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This appears to be more of an observation vs actual tea.


Many of the “blinds” are


One of the sisters was always on the heir's side. It was only Eugenie who was playing both sides of the fence for a while.


Eugenie may still be playing both sides of the fence. A traitor can’t be trusted. Eugenie, Markle and Harry are apparently quite close and she’s been loyal to them for quite some time.


Yes. Markle knew Prince Andrew and that's how I believe she came to know Eugenie, who introduced her to Harry. That's why their actual meeting is always different because 1) she has to hide how she knows Andrew and Eugenie, 2) She had to cover the lie about knowing nothing about the RF


Half of the "blinds" come from Daily Mail articles.


And the other half is made up.  I'm sorry but no site that allows for complete anonymity is ever going to stay true for long. 


Yup, this site is a total joke.


How do we feel about Euginie seeking Carole out throughout RA, though? https://preview.redd.it/5ni51y5prk7d1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bc1d6cf9885fe72e1ff640062285fbc1daf5fe2


Eugenie took William's side a long time ago. She did it after the death of her grandmother, when Hazz engaged in atrocious behavior, followed by the Netflix and Spare documentary, which showed how Hazz abused Beatrice's good will to join a group of cameramen when he knew he was prohibited from doing so. . Eugenie did not invite Hazz to Portugal, she has not spoken to him since. And it became clear to Beatrice that she had sided with the Welsh when Wolfie, her stepson, became so close to Louis. It is a fact that Edo sympathizes much more with William than with Hazz.


And the awful, crude way Henry treated Eugenie at the Coronation, laughing at her advanced pregnancy. Jack gave him a quick but serious side eye for that. I’m still convinced that Edo and Jack were assigned to tag team him at the Coronation, just to chit chat, keep him comfortable but a bit offsides, lest he create a scene.


The one who spoke to Hazz was Jack. Edo didn't even bother to do it. And the conversation with Jack was "Hello, how are you, when did you arrive? And are you leaving today?" Jack didn't know anything about Hazz, and Hazz wasn't invited to the cousins' dinner the day before. Eugenie would have warned him... if she were the gossiping snake that many believe she is.


Bea and Edo sort of ushered him in from the van to the entrance. https://preview.redd.it/ltus4o83jl7d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d86184457becb0bd1576d4d4ee78bcf752ca38e Eugenie coming up in a flanking maneuver here.


Yes, and I think maybe the York girls are delegated to be the ones with Harry at events like this, so that there's the appearance of family unity, but there's no chance of him being photographed with the main players.


It's been pretty clear for some time that the Yorks, particularly Eugenie, are taking one for the team.


That a very good point.


as an aside, that's a really lovely look for Beatrice. love the color of the dress.


Ah, thanks


I remember that on the way in! Her face just flashed hurt. How shitty.


I remember it too. Hes a nasty little bully-man. I recently heard the Foo Fighter drummer tell his experience of being slapped by Harry. Harry is a tool.


That really made me angry, little turd Harry thinking he is a big man because he has a bodyguard. I cannot stand ppl like him.


Well good. I’m glad she was hurt. Now maybe she will acknowledge her sneaky hand in orchestrating all this as well! Maybe she will feel a little of how William and Catherine felt when Hank stabbed THEM in the back. How’s that betrayal feel? Sucks doesn’t it? Do you really feel like you are above Catherine and will never be betrayed like she was?? Oh, and your shoes look REALLY stupid!!


Thank God someone said this! The shoes looked like an art installation, and there was her sister, walking next to her so elegantly and looking every inch the Italian countess. One classy, one trendy. It’s no wonder Eugenie straddles the fence.


What he said was very offensive and you could see her feelings were hurt. Harry is crude and has arrested development plus he thinks women are second class citizens. Having said that, I would never trust Eugene ever again, just like Hairy.


This. I remember that video


That was HORRIBLE!!!!


None of this makes Eugenie trustworthy IMO. Still a 🐍 like Harold. Look at her father's relationship with KC3 - a lifetime of betrayal behind the scenes of family unity.




Fergie was on Oprah but she only said positive things regarding the RF.


Oprah tried, but Fergie is loyal.


When Harry’s behavior was the reason the plane didn’t depart right away, causing Eugenie’s father to miss being at his mother’s side at her death, it was then Eugenie started to wise up.


I think this, too. I think the Harkles were harassing Eugenie for all the Balmoral details and she was done from then on (if not before).


I think this too. It was after the late Queen's funeral that we saw grey rocking from Eugenie towards the Harkles. Jack couldn't even look at them before they got into the car at the chapel in Windsor Castle.


I‘m somewhat confused why Eugenie gets so much hate on this sub. I know she hasn’t always made the best choices but it’s weird to act like she should have just known Markle was a con artist. Plenty of people have been duped by her. Why is Eugenie special in that she should have known? When Markle was going after her mark, I’m sure she love bombed Eugenie constantly. I bet Eugenie thought they were great friends and was happy for her to meet Harry. It sucks that she was conned but I don't think it needs to be held against her for her entire life. Narcs are good at what they do. It seems Eugenie has course corrected when all things came to light. I’m willing to give her a second chance.


