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I think there’s a couple of things playing into this: They have a great PR team who understand how to manage the perception. The passing of Prince Phillip and latterly the Queen may have released the family from some of the more old-fashioned ways of doing things/behaving that might have still lingered. But I do agree, they are looking every inch the loving and fun family. Ascot was a perfect example.


So many hugs at Ascot! It was great to see the extended family being (literally) embraced - Middletons, Sophie’s dad, Camilla and Zara - but Meghan’s the only hugger 😆


The RF hugs now because Meghan did it first, don’t you know! /s


Lol the same woman that hisses don't touch me to staff for doing there job and moving her off the red carpet before it gets embarrassing....then tries to cover it by touching the poor woman who "left" 2 weeks later. Pepperidge Farm remembers meghan markle  and so do SMM sinners 


Definitely a “sweet nod”


From the NF doc. Meghan: "Like I was a hugger, always been a hugger," she added. "I didn't realize that that is really jarring for a lot of Brits. "I guess I'd start to understand very quickly that the formality on the outside, carried through on the inside," she continued about the multiple etiquette rules followed by the royal family, which she mistakenly believed were only observed in public. "There is a forward-facing way of being and then you close the door and you relax now," she added about how she expected the etiquette to be left at the door once the work day had finished. "But that formality carries over on both sides. And that was surprising to me." Meanwhile over at Ascot, Zara, PW, Bea, Mike, Lady Gabriella etc... 🤗 🤗 🤗 🙄🙄


This idea that hugging is somehow an alien concept to us Brits, is what is actually jarring.


Yes. But I think it's because she also paints it negatively if you don't. Meaning she was new to William and Catherine. They didn't know how serious the relationship was, and they are public figures. They have to be cautious. ETA: this etiquette she speaks of doesn't even have to mean royal etiquette imo. Many ordinary people, like myself aren't going to hug people I've just met. You do put on a facade. You're not going to act like you would normally do in your own house if a stranger visits..


And William and Catherine were absolutely correct in keeping their distance from this malignant spider thrust upon them. Who *would* want a skanky creature smearing herself on them?


The beast would likely have hugged William while grinding her pelvis into his. W & C had been briefed about it before the visit.


Yes, I think she uses hugging as a lead in to sexual behavior, or misbehavior.


I agree. Sex is her “superpower”. She’s learned how to blow a guy’s mind in bed, and she uses this to manipulate them. This is the hold she has over Harry. The more you learn about her, the more shallow she’s revealed to be. There’s really not that much going on, except perhaps the deeply cunning modus operandi. Her motivations aren’t really deep in a sense, although her life revolves around her singular ambition - showing the world how important she is (without actually having to earn anything). The complexity is her personality disorder. It makes her dangerous. She targets people for the pettiest of reasons, and is driven by delusion, ie: if Catherine is brought down, she could marry William. That’s how captivating she believes herself to be, if only the world could be made to see it. 😲


Thus. She's practically a sex offender.


Literally. You can see that she literally rubs her crotch on people, almost straddles their leg. With a kung-fu grip from those creepy mole-y claws so her victim can’t physically get away. And my fellow sinners know this is not an exaggerated description.


When the beast deploys the claw, watch out!




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For real


They already had the 411 on MeMe. They have resources to do so.


But according to H, W+C were massive fans of M. How did they control themselves??? /s


No one watches Suits. If they do, they do it when there’s nothing else to watch. Or to see MeMe fail at yet one more thing because she can’t act. What I see happening and more likely is that Hank told them she met an actress from suits, and they were curious and checked it out. Hank tells MeMe @ they’ve watched “your “ show and because she’s a NARC she turned it into @ “they’re huge fans of suits”. Sadly for her these exaggerated comments are what outed her as an attention whore, a liar, and a NARC early on.


That’s exactly what I think too. Like most people whose brother’s new girlfriend acted on a show, they checked it out. And I can see good-natured ribbing about her being too pretty for him happening because that’s what siblings do. Harry probably badgered them until they said they liked the show to shut him up about it!!! Then M turned it into W+C being huge fans of hers!


Because she has no empathy she's unable to consider people's personal comfort


Meghan the wretched lives for the facade. A fake hug is exactly her speed. Let's her role play intimacy with strangers.


