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The more you try and convince me you are in love, the less I am convinced.


Once news breaks of their vow renewal ceremony, we’ll know they’re well and truly finished.


3rd baby, vow renewal news all seems like they are done and last attempt at PR before splitting news is out.


3rd baby inevitably followed by another mythcarriage.


Umm, just saw an article about how she didn't get much sympathy for her miscarriage news like Kate got for her cancer news.


Probably because her mythcarriage had three wildly different versions.


Oh My God what is wrong with this woman!??! I've had miscarriages. They were the worse thing that happened to me as an adult. My heart was broken. But it is not cancer. It is world of difference than cancer. Comparative pain is so sick. I had it worse or I had it just as bad as a cancer patient. Or whatever is in that twisted head of hers, is completely wrong. She is a twisted c u next tuesday.


She would have garnered more sympathy if she hadn't told such a fantastical story. Taking the foetus home and Harry burying it under a banyan tree with his bare hands? Nope, Total bullshit. It had anyone with an ounce of common sense instantly dubious. Only her nutjob minions believed her.


I find it funny how the Sussexes are apparently against traditional gender norms when this whole story of theirs reeked of just that. Big strong Harry digging a hole with his big bare man hands whilst little wummin Meg stood helplessly by and wept into her dainty lady hands 😒🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


She didn’t get much sympathy because she didn’t tell anyone her bizarro tale




Blond hair & blue, blue, blue eyes. .001% Nigerian


They are only doing it to try and sell it to Netflix but they won't bite


This! She squandered ALL of the public support and goodwill they had 4-5 yrs ago - around the time when this photo was taken. Back then, it seemed like they were destined to be stars and change makers. Meghan Markle hasn’t gotten the memo that the world has moved on and isn’t interested in jam, dog biscuits, polo, titles, her Nigerian roots, podcasts, or Netflix programming that features them. https://preview.redd.it/lw7alqtv0g7d1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260995e84248baea0c347526d8c522c0c7c6c209


I remember loving this photo when I saw it. They had such a genuine fanbase and they traded it for bots and a few paid bullies with semi decent platforms. Sad. And ridiculous.


I was never a fan of TW, had never heard of her before the engagement announcement, but once I saw the engagement interview I was struck by her insincerity and complete phoniness. There was absolutely no polish to TW, and immediately knew that she was a fame whore, the word star should never be tied to her, nor famous, infamous absolutely. From day one, if you look at pictures of her, she is always searching for the cameras and putting on her fake smile. There is nothing worthy about TW.


Is he nice 🤔🤨🤔BS told me who she is! Then when Harry said the that she asked him who Andrew was, proved that she didn’t know him. Gullible! So gullible. This is what privilege buys! Numb narcissist who has no discernment. This is why she was able hoodwinked Harry! # HoodwinkedHarry


I hope Harry has read everything that's been written on here about her pretending not to know Andrew and realises how much he was played.


I wonder if he still believes it’s unconscious bias…


"I don't know who Andrew is but I'm besties with his daughter".


I had a lot going on from 2016-2019 and wasn’t paying close attention. Harry seemed likable and I loved the idea of a mixed race woman in the RF. The overexposure began in 2020 and it was obvious that something was “off” and she was “classy” at all.


American here. Initially happy H was marrying one of us. Then the interview. Suddenly embarrassed to be American. She’s done not ONE thing to redeem herself. Not one.


It is a very good photo. ***BUT***, ... it rains ALL THE TIME IN LONDON(!!), so **not that unusual**. And, ..... **that photo is massively photoshopped** - this was proved when other photographers (were about 2 dozen snapping that night) published their photos taken at the exact same time or a few seconds before and/or after.. and no one else's photo has rain - it apparently had stopped.


The photo is altered.


It was a great photo but she was acting like a jerk during the event. I clearly remember the video clip of her holding Harry’s hand so tightly that when he turns to shake someone’s hand, she refuses to let go and makes it a point to stand in her place like a mule. It was just another example of her acting like a controlling witch. Hope the link works, it’s at the end of the video clip. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2124836/Video-Meghan-Markle-Prince-Harry-beam-Endeavour-Fund-Awards.html


Hi..it worked THANK YOU.


She always looks so stilted and unnatural.


Nope not me...I decided she was a fake and a phony at the wedding. It was clear to me that this was a woman who had never EVER in her life attended church, she had gone to Catholic school but never been baptized - then converted to Judaism with Trevor (???) and then converted to CoE for Harry and was baptized - yet she sat there pretending she was some kind of southern evangelical for whom Gospel Choirs and Bishop Curry's ludicrous sermon were "normal". If you can lie about your religion what won't you lie about?