The thing is, there was a time when Eugenie and Beatrice weren't nice to Kate. So the press especially sold a lot that they were jealous of Kate and you know, the same old story. So, when Hank left, the fact that Eugenie came to see him and was with them publicly, even after the horrible way Megsy behaved at Eugenie's own wedding, when she announced her pregnancy, open rudeness, and the atrocious way Hank behaved at Philip's funeral upset a lot of people. The minimum was to call her "dumb." And of course, then there was the matter that Eugenie was seen talking to Hank, and then Hank was telling things to the press. So Eugenie was left as the gossip. Furthermore, Eugenie stayed with Frogmore and on more than one occasion received Hank there, when the rest of the family did not want to see him. And yes, from the outside, it was as if Eugenie didn't see what Hank and Megsy were doing and openly contradicted the rest of the family. And what I'm saying is that precisely, Eugenie didn't realize that she was being used. Because she loved Harry. She thought, "Well, maybe this was a mistake, maybe he was in a bad mood, maybe he has problems." And what she wanted was to stay out of a conflict that she believed was between Will and Hank. And she wasn't the only one who believed that, because Anne, Zara and Edward believed the same. They changed their position after Philip's death, especially after the horrible Oprah interview. There, a lot of people were upset with Eugenie and rightly so for not breaking up with Hank after that, but Piers Morgan years later claimed that Eugenie is loyal, even when it seems silly (as happened with Eugenie and Andrew after the horrible interview that Andrew gave). What I've been saying for a while is that people are wrong about Eugenie. Eugenie did maintain the connection with Hank, and yes, she was able to tell him things, but she did not tell him with the desire of "I'm going to tell you this thing that is super secret." No, she was talking to her cousin, she trusted Hank. But she was loyal to one person above all others: the Queen, her grandmother. If the Queen said something to Eugenie that no one else should know, she didn't open her mouth. So she didn't tell Hank how sick Philip really was, she didn't tell Hank that when there was going to be a mass every year after the funeral, all the European royalty were going to attend, and Hank refused to go to that mass. which was a great blow because it earned him the rejection of all European royalty. Eugenie never told Hank how sick the Queen was. And she has not given him the WhatsApp contact that all cousins ​​have. Hank is out of that group. And it is evident that she has not leaked anything from there. Eugenie changed her position after the death of the Queen. Hank there crossed the line with Eugenie. Not only because because of Hank Andrew he didn't make it to Balmoral on time, but it was also one conflict after another. Eugenie cut Hank off, and if she had any doubts, Spare and the Harkles documentary were the straw that broke Eugenie's camel's back. Eugenie didn't even warn Hank that he was going to lose Frogmore, and she was the one who gave the keys to Charles. Now, that Eugenie is with Carole and Kate's friends chatting animatedly, and that Eugenie publicly expresses her support for William and that she is being called to work as a royal, even if they are social events, I say that it is because Eugenie ended up with the Harkles. Eugenie never offered Hank a room again. Nor has she gotten together with him again, even when she has been in Los Angeles. Sometimes people take a while to realize things.


I think it’s kind of easy also to look back and say “how did she not see this coming”, but did anyone really? Maybe the Queen. Eugenie would be very familiar with Harold’s many temper tantrums in his life and I’m sure she was expecting this one to be similar, and eventually blow over. I will say when he and Meghan first left, I was hoping for a new start for him. He was clearly not thriving in that life and was very obviously not over his mother’s death. I was hopeful a quiet, private life would be ideal for him…and then they moved to California and I knew that was never happening.


If the Queen had really suspected what was going to happen, she would never have allowed them to get married, and she would have taken Hank to a mental hospital in a straitjacket. Everyone was surprised that Hank was so envious. From all this, many of us realized that we had really been deceived by Hank.


Hmmm yeah good point. And you’re right, I was totally a fan of his at one point.


I don't trust Eugene one bit. Beatrice seems cool, especially since she married her Italian aristo husband. She knows what side her bread is buttered. Eugene... She rubs me the wrong way and always has.


I don't either. Eugenie's a snake. Only comforting thought is that Carole Middleton is no fool. She'll make quick, polite small talk but she isn't spilling any tea. 


Everything changed when Beatrice was made a COS.; it elevates Beatrice's status Don't think Eugenie would now want to cause problems for her sister.


Beatrice is technically a CoS but the new rule that you have to be a working royal means she won't be called upon to serve.


Don't trust Princess Eugenie one bit. I'd think she was trying to get specifics about Princess Catherine from her mother, posing as chit-chat. Then off on the phone to Markle to spill the beans. You cannot tell me that Markle did not text her about this and all that went on? Nope, nope, nope. Eugenie needs to go back to Portugal and get away from the BRF. She is not at all trustworthy


I’m sure Carole is much too intelligent to be tricked into divulging information.


Actually it might be interesting to give Eugenie a bit of disinformation to see if it shows up in the public domain via the Harkles.


I suspect they have all been doing that already and have no doubt confirmed that she passes along info.


I concur.




Yes it would.


My thoughts exactly!!


I like this idea 👀


The fact that she’s PW’s MIL sums up Carole’s intelligence and savvy. She could see Eugenie coming from 10 miles away.


Eugenie hasn't done that. Eugenie knows well what Kate has, she knows it because Fergie is in contact with Charles and Beatrice also knows what is happening with Kate because Charles informed her, so that she would be willing to collaborate if necessary because she is a CoS. Eugenie is not going to open her mouth to the Harkles. Eugenie cut off the Harkles. In fact, at the garden party a few weeks ago, the sisters made it clear that they are with William supporting him. If Eugenie was gossiping, she would have told Hazz about Charles' cancer because Charles told his brothers, including Andrew, and Hazz found out from the press.


