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“Only allows” the narc in her just loves weaponizing anything she possibly can I’m wondering if he has *ever* utilized FaceTime to speak with those children. Isn’t the king famous for refusing to even own a cell phone?


Yeah, she *tells* the King what to do. 😆


I don’t believe his advisors would allow FaceTime, because the Overseas could record and include it in their next documentary.


I agree. 👍




Not at all. it would have been sold to the highest bidder within 2 mins of going off line. I doubt any of the RF will engage with either of them at this stage.


I believe all communication goes through attorneys first and foremost. The BRF knows what the 2 of them are capable of, and therefore protects themselves so that nothing can be taped or used as a weapon at a later time.


If he did, there would undoubtedly be recordings of those correspondence. Which is why he hasn't.


You know the FaceTime would be sold to whomever has the bid with the most $$$.


I'm hoping the king sends them a grainy video of him baking in the kitchen and making an ARO lemon olive oil cake as a greeting




He could have his aides set up facetime he has had several ducj meetings with his charities/patronage but whether he actually facetimes with them is another matter. 


What's ducj?


Such it was a typo


Ok. I thought maybe it was an acronym I hadn't run across yet.


Thanks I was trying to work that one out🤣 




People around the Palace have confirmed that the Royals haven't ever met the kids. Just a glimpse of Archie from far away! So, of course, they have never facetimed! These speculations are ridiculous. After the Oprah interview, everybody in the RF refused to talk to H&M. The order was given to not engage with them, and if H&M forced themselves upon them, they should only talk about the weather! That was 3 years ago! Stop this jibbering about contact, phone calls, letters, meetings, and negotiations. Hazza has gate-crashed the King once and forced himself upon him. The King refused to be alone in the room with Hazza, and after 12 minutes, the "meeting" was over! PERIOD! All contact H&M has managed to get has been with the King's staff. Now, even some Youtubers are click-baiting with this nonsense about olive branches, conversations, and Harry's old "friends". They accuse the papers to have double moral standards but are using the same trick to earn money themselves.




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It was a landline. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-522508/Charles-Camillas-lovenest-bugged-Diana-inquest-told.html


Not verified so it’s a puff piece. They are desperately pushing the reconciliation narrative in California as they are desperate. They are trying to use the media to force the King but they are being ignored.


We’re supposed to believe they’re so important and busy that the King, with his duties and *cancer treatment*, will fly to California to meet strangers?


Yeah, I'm sure the King will respond well to those headlines. 🙄


Flying if your platelets are low Platelets are blood cells that help your blood to clot. Cancer treatment can lower your platelet count, so can increase your risk of bleeding. If you have very low levels of platelets your doctor might advise you not to fly. Check with your healthcare team before you book. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/coping/practically/travelling-with-cancer/when-not-to-travel


Absolutely, the whole time, my husband was being treated he had to have blood work twice a week. The doctor put a port in to make it easier.


It’s really hard for the whole family and I sympathise with you. I have lost my Dad and my sister to the same cancer in their mid 60’s but neither had chemo so that side of things I know about from colleagues I have supported through treatment. Thanks for sharing a bit of your experience, I hope it helps to talk. The King is undergoing regular treatments. He has a diary planned a year or so in advance. If he travels to another country it’s not just like he is like the rest of us, things need to be put in place. Can ANYBODY see William (+1, there needs to be 2) taking on CoS so the King can visit Harry? Then there is the security, a whole different issue, that needs top level planning. This is the worst reconciliation story yet.


Absolutely to the 2nd paragraph. King Charles would not travel against Dr's ir Queen Camilla's advice.


But they are such NARC cv*nts that they are pushing the narrative that MeMe the Nobody Twattlewaffle is telling the king what to do. Gimme a break, MeMe. Your narcissism shows in everything you touch.


He cannot just go to the US. He is a King. Security has to be in place and other arrangements, such as accommodation have to be made. Plus he would have to put up with her demanding stuff before he is even allowed access to the kids. This isn’t going to happen.


Any communication with the King will be sold immediately. Hairold’s royalness is wearing quite thin, she’s not royal at all, and she knows without the sheen of royalty they are lost. Her husband is viewed as a nincompoop, but he still has a little bit of “royal” left that she can squeeze dry.