Respectfully, Bishop Curry isn't an evangelical he is the Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of America which is a part of the Anglican Communion--so he is equal to the Archbishop of Canterbury as Primate of their respective Province in the Anglican Church. Bishop Curry is known for having a preaching style that is not as associated with "typical" Episcopalian priests but, speaking as an Episcopalian myself, I don't see that as a bad thing. It is also worth noting that it was Charles who thought of Presiding Bishop Curry and the Gospel Choir. It's more telling that Meghan looked deer in the headlights throughout most of the service as I agree with your point that she probably has no real religious observance in any way so it was all a bit much. I mean, Charles helped pick most of the music too because he is more knowledgeable and appreciative of music than either Harry or Meghan. Meghan seemed to be more focused on bullying children, making people cry, and looking like a cat who got the cream than focusing on anything of meaning for her wedding.


She looked so smug and self satisfied at the service. Not an ounce of nervousness or any awe at the circumstances.


I think her PR at the time was, for some reason, putting out that she prays a lot and would regularly lead the Suits cast in prayer (lol).


I remember some of that too. I also remember some articles saying she had a tenuous connection to the Episcopal Church through her father's family. What I find more interesting is that Meghan had to be baptized and confirmed before marrying Harry. I know different denominations have varying practices around baptism but if you are almost 40 years old and not at least baptized or feel the desire to be (a pretty important sacrament or spiritual thing to do as a Christian) it tells me that she wasn't ever really interested in her "faith" no matter how many PR puff pieces she puts out.




She did not convert to Judaism. Converting to Judaism is a long process. It takes months of study. Before that you have to be turned down by Rabbis three times. There is no was possible she converted to Judaism.


That was something that irked his parents - she didn’t even consider converting, even though they were together for years before marrying. She never made any effort to be part of Trevor’s family (seems to be a pattern)


Boy are they glad they sidestepped a fiasco, getting out with only a bare minimum of damage.


Heck yes, and he went on to marry someone seemingly lovely! So, he wins, and I bet his parents are CHUFFED he managed to escape the vice like grip of a proven grifter!


Years even! It took one of my friends a loooong time to convert, and that was through a relatively liberal reform Synagogue.


Like so many other things, Meghan Markle seems to have used religion on her climb up the greasy pole. I read that she was very keen to be involved with the ADL (Anti-defamation League), a well-known advocacy and philanthropic organization with Hollywood support. I’ve heard was able to worm her way in via Trevor, who was a member. https://preview.redd.it/vo57fi98yi7d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22cbe3e4eb7a8f15dc37479d0b40cb471657022


The fan base was all based on the BRF creation of them though. So it wasn’t so much a trade as revealing their true disgusting selves once the BRF stopped curating their image, maybe?!


That, and the fact that we did want Harry to be happy, and if he loved her then we would give her that same chance. Too bad for her that her mask slipped very quickly. I was done with her by the Africa documentary.


Absolutely. Same thing with Harry. I loved the Palace-generated “cheeky chap” but that all went away after they left.


I thought he sounded cute and fun and then he dated a friend of mine briefly and she didn’t have a good word to say about how he treated her. Then I heard other rumours - anyone who went out drinking in west London bars knew someone who knew him! - and yeah, does not sound like a nice guy.


Me, too. I was a fan at this point. As their star kept rising, I even wondered if their popularity would exceed that of the then-Cambridges. If doubt she was actually listening to professional advice but if so she was taken for a ride.


Why is it all about her.??? She is not the royal!


Partly because we'd only had Princes. The media and public love Princesses. Gowns hair makeup and a love story make great copy. if she'd played it right we'd have adored her, and followed her every move.


Her plans apparently were to use the marriage as a springboard to global superstar status. The only thing she played was Harry. He has been thoroughly used up.


Nor interested in Invictus, thanks to them




Funny you mention this! The Biebers were plagued by the same speculations last fall, and what do they do? Announce a pregnancy AND a vow renewal same day. What will the Harkles come out with I wonder.


Divorce rumors, vow renewal, and a new child on the same day, within hours of each other.


Will she say this one is via surrogate and then launch a campaign raising awareness about surrogacy? Maybe launch baby products? Hmmm


Ha! That is very true. One of the oldest Hollywood tricks in the book. I remember Heidi Klum and Seal doing this every year back in the day and I always thought it was weird.


