• By -


The rudest of the Squad, the ones who led the charge in accusing Kate of the worst atrocities these months, were with the Harkles in Nigeria and we have seen them in Jamaica, and we have seen them in Germany... There are the images, there are the photos, they that they have posted, this is everything. This is not just a game for Harkles fans, the Squad works for and with the Harkles.


And the Netherlands where Harry took pictures with them.


Yes, yes, yes. Harry knew perfectly well that those women were from the Squad, even the Harkles once thanked them for their support.


Yes he did. He is as evil as she is. He married her specifically to stick it to his family.


He sure did. So messed up.






I'm coming to this very late and please excuse my ignorance but, it's the first I'm hearing of this. We always speculated they (sugars) worked for the Harkles, but are you actually telling me that we have picture evidence that they do? Are they groupies just following the Harkles around wherever they go, or do they have access that other people don't (implying they're employed by them in some capacity)? This is mind-blowing if true. I cannot believe this is the first I've heard of it. Edit: Or am I misunderstanding and you guys are talking about Bouzy, not the sugars?


No, I'm talking about sugars. There are several photos of Megsy and Hank with members of the Squad. Sorry, I don't remember their names, but they are both openly rude to Kate, and they were also the ones who led accusations against Dan Wootton. Dan Wootton has been posting information, others have also done so. [https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/sussex-squad-exposed](https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/sussex-squad-exposed) https://preview.redd.it/543ejzqpup7d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13dbf39ce1c199d051c0d73413537951998a074 Every time the Harkles go out somewhere, there are people from the Squad who coordinately shout for them, greet them, etc. That was brutally evident when the Harkles came out to see the Queen's floral offerings, a girl hugged Megsy, a girl who happened to have been in Germany a few days before, at the Invictus show. There are photos of Megsy and Hank with the Squad in Germany, in Jamaica too, in Nigeria...The Squad don't even deny being from the Squad.


WHOA! Thank you sooo much for the breakdown. This is insane.


One of the first to report the matter was Camilla Tominey. She said things that Hank and Meg didn't like, and the Squad immediately even threatened her and her kids, knowing her personal address and all. Then they went against YouTubers, other journalists, always a horrible, threatening, rude modus operandi. Wootton has been investigating them and has seen that the worst of the Squad have even received greetings from the Harkles. Scary


We live in wild times. That they are tacitly supporting these bullies is gross. I guess I shouldn't be surprised with this pair of grifters.


One thing is tacit support. But here it is a very organized support.


>[Todger] Fan 'Are a Danger' Agree with this 100%. The Todgers' biggest misinfo peddler appeared with the duo's express permission in their mockumentary. It can only be assumed they approve and condone of his tactics.


What was it Meghan said- “silence is complicity,” or something like that?


No, silly! When it comes to MM herself, silence *is part of the song*. /s 😁


The duo are hypocrites, what do you expect?


For a long time, I felt like I lost my voice, right? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


I assume that was in reference to her starring role on 90210


Hot beef injection cured her infection






The mattress has learned to “talk around it” ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


Seems Meghan hasn’t found her “voice” yet!


Silence is compliance, I believe it was.


Hahaha that’s it, she’s so corny


Refrigerator magnet wisdom


I'm honestly shocked Newsweek even ran this, the way they kiss their 🍑 every time they write anything about them. And while people *can* differentiate between the Sussex Squad and the couple, the fact that they release statements about every imagined slight to them, yet allow their fans to behave this way on their behalf makes them complicit. I don't mean to suggest Harry and Meghan can control their fans, but they are silently condoning it (and yes, I believe controlling it, but speaking as if I am an outsider looking in with no prior knowledge, it's still not a good look that they never tried to publicly tell their fanbase to knock it off).


Dani Trin, anyone?!


*raising questions about whether the actions of grassroots fans could damage the Sussexes.* The grassroots fans are taking direction from their evil overlords. Now Royston is trying to distance the Sussex squaddies from the source of their energy. *"I think there are some lines of demarcation. Particularly the health of the king and Kate. I don't think they're deploying their troops.* *"This is more about the danger of foot soldiers who are uncontrollable because they enjoy their own coverage.*


Agree about Royston - he's trying to show that the squad is not getting direction from its leader MEghan Markle. We all know better. That said, the outlandish and unsubstantiated claims by the squad only serve to throw shit on the Markles. I thought I'd die laughing when they came out and said that wasn't Catherine on the balcony. These people are sick, just like their leader.


They're like those people back in the 1960s, who thought that Paul McCartney died and was replaced by a look-alike.