She kissed him and turned him into a frog. 🐸




She would make it a circus and have wires and cameras all over KCIII. He would never give into such a request.


They like to put the narrative out that he is a weak man desperate to have a relationship with them and the children. But then we have the evidence of what happened on his mercy dash to see his father at the beginning if the year and how they treated him. Which he deserved.


And HazNone was on GMA the next day blabbing about his visit with KCIII. Do they not get it? Why would KCIII want to have his private calls with his grandkids plastered all over the TV and internet? I am amazed by their ignorance.


Charles is not stupid. He learned his lesson from the whole Camillagate calls debacle. There hasn’t been so much an outgoing answering machine message of him since then. There’s no way he’d set up a FaceTime with the Monteceto household.


I think there was a story the other day from someone in the British press (Eden?) saying bluntly: the King cannot go to the US in the near future due to being the King + in cancer treatments.


Probably. There is an election in Us later on in the year and as you say he is undergoing treatment. It’s just ridiculous that this keeps happening and then you have the media reporting on it their PR lies and it’s just ridiculous


Besides which, there is an US election. He wouldn't know who would be president. Second, he has to be invited, and perhaps he was before his illness changed everything. See, being *invited* - 👋not save the date cards👋- is what needs to happen for a State Dinner to take place. Third, he wasn't planning on going to the US until he had gone to Australia which he is very eager to do. Visiting the US is down in his priorities at the moment given current events. I do marvel at those whip-smart braincells of hers, I really do 😏🙄


Agreed. Even if it’s a private visit important people will have to know he is coming. They really are clueless.


And an ongoing campaigns in England also.


The Sussex hired a British PR specialist. Now there will be many articles about how the king begs Megan to show her the children.


MM's seething with angry jealousy, after seeing the loving warmth of the relationship between KC3 and the Wales' kids, especially Princess Charlotte. I'm sure that little fond, grandfatherly affection on the balcony of BP for Trooping The Colour, of KC3 for Charlotte, must've messed with MM's head. She's desperate to push the fake narrative that KC3 talks to her kids too. Edited to add: When it's Prince George's birthday next month, MM's new fake narrative will be the occasionally recycled hogwash that she is also his "beloved" daughter in law, because she's "Tungsten" and he was impressed by her unique, feminine strength and bla bla, fucking bla bla with an extra ounce of orange spray tan on it 🙄😂.


I bet her feet itch to be on that balcony. I’m surprised she hasn’t had one built at Montecito, as a pacifier of sorts. And I’m remembering that she couldn’t behave herself when she *was* on the balcony. Such a simple thing and she couldn’t manage it.


>I bet her feet itch to be on that balcony. Yup, she's always been desperate to be on that balcony. I remember lmao at her, the last time she was there because (according to BP) she wasn't supposed to be there. She'd claimed to be on maternity leave and not well enough to attend Trump's state dinner but a couple of days after, she was suddenly well enough to display her poorly dressed self on the balcony for Trooping The Colour 😂. She's such a poorly behaved individual, who's badly suited to attend state dinners and to appear on the balcony. I'm sure the late QE2 wasn't fond of every foreign prime minister or president she was asked to host, on behalf of the then British prime minister, but she kept her opinions to herself and did her duty. Even now, after she's died, we'll never know who she liked and didn't like or how she ranked them (except for the media making guesses that Reagan was her favourite because they shared a love of horses and she accepted his invitation to his California ranch) and that's because she was a classy lady - a true legend. Markle on the other hand, is a fucking nightmare for British diplomacy! She's never been able to maintain any discretion about her personal political opinions.


I’ve been watching a YouTube Hollywood Dead channel, about Robert Blake and it’s occurred to me how similar Markle is to Bonny Lee Bakley. Two born grifters who scam men for a living.


Omg Robert Blake from Hell Town and Baretta! I knew about his arrest but I never really read much about Bonny Lee. I'll have to Google her, especially if she reminds you of MM 😂.


Here, this video is pretty darned good, imo. [https://youtu.be/ah3sOSIG9uo?si=jSXkQ28N0oWv77hw](https://youtu.be/ah3sOSIG9uo?si=jSXkQ28N0oWv77hw)


Aww, thanks Deep. That's very thoughtful of you 🤗.


