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I've got just the right remedy against their fuming issue: https://preview.redd.it/47e4ee9zmw7d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f99c884cd492304c25863d040000d6914db2de


I think you'll need a case of that stuff monthly with the crap they are peddling. # #FOHARRY&MEGHAN


Fumigate them.


#Move the fuck ON Markle!






I need to get that. Does Amazon carry? šŸ¤“




šŸ˜† šŸ˜ šŸ˜‚ I really need some of that šŸ˜‰


Thatā€™s so cute!


Does this ship to the US?


I believe Harry misses his country and his family. He was raised to attend events and interact with a lot of people, and now he sits in the same house with Meghan and Doria. And even Hollywood neighbors hide in the bushes so as not to talk to them. Harry should have listened to Thomas Markle Jr and not married Meghan. Meghan ruins everything. Meghan the Destroyer.


It's interesting how bang on both Thomas Markle Jr and Samantha Markle have been about Meghan right from the beginning. I remember becoming aware of them for the first time, after Harry gave an interview early in the relationship saying that the Royals were like the 'family that she never had'. As soon as Samantha came forward and said Meghan has a family and we've been here all along, I knew something stunk.


Reportedly Trevor made the same comment during her first wedding about the "family she never had." Meanwhile both of her parents were in attendance as were his (who allegedly were not enamored with Trevor's choice in life mates). Thomas and Doria were *right fucking there* listening to this drivel. It must have been incredibly hurtful to Thomas especially because he spent his best years working long hours to provide Rachel with the everything she wanted. His pain at the brutally callous way she's treated him over the last several years must be incalculable.


That is the moment when, as a parent, you realize your kid has completely trash talked you and thrown you under the bus. I'd bet Thomas also put money into that Jamaican wedding. What must she have told Trevor through the years for him to make that comment in front of her parents? She is the definition of victimhood. She grew up like a rich kid yet still needs everyone to feel sorry for her. I'm still shocked she managed to infiltrate the BRF for a short time. The Queen must have been appalled. You can see it on her face on their wedding day.


And she demanded that there would be no videos of the wedding and she wanted total control of any photographs.


You beat me to it, she rolls out that quip everytime there is a new victim .


I never liked her but my alarm bells were going off when she refused to invite her dad or her family to her wedding! I mean that must have been the biggest thunder red flag alarm bells for the RF!


They reportedly kept asking her if she was sure she didn't want to have anyone there but after the fact, she made it sound like she wasn't allowed to invite anyone. As if that would be true. She was embarrassed of her family and couldn't risk them mingling with anyone who might ask questions.


They are at fault for not scaling back the wedding to reflect her ridiculous guest list and earlier marriage(s). I think they thought it was going to be a PR masterstroke for them.


Can you imagine how she would have twisted a scaled down wedding, racist, blah, blah blah.


I agree.




They also know too much about the ā€œrealā€ Meghan Markle! She couldnā€™t risk them botching her plans of bagging a real life Prince and becoming queen of the world by telling Aitch and his family what sheā€™s really like!šŸ˜¬


I will never believe that she was not allowed to invite her niece and other family members. Oprah, Elton, Priyanka and Alexis Ohanian, for example, were much more problematic guests and she was "allowed" to invite them.


Or any black relatives. The queen asked where they were??? She thought it was strange. Mog did it on purpose so she could say....see look how racist the royal family are.


I remember that at the time (wasnā€™t it a radio interview?) - I remember thinking how upsetting and offensive that was to her family.


Yes - it was a radio interview. I don't remember who it was with but I distinctly remember getting a strange feeling when he said 'the family she never had'. Regardless of who her family was, that was quite an insult to them.


There was also her first marriage where her husband said that in a speech and her father was surprised that his son-in-law thought Meghan didn't have a family.


Harry misses the royal lifestyle. I don't think he misses his family per se if he were so quick to sell them down the river. He had an institution that essentially took care of all his wants and needs, filled his schedule, chauffeured him from event to event, and wrote his speeches. He could be the robot that he is on autopilot. Today, he has to make things happen on his own. And it has turned out oh so horribly wrong.


