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**it does feel like they've now hit a point where we perhaps won't see the kids again** as if we everrrr see them?!?!?! WTF this is NOT normal everything related to these invisible kids is NOT NORMAL and what’s funny is the article was very particular to add their **prince and princess** titles and place in the **LOS** ?!! but they can’t be seen?!! what she’ll do when those “kids” turn 18?!! something is really really wrong here.


This is a very good point as to why they need to be removed from the LOS. Because in 10ish years we'll be watching a fiasco of this is A or L and they want access to the Royal Family. Then it'll be a huge media sensation and nonsense until DNA and whatever else is proven, Charles needs to address this so it's not smearing William's reign. One queen and two different kings having to deal with this bullshit linked to their reigns?


A&L are going to suddenly appear in Britain, filled up with the lies their mother told them. They are going to start making demands for everything they are owed because it is their "birthright." This is going to be a mess and yes The King needs to address it now.


Spot on.


I can already see it. The kids demanding their birthright and starting rivalry with their cousins. It’ll be on to William or George to deal with them but by the time it’s too late. Royal family will never have peace.


Their parents might bang on about “birthright”, but what is it? What birthright? Strangers can’t just demand invitations to anything. Well, they can I suppose, but there’s no obligation to entertain them. Those children’s parents have alienated them from familial relationships - that’s the birthright that the Sussexes actively embedded Semtex into, then fled for supposed greener pastures. Good luck to all the billions of random children out there.


It will be like the lost Romanov. DNA should be required


Yes, little Betty will be the new Anastasia.


"Charles needs to address this so it's not smearing William's reign." I agree. Harry is his child and he should be addressing this issue. Instead he's playing kick the can down the road instead of facing the problem head on.


There are no kids. I know it makes me sound like an absolute loon, but now I am absolutely convinced ,there are no kids


A new era of privacy would actually be nothing about the children nor the Harkles.


I think we are all here for that.


🤞🏽 one day I hope.


Wouldn't that be LESS than nothing? I don't now how that would work though.


😂 definitely would be in the negative somewhere. Rachel can’t help herself and needs to see her name in print regardless of how crap a rag mag might be. She keeps hoping to make it into the big times with her jam and dog biscuits.


One can hope!


*The children are sixth and seventh in the official* *line of succession* *to the British throne respectively. As grandchildren of* *King Charles III**, they* *assumed the titles of "Prince" and "Princess of the United Kingdom"* *upon his accession in September 2022.* Assumed the titles? Their gold digging parvenue mother snatched those titles and announced it via People magazine.


The article should include: “Thomas Markle, Emmy Award Winning Lighting Director, has never met his grandchildren because their mother deems him unworthy. King Charles III has no relationship whatsoever with the Sussex grandchildren because their mother deems him a rAcist.”


Gosh, isn’t *that* the truth. She became royal by injection and suddenly she’s grander than everyone, including the king of England.


This reminds me of something QEII reportedly said about MM during her brief time as a working royal: "Meghan has been acting rather grand". It wasn't a compliment.


I remember that as well, and it’s not a compliment at all!


As do I remember … ![gif](giphy|l3q2uMTpuoNwv6uDm)


What a beautiful woman.


Oof. From QE that's cutting. 


I never heard that before. Smart lady, especially when she called her evil


Sounds like something she said about Princess Michael


Yes, when Marina first entered the RF, the Queen said she was "rather grand" for the Royal Family. About the Marcissist, after that one & only day out together, the Queen said something like "She's quick off the mark" or "She's busy" something like that. Meaning she was pushy & lacking in courtesy, respect etc.


Royal by injection 😭


He’s the King of the UNITED KINGDOM not just England


And because they may not be real


King Charles III of England has barely met his heirs who are sixth and seventh in line for the throne.


Yet those kids are white as snow 🤣


I think that’s the real reason; the true reason she won’t release pictures. Their white skin does not corroborate her narrative. Their white skin puts a kibosh on all her “what color . . .” fuss. Their white skin distances them from her. Their white skin may get tongues wagging even more about donor egg, surrogacy, etc. Lest I say, their white skin turns away a portion of her squad?