I'm not a hugger at all. I'll hug kids, my husband, friends who live out of state that I don't see all the time, but that's it. I won't even really hug other family members because they know I don't like it. I even told a co-worker I had just met that I was not a hugger and she still hugged me. Her husband looked embarrassed because he heard me say it and luckily only shook my hand. I don't like people coming into my personal space unless I invite you in.


Right! And to me shows that she has no problem invading someone’s personal space


Yes, that is the point. It's a power move.


This. She gets off on deliberately making people feel uncomfortable.


It makes her feel superior.


Ugh yuk!


Came here to say this 👆👆👆👆


Every time I have visited your country, I have found the overwhelming majority of people to be warm and open. hubby and I have sat down in cafes and pubs and enjoyed fun conversations and interactions. Its just a matter of respecting the fact that as Americans we are the visitor and to behave accordingly.-- as we would like visitors to the states to behave. Its a simple concept that Meghan doesn't understand as she would rather take stereotypes and mold them to her narrative.


Stereotypes like walking in downtown London in Wellies? This simple act of cosplay stupidity tells us how little Meghan understands. Did she think we would think she just came from mucking out the stables? Fresh in from her country estate?


When our boys were small we lived in the country on some acreage and let me tell you, those Wellies were a lifesaver! ❤❤❤


They are. But I don't wear mine into the city. Ever


Nah, that was a holdover from Toronto. Nothing about her outfit would have been considered weird here at the time.


Toronto 2008 maybe, she’s such a loser.


I would maybe have said 2012, but yeah. Hunter Wellies became a big thing all of a sudden when before you never saw them here. And because they were a known international brand AND Toronto's often wet and slushy, everyone who could afford them seemed to rush out and buy a pair.


I seem to remember them and those long, black, quilted North Face coats being everywhere. You’re right, very practical for the fall/winter/spring in Toronto. Not so much on a dry, sunny day in London. She’s such a poser.




LOL American here, what are "wellies"?


Wellington rubber boots. Kind of like the boots Chesapeake watermen wear, which are white. Tall rubber boots. Oh, American too. 🤣


It's so cliché it's actually racist. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are the only racists out there. They tried everything to deviate this truth from themselves. So transparent and outrageous.


Every word out of her mouth is self -serving. Megvil 😈 wanted them to relax and spill the ☕ on each other, so she would have more ammunition.


American me saw your emoji and wondered why Madam wanted them to dump coffee on each other. 😂 *Duh*  Got it now! Lol


Exactly. Some people are huggers and some are not. It's not like you're a bad or cold person, if you don't like to hug. Some people just want/like/need their personal space.


Who likes to hug someone they’ve never met before???


I teach 1st grade (6 year olds) and we talk about having a bubble around you. Some ppl have large bubbles and some have small bubbles. We have to not be in others personal space. Respect other’s space and ask if it’s ok to do this or that. Every class I’ve had understands this basic concept, but for some mysterious reason this 40+ year old woman can’t or won’t be bothered. This just illustrates that she DOESN’T CARE.


The wretched meghan markle is who. Hugs are free. Her yacht girl activities are a la carte


My husband is very uncomfortable hugging people his just met he has no problem hugging people we have known for years he will give them all a hug goodbye but if it is someone he has yet to develop that kind of relationship with he won't especially if its a woman he would never hug first. I'm similar but will probably hug sooner in the relationship then him but not until I have that level of friendship with them. Neither of us go around hugging people we just met.


Unfortunately this is a habit that has spread, once upon a time at international scientific meetings we shook hands, now too many tend to hug. I'ld do without hugs, but you have to accept with a smile the Serbian or Estonian colleague who hugs you and breaks your back with two friendly pats


Oh, how true is this!






Oh, I believe she understands them 100%. She refuses to respect others boundaries. When she was at that Vogue thing and they were trying to get her off the stage, she told her assistant not to touch her and then tried to play it off and laugh.


She uses people's personal boundaries to her advantage. If she goes in for a hug and finds out the person is OK with that, she'll step it up until she makes them uncomfortable.  Say she hugs someone and it's ok. Next she'll either hang onto them long enough that it becomes uncomfortable, or if it's a man she goes in for the full body hug/grind. It's all about power.




