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Does anyone, ANYONE, believe if she was really had given birth, she would pass up on the opportunity to pose outside the Lindo Wing, just like princesses do??? Nah…..


Of course she didn’t want to—there was no way she was going to look as good as Catherine. I mean, who does?


Well that’s true.


Nope. She's a lying liarface who lies!


No, that’s a creased cuff. https://preview.redd.it/1a0gfe4y2g7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4eb03960b48cd3b5a328846c5f4f5a86a5b6a9


Typical Nutmeg.  Harry is showing off his baby and interacting with the press, while Meg is busy interacting with the camera.


Weird that she *waves*. Never seen any royals wave during posing 😀


She's pretending there is a huge crowd of adoring fans there, instead of the one photographer they brought in.


Acting as if she was having her Lindo Wing moment. Someone as narcissistic as her, who has called the paparazzi to cover herself, would have been ecstatic to have had the hordes of press photographers to take her postpartum baby presentation. That they somehow hid the birth makes the whole thing smell fishy.


Yeah, that one always bothered me. For someone like her to avoid that moment in the centre of a global spotlight just doesn't add up, no way she'd miss that one. Apart from that, when any royal birth is due, there are multiple media watchers and paps covering the BRF residences for any movement to be on the spot for the impending action but somehow all this happened and no-one saw anything until they pop out a few days later with "a" baby? I smell a super-injunction.


I came to the conclusion of a super injunction in regards to the pregnancies and children a while ago too. What confuses me more recently is that Dan Wootton has said he is not aware of one and now he is not part of msm doesn't that mean he can report on it? Does anyone know the law regarding a super injunction? My understanding is that the UK msm could not even admit there was one, what about the rest of the world however?


Basically, a super injunction is Super because not only is it an injunction on a thing/story/activity but also an injunction on a mention or report of the injunction on the thing. So, they must be seen to legally distance themselves and can outright deny there is an injunction because with a litigious pair like those two, you would not only be sued by them but you would have breached a court order. The court will take an extremely dim view of this, especially when it concerns the privacy of minors and even if said privacy is only of concern because the adults involved don't want the dirt to be dished. It's not just a cover up, it's a cover up of the cover up. Edit to add* I believe they apply globally because courts generally will support the rulings of courts in other jurisdictions especially higher courts so presumably this is the deterrent to foreign press spilling the tea. IANAL so maybe someone else could clarify how and why a superinjunction would have global reach? Admittedly, this would be a hefty one because of the LOS issues and the problems the lie/lies have created for everybody, even those involved after the event. Maybe that's what H meant when he implied that HMTLQ had shady advisors.


Makes sense because it's extremely strange that NO media has covered the oddities of these "Pregnancies" and "births".


Thank you for explaining, does this apply to everyone , not just msm then? Plus as a concern, why on earth would one be given because they used a surrogate (if true)! I mean it is worrying to think that there are these super injunctions that cannot even be admitted to and are being used just for this, imagine what other secrets are being hidden this way! I do understand protecting the children and their birth mothers to a certain extent but then isn't this just a consequence of life and choice? Prince Harry made a choice he wanted children knowing he is a 'Prince' and what that would mean, he chose a wife that if a surrogate was used he may of been aware of this need before, if not then the fact she was in her late 30s when they married it should of been considered. I just think it is madness that something like this would even be bothered to kept as such a secret.


Yes, they apply to individuals, not just media organisations, I'm not sure if I was an internet blogger, and I had cast iron proof that I would mess with a UK high court. Responsible journalism and the public interest are all fine and dandy when you want something hushed up. I don't know why they might have kept all this hushed up, as you say, no-one would bat an eyelid at anyone needing help with reproduction these days, but I'm inclined to think that the use of a surrogate poses an issue with lineage and in her usual duplicitous way, the lie was only realised when it was a fait accompli. I think, as with the name Lilibet, it was an ambush, and the Queen would have had to weigh all the interests to decide how to proceed. The gruesome twosome probably relied on her policy of never complaining and never explaining and got their own way. I mean, it is a huge , deceptive, gigantic whopper, and if true and it comes out, the blowback will be on everyone but because most people are decent and there are two small children involved, it's being held down for now.


Not just avoid the media attention at the baby’s birth, but never talking about the pregnancy. Neither of them mentioned a thing about how she felt during the pregnancies.


I recall Megan complaining about feeling suicidal during her Megnancy. Isn’t that when they concluded that they needed to leave the UK? Although I think, her plan was to come back to California all along, but with Harry’s money.


I was referring to common complaints by pregnant women such as morning sickness, being tired, swollen ankles or breasts, etc.


Oh Ok, Nope, none of that. And why would there be? She’d strapped on a basketball and deemed herself pregnant. Back then all of her complaints centered around the British press. They could see right through her and she knew it.