Yes, I think this is what he misses. Being in the limelight. People catering and tending to him. Didnā€™t have to think about earning money. He had the appearance of being liked. Thatā€™s all gone now and is never coming back and is all due to his own actions.Ā 


Harry never had to "adult" in his whole life. He was infantilized by the institution and I can believe he's having difficulty adjusting. He wasn't babied because he was special; he was babied because he's *special*. The man never had to pay a light bill, fill out an insurance claim form, or even shop for groceries. It's like setting a six-year old loose in the world to fend for themselves, only Harry has his babysitter in the form of the claw. He's become fully reliant on her because he is such a babe in the woods when it comes to playing the game of life.


As how so unintelligent Harry is, and how emotionally unstable, plus the drug use, it is horrific how he was given a chance to join the military and try to fly a helicopter. His presence alone can put soldiers at risk. Imagine having a stupid person in your squad or platoon.


Being "important" is what he misses




The worst thing for him, I think, is his lack of intelligence has been put on full display and heā€™s openly mocked.


I think it's fair to say that 'Hollywood' only tolerated her so they could meet a 'real life Prince' and that, on meeting with him, they were sorely underwhelmed.


Sorely underwhelmed, thatā€™s perfect. And lately Iā€™ve been thinking sheā€™s like Bonnie Lee Bakley.


True, but does he even realize that?


Iā€™m sure he senses, in a general way, that heā€™s treated differently, that heā€™s given the cheap seats and there are no invites to events with other people he feels superior to.


I wonder if he is even aware that he lacks intelligence.


Occationally, like at the NY Summit, you can see Harry looking around for the crowds that are not there.


He was surrounded by servants, aides, and general support personnel like a fish is with water. And like the fish, he had no idea there was any other form of existence. Combine that with being middle aged, transplanted to another culture and loss of his social circle - you could almost feel sorry for him. If he wasn't such an angry, incoherent, spiteful dumbass.


It is exactly this. Meghan telling him where to stand or pushing in front of him is beginning to lose its appeal by comparison.


Absolutely. He's just too proud to admit it.


I think he's too dumb to understand the root of his misery. It's his marriage and life with TW, but TW told him it's the BRF. Until his IQ abd/or awareness increases, he won't understand what part of his family (the one by marriage) that darkens his mood.


Yes, it's quite obvious that he's shrunk as a person since 2018. But even intelligent people can be extraordinarily good at denying their misery and the source of it, if it lets them avoid admitting they've made a life-changing mistake - often admitting it to themselves as much as other people. Harry is not very intelligent or self-aware, and what emotional awareness he thinks he has seems largely to be what's been fed to him by Meghan and her approved quacks. When you're dealing with unresolved trauma, it's true that things can get worse before they get better - and it wouldn't surprise me if he's being told/telling himself that any pain he's experiencing now is a sign that he's working through stuff from his past, writing off any suggestion that **someone** in his life now might be actively causing further damage.


The Sidley twins had a video up showing some of the footage from the Harkle mockumentary. Thereā€™s a scene where the wife says along the lines of ā€œeveryone is blaming me for Harry to fall out of his family and friends but he was thinking this way before we metā€ Can you imagine the nerve?! Waiting for the day when she gives interviews saying how everyone hates her and that sheā€™s an innocent flower.


Actually while I didn't watch the thing, in all fairness this I believe. He would constantly say to reporters etc how he wanted out for *years*.Ā  I remember when Charlotte was born he was at a charity event and a reporter asked how he felt being bumped in the LOS (I don't remember the exact words but that was the gist) but I do remember Harry's exact response was "good!"Ā Ā  Ā *This is why I think he planned to use her as his ticket out. He alwsys wanted fame and riches & he feels he's owed that as Diana's son*.Ā Ā  So her lies, about being a bona fide Hollyweird star as he put it, is what clinched the deal for him.Ā Ā  Meanwhile he wants to seal the deal as well becauase he was desperate for that "family" money and equality with his brother he felt he would get if he could get someone to marry him.Ā  So he tells her he's richer and more important than he is.Ā Ā  They both lied to each other and planned to use the other for their own needs.Ā Ā  The beauty is how they screwed each other and themselves over by this 'union'.