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I’m from a family of huggers. My auntie (married in to my uncle) isn’t. She’s absolutely lovely and a fantastic person, it’s just ‘Susan’s not a hugger.’ (Although as we all get older and years go by, she actually goes in for hugs sometimes now - I guess Susan didn’t used to be a hugger.) Either way, not a big deal, at all.


And this isn’t just your average family! I mean, seriously, she was being introduced to the future king and queen of England! You’d think she could maintain some kind of polite decorum until she actually got to know them. Bare feet, ripped jeans and hugs??!! Come off it! She’s a twit!!!


But even if a couple of normal friends arrive for dinner, it is rude to welcome them barefoot and messy


Exactly. I wouldn’t be impressed by their titles, but would treat them like I treat everyone - which means no hugging, bare feet, or ripped jeans at our first meeting!!!


35 and wearing ripped jeans, such an ingenue 


I'm one of those people! *waves hello" .


Exactly, in the vast majority of countries it's deemed inappropriate to hug strangers. Friends and family members? Sure.


You see, Americans prefer to grab anyone they see to dry-hump and while we have you locked into an embrace, we slather your face with used lip gloss. Has someone made a list of what being American means to M&H? Or the impossible British requests made of Meghan like learning a song that the Americans cheerfully ripped off so she would have known the tune (God Save the Queen vs My Country tis of Thee)?


It’s true about Americans being huggers. They dive in with people they’ve never met and subject them to the most outrageous bear hugs. I learned that when an organisation I’m involved with had a world convention. We were warned in advance about the Americans, who were set to be the biggest contingent. When they arrived, it turned out to be exponentially worse than we’d been told. They also tend to be obese. It’s a wonder nobody suffocated. There’s a basic survival mechanism underneath these cultural norms. We all need to breathe. 🤣 So anyway, Megs’ discomfort with the Brits did have a cultural component to it, as well as the NPD.


Everytime I read that bit about hugging being" jarring for so many Brits" I get very irritated. I'm American and I don't hug strangers, or people I barely know. And that's exactly what she was to Prince William and Catherine. a stranger, someone they barely knew. Who meets someone and right away goes in for the hug? Not me, and apparently not The Prince and Princess of Wales.


She’s talking about 2 people and superimposes their behavior onto the entire country? What a basic loser, never traveled anywhere, just a small world she inhabits


If she wants to hug people she can try the nordics we are famous for it. ohh wait, I might have gotten that wrong we are famous for being big on personal space


Haven’t seen Meghan hug her husband or children. She just assault hugs people she doesn’t know.


Absolutely. She uses hugs as a control tactic, invading their personal space to dominate them. It's also a facade, it's "look at me, a royal Duchess, I'm so elevated and special but I'm still approachable and friendly and normal." It'd be like hugging a rottweiler capable of ripping your face off. 


"It'd be like hugging a rottweiler capable of ripping your face off." Perfect description.


"Assault hugs" is a good way to phrase it. She's not being open and friendly, she's physically imposing herself on people, most of whom will be to polite to tell her "get the fuck off me, bitch" because cameras are pointing at them. I would not be one of those polite people.


Yes, excellent. Another would be: **initiating unwanted touch**


Omg 😲 you are so right! I never realized that!




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They just did not want to hug HER because they felt she was a snake who could not be trusted. And they were right.


Especially on first meeting! I wouldn’t say I’m not a ‘hugger,’ but I don’t hug people I’ve never met before.


Exactly! I am a hugger and there are people I do not want to hug. This was never about Catherine not being a hugger or a cultural thing. It was 100% Catherine knowing something was not quite right. She spotted what was going on.


I’d rather hug a cactus whilst wearing nothing but a grimace than hug Meghan


Basically describing herself in how she is fake in public and a completely different person behind the scenes. Thanks, yeah, we already figured that out. 😒


At the end of the day she thought etiquette was left at the door. Well that tells everyone who she is. Ms no manners.




Oh, but Harry’s First Wife is reading this and preening that “yes, look at me, I CHANGED the BRF, now they HUG and I should get the credit for that but they won’t give it to me because they are all raci$&! Just like I changed advertising world wide in my noble youth!”