Good points here. Don’t know if I’ll ever not be wary of Eugenie though. Beatrice has always seemed loyal though so I hope they are both now acting with clear eyes and hearts. I thought I read here that M&H never really reached out or supported Fergie or the girls during Fergie’s own cancer scare so they may have made up Eugenie and Beatrice’s minds on their own.


Good points. I don't want to distrust Eugenie but I don't think she knew things would get this bad. The last we heard of her being in contact with Harry was when the Harkles went on a brief stay at Portugal in Sept 16-19. But this was before *Endgame* and KC3 welcoming Sarah back in the royal fold at Christmas. Then came the cancer diagnosis of her mother (skin cancer following her breast cancer treatment in the summer), her uncle and his cousin's wife. I would've hoped that KC3 may have put his foot down and told Eugenie to pick a lane. Who knows? I don't think Charles would go that far,. But the optics aren't good for his niece. I hope she has the sense to decide she needs to be a little more discerning in her judgement when it comes to Harry, especially when Merchle is around.


Hazz spread the gossip that he was in Portugal with Eugenie. But it wasn't true, he wasn't with Eugenie. The Harkles stayed at the CostaTerra Golf and Ocean Club, a complex located on the coast of Portugal, specifically in the Comporta region. This complex is exclusive, it has 300 residences. One of them is Eugenie's, because Jack works there. But Hazz didn't see Eugenie. If I remember correctly, Eugenie was, I think, outside of Portugal those days.


It certainly came from the Sussexes (aka "sources close to the Sussexes) but I didn't know he didn't see Eugenie. Wow. Thanks for putting me right. How annoying though. And all in a desperate need to drop to the media he still maintains a tenuous link to his family. His head must be in a right spin after TTC and those Ascot photos. But it looks like this is going to be their new strategy. Produce further headlines about his non-existent relationship with his family. So far we've had noise over Hugh Grosvensor's wedding, noise over "not [being] invited to Trooping the Colour for the second year in a row", personal insertation into Catherine's TTC appearance. While Merchle wouldn't dare insert herself in the media on William's birthday on Friday after the mess she made last week, I wouldn't put it past Harry to do something himself (eg. a pap jog, a visit to a Children's hospital or some charity event, a photo at some veteran event he has attended, something to do with Diana - note: Kevin Costner is prompting his film and talking about the royals, etc). Selling their stories to *People* is relative cheap for them with no cost to their wallets. But it does cheapen them in far more important ways.


Totally underrated comment!




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We will have to keep our eyes and ears peeled for any so-called information coming from the Sussex camp.


Eugenie may or may not be trustworthy in general, but rushing to tell Meghan and Harry things she knows the family wants private seems to me unlikely. She has nothing to gain and a lot to lose if she becomes a “spy” for the Harkles.


I get so irritated at the anti-Eugenie crowd here. They do not use logic to put together a coherent narrative that matches facts. So over it. Thank you for your logic.


You’re welcome. I know very little about Eugenie really, but it’s just common sense.


I can’t imagine that Eugenie’s tea is ever worth much. Makes her feel important most likely, when she’s not.


She is the outer OUTER fringes of the family....


Yup, I don't trust "Euge" at all either. She's a snake. I wouldn't put being wired with a mic for family events past her either.


Eugenie knows what cancer Charles has. Eugenie knows it, she knows the treatment her uncle has, she knows all that because Fergie knows it. Fergie has gone through the bad experience, and has been supportive to Charles and Camilla. If Eugenie were the snake she is, she would have already told Hazz. But she has not opened her mouth nor is she going to open it. Eugenie no longer has any reason to do something like that, because she already saw that Hazz doesn't even respect her and Beatrice. Everything has limits and Hazz crossed the limits of Eugenie's patience.


What makes you believe Eugenie, Fergie, Beatrice of even Andrew know what type of cancer does Catherine have? Or even Charles? In my opinion based on what is public domain, i think only the working Royals know the clinical reality of Charles and Catherine. The ring has been closed. The yorks are out of the trusted Royal circle.


Beatrice is a CoS. Beatrice had to be informed, because she has to be willing to work as CoS. And Beatrice was summoned by Charles to be informed and that is why Beatrice has had more presence. Just look at D-Day: Charles, Camilla, William and Anne were outside the UK. Beatrice and Edward had to be prepared, they were the only two CoS in the UK in case of need. Do you think Charles would have been so calm if Beatrice hadn't been on top of everything and so willing to collaborate? And Fergie of course knows, Charles told his brothers what was happening, and no matter how badly you think of Andrew, he is very capable of helping Charles and Kate if they need it. And there were weeks when Sophie and Edward were traveling, and Anne was busy, do you think Charles wouldn't warn Andrew to be alert if his support was needed to help Kate or himself? Andrew is not a working royal, but he is Charles's brother and everyone saw that Andrew was the one who was closest to the Queen during her illness and it was a great support for his brothers that it was so. Andrew is a jerk, and Fergie is a spendthrift, and you might dislike the York girls. But they know how to keep their mouths shut. Andrew will rant in private, but not a comma will come out of his mouth to the press, especially not now. And Fergie and her daughters aren't going to risk getting in trouble with Charles.