Yes I can remember the stories of him wanting out before he met Meghan. Stories about how the Queen would meet with him and make him promise not to quit


I imagine that it wasnā€™t because heā€™s an asset to the BRF but rather her knowing heā€™d do something like this and become an embarrassment that they canā€™t cover for.


Exactly! I mean, what else was he going to do?! Drugs? X Box?




Or he "just says no" to the drugs.


Drug free will not cure his low IQ.


Rachel Meghan Markle is a deranger.Ā Ā 


She's a soul-sucking, clawlike hands dementer. https://preview.redd.it/j7t4ykyzvx7d1.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f123b6a3ddd0de5520c66d25001dea4ce2f7455


People around him also looked at him with respect because that's what you do at royal events, now with the stage shows he's doing people aren't impressed and they talk amongst themselves, they don't bow to him, I could imagine he's probably seen people on their phones in front of him when he's up on stage having microphones ripped out of his hands. I can't imagine how it feels to go from taking for granted how people revere you to being seen as a B rate actor in dirty movie theatres. His whole existence must feel like that moment in the Bob Marley movie theatre when they had to sit amongst the commoners and no one cared that they were there.


I think of everything Harry has lost during this period, the loss of respect must hurt the most. Thatā€™s a direct hit to his very deep sense of self. Hopefully there is a neutral professional somewhere who can help him with some deep introspection. I think most people would agree that itā€™s better to be respected than liked. A lot of folks ( me included) donā€™t particularly like him, but I guarantee the wide majority worldwide have lost respect for him.


All true, except I don't think he's anywhere near Madam, Doria or or Monteshitshow.Ā 


I think I still have that tear for Harry which I bottled and put away. Found it! Oh, I see it's evaporated. Sad. šŸ˜” (Tear emoji refused to post.)


You always miss home.


Especially if you donā€™t have a safe and loving place to establish your own!




Depends on what makes home home to you.


In his case, I suspect itā€™s the drug supply that makes it ā€˜homeā€™ to him. While Iā€™m sure drugs are readily available in the UK, he would be monitored by his SECURITAY as a working royal. What Henry misses is the deference, adulation and Ā£Ā£Ā£.


As a South African, home to me is Thunder storms in the evening after a sweltering hot day. It's the smell of people having braais all over my neighbourhood on weekends. The wonderful people in South Africa. The smell of veld fires in winter. The smell of rain hitting hot dry sand. Fluffy blankets freshly washed and dried in the sun, and the smell of the sun lingering on the freshly washed blankets or bedding. The smell of fynbos. Air dried biltong. Saturday morning boerwors rolls sold at all the butcher's. My family, chlorine from swimming pools mixed with sunscreen, and the sounds of splashing of kids playing in pools while we braai. Sunsets after a game drive sipping an Amarula while listening to the animals. How the ocean air feels in my lungs and on my skin, with sand between my toes. Wimpy on road trips. And while weed is 100% legal and I do consume for medical reasons, that isn't something that makes home home to me. You can buy weed all over the world. But the other things are unique to South Africa. So that makes it home. Home is not the walls you are surrounded by or one thing you consume while you are there. It is a feeling.


A drug addict or abuser doesnā€™t feel that sense of home though, always looking for the next buy, no matter the cost or how much trouble it causes others. I was married to one. I donā€™t mean someone who drinks or uses cannabis responsibly, but harder substances.


Beautiful statement.


Thank you, I imagine it is similar for most people.


Yes. I'm in New England and my father is in Florida, wishing he could move back. He always misses "home".


I didn't realise until I got home now much I had missed it. But I am here now, and never leaving.


That's so beautiful!


Thank you.


Sounds so lovely!!


What a poetic and wonderful evocation of your home!


Pure poetry.


Pure poetry.


This is so beautifully written, thank you




I bet he misses rain. When you grow up with "weather", living in a climate where it is sunny and 70Ā° every day can be a bit disconcerting. Everyone I know who has made the move from New England to Southern California has been thrown off by this. They say it drives them crazy after a while.


I was warned against California for that very reason. In Canada we never stop checking and talking about the weather. It is frequently, where I am, a matter of considerable importance for comfort and contentedness. Sometimes even a matter of survival. Winter especially puts survival in front of our eyes. You really don't want to be caught out in some of our blizzards, or even just extremely cold days and nights. When the weather forecast says "frostbite in minutes"... You do not want to miss that info!


