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What’s lower than attacking a woman with cancer? I doubt it’s a local issue, the residents of Montecito are probably equally as disgusted as most the world.


THREE women with cancer (QEII, POW, and Sarah Ferguson by pretending she taught her to curtsey!!!) AND A man with cancer (KCIII) A man with severe cardiovascular disease (her dad) A woman with a severe neurological disease (her sister) A 3 year old child (her niece Charlotte)


She even suggested Prince Phillip‘s illness was exaggerated to steal her limelight.


That was truly vile. I think she used the word “muzzled,” as if to imply that the BRF, being racist, was treating her like an animal. Meanwhile Phillip was almost 100 years old and clearly in his final illness


And then of course she needed a puff piece about the flowers she sent to his funeral! Awful, hateful woman


An that's when she saw 'Lilibet' and added to the heartache. She is poison


I was gobsmacked when I heard that statement. It showed how heartless and self-obsessed Meghan Markle is. Not everything is bloody about you! Now every time someone brings up that statement, it must be mentioned that Prince Philip died a month later.


"muzzled,” it is what you do to rabid animals. /s




My God! I hadn’t heard that! How pathetic of her!


Yes she sure did!


I always found it peculiar that Meghan referred to her as “Fergie” in the Oprah interview. I didn’t think the family call her that…to me, this suggests the “truthiness” of this story is questionable.


Calling her Fergie was so uncouth. It’s funny how she clings to her title, but refuses to use titles for anyone else in the RF.


Because she will always find a diminutive of their names to demean and lower them. "Fergie" was already there and too perfect to resist. Even *I* never refer to her as anything but Sarah, because I think the nickname is too highschool girl-ish and ridiculous. (Almost as gawdawful as "Skippy". Really? You're a grown man, with a job and a mortgage and a family and you're still called "Skippy"? Who can take such a person seriously with that kind of goofy nickname?) Or "Glo". Oh please, that is SO FUCKING LAME.


"Trevity Trev Trev"






And why align yourself with Fergie?


Because she was a scandal and managed to get back in with The Firm and Megsy is hoping to do the same thing but without the humility.




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I feel that she had a book on the RF years ago, as she has also called William 'Wills', which Diana used. It's all around the same era.


And Meghan is the same age as William…who was a worldwide heartthrob when they were teenagers. Every 16 year old girl in the world knew who Prince William was. Meghan Markle is also friends with Lainey of “Lainey Gossip”. Lainey wrote prolifically about the Royals on her blog for years (William and “his Catherine”, “Hot Harry on a Horse” etc). There are photos of Meghan with Lainey, Buble, Markus (I think?) et al from Toronto dinners. Lainey was credible for a while, and often had reliable, juicy blind items. A major focus was Harry’s future wife. I don’t imagine Meghan Markle’s friendship with Lainey Gossip was anything but strategic.


Lainey and Meghan Markle are two peas in a pod. One is just as reprehensible as the other, regardless of whether or not they're still in touch.


That's a really good point. I'm older and have a nephew the same age, so I forgot William was a dreamboat to many. Markle was asked which Royal brother she'd pick and reluctantly went for 'Aitch'.


He was all over the place. Always on the cover of People, Meg's favorite go-to...🙄🙄




Yes it was!


"Duuuh, idk, Harry, I guess." Ya, that was pretty bad acting. Edited to add quotes so it would make sense :p


Lainey was never considered "reliable" in the gossip community. Most of us found her sanctimonious and obnoxious. She wouldn't even include a comment area in her blogs during her heyday because she was so sensitive about being wrong. She didn't really have gossip either. Lainey Gossip was more just her giving her opinion on recycled gossip stories from other sources.


She had the Andrew Morton(?) biography of Diana and went to BP with Ninaki when they were teenagers.




I think she wanted to use catchy names that were familiar to Americans. She and Harry have the image of being messy, free spirited, and rebellious, and that kind of personality never uses formalities or is official. I also believe that's why Harry keeps saying Kate - partly because of his image and partly because everyone knows the name Kate.


They call her Sarah.




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What makes everything worse is that woman has never said a bad word about her publicly. Not 1 word. And still she does this.


I know! I'd like to say to Madam: "OK, so tell me what horrendous thing Catherine did to you to make you loathe her so much. Burnt your house down, did she? No? Ran over your dog? No? Slandered you behind your back? No? Oh, wait, YOU did that one--to her. "


Maybe I'm just really sleep deprived, but... I can't make head or tail of the title, especially in the context of the pictures.


I think OP is saying that Montecito residents are subtly shading Megsy, the way that rich people do. Not outright, but through little quips and support shown. Gwyneth Paltrow showed her support for the RF by leaving a comment on the PoW instagram and also by sharing pics of katy perry. Meanwhile kevin costner is showing his support by not so subtly talking about a Duchess who doent insert herself haha


Also by Gwyneth sharing pics she could not have been at Lily’s birthday or whatever it was *sources* said she attended at the Harkles. She had pics that proved she was not there 😀


Nor was Katy Perry and her three year old daughter.