I actually thought this quote said everything you need to know about Megs. That Catherine and William are always authentic, privately and publicly, they are always the same while Megs is two faced and she has a forward facing way pretending to be everything she is naturally not; a philanthropist, wonderful mother, feminist who cares about family and ultimately victim, while behind closed doors she bullies staff, dooms scrolls all day, scheming ways to manipulate the press to one up Catherine. People don't like her because she is so inauthentic. The world loves Cathering because she can be nothing but authentic


That is how I viewed that commentary also. It was actually a compliment to the Waleses and a confession for Meghan Markle telling us she is a phony. It validates the many normal people who admire Catherine because they sense she is authentic, in the real meaning of the word not the new age meaning.


Yes. Authenticity vs hypocrisy.


Why would M think that a hug is required upon a first meeting?!


Because she can't quite figure out how people function....she copies 90s TV, pictures in the media without context and gets dumb ideas from that, on what she thinks is cute....like sticking out her tongue. And runs with them and she would have noticed a lot of people are uncomfortable getting first meeting hugs shed feel there bodies stiffen its a natural reaction I know mine does, and she would get a narc high out of the discomfort.


Yes. Almost every outing we have seenvideo clips of her a microsecond behind others in her reactions etc. because she has to process the visual cues of what "normal" people are doing. And then adds in gratuitous seal clapping and rictus gurning to draw attention to herself. "look at MeeeEEE, I am peopling!"


Omg I lol so hard on that last line but its so true thats the vibe 100%


Admittedly as Americans we can be a little too quick with some of that. However, the difference is most of us are perfectly capable of reading another person as to whether or not a newly-met person is similarly about it. And if not, we’re perfectly capable of adjusting, backing off, and understanding that with absolutely zero offense


#Hugging strangers is not acceptable anywhere


So, she didn’t ask Harry what was the proper etiquette when meeting his brother and wife? If I was dating someone new, and going to meet his brother for the first time, I’d be asking a lot of questions about what to do/not to do, so as not to make an ass of myself.


Hugging strangers is what she does. I think it is part of the superficial Hollywood networking behavior those who aim to scrape for better roles or positions do.


She does it to fake intimacy and physically control people. Her hugs are assaults. We've seen this on camera repeatedly.


Exactly. As if English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish people does have familial feelings. She wasn't even clever enough to throw that coldness and stuffiness on posho Brits.


Meghan doesn’t hug; she dominates.


Lol, she is telling them how they ‘should’ behave. Thats rich. Because she is so successful at…what? She has no track record of success at …anything? Especially at that point, she was an unknown average loser.


No, bRF doesn't do a scratch n sniff on their crotch in public nor done in front of the family when they're inside the home. It's not a formality. Just a respect of decorum and boundaries for others.


We don't find hugging jarring, we're a very affectionate people. We just don't want to hug her 🤮


In that clip, she basically admitted she wears a facade in public, even though her only task was to be polite and appear interested in the people and places she visited. Apparently this is rather taxing for her. She also implied that as far as the real royals go, what you see is what you get.


Yeah, there’s work settings and then settings when you’re with friends and family. And then when there’s meeting new people. It’s called etiquette.




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One really must actually like the person hugging you in order to reciprocate


Yes, there's been such a shift in the last week. Seems to be a genuine, but intentional, show of unity amongst the family. Catherine's appearance with the kids, the ascot with all the cousins and even the Middletons. William yesterday at the soccer game with the prince of Denmark. You just know Harry is seething with pettiness and jealousy and FOMO. The Harkles are gonna strike back soon, and it's gonna be ridiculous. ETA: *king


William was with his majesty the King of Denmark. 


Thanks for the correction!


I dare say Harry has taken notice and is likely seething in his room at the San Vicente Bungalows


His self pity knows no bounds. I fear he's never going to see the truth about how he and his wife have earned their consequences.


And that explains all of the substance use he so stupidly detailed in his stupid book.


Yes, I noticed that as well. Ascot was interesting to watch. In addition it seems that they make an effort to look more stylish. I love Zara, but there were times where her outfits were hit-and-miss while she now is always turned out impeccably. And while Beatrice and Eugenie sometimes looked like they escaped from a fun fair, they nowadays look quite elegant, especially Beatrice. And Camilla nails it every single time, she’s incredibly well dressed, with much attention to detail and fun elements.