About 6 weeks ago, there was a little noticed story about a 2nd ceremony,




Oh Lordy whyyyy?!?  Their first wedding was awful. I think a second one would break my brain. Those two shouldn’t have to happen to nice people I swear


Will Aldi & Lidl be Paige boy & flower girl? 😂


I love this! Explains the nauseating PDAs that are always on display.


A quote from my 86-year-old father "if you're putting all your business out on the street that means you're not getting any business at home".




Right. Its like the saying, "The more he spoke of his valor, the quicker we counted the spoons."


Even if this rumour was true (CDAN is basically made up gossip), nobody really cares anymore. Except maybe California divorce lawyers. And tabloids.


Oh, the attorneys will be licking their chops! https://i.redd.it/zexsaei6wf7d1.gif


Yes. The H&M divorce battle will be epic but Harry has fuck-all ($ or £) in his name.


Yes, it will be a battle of tearing down each other’s reputations.


I have a feeling she might try and "suicide" Harry with an overdose to play the grieving widow. 😳


I have long thought that.


I have the same "feeling". However, if she does that, She and Doria Will Forever live with the public's accusations of having done so. Nobody will believe they were not envolved. So Rachel should better think twice because She is no Jack Onassis.


Absolutely her style! She can also boo whoo, if they had given us the security we so desperately needed this would not of happen.


Just another sad way to keep them in the press. What's the next recycled story on the rota. Looks like Sinners have killed the "car park pap spot".


The CDAN guy is a fake, unfortunately. Read the article in New York Magazine about him. His name is John Nelson & he lives nowhere near Hollywood. https://www.vulture.com/article/enty-lawyer-crazy-days-and-nights-john-nelson.html


Yep. He sold his gossip-site a few years back.


I don’t think so. Read the article I linked. There’s a whole scandal related to it. & he isn’t what he says he is. He isn’t an entertainment lawyer. He basically said he makes the stuff up.


Nah.... Just like clockwork, it's just her yearly desperate attempt to get herself more press with the split crap.


Their favorite will they/won’t they — rinse, repeat. ![gif](giphy|Ve5bSP4cIzQ9yZQzHK|downsized)


Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground


![gif](giphy|h2YrhOQfJHdN3wAGM9) ⭐️


And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?


What a prescient song!


I know, it’s so good, too.






Same as it ever was...


You stole my money and my cigarettes....


I came here to say this very thing! You are brilliant!


That’s about all they’ve got left to generate headlines, isn’t it? Desperados.


Why don't they come to their senses?


They'd have to have enough sense to come to, and we all know that there is less than a thimble full between the two of them. 


I do agree, but there's a pretty good song in there, since we're already in a singing mood in the thread!


Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You been out ridin' fences for so long now Oh, you're a hard one But I know that you've got your reasons These things that are pleasin' you Can hurt you somehowDon't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy She'll beat you if she's able Know the queen of hearts is always your best bet Well, it seems to me, some fine things Have been laid upon your table But you only want the things that you can't getDesperado, you know you ain't gettin' no younger Your pain and your hunger, drivin' you home And freedom, oh freedom Well, that's just some people talkin' Your prison is walking Through this world all alone


Exactly. Plus, not sure what is meant by "interactions" - but if that's referring to old pictures, big whoop. Many publications use pictures from various time periods to illustrate a story. How you tell the legit, but cash-strapped, pubs from the TMZs of the world is if the pics are properly captioned to tell you when the shot was taken. How you tell the best publications from the rest is that if old pics are used, they are properly placed in context within the article and not necessarily used to draw conclusions related to the present day. Also, the wording of this is weird. Why would the tabloids want to prove H&M are still together, if they aren't? Even if you buy that Meghan's purchasing coverage - which I don't believe happens as often as a lot of people do - there's NO WAY she could offer up enough cash to divert the tabs from covering their divorce. She'd have to be offering all of them an exclusive when the time comes ... which, come to think of it, is just the kind of idiotic thing she'd do. Never mind, carry on.


The only person Meghan is in love with is herself.


MM’s idéal love triangle: ‘Me, Myself, and I.’


She DID engrave her silver Cartier watch with "To M.M. From M.M." That is one of the single most narcissistic things EVER.


She never bought herself a house or a car, but she did buy a ridiculously priced watch.


Helped in looking "the part" when knocking around with the rich kids.