This! Also let's add that they probably look nothing like Diana or the Spencers and look like her pre surgery or the markles. She isnt going to like that. I think that's part of the reason why she hides them. Neither Harry or Meghan are naturally attractive (she's had plenty of help from surgery and Harry has never been attractive). That's just my opinion, the kids don't look "royal enough"


Seriously, Diana was not drop-dead gorgeous. She had presence and charisma. That made her attractive. I think William was blessed with genes from both parents and lucked out in the good-looking lottery.


Doubt it. She's all about white skin. I think it's because they're not cute.


Yeah, it’s more like “the titles were assumed for them.”


She’s so klassy.


And of course the article couldn’t be done without mentioning the title, their grandfather being a king and their number on the line of succession.


It’s a funny thing, however much they claim to despise the Royal family, they use some form of #royal in their posts, or should I say their minions do.


>It’s a funny thing, however much they claim to despise the Royal family, they use some form of #royal in their posts, or should I say their minions do. True but that's the closest those kids will ever get to any kind of real royalty. Their parents' shenanigans have ensured that they'll never be on BP's balcony, they'll never get any royal weddings complete with the fairytale trappings and, after KC3 passes on, they'll never be allowed entry onto any BRF property.


Such a terrible burden for those children to shoulder, too. The expectation level must be awful.


>Such a terrible burden for those children to shoulder, too. The expectation level must be awful. For the Wales' kids? Definitely. Fortunately, they're being raised by loving parents who encourage them to love and support each other. Sweet Princess Charlotte is exactly the right sort of "wingman" that George will need when he's the Prince of the Wales.


Oh, no, the Wales children seem very fine. I’m talking about the Sussex children. They have these meaningless titles thrust upon them and an expectation of being royalty, which they are completely unacquainted with. It must be like living in a pressure cooker.


>I’m talking about the Sussex children. They have these meaningless titles thrust upon them and an expectation of being royalty, which they are completely unacquainted with. It must be like living in a pressure cooker. Oh definitely! They're gonna be mocked by their high school peers, each time Trooping the Colour or other important BRF celebrations occur and they're not invited. Teens are very shady like that 😅 and the Harkles' kids will have to deal with inevitable comparisons when Prince George is a young adult and the world's media starts to go crazy with all the articles and pics of "Britain's Most Eligible Bachelor" etc. George is gonna be a tall and handsome young man. Girls will go crazy over him, the same way they had done over his dad. Plus, Lili will be faced with the comparisons to Charlotte, who's already a miniature fashion icon, since her outfits sell out in hours after she appears in public. Meanwhile, Lili will be just another celebrity child, among thousands of celebrity teens. Her "Princess" title will just be in name only.


Lets not forget that they are not in the LOS if not born from the body of the mother and if the birth wasn't witnessed by a reliable doctor. Birth certificates do matter.


Of course but she will claim to end of time that they are in that line because how can she have kids that are not royals or have a title? She is delusional.


She's obsessed with the Line of Succession. What she doesn't get is that anyone who isn't number one or two is just filler. It means nothing. It's like coming in fifth place to the Lottery Jackpot winner....🙄🙄 Oops, you were so close...


Sixth and seventh in the line of succession, Prince and Princess. But they are kept hidden away and no one is allowed to see them. This is such b.s. The British people should be demanding proof of life and proof of legitimacy. If neither is provided those kids should be out of the LOS.


100 per cent! It is not just the fact that the images of the children that ARE released are at best questionable .An even bigger concern to me is that the documentation of their births is so dubious . It is the same for all other countries, including Australia, which have the King as head of state. It is disgraceful that this situation has not been addressed.


That's one of the reasons why the children are hidden away, imo. She's paranoid someone would get a sample of their DNA. No Nigerian blood ha ha! Probably no Ragland blood as well. 


There are probably a lot of secrets about those kids they have to keep hidden.


Doing this after their world privacy tour and all the mud throwing they did was just lame. You’re in America where they don’t use titles. You aren’t a working royal. You want the children to have privacy but style them with titles. How does that even make sense. Two lame people for lack of a better word.


The reason they are supposed to show the children is in the off chance they have to rep the monarchy the public have a sense of them. Clearly this is NEVER going to happen, Sparry must know he's OUT and this is his little way of asserting control. It's ok though, we don't mind not seeing them.