>they nowadays look quite elegant, especially Beatrice. Beatrice makes a greater effort, because she doesn't want to look frumpy and unfashionable, next to her stylish, good looking Italian husband 😅and have netizens ask "what on earth did he see in her?". She's managed to do a very good job of dressing well since her marriage and I haven't seen any comments like the above on the Internet.


Oh my, William was such a cute, squishy baby. 🥰


And was able to be photographed full face, in crisp detail! Truly a wonder child!


That the King chose to use this pic for Wills happy birthday - omg, the cuteness!


I think the team behind the BRF and KC are doing things the "Charles" way now. KC  always was beat up by the media and now he has the chance to share glimpses of who he truly is. QEII came from a different period of time and did things the way she thought was best publicly. 


I saw a clip from the coronation rehearsal yesterday. The one where William kisses the wrong cheek. Harry and Meghan are full of shit.


Link please! I’d love to see that. And I loved when William kissed his dad during the actual ceremony, and Charles whispered “thank you, William”. I swear both men were near tears and I was already there. What a tender moment inside of an ancient ceremony! I’m sorry that Harry took the path he did. Maybe, as painful as I’m sure it was for the BRF, it was for the best.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1YgxqbSEEy/?igsh=MWNhNGxpMnVqeDIwZA== I saw just the top part. But I swear when Charles points to the other cheek, and William kisses it, KC kisses him back. I teared up.


Oh my goodness. I watched the coronation live even though I am in the US. That moment was very touching and deeply meaningful. And the rehearsal version was so cute. It was nice to see them having fun.


Be still, my beating heart. Thank you!




My favorite picture of all time will always be this one. https://preview.redd.it/gbl1v0tf9y7d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadbbc84c10fee319ad808bff5c329812da9e7e0 But yeah the King and the royals are unfeeling.


Same! It's full of love, complicity, laughter... and so *normal *!




Harry was right about families growing closer in the face of serious illness. The RF is closer, but not with Harkles, closer with those they can trust to return real love.




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It's not shade. They are just doing their own thing. Unlike us for whom the disastrous Harkles are a hobby, I really think the RF has completely moved on from them and don't give them a second (or first) thought in their day to day lives. William was such a cutie as a baby and child. Lovely photo.


King Charles as a cold person image was fully manufactured by Diana. She projected the image of the unfeeling, cold, distant royals.


What she wanted was to be voted King and Queen instead of everyone else. 🤭🤪 they’re not so bright


That never made sense, that Charles was cold. He was the sensitive one (along with Edward: Anne is caring and duo of integrity, but tougher) . That was what bothered P Philip and initiated the Gordonstoun debacle, to "fix" Charles. It was all wrong for him. People who tear up as Charles does are sensitive. Hardly cold!


Charles was overwhelmed by Diana and hid from her. Diana likely had BPD, which is a hard mental illness to understand, especially those suffering from it. I would like to think that Diana would have gotten the help she needed at some point, but unfortunately, she died so young. I feel bad for them both. They didnt stand a chance. Diana had such different interests from Charles, they werent compatable. She wanted to belong to a stable family, but didnt understand them. And the pressure to be the perfect couple, perfect family must have been so tough. Diana also had her head turned by oppertunistic con artists. Similar to Harry now. Harry doesnt seem to understand that Diana refused protection because of the lies told to her by a greedy reporter. William rightfully blames this for her mental health crisis and death. Harry has walked into the same trap. The media has ruined lives, Charles knew this, the Queen knew this, and they did everything they could to try protect Harry from it. It's geniunely so sad.


Yeah. My mother had Borderline Personality disorder, and it was hard.


Diana's string of boyfriends used her for their motives and didn't care a thing about her. Then her last boyfriend hired a drunk driver and told him to go speeding through Paris. Diana needed to stop trying to find a man who would make her happy. She needed to be alone with herself for a while and learn to make herself happy. But sadly her last terrible choice in a man ended her life.


I think they are more relaxed in public since the death of QE, but also I think they are a genuinely close family. This is what really ticks of H and M.