I'm sure! It can be very dangerous, and change in literal seconds. A storm can blow right in and change everything.


I live further north than before, and one winter we got down to 40 below zero Fahrenheit, which happens also to be minus 40 celsius, one of the few places where the scales ā€œmeetā€. I had never seen the thermometer that low. I took a screenshot of it, the on screen thermometer, for my US friends. But I stayed inside!


I can't even imagine what that feels like, and I've been skiing in some pretty cold temps!


Brave! I got scared tobogganing. Not sportyšŸ˜¬


I never lived in true tornado country. Always thought that was so scary.


Instead of the weather, we"ll talk about how long the commute was.Ā  Or, when it rains "1/2" - 2ā€, we can't drive and lose our sh8t on the freeways. The news will title it "stormwatch". You can't make this sh8t up.


All people and places have their strengths! šŸ˜ø


Harry was thinking with the wrong head.


I absolutely believe Harry misses the UK. I love the UK, and grew up around British expats. But at the end of the day I'm an American, and while you adapt to being in another country, there are still things you miss because it's not home. And SoCal is very much the opposite of UK life. I think every time he goes back to the UK for something, that really gets hammered home to him. And yes - all his friends and family are back in the UK. She has effectively isolated him, and it's clear he's always been a social person. It has to be gnawing at him these days.


Lol I just had this vision of rich people walking there dog or something spotting the Sussex and literally diving in the nearest bush head popping up 5 minutes later leaves in there hair followed by a dog head branch in mouth looking at each other like is the coast clear ...sorry im super visual reader


"Back away people! Move back!" šŸ™„šŸ™„


Nah they both just want to be acknowledged by the royal family because theyā€™re being snubbed by everyone else that matters. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If someone writes a fantasy novel based in the 800 A.D. table 12 could be the inspiration for any of the evil characters.šŸ²šŸ²šŸ²


Not only was Harry warned off by his own brother, he was warned off by his girlfriends brother. You would have thought that even a dim bulb like Harry might have stopped to ponder.


The Markles will have to accept that their correspondence is of limited importance to the royals. Life goes on without them, new alliances were built, ranks are closed. Edited typo


Labeled as spam and blocked.Ā 


šŸ˜ I first thought of the canned Spam and had an image of Harry with this label around his waist in my head. https://preview.redd.it/76l101i3rw7d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=3459200221daf0526ca2e73f51ec180a67d4ea2f


Harry as Spam. It works! Both are cheap imitations of the real thing. Fry up some spam with a golden crisp and the coloring is orange and pink - just like Harryā€™s coloring! BTW - growing up, my mom used to fry spam in I Canā€™t Believe Itā€™s Not Butter and it was quite tasty!


Ask the Hawaiians! Itā€™s their unofficial state food and they do some actually really tasty dishes with it!


YES!!!!! I had spam sushi years ago on vacation in Hawaii. It was delicious! And I got it from a gas station šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m quite nostalgic about spam, it was a childhood staple for camping trips and as an emergency supply.


spam is too precious for that..it does not deserve to be lumped with mr.markle..


You know, even though itā€™s so iconic, and I was such a Monty Python fan, Iā€™ve never had it. Well, I was vego for years and been vegan for 17, but never had it even as a kid!


I saw a cart at Costco that had a ton of spam in it and wanted to see who was buying it. I pondered is the person buying for a restaurant or a big old spam party or maybe a prepper loading his bunker or are the sample people getting ready to sample spam. The shopper was Asian. Certain populations use it as a staple because of WW II like Asians and Hawaiaans. I thought that was interesting. I have only eaten it a few times in my life.


[https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/jan/17/suspiciously-delicious-undeniably-asian-four-ways-with-spam-recipe](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/jan/17/suspiciously-delicious-undeniably-asian-four-ways-with-spam-recipe) Sorry this has gotten so off topic.


Hehe, I came here for the snark, then stayed for the spam šŸ¤Ŗ




This is a very educational sub, you gotta admit. Plus I can 100% see Meganut appropriating spam too. ā€œBack when I was young, living in LA during the race riots, when my poor family was struggling and needed a protein-rich staple that fit our budget, the whole family had to share a single can of Spam, purchased with wartime ration coupons.ā€


Same here; fried spam was in regular rotation at my house.