If Beatrice had to know as a CoS, so would Harry and Andrew for the same reason. In the LoS, which sets the order of the CoS, Harry comes first than Beatrice. If being the CoS would be the stander/the rule used to share the clinical report, all CoS would have to have the same knowledge, which would mean Harry had to Know. So no, i don't believe CoS was used to share or not the clinical report. Just my opinion


They are not in the same position. Beatrice is an active CoS. Hazz and Andrew are suspended. Beatrice is necessary, as happened now, on D-Day, when Beatrice had to be in London, with Edward, because she always has to do two active CoS, and at the D-Day ceremony, four of the CoS were in France . Imagine if something had happened, that Charles had a relapse, and the only ones he could turn to were Hazz and Andrew. Beatrice knows what is happening and is very quiet because she is not stupid and knows which side to support. Andrew knows because he is Charles' brother, and no matter how many conflicts they have, Andrew and Charles have many reasons to support each other. Andrew is not going to open his mouth, at all, especially seeing that it could harm his daughters. Incredible, but Andrew has limits to his idiocy. Hazz is the one who is completely excluded. He is the one no one can trust anymore.


I don't buy this.


Where is the concept of " an active CoS" written? Where's the concept of " non active CoS" written? Let's hope this never happens but if something happens to Charles, the CoS has an order and Harry is before Beatrice. That's why is importante to decide what to do with Harry and his surrogates kids. If Harry is not trusted, why is he a CoS? Whatever the answer is, one thing we can be sure: the King trust him enough for him to still be a CoS. ( Sorry, not a fan of the Harkles but or one follows the Crown's rules or not. There's no bending of the rules just because we would like to.)


*(1) Section 6 of the Regency Act 1937 (power to delegate royal functions to Counsellors of State) has effect as if the persons required by subsection (2) of that section to be the Counsellors of State for the purposes of any delegation of royal functions under that section included—* *a) His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex, during his lifetime, and* *b) Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, during her lifetime.* *(2)* ***Any requirement imposed by subsection (1) is subject to the proviso in subsection (2) of section 6 of that Act and to subsection (2A) of that section (powers to except a person who is absent from the United Kingdom and disqualification from being a Counsellor of State).*** [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2022/47/2022-12-07/data.html](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2022/47/2022-12-07/data.html) # Counsellors of State Act 2022 When Charles traveled to Germany, he had to leave Counselors in the UK. Read what it says about those who can serve as state councilors... and those who cannot. Hazz and Andrew are on the list, but they are suspended from practicing. https://preview.redd.it/vn9gw2qrwl7d1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d52f156a77929df5c4908b2e22784780548ac45 Charles doesn't trust Hazz at all. Why do you think Charles sent Edward Young, whom Hazz hates, to discuss modifications to the CoS? If Charles trusted Hazz, don't you think he would have put him on CoS for life? Charles did it for Anne, he did it for Edward, but not for Hazz. Hazz will be released as CoS when George is 18, and Charlotte and Louis are 21. And in the meantime, Hazz is suspended and cannot serve as CoS. Read the parliamentary debate of the CoS act of the year 2022. Charles' initial intention was to remove Hazz as CoS, but it was not possible because that required a lot of debate, which would be useless because Hazz's CoS time is counting, he will stop being CoS, and his children, for not living in the UK. , they will probably never be CoS, no matter how much they are in the LoS. I swear I'm not making it up, read the parliamentary debate of the year 2022


Girl it's written everywhere lol


I mean it's common knowledge of how the Royal family works and in their official rules




They don't. The royals aren't telling the York family shit. They know less than nothing.


"Eugenie knows what cancer Charles has" You seem very intent on convincing the rest of us that she is perfectly on the side if Will and Kate. I do not agree.


At the beginning of the conflicts, Eugenie was on Hazz's side. Eugenie and Hazz have always been very close, so Eugenie was on her cousin's side. But things have happened. 1) Hazz betrayed Eugenie, repeatedly. And she involved her in ugly situations that I bet you brought Eugenie into more than one problem with the Family, remember the times Hazz and Eugenie were paparazzied in Los Angeles, and that was Megsy in action; 2) Eugenie is loyal to her own family and loyal to her grandparents, especially her grandmother. Hazz was an imbecile sovereign treating the Queen like an old and senile woman who didn't know what she was doing. That must have offended Eugenie, we saw how she cried when her grandmother died and since then Eugenie has practically had zero words with Hazz and we have not seen her back in LA. 3) Hazz has repeatedly used Andrew to try to get his way by treating his uncle the worst. And while I'm not defending Andrew, Eugenie that's a big "No" because she loves her father. Eugenie left Hazz's side. But it has been changing position. Not as fast as Zara or Peter, who turned their backs on Hazz since his grandfather's death, but everything has limits in life, and Hazz crossed the limits with Eugenie too. Not that Eugenie took W&K's side immediately, she remembers a Kate Christmas event where they greeted each other politely, not as warmly as Kate greeted Zara or even Beatrice. But it is evident that in recent months, Eugenie has shown support for William. Eugenie probably received a lot of support from Kate when Fergie got sick and underwent cancer surgery, and Eugenie is not ungrateful. And today, if Eugenie was so close to part of William's iron circle, it is because Eugenie passed William's trust test. He's being brutal about that: if he can't trust someone, he cuts them off. And its circle also cuts that person. Ask Hazz, or Tom Bradby. Eugenie would have received ice if William didn't make sure she kept her mouth shut from what she heard. It will take time for Eugenie to gain the Family's trust, but nothing is going to leak from her to Hazz. She lost patience with Hazz.


Maybe... it's iffy though. Would YOU want a cousin like her?!