I've been hearing that they're splitting for the past year and a half. I've stopped believing it. They do NOT live together... at least not on a regular basis. They are separated for all intents and purposes. They won't announce it though. She just thrives on the attention she gets gor the "will-they/won't they." I've heard the rumors, but I'm no longer believing them/sharing them because they're just incessant.


I was hoping we would hear your two cents on all of this, thank you for chiming in! So you are not hearing anything different in the rumors this time, from the last 50 times, correct? It's all the same nonsense we've heard before with a dash of the canine?


Yes. Same shit, different day. I learned my lesson last time I heard divorce was imminent. Again, they are essentially separated. But Harry still comes running to her dog whistle. She can discard him yet still remain married to him, and her only reasons to announce that she's done with him is to either A) marry a new mark (which no man is interested in doing with her reputation) and/or B) to capitalize on portraying herself as an abused wife of a drug addict. Divorce is the last card she has to play. I don't see her throwing it down yet. Now do I believe what I hear about Netflix being done with her and essentially just non-renewing the contract in several months? Yes. Do I believe the rumor that WME has given her notice that their relationship is coming to an end? Yes.


Do you hear any rumours about which one of them the kids live with?


They are primarily in the care of nannies, but Meghan calls the shots. She'll never in a million years let those kids be out of her control.


Control and power are the reasons for having those kids. It allows her to control h and to exert pressure on the RF. What a great reason for having kids.


Is Harry alienated from the children? Is he at all worried about their well being? Afterall Diana spent a lot of time with Harry and William.


Harry is not in his right mind. He has no concept of reality, save what she tells him. He's on so many drugs that she and her mother give him. Finally, he was dumb and crazy before he ever met her. People want to act like Harry has all this agency. He should be 5150'd and kept away from her until the cult control tactics wear off... by which time one hopes he'd never be in her presence again.


That's so sad. Harry was well known before for being good at entertaining kids on royal engagements. I thought he would atleast play with them. Those poor children.


He probably plays with them at times, and they don’t act afraid of him, but it is clear he isn’t able to save himself for a while. How could he save his children?


That's very true. His mental health appears abysmal atm. I agree with secondhandcoke that he's at the level of needing 5150'd.


It really is sad. You could see him light up around children and playing with them. I honestly thought he'd be an amazing dad when the time came. But it's weird that there is very little footage of him around Prince George. I'd think he'd be all over him as soon as he was born 😕


Jealousy. Something not right with harry.


100 percent!!!


OMG, more and more this all sounds like a friggin horror movie, with Meghan, a bloody knife, her mother and a chopped-up Harry in the bathtub. Coming soon on LifetimeTV.


Do you know why the kids are never seen?


Control, probably.




Control over what? I don’t get it. I forever find it hard to understand why she would keep them hidden considering her personality. Especially when she’s kept them hidden this long. There would be more interest in a proper photo of her and the kids because it’s never seen. Or is she waiting for a good offer do you think? Unless it’s something like there really can’t stand being around her even for a minute so that photo op is almost impossible, like a pap walk.


But what about him throwing the divorce card down? At some point, won’t he see the light?


I don't know. He could, but the more time that goes by, the less likely it seems


I think money is really tight and she’s going to need a new mark or a very deeply funded safety blanket to fall on before she drops h. However, I can see them faking a separation/divorce to help get h back into the family so he can get financial support and paid security. Then out of the blue, they will reconcile for the sake of the children. If KC falls for that, he will be stuck paying for the duo because the duo would throw down the racist card again.


I have always maintained they will not divorce every.single.time. someone swears it's going to happen. It is a hill I will die on. They are thick as thieves even if the relationship is dysfunctional. They will stay married forever just like David & Wallis did. Sorry, but Charles or anyone else who thinks Harry will separate from Meghan is living a fantasy. Hopefully Charles has more sense than to buy some manipulative sob story from Harry about coming back to the royals without Meghan. Never. Gonna. Happen. Name your price and I will bet any one of you: There will never be a divorce.


I agree. It's a business relationship at most


I'm staying out of divorce watch round whatever this is. Are they in a happy marriage. Quite to the contrary. Doesn't mean they are getting divorce. There people who hate each other's guts and stay married. I'll believe it when I see it.


I think they’ve been living apart since the jubilee. They’ve done the loved up kiss cam at the lakers game and she turned away from him, she’s shown up on her bday last year with backgrid to his dinner with his bros where he’s clearly pissed and agitated. But this recent onslaught? There’s a lot of truth but they aren’t going to publicly split yet


I don’t really care if they divorce or where they live. I do wish the poor kids could be taken away from Meghan and placed somewhere they can feel secure.