Billy Shears. 🙄


Oh they’re still out there and carrying on with their nonsense. All I have to say, having seen the Beatles live in their early days from very very close, to seeing Paul several times over the years, if there really is a Billy Shears, he’s doing an awesome job /s


There are still people who think that Paul died? How ironic, when Paul and Ringo are the only ones still alive.


There are still people that think the earth is flat.


Very true, but I thought the “Paul is dead” stuff had faded and been replaced by things like, “Elvis is not dead.” 😉


Still very much on youtube. Every so often, someone uploads either a new or old video of him, and just like clockwork, the loonies appear in the comment thread.


Wow. I learn so many things on this sub. 🙂


OMG, you've actually seen the Beatles live? I'm so jealous!


8th row in a small venue with no orchestra or photographer box in front of us. I also saw Paul, Linda and family up close during an airport layover at Manchester when we were redirected to an outer terminal to wait during fog. And, I was working round the corner, during the rooftop concert. My close friend was the receptionist there. I do feel lucky. So much so that right before Covid, I treated my now adult daughter to 3rd row seats at Paul’s San Diego concert as I wanted her to experience Beatle magic herself having heard me talk about it all her life. Seeing her sing Hey Jude along with the whole stadium is a core memory for both of us.


Yeah, I said that in another thread. If you want to see a conspiracy, you will.


YEP. Trying to distance Meghan from the Sussex squad. She’s innocent! Wonder if the visits to Mi6 spooked her - not saying it had anything to do with this situation, obviously I don’t know!


Oh believe me: the royal family know EXACTLY what she has been up to. This is exactly what the spies DO! They could tell you every last email and keystroke she has made! They know.


Absolutely, they have to ensure the safety of the RF. The King as head of state not just Britain but also the Commonwealth would be protected at the highest level as would be William and his family. Every tweet every bizarre conspiracy theory every IG post etc that is in any way threatening or perpetuating conspiracy theories will be logged. It would be imperative to find the source. The Harkles must be stupid all their lies and actions would be noted in detail


They are just soooooooo stupid! And ignorant!


She has a history. The five "friends" who went to People to paw over her letter to her father. She also has had PR people setting some fires, some of whom are known for being particularly dirty. The crazies took it from there. And here Haznoballs is claiming to work on shutting down disinformation....


Royston can shove his drivel where the sun don't shine. The Sussexes aren't mute. It would take no effort for them not their mouthpieces to issue statements condemning their sugars. Their silence speaks volumes.


Came to say the same. This could all have been laid to rest in a flash. Instead, there were photos of jam and dog biscuits rather than a welcome to the Princess of Wales.  H&M are fooling exactly zero people. 


#Nailed it!


Harry and Meghan have NEVER denounced the Squaddies, never said a word about them publicly, never told them to knock it off. This is their MO: get other people to do their work for them, then deny they had anything to do with it.


She is as transparent as a clean glass window on a sunny summer day.


Are they really grassroots fans, though or rather the result of - by and large - astroturfing?? >>> the [deceptive](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2e8a42a989b18c72&q=deceptive&si=ACC90nytWkp8tIhRuqKAL6XWXX-NyfTewI--DEoxfpRR3FjMuxYSezIiiGOeuS2jGxnt3PCARlZK-0SpnS-fKicYh-QzJe6iFOR_zyvSgGZro7JVrVDmGaw%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYipfw7-eGAxUFXEEAHRBtA2kQyecJegQINhAN) practice of presenting an [orchestrated](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2e8a42a989b18c72&q=orchestrated&si=ACC90nxgkPHmtVkpPj_lUgtQ0AenHiy0EkZEnGEQXxxP721f8OgWG8nVWkfRi4WfNy9DEM0qP_2EeK1gSSsgJIEFp8442DRtOhid0qKHqN-574E9h-9Jvho%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYipfw7-eGAxUFXEEAHRBtA2kQyecJegQINhAO) marketing or public relations campaign in the [guise](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2e8a42a989b18c72&q=guise&si=ACC90nwXlEU2j3qee_ajN1FbIPWB_V4A4efYscZjl7uw27toA-xCoZI1kQK3MlSMxqYVRJeugcR_otA4KoPo8n7E2Al0jbfxFg%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYipfw7-eGAxUFXEEAHRBtA2kQyecJegQINhAP) of unsolicited comments from members of the public. >>> The implication behind the use of the term is that instead of a "true" or "natural" grassroots effort behind the activity in question, there is a "fake" or "artificial" appearance of support.