Queen Elizabeth once said, “I have to be seen to be believed.” She understood the importance of visibility to connect with her people. The same is true for the Sussex children, if we don’t see them, we won’t believe in them, won’t connect with them.


Don’t forget the entire 24 hours she spent on Wikipedia including the titles and change the Wikipedia write up on herself and the children.


She’s ridiculous. It’s a wonder she didn’t create IMDb entries for them as well.


I think she does. She spends the bulk of her time “curating” her image. PR puff pieces, stupid Wikipedia/IMDb pages, and comment section responses aka “Guest Speaker” on Page 6 etc. That’s why there’s no podcast, no items listed on ARO, and these half assed jam jars with the worst promotion of an item is the past 10 years. She’s rolling out these jars to a bunch of D listers who are terrible at promoting her item on their small Instagram accounts.


She was expecting something like Oprah’s praising Clevr coffee to help launch it, except she has no one of Oprah’s caliber to do this, so she resorts to bottom shelfers.




I truly wish the kids well, but aside from that, nobody cares. This silly random irrelevant article (it's not like we ever see the kids, so what has changed) just tells me Royston is one of their media buddies.


Yeah Royston couldn't let Father's Day go by without praising his lips firmly to Lolo's butt.


I am not at all interested in seeing those kids.  They're not even a curiosity to me.


I don't care to see them. But the British people are entitled to proof that they are legitimate and alive since they are in the LOS.


If I were a British tax payer I would want proof.


Same. I have no interest in them because of the way their mother behaved. If I ever saw one I would look for signs of mental and emotional abuse.


>I am not at all interested in seeing those kids.  They're not even a curiosity to me. Ditto. I wish them well, because they'll need it since they're saddled with 2 useless twats as parents, but I'd rather ooh and aah over the 3 Wales' kids and all the cutiedorable doggos on all the doggo YouTube channels I'm subscribed to 😅.


Same here. I have no interest in them whatsoever. I couldn’t give a monkey’s ass about them.


Honestly, this is the exact thing South Park were mocking. They draw attention to their kids by letting everyone know they want privacy for them, while no one's really asking.


OMG is it time for the children's Invisible Worldwide Privacy Tour?


One thing I really appreciated about the South Park episode, apart from being hilarious and how mad it made the Harkles, is that the kids were left completely alone. Matt & Trey don't hold back when it comes to mercilessly mocking those who truly deserve it, but those kids are innocent in all this, and they respected that. I seriously adore them!


Interesting angle.


An article about more of nothing to make news to talk about? Who cares.


I care. Just not much. Oh wait. I lied. I don't care about the slime or their invisikids. I just wanted to see if anyone else thinks the kids were donated to science fiction by the wretched meghan markle and henry the bald.


“donated to science fiction” 😂😂😂😂


What do they mean even less? The kids have only been seen like once.


Archie was seen as a baby, Lili has never been seen. Photoshopped, blurred and back side pics are all anyone has seen. Because of that if they actually showed pics of the real kids no one would believe it after all the ridiculous ones they have passed off as their kids.


July 4th, we may get a grainy/vaseline/UFO kinda sorta sighting.


Yes, that seems to be their MO — a blurry photo of the kids on the day the US declared independence from Britain. That’s some subtle symbolism!


*Not a new era of privacy, Roylston. That’ll be a new era of lunacy. Get your act together’*


A “new era of privacy” sounds much better than “another instance of being neglectful, absentee parents.”


Oh that is so spot on!


I said this a week or two ago....no more pics, just like no Father's Day post, because she can't photoshop them now after what the vile media put Catherine through. They know the pics will be heavily scrutinized so she can't "perfect" any pics of them.


There are no kids and she is panicking because she knows people are expecting the "boy child" to start school in September!


I take issue with the term "royal correspondent" used in association with this nitwit. 🙄


Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'. You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me. 🎵


Great Billy Preston tie in ❤️


They’ll turn into a modern “princes in the tower” mystery. One day everyone will forget about the kid storyline. Like they’ e mostly forgotten things like 40 x 40.


Meghan Markle the proven liar is hiding the kids could be for several reasons such as 1. They don’t exist 2. She is ashamed of the way they look 3. They are afraid of her and it’s obvious in interactions and photos 4. They look like the surrogate and not her. Regardless i hope if there are children I hope the Nannie’s love them and show them so much love they will be okay.


i wish H&M would be as private as their kids ...