I have been a cousin like Eugenie. I have been such an idiot to fall into the narcissistic games of my cousins. There isn't even space here to tell you how my cousins ​​manipulated me into saying things I shouldn't have said. But I trusted them, they were my cousins, how would I know that I had to be careful with what I said? And you can't imagine how they distorted what I once said. An aunt told my mother that she couldn't speak with those cousins nothing beyond the weather. Does it sound familiar to you? And you can't even really talk about the weather with them. In reality, if I talk to them they distort everything I say, and if I don't talk to them, they invent things. I wish I had known this years ago, it would have saved me a lot of trouble. Does it sound familiar to you? The Harkle saga reeks of deja vu to me because I've seen it live and in full color. Eugenie, if you analyze everything she has done, you will see that she has been more naive than evil, and yes she has been reckless. Let's not go into discussing the times she had problems with Kate because William was quite meddlesome with her and Beatrice's relationships so it was a one-on-one. But has Eugenie done something truly evil? Do you honestly believe that the fact that she discussed things with Harry made her realize that she was leaking things that Harry would use against the Family? She trusted Harry, because she grew up with Harry, how do you think she felt when it turns out that she has been talking to her cousin and her cousin sells everything to the press? I think that all those who criticize Eugenie forget that Harry hid from his family for a long time how envious he was, how resentful he was for not having been the firstborn, how happy he was sowing tares. William had a hard time believing that Harry leaked things to the press, he believed that Harry hated the press as much as he did. Eugenie believed that Harry wanted to make an independent life. Do you think it wasn't a shock for her to see Harry's true face? It was for William and William is Harry's brother. And Harry's friends have said that Charles doesn't know much about him. I don't want to change your opinion about Eugenie, I just want you to consider that perhaps Eugenie made the serious mistake of not wanting to see Harry as he was, it took Charles a while to do so, even Anne and Edward at the beginning defended Harry. But if she said something to Harry that he later used, she didn't tell him for that purpose. She wasn't spreading gossip to sow tares, she probably thought she was talking to her cousin, whom she thought she knew. A mistake that even the Queen herself made. Harry is a coiled viper.


Well said. These are excellent points H-Economics.


I don't buy it at all.


I agree, I don't think they trust Eugene with anything.


Nah. Huge Eug knows nothing more than we know- the general public. They aren't trusting her with shit.


Huge Eug knows nothing. Guaranteed


This is what I think as well. Suddenly Eugenie is all up to being friendly wiith Catherine's mum??? Trying to get info.


Eugenie is not friends with Carole. But they have shared in other events, public and family, and they have known each other for years. Why do you think they've never spoken before? Of course they have spoken!! And if it's because you think Eugenie is going to gossip, Eugenie made her support for Kate clear by liking the photo of Kate's garden, before Trooping. One of the first to like was James, then Eugenie.


Didn’t Eugenie and Kate go to the same school? She may have known the Middleton family for years as she’s similar in age to Pippa. We forget how small these posh circles are and how families can be acquaintances across generations, they socialise with the same set of people, go to the same events, date the same people etc. Look at how Pippa M dated Lady Gabriella’s husband too.


🎯 It can be quite incestuous is the joke, lol. Yes Eugenie went to Marlborough along with Olivia, the new Duchess of Westminster and also Newcastle with Hugh Grosvenor. She was probably just reporting mundane woman details about the wedding along with some gossip. It's not like they are going to discuss any private health details in such a public setting, anyhow. I certainly doubt Carole would at all.


Pippa is seven years older than Eugenie.


Eugenie definitely sucks


Eugenie is working hard to get back in the fold. Made sure she was photographed attend the Duke of Westminster's wedding. At RA yesterday when Charles attended and today when William is there. Photos of Zara greeting Fergie and Beatrice with a peck on their cheeks is amusing because both Fergie and Beatrice have sour facial expressions at that moment.


Ooh I missed that. Why do you believe they had sour expressions?


Scroll down -- [Touching portrait of just how far Prince William and Camilla's relationship has come: Charming moment Wills and the Queen share carriage at Ascot as royals gather without King and Kate | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13547219/Prince-William-Queen-Camilla-Royal-Ascot.html) perhaps not sour, but not exactly welcoming from either.


I actually think it’s really poor photo timing/selection. They have to have taken several frames of that one interaction. Maybe don’t pick the photos in which their faces are actively scrunched up for the cheek kiss greeting. 🤦‍♀️ I would not be thrilled with a photo of myself looking like that tossed into an article, personally.


Revealing? Not the first time photojournalists have captured a mask slip on one of the Yorks.


That’s fair.


Girl gives me the ick. Like meghan, harry and now paula m nothing they will do will change my opinion of them.


Paula m is just as narcissistic as Meghan. She makes my skin crawl. She 100% obsessed with the royal family at this point.


We need to start a fund to buy hats for the York girls.


It’s gotten better over the years. But there’s one thing I learned from the York girls and it’s non-negotiable: Avoid.boater.hats.at.all.costs!


I don't trust Eugenie at all I don't think the Middleton's like her either but they are polite. She would run a fast as she could with any information about the royals to harkle and dimwit. I don't think William trusts her either. The way he looks at her you can tell. I also think Eugenie wants to be working Royal but I don't see that happening cause Charles and the rest of them don't trust her. Bea is learning which side her bread is buttered on. I don't think she has anything to do with the Harkles for a long time. Bea has learnt to shut it or pay the price where eugenie hasn't yet. Eugenie is a copy of her slob father and broke mother.




What is that abomination of a tassel! Is she graduating from a pastel-colored preschool?


I thought the same thing lol. Does she move it to the other side after a winner is announced?


Those sisters never get it right.