100% this. Harry and Meghan can feed each other to the media wolves, but someone needs to be looking out for those poor kids.


I always wonder if that is the case already? That the children have been taken away a long time ago and someone (authorities, birth moms, worried neighbours) intervened in one way or another.  Not sure how it would work out practically, but Harry and Meghan’s drug use is no secret, neither are their allegedly big and loud fights, their mental challenges, no one has ever seen them or the children in Montecito or ANYWHERE else, Harry and Meghan seem to live separately…


According to sinner secondhandcoke, the children *are* seen and there is gossip about them. Most recently she reported that they are said to be insecure and they cling to the nannies or Harry. Earlier she has reported gossip that Archie’s preschool had been concerned about his meltdowns and someone (from CPS ?) was brought in and Meghan had to take parenting classes. Subsequently, the kids are being “homeschooled” — it is not clear if Archie is being enrolled in kindergarten for fall. I would much prefer to believe that the children are being raised by someone else. However, that doesn’t seem to be the gossip in the Hollywood community according to Coke’s sources. Who knows? All we have is rumors. I do know that unless the kids were being beaten, tortured, or starved, CPS isn’t going to take the kids from wealthy, influential parents, and that the odds are that if they were taken away they would not necessarily have a good placement.


I missed that comment. Interesting! Homeschooling… doesn’t sound good. Poor children will never leave the house again. ..


Yeah. That article about how the Harkles will be “protecting” their kids more made me very nervous.


Well, we can always hope they send them to boarding school when they are old enough


I don’t think it’s happening. It’s already been debunked that Harold is looking for a place in the UK. I think they are so desperate they’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.


Ho hum, more news about Meghan. She never realized that the more she shoves herself into the media, the more bored people become with her. Nobody cares, Roachel.


Yep. She could’ve saved a LOT of money on PR because any of us could have told her that she was oversaturated 3 years ago.


Exactly! That's how I know Roachel is dumb--- she can't see the forest for the trees!


Or the forest for the fees! Lol!


another day another drama to stay in news and seriously who uses other people and tabloids to proclaim their love bahahaha 🙄 but i really hope these two losers stay together in this miserable relationship for years and years…that’s the best karma for these pathetic twats!


Also no Father’s Day wishes to Harry?


Or *from* Harry.


No Happy Father's Day to David Foster, his "second father", either.


I think you're technically supposed to *be* a father before you get Father's Day wishes.


I noticed that too. No happy Father’s Day to Harry? Strange.


They are definitely desperate but not desperately in love. Harry was in heat and Roachel was counting dollar signs and in love with fame.


They both must be so disappointed.


Good I hope they blow all their money on PR stunts. Keep them coming you idiots your antics are so comical now.


We've heard it before. I'll believe it when it's announced or the media breaks it. I do think they are a marriage in name only right now, but that could go on for years. Harry gave up everything for nothing and doesn't want to hear I told you so, and Meghan hasn't sucked out every bit of his life force yet, so this could go on for a while.


"Harry gave up everything for nothing"


I think Ginger is gone. He’s done with her and that’s why we’re getting all the desperate PR pieces.


July 4th will be telling. They are always *Happy Family*(TM) on that day and oops! a blurry photo leaks out. If there's nothing new of them together that day, they're not together anymore. 


Yeap. Separate lives


I’m still waiting for Lady C’s bombshell prediction about the Harkles for this Spring…


We’ll be waiting until 31st of February ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0)


Haha. She made the same prediction last year, if I’m not mistaken


For the last 4 springs


Don't. She's got no more info than this sub




Didn’t she say it was what was in her book update? I think she actually addressed this on her YouTube. So basically nothing.


Honey, don’t hold your breath. Lady C is almost as grifty as Meghan.


Hilarious that Lady Colin Campbell was married for only 14 months and has hung on to that title for almost 50 years now. A little hypocritical to claim MeGain is hanging on for dear life to the title of Duchess LOL.


Naaaaaah, desperate attempt to stay in the news. Flailing at anything relevant. They can't use the kid bc they'll be scrutinized to heck and probably got CPS called on them. Divorce rumor it is then.


Flailing, that’s the perfect descriptor for them.


It would be a nightmare for her if she's not talked about. Her greatest fear is to be ignored by the media.






I’d say yes for the publicity & limelight but it would actually hi light how few friends & family they have as there’d only be a handful of guests.