A former PR manager for Dog Food … the wet meaty type.


I wonder if the PR guy, Charlie Gipson, realizes now he is in over his head. I am sure he is being yelled at on a daily basis and cranking out these witchy stories on demand. He'll be out soon.


Don’t believe he’s desperate, don’t believe he Facetimes them, and don’t believe he is going all the way to the States to visit them. However, if Im wrong, I hope he stashes some DNA swabs in his hand luggage.


MM needs to stop with her cringeworthy fantasies, especially when the public is aware of how much the BRF is grey rocking her and Harry.


#Move the fuck ON Markle! They don't want to know you!


>Move the fuck ON Markle! >They don't want to know you! 😂 😂 😂 😂 She's worse than a bitter ex who can't move on and continues to be a stalker for years after the breakup.


Wonder if she drink dials the Palace at 3am?! 😂 (Of course that would be midday in Blighty.)


I would be surprised if she does the old ring and hang up as soon as the person answers 😂.


😂😂😂 Izzz Sharlllessss innnn... *hiccup, burp....


If there is any communications with the Lili and Archie, and I do not believe there is, it has to be super clandestine like, they get mailed a burner phone that self destructs and is operated by M16.




On William’s birthday. No coincidences here. He can’t wish good son a holy birthday with “rumours” exploding into the media that he’s desperate to see his his estranged son and son’s family. The jealousy is just so obvious it’s years now worth of things like this that I’m worried for the naive of the Squaddies’ pattern recognition capabilities. It’s like clockwork.


Don’t forget that the bells will ring in honor of William’s birthday. Harry isn’t eligible for that honor since the rules were altered several years ago.


As a bell ringer in England, that sounds interesting.


>On William’s birthday. No coincidences here. Exactly. The Monteshitshow Attention Hoe is desperate to project the fake narrative, on William's birthday, that KC3 really wants to see her invisible kids. In reality, however, she's been having an extended meltdown since Trooping the Colour, when Nacho's scamjam dog biscuit stunt was mocked by everyone, everywhere.


There's no way King Charles is using FaceTime, especially with H&M, who would undoubtedly record it and use it for god know's what purpose later. Talk about a security risk. Also, he's the freaking king! That's a government job with a lifetime appointment. A king doesn't just travel around visiting family.


What nonsense next? Charles is undergoing treatment for cancer. He isn’t going to be planning trips to see the Harkle children. I doubt he actually talks to them on Facetime, but if he does, it is probably enough. Why should he be desperate to see them in person?


I highly doubt he speaks with them at all, because that would mean having to interface with Rachel or risk leaks. Sadly, it's absolutely not worth it. The Harkles only have themselves to blame for their children's impending lack of familial connection.


Yeah, you know this isn’t happening because they would be briefing the press and releasing video footage.


I bet there´s zero contact with anyone from Montecito.


Only through attorneys.


Yup, of all the things that didn't happened, that one didn't happened the most.


Lol that's funny


I’m sure he’d love to have a proper relationship with his grandchildren—any loving grandparent would. I’m sure this is a great sorrow to the king, but the fact that this has been leaked at all is testament to the problems surrounding this relationship. His son and the horrible wife cannot be trusted. If there are any actual FaceTime conversations, she probably records them and will release them someday.


Is it possible that he just has no interest in seeing them at all?


This. I'm sure he would love to know his grandchildren, but has resigned himself to the fact that it isn't worth the problems and bullshit involved in dealing with their toxic parents, who have made it clear they are a danger to him and the rest of the family, and would publish/lie about the details of any interactions. It's sad to have to cut off family members when there are children involved, but sometimes you have no choice. The upside is that kids eventually grow up and start asking questions, and may seek out blood family on their own and ask for the truth. Unfortunately for those kids, Charles is getting older and has cancer, he may not be around when the Harklets reach that point. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Dutchess of Sussex, are doing their children a terrible disservice.




Good observation. He was limited in his recent D-Day remembrance attendance on advice of his physicians. And any visit to the US would be coordinated through the State Department, not Montecheeto.