Eugenie's white dress is too plain and casual for Royal Ascot, just like Megvil 's white shirtwaist dress that was discussed on another post. Maybe this is a sweet nod? The hat looks like a combination of high school graduation plus rowing down the Thames. She looks totally giddy and manic in the series of pics. I guess she is back in the fold. Watch out, Windsors 🐍🐍🐍!


DON'T TRUST HER!!! Any further than you could throw her.


Eugenie was in the slandering Netflix show. So I am always looking at her side eyed. It's a shame so many blame Beatrice for Eugenie's sins though.


Eugenie was NOT on that show. Hazz filter photos of her. But Eugenie didn't say a word in that documentary, in fact it was when she found out that Hazz took the Netflix team to the Palace grounds when Hazz had forbidden it, and that put Beatrice in a terrible bind because it was filmed in the house. of Queen's dolls. Eugenie did not collaborate at all with Hazz in that documentary.


Y Bwthyn bach is not a house for the Queen's dolls. It was a playhouse given to her when she was a little girl by the people of Wales, back in the 30s, and several years ago, the Queen put Beatrice in charge of it. (Beatrice and Eugenie, of course, often played in it). A few of the the Queen's and Princess Margaret's old teddy bears inhabit the house, and one of Beatrice's. Beatrice was put in charge of its restoration and redecoration a few years ago. I suspect that time when Harry and MM were filmed in it, Harry tricked Beatrice into giving them permission just to look at it, and she did, not knowing they would sneak a Netflix cameraman in as well. Just my theory, of course. I would not put any kind of sly behaviour past Harry and MM. (I often wonder if George, Charlotte and Louis ever got to play in it, since it sits on the grounds of Royal Lodge, Andrew's house).


Thank you for the correction And don't forget that it was a double betrayal: Eugenie had the keys to Frogmore and she lent Frogmore to Hank for the Jubilee. So surely, when the images were seen on Netflix, Eugenie must have been horrified to see that Hank had introduced recording equipment, and surely she had to give more than one explanation because everyone knew that this was prohibited. I don't know why you think Eugenie would be so foolish to stay by Hank's side after a long list of grievances that he and Megsy have done to her personally, to her family, and to the BRF. Yes, with the wedding I would have had enough, but Hank abused Eugenie's patience until the thread had to be cut.


Carole is street smart & would know not to trust Eugenie !


She needs to kiss ass now to make it believable. Another 🐍 like Harold.


Carole's no fool. She's never said a word wrong about the royals and, at the same time, she's not going to gossip about her daughter and her medical details. I'm sure if (and it's probably a big if) Eugenie wanted some information, she probably got a generic tidbit in the same way William gives them out. If you're not already in the know, you don't need to know.


Very kind of the "blood princess" to lower herself. \*rolls eyes in intense Eugenie dislike\* I will say her outfit was great, though.


I think all of the royal family members have had enough of MM and her evil ways.


I agree! Harry's too!


Of course they are. Their parents home depends very much on not ruffling any more House of Windsor feathers. Be good girls, and don’t do anything that will make Uncle Landlord Charles upset.


This is the answer




Fergie is of course well acquainted with how frosty life is in Royal Siberia, and her 2 daughters are very familiar with what that life looks like and its impact on lifestyle, social status, privileges, etc. Jack and Edo are also savvy business people who know that supporting the future King is the far better investment for them and their families. Engaging in activities like jam tasting with Ellen, Doria, and Nacho, in a faux Tuscan villa that reeks of weed and guano, with dumpsters full of broken crockery, is an utter waste of their time.


hahahahaha love your imagery


But…but…can’t you just imagine it? LOL.


oh yeah!


They better or they will end up like their dad. William is not going to tolerate betrayal at this point.


It's not a "squabble." It's been a sustained, nasty attack by two ex-Royals against the Monarchy, the UK, the Commonwealth and the respective citizens.


Eugenie presented the trophy for the Duke of Cambridge stakes today. I don’t know who sets that up, but I would guess they would ask William if he was okay with that and he appears to be.


Carol: oh how lovely to see you, nice hat, oh got to head to the loo, see ya later


Carol and her husband are not going to divulge one tidbit of info about Catherine to Eugenie.


Exactly! Carole is too smart and savvy to say anything of any consequence to Eugenie.




They also supported William at a recent tea party.


Old news.🥱That was obvious at the Coronation , when they showed up at the Garden Party with William, etc. My guess is that THE KING read the riot act to them especially Eugenie.


The background gossip is something similar. Because it seems that when Charles was crowned king he had a family reunion, making clear the positions in which Eugenie and Beatrice could continue with their lives because they were not going to have many royal events, but that definitely changed when Charles had cancer surgery, because Beatrice She had a meeting with Charles so that she would have a little clearer agenda to help, which she was more than willing to do and we have seen it, the same as Mike and Zara as Mike himself said, and Eugenie began to be included in certain events after Kate's health problem. Eugenie hasn't even spoken to Hazz for months. And a few days ago, at the garden party where she and Beatrice were with William, they made it clear that they supported their cousin. Eugenie is not going to talk to Hazz, nor is she going to leak anything because Eugenie is too disappointed in Harry. And Beatrice too


I'm leaning this way too. The cancer stuff changed everything for that family. It has a way of knocking sense into feeble minds and sorting out priorities. It will be interesting to see out the rest of the year pans out. I'm sure there will be a bit if noise from California about invitations to summer parties at Balmoral and Christmas, but I think the RF would want a simple get-together without them and their toxic baggage.