Why even publish this article? No one ever sees the kids, so what is less than never? It’s just clickbait.


She’s setting us up to be prepared to never see them because they’re in your ✨imagination✨


She never said they actually had kids. That was the media….same playbook as the racism claims.


They have to try to explain it to a disappointed squad, I think. The squad imo will think they're like protective aunties respecting the kids privacy, while they'll feel the Wales' "exploit" theirs.


They’ll praise Meghan and Harry for keeping their children away from the media, but when Catherine takes a break from the public eye all the conspiracy theorists crawl out from under their rocks.


Because Jack Royston has to justify his salary, which is surely a lot less than if he had a real job in journalism, like covering wars, famine, the president, health. Instead, he gets to keep recycling nonsense and gets to use the Thesaurus his grandma gave him when he entered college. In a year or two, he'll put out a clone of Omid's little books and think he's a big author. One day he's going to wake up and wish he'd taken that good job at Buzzfeed, where he could just sit and make lists all day long.


Weird article for them. Are they getting increasingly anxious at Archie having to enrol in a real school soon? Are they setting up the idea that the kids will be home schooled? I don't understand the point because while it's a puff piece to keep their names in the news, why oh why would you remind anyone of how weird you are and have been about your kids? I don't know. It seems like they're creating some precident, i.e, excuses for why Archie won't be enrolled in a real school come September.


They’re setting it up to say “you’ll never see those children again, don’t ask about them” because that con is done and over, so she’s moving on




Yeah, Something’s definitely off about the whole thing. I wonder if they’re going to claim that the kids are being homeschooled for their safety. I think eventually they’ll stop talking about the kids entirely and claim security issues.


5 years from now, they'll say, "What kids? We didn't say we had kids, the British press said we had kids."








“That’s classified.” Yep, definitely don’t want to be asked about them.


They set up over a year ago that she wasn’t able to enroll him in the unified school district because of his birth certificate so I can say with certainty they’ve been setting up the idea that they’ll be home schooled


I almost hope the kids don’t exist because how awful it would be to have Harry and Meghan as parents. A nightmare not to be wished on any innocent kid.


Ahh, I forgot about that. Yeah, we're never seeing those 'kids' again, are we?


There never were any😆


Honestly, I've never been one to indulge in the kids aren't real thing just because it's soooooo out there. That someone, anyone, even megladon, would lie about the existence of people in the LoS for the British crown has been up until now a stretch too far for me but, actually big fucking BUT, dear lord am I starting to come around. Truely, I'm starting to really think these kids don't exist. Or they do, but they're not their kids under their roof. Which is weird because they look like markles, but thats based on like, two photos of each kid, so who actually knows? It's just gotten too weird. Like, we've moved well beyond the "their terribly little and not ready to be out in society" to "Just don't ask about our five year old" The nasty way Harry replied to that reporter in Nigeria about the kids, something is very, very wrong here. Any questions about the kids instantly make them(especially him) stressed, angry, and on edge. I tell you what sinners, if they aren't real and if they get caught(which is an eventuality if they're not real), it's going to be the social scandal of a generation. I can't even imagine just how wild a media ride that's going to be, but it'll definitely put "Markled" in the damn dictionary at the very least.




I wonder if there is something to the rumors that Archie has meltdowns or other signs of severe stress. If they aren’t as perfectly behaved as the Wales with good looks, I can see that making him angry.


What happened in Nigeria?


Harry got pissy when someone in the audience asked how old “Archie” is


Nope. Never going to happen unless and until they sneak onto SM


Again? 😂😂😂 




What’s wrong with his birth certificate? It’s a standard English/Welsh issue, only ballsed up by his parents being desperate to fit all their titles on the form.


Nothing is wrong with his BC. He’s left multiple countries on a passport in the last 4 years.


Very much a transit/luggage/accessory child .


But his father *Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex* did include in his waaaghmoire foreword to thank a then 1 and 4 year old for giving him permission to be an absent parent.


The generational pain - ouch.


Must be lack of his mammalian instincts


If they want us to forget the kids (for whatever reason e.g. They don't exist or are weird), why announce it?