What a coinkydink. Astroturf PR is the specialty of... their new PR man. He learned that at Edelman.


Astroturfing, I’m thinking.




Something is up. They are trying to do a new PR strategy 🙄 that the vile squad crusaders are being pushed aside by the Harkles when it is not paying divends esp when it comes to heinous attacks on two cancer stricken members of the RF. Of course the Squad are supporting their master and mistress. Royston takes everyone as fools. We have seen the photos of Harry with 2 known Squadies. We know squad members tried to take down Dan Wooton. Bouzys evil agenda against Catherine, Scobies Endgame legitimately scribed verbal attack on Catherine and the King in particular. They are once again trying to rewrite the narrative. Note Tom Bower has mentioned her in his new book. Also very interesting point made on IG is nearly everything from Tom Bowers book Revenge is hard to find on the internet. Why? Because every word is true. The ligation duo have never refuted Bower. Their new PR machine is pushing for the duo to be viewed as non complicat in the appalling verbal attacks and interestingly I have no doubt Bouzy, the Harkles, and the others are monitored by M-16. They would have to be as they are a potential threat or at the very least can spur on that fringe element of unpredictable unhinged members. The Sussex duo are a threat to the King and the Wales family. Demonstrated by the Harkles interviews, books plus puff pieces and their Sussex Squad members are a danger. The cinder box just needs a match. The Harkles can never be near the Wales family. They are dangerous. Their jealousy is recorded and written. The evidence is irrefutable. This sickening reconciliation narrative by the media is ridiculous. The Harkles are in damage control using ethically compromised reporters and media outlets like Quinn, Royston, People etc. Their masters have pulled the strings from the beginning. Royston, your puff piece will not work. Everyone sees Markles seething obsessive pathological jealousy. It permeates her every action. A dim Harry has been emboldened by her support. A man loved and supported by his family is now treacherous and unpredictable prone to outbursts with poor impulse control. M- 16 should be monitoring them and their supporters very closely.


Excellent comment, I appreciate the information you’ve given. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Very well said Legitimate-Mission41 👏


Many 😊 thanks


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Why is he absolving h,&m of any blame???


None of that crew make any sense.


I hope people screen shot Sussex Squad vitriol in the comments on this article.


I'm saving several. I can trace them geneologically on Twitter back to their personal accounts. It's not hard to figure it out.


> "I think there are some lines of demarcation. Particularly the health of the king and Kate. I don't think they're deploying their troops.” I’m not disagreeing or agreeing with this statement, but isn’t it interesting that the idea that Harry & Meghan might possibly be deploying social media trolls is a concept that is actually being contemplated by PR experts (even if they ultimately conclude they are not)? “Their troops” - interesting words. No commentator would ever suggest, eg, William and Catherine have any sort of “troops” that are “theirs”.


They know exactly what she is doing. We all do. And MI6 certainly does, and so don't the royals. They are fooling exactly no one! Royston really gave the game away there though.


He really did. The troops! Very interesting 👌


Yes the wording alone gives it away!


Smoking gun would be to definitively expose Meghan Markle’s various social media alts/handles she uses. There are MANY and they often give the orders - doubt that can be accomplished but I’m convinced she hides all her nastiest, filthiest opinions under all these alts. In fact - I am of the opinion that she spends so much time on these various alts, all with their own backstories (anyone remember the London nanny DID??😂) that there is NO WAY she is an active, hands-on parent to two young children. She’s the Howard Hughes of anti-Catherine hate on the internet IMHO.


Yes, and Harry's as well.


Meghan Markle and Harry’s fans create significant danger for The Princess of Wales and her children. How does Harry not see that his Sussex Goon Squad is quite literally HUNTING the Princess of Wales. If I recall correctly, Harry did not appreciate the intrusion of the paparazzi “hunting” his mother, also the Princess of Wales? He is causing serious. Does he never consider the hurt and harm these actions may bring to the Wales children? An astounding lack of empathy on Harry’s part.


He's too stupid, naive and deluded to see anything negative on the part of his wife. I sometimes wonder how much he truly knows about her actions. My guess is she keeps a lot of this away from him and carries out on her own.


He’s stupid enough to believe anything Meghan Markle tells him.


He's evil and people need to cotton onto that fact.


This would explain William's visit to MI6 (or was it MI5) ahead of Trooping.


Thank you. I thought the same thing. Some of the squad better be careful - easy to trace things in this day and age.


Recently a lot of posts were deleted on X, if I remember correctly.