Wonderful Spam! Spamity, Spam! Spam and eggs. Spam and beans. Spam & jam? (Nah. That sounds revolting) https://i.redd.it/v6zjcp0n3x7d1.gif




Lovely spam I miss Monty Python. ā€œItā€™s just a flesh woundā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tis but a scratch!


She turned me into a newt!!! ā€¦ I got better


"You're a loony!" šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|HfJdu4HABDU3e)


I always eye the coconuts in the fresh produce section with this in mind!


ā€œI got betterā€ Im SUCH an MP nerd, and love anyone who comes out with such a quote!


Ba ha ha ha!!




I'll have spam, spam, spam, spam, tomahtoes and spam.


Spam, and ā€¦ more spam!




ā€¦and ā€˜Spencerā€™ prior to thatā€¦


And any new posts on the Sussex site? On the ARO site?


I love the expression ā€˜ranks are closed.ā€™ Suits Hā€™s situation perfectly.Ā 


Sooooo now they didn't "snub" going to ToC? Ppffffttt


So the family he has openly and publicly trashed didnā€™t respond to his text ASAP? Lol


So Norma Desmond, well except she was a big star previously, which Meghan Markle could never. Diva demands, though? Oh hell yeah!


Lol They always do this... I'll be nice now, so give me attention or else. Abuse




Had they received a peep, even from a private secretary, they wouldā€™ve had a tiny bit of fuel for their ā€œwill they or wonā€™t theyā€ stories.


Exactly! Even a generic ā€œthe king thanks you for your concernā€ reply would be exaggerated into KCIII being more grateful than anything ever in his whole life, the lines of communication being opened, etc etc. BRF knows better. Gray rocking is the only way.


*scrawled in crayon with jam stains on the back of an overdue security bill* ā€œDear Pa, Send money. Plenty of stuff for new book, and plus, you wonā€™t see your grandkids - again! Will take personal cheque or bitcoin. Meg handles the bills, so put it in her name. Doria says Wills doesnā€™t even need all that duchy cash, and you owe me because you didnā€™t hug me enough. Love, Harryā€


Wonder if they didnā€™t get a response to the ā€˜well wishesā€™ they sent to Kate. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/Qk3r6g4FIS


Yes, I think this was it. Perhaps they wanted a response so they could leak it during the ToC festivities.


Normal people donā€™t expect a response to everythingā€”the only thing I want a response for is an actual gift. Thank you notes seem to be a thing of the past.


What? The "correspondence" the morning of The Trooping?.............And probably saying to delay it until they get there? ............ I see.


Written in Meghanā€™s graffiti-ligraphy.


Again what correspondence. They know that they have to give 30 days notice so that they can get NFIā€™d




Meghan has also leaked letters left and right and can't be trusted. Any royal response to a letter, email, or text would have been blasted to the world. They're just sore they're being ignored. Lol


Amazing how their correspondence to the BRF arrives immediately but their cheques to the tax department take the long, long, long route.


Those cheques are going via snail mail


Harrybkniws when trooping the colour takes place and he knows how much notice he needs to give for security. So what's the problem?


Eh, Harry said he didnā€™t like England years before he ever lived anywhere else. He was running his head. Iā€™ve got no problem believing heā€™s homesick.


This. Like most kids that say they don't like something till it's taken away, then they desperately want it back.


Itā€™s all puff. More puff to stay relevant. They donā€™t realize they are just mocked, not even pitied (which Meghan loves to exploit).


So gray rocking really works with narcs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gray rocking is safe and effective defence against a narcissist like the wretched meghan markle as long as the narcissist is 5000 miles away. With closer encounters there is always some threat of flying potteryĀ 


As H.G Tudor said. "The Royals have a **total** no contact regime" so no way would they be bothered by Harry and Meghan on Trooping the Colour.


It is not easy to do. People often can't maintain it very long if access to kids/grandkids/pets is being used to manipulate them.