Haz is done. He is persona non grata. He's not even a flicker of a memory.


Not buying it that anything Eug does is genuine. However would we know to whom she has spoken? If Harold calls, she refuses that call?


Maybe. In any case, I think William will have very different views on the slimmed down monarchy. I don’t think he’ll want Catherine to have to do three engagements a week. Even after she recovers recurrence will remain a constant threat. So William would probably be happy if he could get an engagement a week from Beatrice and Eugenie, perhaps one from Peter and Lady Gabriella. He was upset at the way the Sandringham summit ended because he wanted a precedent for his younger children to have some form of half in/half out. So the cousins could continue to work at jobs that don’t trade too blatantly on their royal status and perhaps are rewarded with housing or a subsidy. Perhaps small titles like Countess of Sunningdale. It could work


>He [William] was upset at the way the Sandringham summit ended because he wanted a precedent for his younger children to have some form of half in/half out. First time I've ever heard this. Curious where you got this from?


Sounds like BS




Here’s the bullet: https://preview.redd.it/vdl8hr7z608d1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6d8f8913a4a70ba9d880fc8ed34e7921c20a63


So an opinion piece from some journalist!?


It’s Tina Brown, not “some journalist.” If she says she got it from a source, she did. And her sources were not anonymous accounts from CDAN, which are posted here regularly. But even if you doubt Tina Brown, the logic here is obvious. Other royal families are slimming down and removing titles from those not in them direct line, which will include Charlotte and Louis as soon as George has a child. And even if the Windsors are as entrenched and rich as they are now, Charlotte and Louis may want real careers rather than being full-time rulers. Perhaps the Sussexes were being disingenuous but this is an issue that will need to be addressed eventually. Clear guidelines on half in-half-out would also open the door for some other royals, like Eugenie or Peter Phillips or Lord Frederick or Lady Gabriella, who are not directly supported by the crown, to take some role. So no BS.


Not sure. Probably Tina Brown. I’ll try and find it


Charles is partly right: there are too many sponsorships that depend on the BRF. He is analyzing which ones are maintained and which ones are not. And I think that then, the Firm will be reorganized. Especially since the Duke of Kent is also gradually leaving his patronages. When William is king, he will probably have more clarity on what to do with the Firm if he is clear about which patronages really require the support of the Firm and which do not.


I think if William were to do that he’d find support for him decreasing rapidly. He and Kate were already criticised for their light schedules, if she does one engagement a week once the children are older frankly as a tax payer in this economy I’d see it as taking the piss. She can pick her causes, only do what she cares about (early education and cancer?) do lots on zoom etc but one a week is just ridiculous. Cancer will impact 1 in 4 of us in our lifetimes, and increasingly early in life. The idea you can just retire after a diagnosis (esp one we’re told was so early she only needed “preventative chemo”) is just totally out of step. Especially with the government saying that those with chronic diseases need to stop being lazy and get back to work. Signed someone with long covid (which has no treatment in the uk) who is too ill to work but doesn’t get any benefits.


Preventative chemo can be just as harsh as 'full' chemo; I know as i have just completed my mopping up/preventative chemo. It all depends on individual. What is of concern is that Catherine is still receiving chemo and the implication seems to be that it will continue for some time. Does that indicate a continuing problem?


Of course they do because William could use them as senior Royals down the road just like he could possibly use Zara and Mike and you know other family members who knows


I have a feeling William intends to elevate some of his cousins to working status when he takes the helm. This does not surprise me, I’m sure the DOY made sure her daughters know where their bread is buttered, and that her grandchildren will know their unique heritage.


I think he may use some for the garden parties. I couldn’t see Zara or Peter doing anything until maybe retired. They earn money now.


I’m hoping Charles will hold on another 15-20 years, and then we may see something similar to Edward and Sophie.


I'm not so sure of this because I think Andrew is still such a huge liability and especially considering how he's kicking up a fuss over keeping the royal lodge. It's going to be quite the juggle to respect the girls have nothing to do with the crimes of their father without Andrew having another fit.


I mean the money and power is in the crown. What is there to gain from h and m


I still do not trust Eugenie.


If Eugenie has turned her coat against the Harkles, (1) good for her (2) however, it will take her years and VERY exemplary good behaviour to regain Will's trust. Let's hope she has learnt her lesson.


I wouldn't either.


Totally agree. She’s shown us who she really is and we need to believe her.


Eugenie bumped into Catherine deliberately. I can't forget that.


Like the Energizer Bunny, this guy. https://i.redd.it/iu9of6ozvk7d1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/tdzwzt0u6l7d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f81cdc04682e5f52b9016e12a44fbefece8103 I want you to see this photo. Eugenie next to Carole, and Lucy van Straubenzee and Lady Laura Meade. Lucy Lanigan-O'Keeffe, now van Straubenzee, met her husband, Thomas, thanks to the Cambridges, because she was a teacher at the same school where George went. So Lucy is team Wales, totally. Lucy and Thomas didn't even bother to invite the Harkles to their wedding in 2020. And Laura is the wife of one of William's best friends, James. In fact, James and Laura were among the guests at the Harkles' wedding who were not at the reception, and Laura is in Kate's circle. Eugenie wouldn't be there, much less with Jack, if she hadn't taken sides. And she didn't do it for Hazz, because none of those women she's with can stand Megsy even in painting.


Eugenie is working on a BAFTA here. She is following her dad's instructions 🐍.