Harry would be lucky if he gets another 10 minute meeting with the king at Clarence House


I doubt King Charles is desperate for anything, let alone to be in Meghan's presence again. She thinks that she has the upper hand with children, which is why she isolated them in the first place. If they're even real, which remains to be seen. We've how she's treated her own father, so her children are just a bargaining chip to her. What's stopping Dear Boy Harry from flying over to the UK with his children to visit his sick father? They're both so pathetic


King Charles is desperate to have zero contact with Markle.


Aren't we all


Wolfies mom made it very clear that children shouldn't be used and she was glad he had Beatrice. Blended families are tough to navigate. Imagine the heinous hell on earth that Markle is going to put everyone through. Gray rock her hateful insane BS.


I doubt Todger has the option of visiting KC with those unknown children. H & M burned all that down, no way back. Not for any reason.


Charles, who's the Head of State and is also being treated for cancer is planning to ditch his duties for a personal trip across the Atlantic to visit his odious and hateful son and daughter-in-law so he can see children he never bonded with. Totally believable. /s


Charles isn't stupid enough to do that and what? Have it recorded and part of the next documentary? I Don't Think So!


If we dry out this crap we could fertilize Highgrove. I cannot imagine any scenario in which the King would put himself in the position to have any conversation with their children to be recorded. How much do these articles cost them? *"Sorry Archie, you can't go to college we spent that money trying to convince people that the world was obsessed with how mommy shapes her eyebrows.".*


Yes, of course, it’s the King who’s desperate, not H&M. That doesn’t sound like projection at all. 🥱


An example of her trying to show she and only she is in control without realizing this puts the King in a favorable light. ![gif](giphy|Mu5z0V486orOZcsafn|downsized)


Can I just say that I ADORED Matthew Goode in A Discovery of Witches. Thank you for the reminder!!


So M pretty much exclusively communicates with anyone by letters, yet she expects us to believe the King of England does FaceTime with kids they have actively prevented from letting him see in person.


It's funny how, now that WME dumped megsypoo, she listens to their advice about being "connected" to royalty.... She couldn't have cared less about listening to the expensively paid-for advice while WME represented her, but now that they dump her, she starts grifting their ideas. At this point, we don't care if Charles comes to America or not. We don't care about whether he face times them or not. We aren't invested in the dawn kids, we don't care.


I think she didn’t realize the Hollywood lifeline WME was for her, even if they couldn’t get her work, they tried to get her to A list events (which she blew). I imagine the cold shoulder she’s getting now is brutal.




I don’t believe this BS. Charles, *the king*, isn’t traveling to CA to visit children he has been continuously denied. The Harkles specialize in emotional blackmail. This is more of the same.


I’m sorry for these poor children but I think the unanimous opinion within the royal family is that it’s safest to have no contact.


Even Eugenie might be following this wise advice now


She is desperate for a response so she can start a war of words! The grey rocking is working well!


She’s desperate to use someone else’s star power to elevate herself.


Most definitely. It seems like everyone has suddenly realised and are keeping their distance.


What kind of Harkle manifestation is this? I'm sure the King loves his overseas grandchildren, but let's be real, he has a lot going on at home as it is, and he's surrounded by love. Unfortunately, the Harklets are probably not high on the list of priorities. I'm very surprised Sky Australia is running this narrative, they're usually very anti-Harkle.


I don't think he loves them, because I doubt very much that there's been any contact. This nonsense about Facetime - are they merching Apple? - is just that. Nonsense. They didn't allow MM to dial in for Sandringham because they believed she would record it, for later broadcast. That fear is still valid.


Yes.  I'm sure he loves them in an abstract way because they are his but he probably knows he won't be allowed to form a meaningful bond with them so it might be less painful to not keep picking at the scab. He has allegedly said he won't be emotionally blackmailed wrt them.


Yes. I wasn't suggesting that KC didn't care at all, just that there is no bond. The older they get, the harder it will be to form that bond. Unless Harry comes to his senses soon, the split from the RF - for his children - will be permanent.


Exactly. I don't think they will ever be allowed near the Wales children though. I wouldn't let them if I were PPOW.


More so now, I would think. *When the stakes are this high. -MM*


Alright, every one get their boots on. Apparently, Australia has been invaded by sugars and we must stage an intervention. Hang on, Frens!! We're coming!!!!