To rationalize away their utter absence from their entire lives and why they jetset for months at a time without a kid little less two of them. They think if they cry uncle people will stop asking. The public wont. I don’t even pretend to know why they’ve done with their spawn what they have but I do believe 2 children are somewhere in California under the staircase with their names.


lack of daddalian instincts?


I still don't understand why he wasn't able to be enrolled in the unified school district. It doesn't make sense. We have had no problem enrolling our children in school and various sports in the US, with their UK birth certificates.


Everything they do is so friggin exhausting, why the hell do we even need to hear about this? They are already being extremely cagey about their kids, there is nothing new to learn from this. H and M are full time oxygen thieves.


"... now hit a point where we perhaps won't see the kids again." No doubt. They aren't even pretending anymore.


Exactly. They want people to forget her 11 months of public bump clutching. 🙄🙄🙄


The only thing interesting about them is being royal adjacent & having royal kids. Why the F would we care about a lifestyle brand when we can’t even see the kids. And I don’t need them trotted out like a TikToker making money on Kid content. Just the royal basics. Birthdays. First days of school. Louie being perfection at Trooping. That shit will tide me over all year. I fucking can’t stand H&M. LOOK AT ME. No, don’t.


Imagine that somebody got stoned with their partner and they thought it would be funny to pretend to have kids. You jump through hoops because you are addicted to the publicity it brings you. Eventually you are trapped inside the lie so you borrow some models and decide it is safer if you just cut off access. Eventually they divorce and announce that to avoid unnecessary conflict you have decided together to donate the kids to science fiction. That scenario seems as likely as the bullshit being used to cover the real story. Look for wretched meghan markle and henry the bald to buy legends of parenting awards.


Legends of parenting award 😆🤣😆🤣😆 https://preview.redd.it/tstykdcv2g7d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fbe3ed7ab5c8b3569b298707f3183124f6ac56


Oh dear, oh dear, Oedipus is such an odd baby and so clingy to Mummy, well even she must love him.


He’s going through claw training.


So is he still married to his god forsaken mummy?


That must be the ugliest Darrin doll in the entire fake baby inventory. 


You couldn't make it up. What about in the future? Stories of: "Princess Lilibet has decided to join a cloistered nunnery?" "Prince Archie is researching hidden tribes of South America, who are cut off from Western society?" Or, what about an "Alien abduction?!?!" Lol!


I think alien abduction is good. Very few aliens are members of saga so costs will be minimal. They could be offset by go fund me ransom pages. The wretched meghan markle could lead an expedition to uranus to find them.


Or even: tragically Lidl and Aldi died in a tragic accident like Diana!?


Donate them to science 😂😂


At this point, it doesn’t matter if the children are seen or not. H&M had a small window of opportunity to have the public not doubt their sprog’s existence and to form an emotional attachment to them. The majority of the public is indifferent towards the kids and it’s worse than irrelevance. The *littles* could have been brought out periodically to boost H&M’s image as doting parents, but instead, people are asking “Who’s Archie and Lilibet?”. If MM is hoping to merch them later, that yacht has sailed.


If they're worried about the rumors going around, why wouldn't they just END the guessing game once & for all? Father's Day would have been perfect for them to put out a quick, few seconds clip of H playing with "the kids".....it would have given them *good* press for a change. Unless of course, there ARE no kids, am I right?


This is the first conspiracy of any kind that I am convinced of but…..One way or another it doesn’t appear that there are any kids.


I’d like a Time Machine to go forward to see how History reports all this nonsense that the Harkles have heaped on us. No family or friends to speak of, pretend weddings in back gardens, Moonbumps, invisible children, pap walks, inappropriate outfits, several new noses and sets of teeth, lies and fabrications, pretend “Royal” tours, jars of jam, dog treats, trying to upstage The Royal Family at every turn…. The history books in 2124, will read like a comedy sketch.


"It's interesting..." No, it's not, actually, Jack Royston 🙄. It's more of the same. Nothing has changed.


"The public could see even less of Harry and Meghan's children "....... Um, when do we ever see the children?? When do Nutmeg and Haznoballs see them??? I'm sorry, very stupid question with an answer of.... ![gif](giphy|8yH2JNrhznwkR8aR0R)


I guess this means Meghan was not able to arrange a blurry, 4th of July appearance for the kids this year?