Putting my tinfoil-foil hat on: what if Carole told Eugenie something that is not true to bait her? As a test? If it comes out, even in a few weeks, they’ll know for sure she’s not trustworthy, regardless of what she might say. Carole is far too shrewd to get taken in by Eug. And the Middletons (apart from the Uncle) have probably done media training.


Do you think Eugenie would be there if William hadn't tested her a long time ago? William did it, because otherwise the press wouldn't be so furious with him and his iron circle that he has formed, and Eugenie passed the test.


"Do you think Eugenie would be there if William hadn't tested her a long time ago?" William does not 'own' that box - it is for family.


I wasn't referring to the place as such. But in the position Eugenie was in: all the women close to her are from Kate's iron circle, and they hate Megsy, they hate her. Two of those women, the wives of William's friends, rejected Megsy. Do you think those women would have been so close to Eugenie if William hadn't tested his cousin long ago? William is being brutal with people he can't trust: he cuts them off.




I still don’t trust the two Easter island living statues.




They have smeared a lot of the family apart from Andrew. He has a lot of skeletons, apart from the ones we know about. But not a word has been said about him or Fergie. They are happy to make stuff up about KC3 and Catherine but not him. They want gossip and Eugenie is stupid enough to give them it because she loves her parents. They are desperate to know the types of cancer that Charles and Catherine have. That would be a massive payday for them. And I don’t believe that Eugenie knows or if she tells the repercussions would be massive for her father and mother. Eugenie is very much like her father, placing trust in people that don’t deserve it and who only want anything to do with you because of what you can do for them. And she has been burned by them. Especially her loving cousin.


Stating the obvious.


Historically they’ve always been hip to who butters their bread


**They run with the hare and chase with the hound.** I don't trust either of them and never will, but I was born with a faulty GAF gland and absent forgiveness gene.


https://preview.redd.it/2m44t8fyfp7d1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=b50adb25741ec7326a43eb068c95b0969d5feae4 William & Eugenie


https://preview.redd.it/uf9y4wa1gp7d1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=12918c10628f5490687a590e95faddfbe077b243 Animated photo of Catherines mother with Eugenie.


I have a friend who run used with Yorkies crew, but this was like 20 years ago. 1. The sisters are very nice. Their mom may be messy but she’s jolly and raised them well. The girls did not refer to themselves as princesses. When introduced they always say their name without Princess… can’t imagine Meghan would be this way 2. Kate & Pips are very close, but sadly I didn’t hear so many nice things about them. Maybe it’s a class thing. Now I think it’s more gentry claiming about upstarts getting in their circle, how Jane Austen. What I heard was Middletons focused on keeping their men. They also had each other so no real need for female friends. 3. During major break up from William, Kate excluded the Yorkies from social events they normally be invited to. 4. There was a rule enforced about curtsying to blood princesses when not with your partner who was of higher rank. Basically if Kate was with William, she didn’t have to curtsy to the Yorks, but if she was by herself she would have to curtsy to the Yorks. I heard this was enforced because the York girls felt Kate was acting superior to them? 5. I often wonder about the hat situation and the Kate/Wills wedding but I was told the York girls not only got their mother’s jovial personality but also her fashion sense. I also have always wondered what’s up with Meghan and the Yorks? Because Meghan of ALL people would be the first one to point out and use Andrew and Epstein thing as deflection. Sorta like I’m not that BAD look at Andrew? I do think that there was resentment from Kate for the York girls and they are closer to Harry, so in Rachel’s NARC ways she saw that she needed to get them on her side. Meghan most likely love bombed them too!


I remember back then reading a lot of celeb and royal gossip that was basically kind of the inverse of Number 2 - that the Yorks were exclusionary of Kate bc they thought her an upstart, and talked a lot of shit about her and her family. My guess is it was a little of both - I don’t think the Yorks and the Middletons are close, and each probably felt the other side was mean/exclusionary. I truly hope they’ve bridged the gap now! Number 4 is true, but I remember it was always said it was Andrew who had the rule clarified basically to promote his daughters. This was right after he made his press for them to be working royals as well, and that got rejected with Charles a major support of the rejection. I think these two battles were definitely instigated by Andrew to promote the York family, and everyone else got caught in the crosshairs. But certainly one can see how Kate might have felt about the curtsying to blood princesses rule - like there was one person it was directed towards!


why would eugenie befriend markle if she was her father’s boating companion? that would give me the ick.


All the other cousins probably maintain some form of contact with him. The sisters were and have always been close with both the brothers. To them it's not about taking sides, it's about maintaining a relationship with people they have been close to all their lives. I think it would be petty if they were to take sides in a fight that didn't really concern them and this issue Harry has with his father and brother does not involve anyone else in the family. It's why Anne always speaks to him and is kind to him, same with Anne's children and the others. It's not the War of the Roses. It's a family squabble that involves particular members of a family, and the rest are just staying out of it, as they should, as it doesn't involve them.


I don’t think calling KCIII and POW racists on a global scale equates to a mere squabble. And that’s just one thing that they have done to the family.


Okay. But it doesn't involve anyone else and I doubt William or his father would expect everyone not involved to involve themselves in some way, shape or form. If Charles's sister and brothers can sit down and speak to Harry as they did at the Coronation and other events, and the other family members also speak to them, then it's clearly something that they don't see as involving them and would rather just steer clear in the sense that they speak to both of them if either or both are present. It's a complex situation and they know how to handle it best. It's not a competition of 'ooh she's only speaking to this one and not the other'. It's simply a case of their being okay with both of them and that's fine. It's their family, they get to make that decision.