Just because someone is related to you doesn't mean you automatically love them. Charles hasn't had an opportunity to bond with Arch and Lil, so to assume he misses them or yearns to be with them sounds like the kind of thing Meghan thinks he should feel (but truly can't grasp.) I suspect he is curious and open, but with all of the obfuscation surrounding the kids, he's not going to invest much emotion. At least, I wouldn't if I were he.


I’m calling bullshit on this story. How f$&kjng stupid do those two imbeciles think we are 🤦🏻‍♀️🤬🤣


These kids have NO grandparents (besides Doria but she gives me a bad vibe), NO aunts and uncles, and NO cousins in their lives. Alienation is a form of abuse and they are going to do so much damage to their children.


Do you have a link Op? Which reporter/journalist did that, please?


https://www.skynews.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity-life/he-is-angry-meghan-markle-only-allows-king-charles-to-talk-to-prince-archie-and-princess-lilibet-via-facetime/news-story/e128a121040d68a9cafcae688735552f No author is credited and the source is “a Sussex insider.”


So not even a "royal insider"? LOLOLOLOL. Sure, Jan.


Right?! I got a good laugh over that too. Oh boy, who could it be, who could it be? 🤔 We don’t have to be Nancy Drew to crack that case. 😆


The Sussex insider is always Megnut.


Thank you. I had hoped it was Rita Pannahi.


Come on, Rita would NEVER.


I just love her reporting and expressions when she disagrees. Her 'Lefties Loosing It' is priceless.


Madame's so jealous of George, Charlotte, and Louis she can't see straight. The access they have to the King, his fondness for them, their effortless good looks and elegance just like their parents. The father's day photo and now William's birthday photo has her seething. This PR nonsense is her way of injecting the invisikids into the narrative. She doesn't "allow" my ass. The King is indifferent, is my guess. As well he should be.


Plenty of opportunities for Harry to bring his children to visit their grandfather. But they haven't met either of their grandfathers. They are just pawns to Meghan.


You are so right. This is why they had the quickie wedding, she was old, and had to have enough time to pop out her heir and spare. She got pregnant really quick after her miscarriage, not usually advised.


I don’t believe she ever miscarried. Hence mythcarriage.


The only things she's ever popped out are turds. Not saying the invisible kids are turds but they didn't come from Rachel.


These type of stories just make TOW look desperate. Trying to make KC3 look like he's begging? Please, no more. What is far more believable is that all attempts from Montecito are rebuffed. No emails, no phone calls, no fancy calligraphy letters.


Only allows FaceTime as opposed to what? An old fashioned rotary phone? Lmao. Those kids don't talk to him, he doesn't have a cellphone. They have to make an appointment & every then I doubt they occur.


I doubt he's ever seen Lili. Having Charles facetime with grandchildren implies that Harry and Charles actually speak to one another


I thought Charles doesn’t have a smartphone and doesn’t text or FaceTime with anyone. I don’t believe any of this.


I would say neither of these are true and are puff pieces from "a source close to the royals" i.e. Meghan Markle's PR lapdogs.


Hey meghan...How's your father?


Why should should KC be “desperate”?? He is a married man with a wife, son, step kids, extended family and staff, very busy and working for his family Firm. He hosts major events and dignitaries on a daily basis and literally meets thousands every week when he attends events. So, why “desperate” to see MM and two kids who might not recognize him?




Sky News Australia has been anti-MM since Megxit, if not before. These are just to show her in a bad light. The word "desperate" is used here to pull at the heartstrings of parents and grandparents who empathize with him by imagining what it would be like if they were in his shoes. Sky News Aus has an older age demo. They are writing for their audience. There is nothing anti-Charles in either of these articles.


Just no. I’m sure the king wishes that he had a relationship with Archie and Betty but there is no way he would set himself up to be featured in their next reality show.


Meghan’s “Zak Bagan-esque” type reality show.


I don't believe it BUT at least this version makes her look cruel and not the other way around.


When exactly does the King have time to meet with grandkids he’s never met before?


There was a story in one of the tabloids that the King wasn’t satisfied talking with the Harkle kids on video calls. Engaging in any direct telephone or video calls with any Harkle’s would be dangerous for the King. The Harkles could record and edit the conversations to change its meaning. I would bet the King is still only conversing with Harry via lawyers. It’s the only safe way for the king to communicate with the Montecito moaners.