Exactly. This alone tells me she didn't give birth.


That part is odd. My alternative theory is that she didn’t think she could outshine Catherine in this context, but then she is clearly under the impression that she constantly outshines Catherine when I don’t think that’s ever happened


Are you forgetting that she had promised the exclusive to CBS and to her “friend” Gayle King in particular?


She's deranged


Practicing for future parking lot perambulations 🤣


Yes, so this is just another version of the Lindo Wing/s.


She is not nor ever was royal in her behavior.


Not when you’re In such close proximity to the photogs!


I was just thinking the same. It makes no sense. There is just Gayle King there and their camera people and photographers.


Gayle King was inside the palace with photogs???




Unbelievable chutzpah.


She wants the photographers that give her favorable press to recognise her with her clothes on I'll see myself out....


He's holding a doll! 😂


Who is she always waving to? She’s so weird.


The faux crowds clamoring for her attention.


Gayle King was there.


I think you're right.   We would have noticed that sooner except Harry never has creases ironed into his outfits anymore.


Ugh look at her stupid face


that baby never moved at all. One of the camera man asked him to show his face more Harold only slightly moved the head. It is a friggen doll,


Did he? I recall the press asking for a better look, but Harry appeared to just fumble a bit without doing so (a bit like when Markle (Nigeria?) shuffled to make it look as if she was making room for Harry in a photo, but didn’t actually move..?) They made sure that ‘baby’ was as covered as possible.


It was SO weird. It was obvious no one could see the "baby." I'm convinced that was a doll because they are assholes and don't believe us to be worthy of viewing their child. Or there wasn't one, I'm not convinced either way but THAT wasn't a real baby.


I agree. You don't touch and rub a baby's head the way she was. She almost hit the doll on head with her elbow a few times. My heart was in my mouth just watching that dolls head. Dead giveaway she had no idea what a baby's "soft spot" is.


Well, until I saw the footage on here, I didn’t realise she accidently knocked the baby’s/doll’s head…thanks to those who posted it. None of that felt natural, but I can’t put my finger on it.


It's a doll.


She blew up like a balloon.




Based on positioning and degree of stiffness, there's no way that's a cuff. I'd go with roach clip!


It’s the ring you pull on the back of the doll to make it move its arms and legs. Like those Chatty Cathy dolls.


Pull the string and it says "I see you in me."


Very nice! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Ha, ha, take my upvote 👍👍






Isn’t it Archie? So it should’ve been saying “crocodile” and “Granny Diana”


That doll doesn't show up for a couple more years.


😂🤣😂 Very good!




Her usual line to her yachting soho clients while looking down 🤣🤣


Omg - Alternative-you are a wicked funny one! ![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized)


Thank you, thank you 😊


Oddly enough I was thinking the same thing when I wrote the comment. There are some twisted minds in this group. We should have a tea party.


Alternative, too funny 😂 ![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w)


Push the cuff link and it says “Momma I need to hydrate”.




![gif](giphy|qqPJEJowatdFHPrxy5) (For outstanding comedy writing)






You win the Internet tonight !


Nah you pull that out and it start peeing. That gives them a reason to leave and put the doll back in the box hoping they can get a refund


He was pressing his thumb quite forcefully into the "baby" but it still didn't move one iota. Meghan seemed to have discarded her smaller sized prosthetics too soon and had to make do with a full-term bump. During this appearance she was more nervous than ever before.


That "baby" didn't move a muscle during that whole interview. In all of W&C's Lindo Wing steps videos, their babies squirm as newborns do. Not this baby. You can't tell me that's not a doll right there. That the children exist is a fact, but Meghan would still use a doll just to fuck with people.


Is Meghan really ashamed of how Lilli and Archie look? How did she want them to look? And why did she think they would turn out differently? They look like both parents. This is so bizarre to me cos all kids are cute.


My God, that woman is disordered. She should be institutionalized. Just wow.


I noticed that too, wouldn't it be unusual for someone to be so rotund and firm after the birth? Shouldn't it at the very least sag?


What's unusual to me is that the bump is bunched up near her hip. That doesn't even look like a real moon bump. It looks like a sofa cushion.


A post partum uterus is always below the belly button within a day, and shrinks daily from then on. In obstetrics, we measure how many finger breadths the uterus is at or below the umbilicus (belly button) every 15"-30"-1hr for a couple of hours after delivery, and then every 4-8 hours the first 1-2 days, and document uterine size as UU, U1, U2, etc. If it enlarges instead of shrinks in the first few hours, this is a sign of internal hemorrhage. So there is NO WAY her "moon bumps" would be under her ribs and she would be up walking around!


So glad to hear that from a professional. I've had a lot of kids, so I know my experience with the post-partum uterus. I've always found this picture to be so suspect because of how her "uterus" looks and just further proof that something funny is up with her claims to have given birth.