Even with cancer, public attacks, death and those two doing everything to disseminate propaganda and hate, the royal family are demonstrating dignity, fortitude, family solidarity and strength. I go by works, not words. Those two in Montecito (if that’s indeed where they live) are demonstrating that they can’t move on. Even if what they claim is even remotely possible or true, just a smidgeon of it, build a bridge (via therapy, personal growth, even pharmacology) and work your way over it. There’s no one making life difficult for them now but themselves. Why haven’t they moved on, established their own happy life with two beautiful, healthy children? Because they are two damaged miserable people who will never be accountable for their own lives or happiness. And that will not take you very far. (Also, I don’t believe ANYTHING propagated by these two - they’re proven liars and full time professional victims with the maturity and compassion of an old potato)


Back when William was a baby, there were some reports in the press that Diana wanted to shop for clothes and go out partying, while Charles wanted to stay home and play with the baby.


I don’t think Diana didn’t love her son but you got to remember she just turned 21 when he was a baby. So at that age, she wanted to have some fun. Charles already did the nightlife in his twenties back in late 60s/70s. It made sense why he wanted to stay home.


I was not criticizing Diana. I have no idea if the reports were true. I mentioned those reports to remind us all that the picture of Charles as cold to his children began after the “War of the Wales.”


I just turned 21 when I had my first child, I didn’t do anything for myself for a whole year, didn’t go out with friends. Felt guilty leaving her with anyone apart from me and husband. I know every person is different. Maybe I was a more mature 21 yr old.


I realize it’s fashionable to denigrate Diana. But come on.


I did not see it as denigrating Diana. I remember the reports about Charles enjoying quiet nights at home while Diana wanted to go out. That’s not suggesting Diana wasn’t a loving mother. I wish Charles had taken her out because they both loved dancing. Their marriage had potential, but the age gap, divergent interests, and divergent expectations destroyed them. Their love for their children is what they had in common. Edited 1st sentence for clarity,


My intention was not to denigrate Diana. Why shouldn’t she like to shop and go out dancing? I was just reminding that Charles’s interest in his children was generally known from the first, and that, in fact, some of the press was critical of Diana.


Not bugging a stranger isn't behaving formally, I think both were wary of her and acted polite and reserved.


And Meghan uses hugs as a lead in to sexual behavior, I’m sure. I think she was very hot to hug William. Catherine was an afterthought, imo, someone to be blamed when her seductive powers didn’t work on William.


Love this photo of William and Charles. So lovely with the birthday wishes.


Harry coming out to say how uncaring, unloving and distant Charles was in 3, 2, 1...…. 🤣


I love that they only used a photo with William 😂 I bet at times even Charles wishes his swimmers hadn't been working the night H was conceived


It's William's birthday.


Oh, in my mind Charles is still the PoW 😂🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ (even so they still could've used a pic of all 3 so my petty side is still going to call it a snub lol)


From this angle, the King looks like HMTLQ. And William is little Charlotte 🥰


My mom was just a few years older than QE2, basically of the same generation. Had my mom been formally running our entire family, whether she enforced her customs or not, our behavior naturally would have been a little more old fashioned than what's typical today. All Meghan probably had to do was consider how she'd behave if her grandparents were in charge. It could be quite subtle but it would be different. In the BRF, even more so. This has always been a tempest in a teapot.


William really was an adorable baby.


I remember this pic, I loved it then, and do so NOW❤️ 💛


Diana wanted the world to see the RF as cold and unfeeling also. Hmmmm……..interesting.


William was such a cutie pie as a baby :)


That is one adorable picture ❤️


It was such a stupid move of HaM. Even though Prince Phillip was known to be quite rigid with his parenting, he still knew how to be fun and relaxed. King Charles iii is known to be a very sensitive and kind person. Like all people, he has a full range of emotions. Everyone who has been around him says the same. He is kind, thoughtful, a deep thinker even, sensitive. Yes, he gets annoyed and angry, like all other humans, but he is the type of person that once he has said his bit it's over, he doesn't hold a grudge, or grumble and growl all day, week, month, holding onto the petty emotions and letting them rule his every decision and emotion in the meantime.


Are they just going to keep posting photos of William taken before Harry was born or what?


Thank the stars that Charles grew into his nose. Either that, or understands camera angles far better. Having said that…nice to see nice photos of a family!


I do think that Charles has *finally* grown into his looks. He's looking so happy & contented. And of course, dapper.