They know exactly what every single one of those Squad members are doing. Fresh off the servers.


In Italy the postal police investigates because the crimes of injury and calumny are criminal offences


Someone should start an opinion poll. Does the sewer squad act on their own? Or does Harry and Meghan direct them?


I think we all know how the poll would turn out.... 95-100% H&M are directing them.


Maybe a tabloid should do that poll. Still be the same result I bet.


I don't know how to do a poll or I'd do that here. Anyone else?


They are directed. Anyone remember Dani Trin!?


Meghan loves all the abuse her followers disseminate on social media. She loves it, she thrives on it, she lives for it. No one will convince me otherwise.


Calling them a danger is an understatement.


you'd think the people protecting the RF would be on top of this. I can't believe they can't find out who the people are. Chris Bouzy was very public is his horrible statements. At least a cease and desist letter would be in line.


Oh they are. They know everything! They are watching and waiting. I'm sure a few are on Fixated persons lists or No Entry to the UK


Yeah but doing something like that would be like giving them a weapon to victimize again or use the racist allegations, this way he just looks deranged one step away to being in an asylum, he is digging his own downfall and H&M’s too since everyone knows they send him instructions.


Famous example of enthusiastic fan egged on to violence: "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?"


Funny is it not that they seed and push shyte, but when truth is served to them they wail! ![gif](giphy|8cVKmg6xy3yKer8fYm|downsized) The regrets are that she was not booked on the day of the spectacle


Jack should’ve taken this article opportunity to call out people like Bouzy.


As for H&M's statement in March about wishing Catherine peace and healing...they wish her nothing of the sort. I hope it's exposed how Meghan is behind this horrid squad.


There will allways be nutters around. Even before Meghan Markle there were lots of people who believed David Icke, who claims the royals are Lizard People.


This is a strange attempt to distance the Markles from their "squad's" actions. And *maybe* MAYBE someone might buy that (ok not really but still) if they EVER spoke out about it. If H&M EVER put out ANY KIND of statement saying they do not support these conspiracy theories and online bullying.   But they don't do that. And they never will. 


I never thought I’d see the day that Jack Royston was the least bit critical of the evil duo. He did not, of course ask the obvious question - why don’t the Sussexes demand their Squad stop this horrible behavior, as any decent person would.


Mark Borkowski, PR consultant and author of *Improperganda* [https://x.com/MarkBorkowski](https://x.com/MarkBorkowski)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark\_Borkowski#:\~:text=He%20attended%20King's%20Stanley%20Junior,on%20the%20art%20of%20publicity. He's a real piece of work it appears.


He specializes in publicity stunts. Interesting. Let’s see if he pops up again.


I've heard some squaddie who runs some account or group threaten people with "I will set your whole family on fire." Deranged. I've forgotten exactly who it was, but the account was called Sussex----something something. It was an audio bite, and the display was pink. It was posted right here, so I'm sure Sinners who have been here for donkey's years will remember this one.


I hope they think it's not kate. Then they won't hurt her double


What Jack states is true, the squad are becoming dangerous. But Jack made a point of not connecting the squad to h or m. He is implying the squad is taking it upon themselves to push the hate and conspiracies. Could he possibly believe that neither h nor m are behind the squad?


Royston is responsible for some of this hysteria, imo. Distancing his pathetic self now in case something terrible happens. Jack, you are delusional if you don’t think that Henry snd Rachel condone and support their rabid base. Nice try putting out their statement about Catherine needing privacy and peace as she goes through treatment. Where is the statement from these two mental health advocates asking for their fan base to stop the hate and lunacy? Answer. It doesn’t exist because they enjoy this little game they’re wholly responsible for.


Oh bullshit. Meghan rachel markle the duchess of Sussex is behind any and all of the reprehensible lies and rumor mongering regarding HRH Catherine Princess of Wales. It is meghan markle suggesting and instigating her followers to harass, torment and bully the future queen Catherine because meghan markle is a stalker with an unhinged jealous obsession about the current Princess of Wales. Until prince Harry brought that vile woman meghan markle into the family there were no such rumors,leaks or vitriol. All of this nastiness is entirely at the behest of meghan rachel markle because she's an evil greedy talentless fucking grifter.


Is Royston a sugar? He consistently refers to the Princess of Wales as "Kate" or is this a puff piece?


lot of alledgelys and innuendoes...


*agreed, and I don't see how they can distance themselves at this point, especially after harry actually publicly thanking them.


They're rabid creatures and should be treated as such.