I seriously doubt this and I doubt he talks to them via Facetime either.


My goodness, how she scrambles! She's exhausting.


How does Charles FaceTime without a cell phone?! Pretty sure that feature is not available on landlines. 🙄


False. Considering it would be 1000x easier for non-working people with small children on summer break to travel to see Grandpa then for Grandpa, a head of state to have to arrange a visit this just smacks of the usual spin.


Especially while fighting cancer.


The "news" today has become nothing more than sepculation. Article after article "speculating" by some "expert" about what might happen...all to generate clicks and subscribers.


I have no insider track but I'm willing to bet my house this is utter rubbish


Let me guess I wonder who paid for this crap oh hang on that would Meagain the desperate for attention. sheesh she is sinking lower than the Titanic .


Sky News Aus is Piers Morgan-level anti MM. These articles and headlines put her in a bad light, not vice versa. I have never seen a positive MM or Harry article or clip on this news channel


Did Elser write these?


Hahahahahahahahaha omg this is hilarious!!!! Their desperation is delicious!!!!




First of all, if the children existed, Charles may care about them. Or not. He's a busy guy! King of the most powerful monarchy in the world!! And zoom calls with a child is ridiculous, especially when this doofus couple said they were doing it at like 1 year of age.


He's a head of state, for God's sake. As a head of state, he can't just enter another country because he wants to. Even for a short private visit, there many, many things that would need to be arranged. And all of that takes time. Besides which, as a head of state his diary is packed plum full for at least the next year and a half.


Omfg! I hoped Sky News had better sense!


Utter Bollocks


Never would happen the king is smarter than that


Regarding those 2 headlines: "I will take "Things that NEVER happened" for $500, Alex."


MeMeGain and dummy Harry are heartless bitches, so that is probably true. Charles being desperate is definitely a stretch.


Charles can’t visit children that don’t exist.


I got a notification on my phone today that the King is planning to visit the son in California. Yeah, right. ![gif](giphy|VeHLZWbb8P1caXcSRX)


God if anyone believes this, I have a bridge to sell you!


If this was true, then I’d say it’s time for Charles to step aside as Monarch because he certainly would not be putting his duties first.


It's not. How is this in any way believable?


I’m surprised at Sky News, usually they are pretty withering about the Sussex duo‘s antics on their YouTube channel.


Call me cynical, but I don’t believe either of these. Charles isn’t going to pop over to the USA, and why would he agree to FaceTime his grandchildren (Markle would oversee any communication) - it’s a ridiculous notion. If ‘A’ exists, he will most likely be asking to see his grandfathers…as he grows,his peer group (school) will be talking about their grandparents and so he’ll become curious. I’m still ‘confused’ about Charles‘s ’toast’ to ‘A - wherever he is’. Very odd. Edit - grammar




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I just saw this on Sky news. Can they ever shut up?


🐂💩. He isn't Face Timing them. The RF knows the Harkles would record any and all communications with them. The only way there would be any communication with the Harkles would be a formal meeting with Harry only and, after that 12 minute meeting with Charles, I doubt that will happen again. Harry didn't enjoy being frisked, run through a metal detector and everything in his possession confiscated for the duration.


The fake PR just keeps coming. Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex is desperate for attention. It appears she will settle for anything PR, she knows this is fake but thinks we are stupid enough to believe it


This is going to sound cold, but at this point I doubt the king cares about those kids. At least beyond a general, 'I hope they're happy and okay.' It's not the same as grandkids, but I have nephews I hardly ever see and...I don't sit around missing them. They're not close to me because I'm not around them much, and I like hearing updates on things like milestones, but it's a very different relationship from other kids in my family I see often.




This is just typical gaslighting of the press to make believe that the children live with Hanks and Skanks. And that they exist! The King has access to MI6, the Met, Interpol, and probably CIA and FBI as well. He knows where the "kids" are! But he's not interested in any contact until H&M have submitted proof of the births!




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They can never keep it straight.. so are you desperate for your kids to know family like the king but they are grey rocking you? Or is the king so desperate to see you he doesn’t? Or do they regularly talk but only on Meghan’s permission- she has to control their contact..? So then do you even want the connection? Make it make sense