Their lack of self awareness is just so fvcking astounding. That they accused the King and the Princess of Wales of racism and then get offended when their calls arenā€™t returned? ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)


They are always fuming. After a while nobody cares. That while passed a few years ago


I wonder if she even flings herself to the floor in tears anymore?


What exactly was the correspondence? Hey, if you need us to appear at Trooping, we are available. We'll require a private jet for our security, of course. Outriders and blacked out Range Rovers will also be necessary. We also want guest quarters at Windsor Castle. I (Haz) will be riding on horseback too, so dust off my military uniform. We want to be first row, next to the King on the balcony. Let us know when to show up. Signed, the dimwit duo.


By all means, keep on fuming but stay the hell away!


So full of themselves. There is NO need for any correspondence šŸ˜†šŸ˜† there is nothing to talk about. U have been grey rocked for like forever!!! Dang! The narcissism is insane with these 2 šŸ™„šŸ˜¬


So H does realise this was not Charlesā€˜s real birthday right? This was his official birthday and he had a pretty busy day. His real birthday is in November so how about a private happy birthday then Hazza?


They really are delusional - they still don't understand why everyone is pissed at them.


Itā€™s a narc thingā€”my brother doesnā€™t understand why we avoid him. Itā€™s frustrating.






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lol they are the Duke and Duchess of Karen.


They tried to reach Catherine. Like hell she would take Meghan Markle's call. But still we have hoards of article about MM trying to end the feud.


The secretary took it. https://preview.redd.it/8b81ofvhr08d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26be80faf966f33e97baa956e9be5f35d538ab5b


This is her PR. Really see a divide in the PR these days


Their correspondence...beige paper with a pretentious crown and FROM THE OFFICE OF THE MIGHTY OVERLORDS MEGHAN AND HARRY, HRH THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF SUSSEX, ALL HAIL! Or maybe just a gold insectoid logo, antennas and legs all over the place. Written in the fauxligraphy she so loves, with the curlicues on each letter. Worst of all, the contents: demands and thinly veiled threats. Too bad it sat in the inbox for days, ignored and unwanted like her jam.


Being ignored CONSTANTLY by the BRF keeps those two losers awake at night. And I love it!! ![gif](giphy|Rkt9N7lIm1IsKnh3tZ)


Can someone please enlighten me with a time in the past 6 years Aitch and his disgusting wife havenā€™t been fuming?!




Yet another clapback that tries to show Harry is living his best life and the RF is all to blame ![gif](giphy|AsdPD9szg2mW5QCCWN|downsized)




As if they would respond to them. All they would do is demand this and that. Stuff off you made your bed go and lay in your pair of lazy grifters


Theyā€™re fuming cause Rachel wanted to leak the contents of their response to coincide with her jam flavored dog treats.


Another ā€œexclusive sourceā€, blah blah blah. Iā€™m way over it with these tabloids and their unnamed sources. From now on, AFAIC if thereā€™s not a named source, goes in the trash. This is past ridiculous. Here, itā€™s not even clear if Barkjack is repeating a tabloid entry or reporting this themself. In any event, I think itā€™s šŸ’Æ made up til I see some actual proof.


Everything from that twitter source is cobbled together and retro-fitted and made to sound as if they have some amazing insights and sources. They've got no more than any other sinners reading here.




Charles said šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•


Everyone, if one does not live in a cave, knows nothing from them would top the first public appearance of Catherine. At this point any attempt would be in vain, so why even try it.


When is the couple NOT fuming?




WTF do they want ? It was made clear to them that there would be no half in, half out BS. They chose to walk because they thought themselves above and beyond Duty, hard work, allegiance, and truthfulness. They slammed the door on their way out, and the Royal family nailed the door shut both ways. The Royal family has pulled up the Drawbridge, dropped the Portucullis, and manned the battlements in readiness for any assault from the self banned morons. So there is no way back


someone is always fuming ... either Rach or Hank


All this is speculation at best.


Justice for all doing the lords work on that post. ā€œWhat do you mean My English is limitedā€ is 100% SNARK. šŸ˜‚




Boo Hoo F off TOW




Homesick ? Donā€™t worry mate, we are sick of you. Donā€™t think of crawling back.


Wrong number Harry. I think they have his number on block and are ignoring him going forward.




Begging for an invite to Trooping