UK election is July 4 this year. The British press will be wall-to-wall with that. Most of US media will be on their long Hamptons weekend by 7/3. But this could be her stirring the pot leading up to the annual long-range freedom pics.


Meghan being Meghan, maybe she thinks the general elections were scheduled for July 4 to take attention away from her annual, ‘see, the little royals are American now,” paparazzi encounter.


They are called the INVISIBLE CHILDREN for a reason. No one has seen them


The article states we were given unprecedented access to the invisikids during the Netflix fiasco.


🤣🤣🤣 I didn't watch the Netflix fiasco, but whatever helps them night, I guess. 🤣🤣🤣


can we see even less of Harry and Meghan, too?  (but maybe not before their shit's been exposed.)


Not sure how it's possible to see less of them. She did say from before he was born that she wouldn't be "serving our child up on a silver platter". And honestly, does anyone really care? It's not like they're "royal" anyway. They're the children of an American C-list celebrity (if that). I hope they have a happy life. In fact, I hope they surpass both their parents' achievements. Which shouldn't be too difficult!!


They have Royal titles and they are in the LOS. They are being raised by a narc who will fill their heads up with all The King owes them. One day they will go to Britain and start making demands.


D-list and not a celebrity!


It must be increasingly difficult to find rent-a-kids to fill the roles.


"...we perhaps won't see the kids again." Madame: (blank look) Kids? What kids? I've moved on, stop asking about them already. Harry, "We never said we had two kids. The British press said that." The grift around the children can't be sustained. There's so much weirdness there and every year that goes by it gets weirder. Whatever the truth is, it would shock people and lead to universal condemnation of the Harkles.


They probably just forgot. They have lost both of their dads to their own bad behavior- so no need to remember the day. They either have no bonded relationship with their kids- or simply have no kids- so no need to remember the day. 


Laying the groundwork for no one ever seeing the kids because they don't have custody of any kids, period. Privacy, privacy, privacy. Sure, Jan.


Not interested in Betty and arche


LMAO, could see even less of the children. That's a good one. I think M&H enjoy this cat and mouse game.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure we won't see the kids again, because they don't live up to Rachel's expectations. Those poor babies.


How in the he'll are they going to pull this off? These aren't dolls you can hide away in a drawer. In this society and world of increasingly porous privacy, even witness protection is a tricky business. If this is what they really are planning, it's akin to cultists. Glass of lemonade Kool-aid, anyone? https://preview.redd.it/2ikllsj15g7d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e2c17b3f31af57ca4d3ade4ee54c00b998f667


Remember a couple years ago, the 'Storm Area 51' to see the aliens and spaceships the government is supposedly hiding? No one cares to storm the Olive Garden to see their children, the moment to debut them is long past. If there are kids there, for the love of god, let them go to school with other children.


Yes, so agree, at least the children would spend time with some competent professionals who would be able to keep an eye on their development. I don't get the sense of a warm and happy home background but perhaps I'm just biased. But I do worry about those children, as I have grandchildren of a similar age Little children want and need love, time, attention, positive stimulation from their parents and other family members. I really hope they're getting it.


“It’s akin to cultists.” 🚩 🚩🚩🚩 As far as the eye can see.


The floating on grass with no legs picture of Lilibeth with be her only decent picture until she is old enough to get plastic surgery, hair dye, dental work and contacts and reveal her Spencer looks


If you claim that this family were racists, then why would want your children to have titles that is associated with that family? With her it is all about titles, image and what the hell she can grift from everyone. I couldn't care less if I don't see her kids. To me that just means they are not real and never were. They can hide them but when they decided to well big note and make is a fan fare no one will give a rats ass.


How convenient. When facts of her not being pregnant are coming together


Why is everything a “new era”? It’s not new, and it’s not an era. It’s just folk continuing to be not clamouring for information about two random children.


Scobie once spoke of their era of visibility. Typical overinflated ideas of importance.


If we goes with the assumption that the children aren't real tho. How... Exactly they plan to make use of those "line of succession"?? Gonna bring a doll to the balcony??