![gif](giphy|5T0y3s0Y5Jk8bOhqh3|downsized) Only 1 guest. The original grifter.(notice the smirk/dupers delight) "We're such frauds."


Tin foil hat time - the raspberry/dog photo debacle was actually orchestrated by Nacho and Harry and sent to Megan as a fuck you after a night of boozing and smoking. The symbology behind it is that Harry blowing a raspberry to Megan and calling her a skinny white bitch would be an insult to her Nigerian heritage. The 2 of 2 numbering of the jars was to represent Harry filing papers and the failure of her 2nd marriage. I know it’s probably not true but we can all dream or not but it was very entertaining trying to construct a riddle out of bad photos.


I like this tin foil hat theory better than the one that suggested it was M sending a message to C.


Well done!!! How fun would it be if Harry ran off into the sunset with Nacho at the end of all this?


Nacho had a boner while hugging Harry. After reading the Superr nova post I feel strongly we will be in for a wild ride when the Narc goes through a divorce


Harry should have the sense to file first.


I noticed this, too. Nacho really seems like life partner material for PH.


Honestly Harry is not that bright


Is Nacho?




I like this! Well done! 👏


I like your theory BigOrange. I also think it was Nacho trolling Madam.


No way that she will let him go. She was a smalltime actress who was not even part of the socialcircle of Hollywood celebrities before she dated Sparry. She will go back to oblivion if they divorced, which she will fight against. This is just a bunch of speculation she is planting to keep the Harkles’s name buzzing in social media gossip and in tabloids. She probably figured that if they were trying to launch businesses and collect money for charity, planting rumors in tabloids for sympathy saying that Sparry was in rehab or they had a health crisis would be detrimental to cash flow. She has no pictures of invisible kids to release. Therefore, will-they/won’t-they about the divorce is the rumor that does least damage but reaps most webclicks for her. She will add in names of KC, Kate and William to those leaked articles for more webclicks. This is all smoke and mirrors meant to create illusions. No substance behind these leaks.


Who are they trying to convince? Teenagers first falling in love might go on and on about it but middle aged married parents? How much Hallmark has she watched anyway?


These rumours are getting to be like Lady C’s something is going to happen in “spring”.


This rumour periodically goes around when they are not seen out and about. I do think they will split but I don‘t believe these rumours are correct.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Meghan Markle and Harry Windsor feign a split. He moves back to London and gets a place in one of the crown properties. Then he miraculously reconciles with Meghan and the kiddos and move them back to the UK. They will fight for another half in half out deal.


No way will Meg ever go to the UK again. She knows everyone hates her.


Laugh at all the "divorce watch 2024" comments. Everyone on planet Earth knew this couple were on divorce watch since the moment they married. There has been a "divorce watch" for every year since 2019. Also interesting coincidence that Jack Royston wrote about Harry for Father's Day. Seemed odd that popped out of the woodwork. Harry & Meghan have never posted Father's Day photos. So why remark on this particular year?


They deserve one another. Why should two more human beings be subjected to what they bring to a relationship? She needs him as her +1, and he’s either too bone-headed, masochistic, or stubborn to leave.


I am just waiting for her real housewives series with Luanne documenting how they are both clinging to titles they don’t deserve .


Luanne is embarrassing 😂




Yes I think you are right they haven't circulated them for a while. I can't see it personally I think they are stuck with each other.


* Anyone else read the comments?


The comments are like reading SMM! Nice to know we aren't alone! Check them out here: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/


He is a cuckold.


The Tabloids? I get so confused - are these the planted stories she buys or are these new findings? Never mind, I'm so silly. The Tabloids are all planted stories.


She is trying to hold on to the marriage until he commits suicide so she can keep her titles.


Oh, this is about the Wendell Pierce and Gina Torres quotes. I guess that Rick Hoffman is next.


I hope they do split. Not out of any “marriage sucks”-ness, but I do hope that Harry has finally wizened up to what Meghan is and finally wants out. Do I think his family would take him back? Probably not; he’s burned too many bridges.


I take CDAN with a grain of salt, but the rumors of a split are coming fast and furious. There's got to be something to it.


Harold will never leave her. He would have to crawl back to William and admit that William was right all along. I don’t care how bad it gets, he wouldn’t do that. She will never leave him because she knows she will never get another man, especially one with money. She blew that showing what a twit she is.


Not again. We had these rumors floating around last year.


There is no way. Harry would never do it due to his trauma around Diana, and why on earth would Meghan give up a title?