Exactly. That's the shade 1% throws. The aristocrats stop inviting you to their events, the celebs release PR how they're not doing stuff with you. Clever. :D


We need more people coming right out saying they don't know them, like Reese Witherspoon and the wedding invite. The Sophie Trudeau walk back was kinda gross. We knew they hung out repeatedly.


Yeah, the Trudeau woman is a piece of work herself.


Sophie Trudeau is ridiculous, and will grab onto whatever is flying with the wind. She's cut from the same cloth as Meg.




And sing a silly little song while doing it.


And it's wrinkled, ugly, smelly and hiding something really nasty. That kind of cloth.


I think she got marked, as many others. She knows better now and said so.


She never once called Meghan Markle out on the outright lies the Duchess of Sussex spouted about them sharing wine while watching the kids play with pizza floats by the pool in their faux interview, did she? Sophie had over a year to put the record straight but never did. Its a little late in the game to claim she knows better.


Sophie's a fool. She's very pretty, but every time she opens her yap, she shows the world just how stupid she is.


Just goes to show you how an exclusive private school education doesn't necessarily translate to making intelligent decisions, or keep you from spouting utter nonsense, later on in life.


A lot of people have not called Meghan out, including the BRF.


The British Royal Family have behaved impeccably, as far as the Montecitan is concerned, by not lowering themselves to her gutter trash level. That Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau let the mock interview and the ensuing cringe comments promoting it go without commenting is another thing entirely. Sophie went along with a purported one on one interview which she agreed to be interviewed for. That's completely different to made up crap and lies that came straight out of MM's vacuous imagination the RF don't deign to respond to. You're comparing apples and oranges.


At SoHo House. With photographic proof! I think she is maybe a friend of Jessica's and that's why she walked it back.


Ah, I didn't understand the Costner quote being included, thank you for explaining, I get it now! I even noticed, he says "Sarah was very cool, The Duchess", which seems awkward, but when you realizing he's shading meg, yeah, it makes sense.


Yes, that was done very deliberately!


HG Tudor has a video out on this interview of Kevin Costner in People which is well worth a listen. HG says that KC also talks about meeting William 15 years ago. KC makes it quite clear that Diana was in the running for Bodyguard 2 and KC talks about how he respects William thereby throwing shade at TOW. HG says this will have made Tow furious.


It's probably a very good thing for all concerned that that project collapsed. Diana was not a professional actress, it's a very different thing than building and inhabiting a public persona over years as she did. It would have been pure exploitation.


I recall when this rumour was going around, and I was amazed that Diana, though lovely, but not a professional actress, would have been considered for such a role. But even back then I suspected Diana had a little quiet fling with Kevin Costner, and that was how the talk started, by her? Who knows? He was no doubt a sought-after notch on her many-notched bedpost, if you ask me.


In other words, when you build a good reputation like the royals have over the decades, celebrities will look for you - highly contrasted with the messy and disheveled reputation that Harry/Meghan have built for themselves. Why was Kevin looking to cast Diana? Could she even act?? Just because she was so famous?


Wait, you mean to tell me Gwenyth doesn't go hiking with every single piece of jewelry she owns on?! But....😂😂🙄🤡


I think OP is referring to Montecito residents Kevin Costner and Gwyneth Paltrow making comments that could upset or shade the Sussexes.


Oh ok, thank you. Still odd though - the Kevin quote about Diana decades ago is nothing to do with Henry & Rachel now, and the second picture is just Gwyneth… pointing at something? It’s not from the party she held and for which the Merkins were NFI. It’s just an odd post slapped together quickly right after OP’s last submission. Unfortunately it doesn’t help the sub look reliable and rational to have messy and poorly-considered posts (and I thought the posting restriction was to restrict trolls AND ensure quality posts in the first place!). 😬


There was a puff piece saying that Katy Perry and Gwyneth Paltrow went to Lili's birthday and after that there was a pap pic of Gwyneth and Katy elsewhere. And the third point was Gwyneth commenting under the Prince and Princess of Wales' post about TTC. Also Kevin Costner is on the new cover of People and he chose to retell his meeting with Prince William decades ago and after having Harry and Meghan at his event, it all seems like a shade to them. But yes adding a text to explain would have been better


Thank you Smerc! Or even a shorter, more literate headline hinting that it’s a puzzle of pictures, something fun, rather than that kiddie word jumble!


There were rumours Markle wanted to be in the 'next' Bodyguard film.


And in the running for next Bond Girl, lol...


Look at Gwenyth out hiking without wearing every single piece of jewelry she owns, lol...😂


I agree it was a bit all over the place and I had to put those puzzle pieces together way to early 😂


I agree, Hypocaffeinic! I like things explained VERY CLEARLY to me! I suck at subtleties.


it basically reads that - Meghan Markle is 11 jam jars short of a full load.


