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The only one that matters to her is the United States, and it's also the WORST. Her popularity has plummeted here.


American has real movie stars if we want to obsess over a celebrity. American doesn't need her and doesn't want her. We are just stuck with her.


And we don't view her as royalty.  Her husband is royal but not Meghan Markle🤷🏽‍♀️.


Exactly this, I don't view her as Royal at all and to be honest I barely consider Harry Royal anymore either. He's truly become "just Harry."




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To be honest, Harold is of royal blood, but I just don't see him as "Royal", if that makes any sense. Mike Tindall, on the other hand, may not be of royal blood but I think of him as Royal.


Yes, and the real Stars aren't running around like drunken emu's besmirching the American name


Yeah. We Fucking hate her guts here. Not one person I know likes her. Huge dive from when she got married.


It's time for the Horrids to move on.🇺🇸


She never wins the popularity polls in the US, ranked lower than her husband, lowest among the four. But her fans are the most vocal about her being popular.


Her fans aren't very bright.


She's flatlined!


No one other than the sugars have an interest in MM. She keeps trying to make “it” happen for her brand but bottom line is that she is unlikable with no marketable talent or skill. She was pretty much an unknown to most prior to H and her antics from the beginning such as threatening to break up if he didn’t publicly acknowledge her as his gf, her poor behavior during royal engagements, her lack of basic ettiquete and the way she has treated staff/public/the RF/her father, her nonstop lies and her creepy SWF-like obsessiveness over Princess Catherine… its all painted a clear picture of who she really is. Yet she expects the public to fawn over her and see her as Diana2.0 -the new “people’s princess”… but the public is not blinded by her golden lady bits as H is and can see right through her as a fame hungry Hollywood wanna-be. She can try to rebrand and rebrand and continue to spend an absurd amount or money on PR but it’s pointless when you are simply not liked by the people you are trying to sell yourself to. ![gif](giphy|xUNd9Wd8iNaRwGyPCM) Edit: spelling




She has exhausted the public with her constant need for attention and validation. It’s pathetic really.


And sick of their hypocrisy and preaching, while living vapid lives full of excess. Their grifting, pathetic, poorly conceived and executed ideas attempting to build a brand consistently fail. They managed to make themselves less than irrelevant. They are a laughingstock and a joke.


When is she going to give up though? Is she still going to be somehow worming her way into events and trawling out the dish soap story in 5 years? In 10 years will she still be promoting ARO, sending jam to an ever decreasing circle of z list celebs no-one has ever heard of? It's hard to imagine what the future looks like to her. Or maybe it just doesn't look like anything because she only thinks in the moment. Will she ever run out of steam? Maybe H G Tudor would know. 🤔


You have hit the nail bang on the head there!


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Wow biggest drop in the country she’s trying to have most impact in. lol I love this for her!


Their pr is just too much get sick of just looking at her name definitely not worth reading any more lies she puts out


And she can't even put out an interesting lie anymore, it's just rehashing the same thing over, and over and over. South Park had it right... blah, blah blah, VICTIM.


The graphs show interest, not whether it is positive or negative interest. All publicity is good if you are beloved. The wretched meghan markle has not suffered from popularity. At least not since she left the yachting world.


🤔Before the Andrew thing was settled out of court, why did Virginia Guiffre’s lawyers say that they could possibly call Meghan as a witness??”


That there was the masterstroke that got Virginia the payout. The family shut the case right the F down at the mention of Markle's name. Tells me they thought Andrew had a chance of winning the case against Virginia but that Markle/Harry/the BRF's reputation was at risk if Markle was actually called.


As my mother would say, “She is no be than she should be” 🛥️🍆🛥️🍆


☝ And the ridiculous account in WAAGH that TOW thought that Andrew was HMTQ’s butler. That’s what I really dislike about H & M - they think that we’re stupid enough to buy this fucking Bullshit.




THIS!!!!!! It must come out!!!!




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You know she’s looking at the graph wondering what caused the spikes…. Maybe African Parks? Near catastrophic car chases?