Oh man don't remind me of the squeezing they do after birth to check the uterus. That was so painful especially after having a c-section. I wanted to slap her and tell her to get her hands off of me. Lol sorry nurse.


Agreed. It's off to her left


Her cleavage looks weird too, almost as if some contouring/highlighting is applied there. Her bosom is definitely pushed up, but still looks like there could be makeup there too.


Yes - your stomach is mush after giving birth. It flops all over.


No. The uterus is what makes you rotund. It takes 6 weeks to shrink back to normal size. You leave the hospital looking pregnant.


Sometimes. I wasn’t back to my pre-pregnancy figure leaving the hospital, but my stomach also was not as round and firm like there was a basketball under my shirt.


i have to disagree with that. I've had two children and left the hospital with an almost flat belly after the first one and a bit of a belly after the second one. I've never seen anyone post giving birth with that large and firm bump.


Not my experience with either of my pregnancies. Left the hospital looking pregnant both times. Also with a firm belly. Ended up with a retained placenta. After manual removal while conscious the nurses kept checking my belly to make sure it was firm. I lost my pregnancy weight quickly with my first child. Had no loose skin or stretch marks. Wasn't nearly so lucky with my second.


Another Sinner pointed out that certain models of those dolls will move/squirm when pressed in a special way. Eerie, no?


I have just noticed for the first time that it looks like she is wearing some kind of push up bra to accentuate her cleavage. Since when did they start making push up maternity bras......and since when did it become comfortable with breasts newly full of milk to wear such a bra? Things must have changed since I had a baby.


Is it comfortable - definitely NOT! But they do make push up nursing bras now. Now why you'd wear one just days after birth? Insanity. I'm more confused by her outfit choice. I was in sweats after both my births - and at least Kate seemed to be wearing comfortable shift dresses. Not a wrap around tied trench like dress 😭💀


Right? After my labors, my belly muscles were so sore that even the waistband of my sweatpants hurt...I can't imagine wearing a belt tied so tight like that!


Happy Cake Day!!!🎂🎂🥂


Thank you! :)


You couldn't wear a push-up bra with milk. You'd be dying! It would hurt and leak so bad.


Why would she be wearing a cream coloured dress, I have never had kids but I remember my sister had bleeding for days?


I can't get past Harry's little girly hands.


Everything about him is repulsive. Blech


He IS repulsive!!!


She’s repugnant and he’s repulsive. What a pair.


But this was at least before he started looking like he has pubic hair on his head.


Even down to his swaggering walk with his bow legs 🤢


Yes! Gross!


And megaliar's manly hands.




No, there are far too many pictures,, records, videos, and childhood acquaintances to even suggest that, so let's not even go there, please.


Subreddit rule removal reason: not an appropriate comparison


I love how that "baby" is lying straight out flat like a mummified corpse instead of curled up in his "father's" arm. To be that was always the dead giveaway.




It's a doll


I'd bet money on that.


I would too.




I'm getting distracted by the wonky moonbump


It's off to the side, lol. 😂


Why is she still wearing a Moonbump after giving birth and worn so high up


Because she's faking it.


And to the left....


Who wears white after giving birth?


No one


for reals, literally no one. it just is not done. SUS.




The fact I even know what that is without googling it. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/3xr7yxuohh7d1.png?width=417&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e80cd679796306e668817026265ed75347d64e2 The longer you look at this, the weirder it gets.


It was her first day wearing the skin suit, and like always, she didn't have it tailored properly 🤭


Even the skin suit is wrinkly…


What am I specifically looking at? Her ‘post-natal’ shape was all wrong. Lumpy and bumpy and uneven.


The claw...


The fact that she says she's black and yet her arms and hands are as white as mine?


It’s the cuff of his shirt, the part that folds over the other side at the button.


Maybe it was an impromptu replacement cuff link because he lost / forgot one.


Yep, just like Meghan’s impromptu replacement moon bump because she lost/ forgot one. Windsor was missing a pillow.


He’s a tool bag so it’s a tool…..


It's a tracker - in case he absconds.


Looks like a roach clip to me.....or something he'd use for his tittee fetish. He's gross, imo.


Also why is she 9mos pregnant in this picture. She doesn’t look like she still has post-pregnancy weight; she looks pregnant. Wrong moonbump, Megnant!


I can confirm it looks like something that could be used as a roach clip. Bet he smelled great. But it’s attached to his shirt? Is that for safe keeping for later? Or is it really part of the faux baby in his arms?


What is she wearing? She looks terrible.


Thus began the tactic of revealing only a slight sliver of a side of their child's face. The press was there to get a photo of the royal baby, not to get a photo of blankets and a cap. Hmm.....


As funny as that would be I think he was able to appear more put together than that 😂