Lorks, I'm right with you  😵‍💫🤜🤛😵‍💫 (**What** is going on here?)


Agree, it’s a jumble and other than Gwyneth’s IG post doesn’t really relate to the images shown. Using the title for an entire comment is painful enough but it’s even more confusing without basic grammar or clear relationship to the post content. 😵‍💫


You're right. Dafuq did I just read?! Weird post by OP.


I think the Montecito residents sniffed her out as a social climber early. Even Reese W publicly said it was weird how she was invited to the wedding. I don't think Meghan did anything far more horrible. Being a social climber and user is enough. Then the Oprah interview sealed it, no rich famous person wants someone in their circle who spills the beans.


I think this is spot on. I do think she has pulled something. Something or several somethings over this last year that has pissed her neighbors off. This isn’t about loyalty to the RF for Montecito folks. They are picking sides and it isn’t Meg. My guess is the very things that are being high-lighted by her neighbors as qualities of the RF are the very same qualities that she has shown them personally that she is lacking. Whether its usurping pr, planting stories, lying about people or just getting caught out being nasty to people she has proven it gets her what she wants without care for those it tramples on. The curious thing is in the praise for both Sarah and William. A simple Meg smackdown? Eh maybe. I think it is toward both just as GP’s public post to Catherine was a swat at the duo. I think Montecito wants them both gone.


I truly believe the rumors that WME dropped the couple. The fact that their mouthpiece People had this cover and article this week Princess Catherine is on the next cover makes me hope they finally saw the writing on the wall. It won't make me renew my subscription, but I might buy the Catherine issue.


They publish whatever they think sells. They have no allegiance to anyone.


I agree, but with the rumors that Meghan pays them to be her mouthpiece and they get the exclusives, it was obvious they didn’t care about actual truth in their reporting. I cancelled this year and I know a lot of other people did too. I'm just hoping People finally got the message. They used to be a thorough and reputable magazine, but that changed in the last few years.


That's a good point. I've never bought People Magazine but the fact that it's a mouthpiece for Markle means I'll never buy it.


They used to be such a great human interest magazine! I still have my copy from when Diana died, when William and Catherine got married, etc. Then they went full on sycophant with the Hollywood crowd around the advent of social media. I held on because I did enjoy their stories for the most part, but I had enough after so many fawning Markle stories this year, that could be picked apart by a toddler for better accuracy.


People publishes pro-Markle pieces because they get paid to do so, but what happens when the money runs out? 🦗🦗🦗


I do wonder who all these 'friends' are that they're supposed to have in California? Whose children are supposed to have play-dates with Archie and Lili? Who? When? Where? They certainly can't be people associated with A Listers because the A Listers seem to be giving them a very wide berth. There's that Pilates woman I suppose. And another one she went pretend skiing with. Anyone else?


I found the post very obvious.


The sinners are a tough crowd. But our hearts are in the right place.


Arent you new to Reddit? 


Diana was a really horrible person how she dropped Sarah, just like how Meghan drops people


I don't understand this topic at all. What does Kevin's comments have to do with Montecito when he was talking about Diana and Sarah for something that happened decades ago? I just think it was funny that Meghan's publicist started the rumor that she could be the next bodyguard. LOL. What's the point of showing the pic of Gwyneth Paltrow and her mom?


Or are there 39 unexplained deaths currently being looked into by local Coroner's Offices? And how much "jam" did the already-invisible children eat before their status dropped to "never to be seen in public again". Come on KCIII. we know you've a lot on your plate at the moment but PLEASE shut down this charade! It'd be good for everyone's health!


I think the celebrities have taken this bit of advice about bad jam (and the gifters). You may be tempted to simply scoop the mold out and proceed as if nothing ever happened, or you might even ponder what will actually happen if you ingest a few spores. However, when it comes to jams, jellies, and preserves, even a small bit of mold usually means that it's best to throw away the whole jar.


I don't understand this post. What about the 39 jar going missing?


She labeled her jars #/50, giving the impression she made 50 jars of jam. Exclusive, you know! If she really made 50 and sent all 50, 39 recipients did not post on social media praising her jam (her goal/hope). Rumor on this sub was that some had returned her grift, I mean gift.


Exploiting murdered children, hounding elders to their graves, bullying small children, there is nothing this horrid individual won't lower themselves to do in the pursuit of self promotion. Sadly if it's evil I suspect she'd be happy to do it. .


I think she has done the most despicable things that we may never learn of, but they are probably worse than anything we could conjure in our wildest dreams (or nightmares).


There’s an only one work for Meghan and it begins with a letter that sounds like ‘see’.


I truly believe in Karma for someone as cruel as MM; making fun of others who are sick. She’ll get her Karma in due time.


I love that Gwyneth Paltrow comment!