids are real, I highly doubt they even know who Harry is.


We've joked quite a bit about the absence of the Harkle offspring on this sub but all joking aside this looks very much like a real-life *Flowers In The Attic* situation. It's the actual reason I hope the kid(s) are fictional--not so I can have a laugh at H&M and their bogus lives but because of the conditions the children must be living under. It's not normal. In fact, it's downright *abnormal* and should be looked into.




I thought that description of the kids was from SecondHandCoke, who posts here?


I don't see why it would be true. Presumably whoever is raising them is a professional.


of course its not true - think its not appropriate to talk about possible faults or issues with the chldren


Sounds like children who are incredibly insecure and fearful of their parents’ love. In my experience—not a professional but years of working with kids in classrooms, sports, babysitting, etc., children are naturally curious. Those who have parents who love and support them are often outgoing and happy—they are secure in who they are. Unfortunately, not all children have those secure relationships. I can’t imagine what is happening in that house if the children are in fact fearful. Well, I CAN imagine. But those poor babes.


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Respect the kids. Bullying and mean speculation about the Sussex children will not be tolerated.


We'll hear about "private tutoring" for the kids for a couple of years, then they'll be shipped off to an exclusive, super-private boarding school. On holiday breaks, they may leak a story about the family going to some exotic location where no photographers are allowed. They can keep up this lie until the kids are of an age where reliable child actors can play the role. I believe Meghan will fight tooth-and-nail to maintain this facade; I just hope some bold and brave person will bring the entire story to light. True or false, I'm sick of what seems to be a sneaky, illogical game being played regarding children who have a significant generational connection to the BRF.


How in God's name could a parent damage a child in any way?  I hope those two little ones are alright.  I am deeply troubled and pray that they really are alright.  


Mine damaged me. It happens a lot, unfortunately.


I want to follow this account can you link them? They aren't showing in my search.


[Sure](https://www.instagram.com/the__tig?igsh=MTZrMHNnbmJuYmpiOQ==) Also a LOT of their stuff is photoshopped and they get to be pretty brutal- so proceed with caution. But they do dig up some nice gems from time to time.


Thanks! Damn, 5000+ posts!!!


Thank you for posting the fun stuff, here for that with bells on *


Why am I getting this * when trying to post a gif?


I get that a lot, don't know what it means.


Some people here don't like gifs or videos, etc., that they're lazy and we should be writing out proper comments. I'm here for fun, I'm not trying to pass a writing class or anything like that. Under certain posts, the option to use a gif would be disabled and just not appear as an option. Something has changed in format since a recent Reddit update, I think that might be it and if so, it's an annoying way to disallow gifs after you've already chosen one! Maybe something else, hope someone lets us know.


Agreed. Thanks for the info.


Who's that guy who walked, right to left, in front of Megain? Must be some type of bag carrying, hired help?


I got that! Good one!


In the first clip, you can tell he couldn't stand her... as if he already knew all about her.😄


Meghan looks at William like a kid at a birthday party looks at cake 🤣🤣🤣




That would be a waste of tax money. At minimum, the children are fed, clothed, have a roof over their heads, and attend school/day care. There is nothing an overwhelmed social worker could do, and it would take resources away from children who are being mistreated.


Stop it. Really stop that. Please do not waste cps time and resources based entirely upon internet speculation and rumors about actual children. How is that respecting the kids? Nannies are mandated reporters. Random people on social media that have literally never even been in contact with the children are not. This is no different than the dv rumors spread about HRH Catherine.


I apologize, I would like to avoid the topic but the comment caught my attention, which sounds quite like a plausible reason as to why nothing will be seen of those children who knows for how long. The other explanation is a paranoid Hazz, and that worries me even more.


Why is she curtseying when nobody else is then smiles and looks around for applause??? How embarrassing.


Cps can prove —there are no children!!


Cps will take absolutely no action based on some rumor gleaned from social media and they shouldn't. What would someone say,I read on reddit that someone on YouTube heard a rumor from someone who heard it somewhere that something is going on with those kids?


Exactly. The government should get involved only in clear cases of abuse, not because people disagree with how parents are raising their kids. And I say this believing that it is almost certain that druggie Harry and narc Meghan have not created a stable home for the children. But are people suggesting that the children should be traumatized being taken away from their children? Let's not go overboard with hatred of the Harkles.


I think the kids will certainly have some issues.. honestly how could they not? But I’d like to think if there were major problems the nannies would speak up if they were in any danger.


I don't think they can find any nannies that would work for them anymore. That's why Doria had to move in.


No agency will supply anymore


And you are absolutely right about that.


I agree. I’m a bit exhausted with some of the extreme comments being made - having worked for years across a spectrum of services, therapeutically, with abused, at risk children, I find it a tad irksome. These children (born of surrogates, perhaps, but I believe they’re real) are not being chained to a metal clothes line, not being abused, not malnourished … they’re receiving some sort of care, just not from those from whom they need it the most - their parents.


Exactly. I worked with at risk kids and I find it unlikely the criteria for intervention has changed so drastically since I was last in the field that two children being fed,clothed and cared for by paid caregivers would warrant any sort of intervention. While the children's parent experience may not be ideal I highly doubt that there are any actionable activities occurring. And it's all conjecture and rumor anyway which makes calls to involve child welfare a bit ott.


Agree. If child protective services, well anywhere, received a notification about absent parents of healthy, well nourished, supervised children with secure housing, but likely to have attachment issues and later socialisation and emotional/mental health challenges, then they’d laugh, then hang up. That would be, sorry to say, a large portion of the more affluent/effluent sectors of society


Some twits called the police for a welfare check on Britney and they went to her house. It happens.


Why does it look as if is he smiling at her in the beginning of the video? Is it her or someone else?


Yes, right after MM curtsied she turned to look at William to see if he had noticed her curtsy. MM, William has seen women curtsy to the Queen all his life. You thought you were so special. You were not