This is where Meghan has made a mistake. The public has had time to bond with George Charlotte and Louis- we see George at a soccer game with William.  We see Charlotte coaching her brothers on what to do.  We see how Louis keeps everyone smiling with his antics. Archie and Lili? Nothing. There's no reason to care about them because they're strangers to the public. Their titles mean nothing and get Meghan nothing. Their place in the LOS means nothing because time doesn't stop so 6th and 7th will become 8th and 9th...then 13th and 14th...then 19th and 20th etc etc. And at some point, the kids will be old enough to make choices she won't be able to control. Will they do what she says? Will they rebel and write their own  Mommy Dearest book? Will they blackmail her? Will they secretly start collecting evidence against her and sue her to oblivion?? Meghan has zero control over the future.


Why just her? It's their father who actually walked away from it all. Why only mommy dearest and not "Dad what the f#ck did you do?!"


That could be saved for book 2- 1. "Mommie Dearest" 2. "Daddy Dummest"


So we’ll see less blurry and back of the head pictures? How dare them?! 😂


*The children are in their privacy season of life.*


Hostages to their parents lunacy. Pray they don't exist.


As if they did so much for Mother’s Day either. Poor kids-no melty purse ice cream sandwiches for you at 4th of July parades this year.


Possibly the only choice the harkles have made that actually makes sense. Having their offspring completely out of the picture completely eliminates any and all influence they might've had over their young royal cousins and offspring of their next king. That can only be a good thing.


Soooo.....is this announcement, clearly coming from the Sussex, the beginning of the coming Separation ?? Tucking the "children" away into the dark recesses hoping the truth about them will not be brought out into the light of day along with all the other dirty linen that will be hitting the fan??


How could we possibly see less?


She always goes for July4th shots of the family celebrating at a parade somewhere. So let us wait and see. She loves to show off US Independence Day and her American kids


Megs' mouthpiece is putting out an excuse for us never seeing the kids. "Perhaps we won't see the kids again" is a handy excuse to use if they don't have custody, have been shipped off somewhere or if there are questions about their existence. "... it does feel like they've now hit a point where we perhaps won't see the kids again."


[https://archive.ph/blhx8](https://archive.ph/blhx8) And less than 2 hours ago this from Royston who plays both sides of the fence. # Prince Harry and Meghan Fans 'Are a Danger'—PR Expert Didn't even bother to post separately as it's Royston.


Great. Remove them from the LOS.


And do we actually care? The children should be safe and healthy and looked after. The pair will only invade their privacy when enough money is being offered. Neil Sean once again referred to Archie as Harry’s child.


I may be dumb but can you get less than fuck all? They're called the Invisikids for a reason 😂😂


Probably doesn’t have legal rights to take them unsupervised anywhere nor to publish pictures of those kids. Must be the biological mothers refusing to sign over the legal rights or give access to those kids. This brings me to another important question: did she really name them Archie and Lili or is she just saying that those are the names she gave them in interviews? Maybe the biological mom refused to allow those names if they decided to raise the kids themselves and they have other names.


This is very strange indeed because as you say, OP, we have hardly seen the children at all. There are some glimpses of them in photos (or Netflix perhaps - haven't seen their series) when they were very small, some of which seem to been photoshopped or the children tentatively identified as other people's children or simply just pictures taken off the internet. I don't think anyone cares very much. You don't miss what you've never had. It could be simply our Saint trying to get her name in the news again - I bet people click on the children stories- or maybe a lead in to a BOMBSHELL revelation about the children. However, bombshell aside (bring it on) I think even we sinners who are highly invested in our Saint's goings on, will probably find this exceedingly yawnworthy.




How can you see less of something you’ve never seen?


What kids? I'm no conspiracy theorist, but dang if I'm not veering toward this camp. Weird pics, old pics, not even the occasional current snap in the wild that is typical of celebrity kids (c'mon, they're wannabe celebrities now; they tipped out of the royalty tank awhile ago).


She's panicking! September is coming in hot, and people expect her to enroll her "child" in school.


Wasn’t there just some puff pieces in the last week or so about how they may take the kids on future faux royal tours? Now they’re definitely keeping them private? Seems like they may not have gotten the reaction they wanted to potentially trotting them out like show ponies for money and now are trying to seem like super protective parents.