And vacuous 


I wonder why she bothers with pr anymore. First she hires a pr representative especially for the UK to improve their profile, then she can’t resist and tries to upstage the two most popular members of the royal family, who at the moment both go through gruelling cancer treatment, with a jar of jam. And with this malicious attempt to spoil Charles and Catherine’s day, simultaneously surrenders one of the last couples standing up for her and Harry, the Nachos, to public anger and ridicule. And thusly with her negativity and destructiveness provides the perfect contrast to let Catherine’s virtuousness shine even brighter. Honestly, if I were her pr representative, I’d quit due to hopelessness.


Here’s an empty basket, make me a star!


Makes you wonder how desperate the folks taking her on as a client/going to work for her are in the first place. It's not like there hasn't been years of documentation detailing her utter inability to let other people handle her PR/PR people getting made to look like incompetent asses on the regular by Marke.


I'd probably need stiches from banging my head against a wall.


Definitely. At least I’d burst a blood vessel.


It's a compulsion. She can't stop herself.


She has a borderline personality disorder and cannot be helped. - this is not a mental illness. Check out ‘The New Evil’ by lovely Dr Gary Brucato


Dr. Brucato is a genius!


Top dinner party guest would be Dr Gary - have you read ‘The New Evil’? I am about three quarters through - it’s a tough read


I listened to it on audiobook.


Check out The Witness Box podcast


Thanks. That’s where I was introduced to him!


You'd have to be totally crazy to think of overshadowing an event like TtC with dog biscuits


Nobody needs to search for her, she's already in our face every day with her nothing stories.




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Thai isn’t shocking. Meghan and Harry keep cycling through the same 3 sets of news stories. It’s boring and increasingly irrelevant because nothing is unique and there are no actual projects. Excluding the Kardashians and Z-list space fillers, most A-list celebrities cycle through the public consciousness. They have a project so they do stuff to attract public attention. Then they let the publicity die back down so people pay more attention when they have the next project to promote. They also don’t feel the need to promote every minor charity donation. Meghan and Harry expect A-list move attention for every little thing that do and it’s boring. So is the one-sided fight with the royals. The royals haven’t played and are not going to pay the tit-for-tat game so it just makes M&H look stupid that they are trying to play that game.


I think her late MTQ had a soft spot for Harry and kept inviting and reaching out to him. The rest of the family after the last two years are done. And have just gotten on with life. I have to admit since H&M's crap, I really enjoy following the Royals. I hope everyone is having an epic time at the TS concert tonight.


That stupid vapid display for all to see charity event they did in giving money to the young kady( I forget what for 🤔) Why make a public display of it??? Right, I know! Desperate for any kind of attention!


Agree with the OP--- interest in Meghan and Harry has faded. Nobody cares anymore. These two people are **B.O.R.I.N.G.**


She has the attention span of a gnat when she finds a new project and she constantly goes back to how she is being mistreated or their is someone out to get her.


"she's like a humming bird on 12 Red Bulls" -Proper Wiseguy


They expect us to be wowed by them, even though they don’t do anything worthy of notice. The only thing they are famous for is lying.


>They expect us to be wowed by them, even though they don’t do anything worthy of notice. The only thing they are famous for is lying. And for being talentless, for having their heads up their self important butts, for causing drama, for looking unwashed, for looking unwashed while being talentless and causing drama. LOL.


Not to mention blabbermouths.


Unreliable blabbermouths at that. They were getting debunked with 11 lies before Oprah finished airing, by the following morning it was at 27 lies. Imagine if it hadn't been scrubbed from the net how many lies would have been found by now. So they literally blabber rubbish or their skewed victims mentality version of things that is so far from reality, its in another galaxy. I mean now there's a letter to prove that HMTLQ actually supported continued security for them, but is aware its not her decision. There's another lie that we couldn't prove back then but can now. The more they blabber, the more they reveal themselves as liars, don't get me started on Spare ... the existence of Xbox or whatever 3 years beforethey existed, the incorrect location he was when he received news of,  i forget whose passing at the minute, he didn't even have the season correct. The disclaimer in the front basically admits his life story isn't verifiable fact but its his memory so its his truth (paraphrasing) I mean if your going to be a blabbermouth tattle tale at least tell the truth ..... the fact they have had to lie so much leads me to believe they had no factual complaints. Because meghan would have been keeping stock if there was actual real things same way she held onto the POW text messages 2or more years later for print but all the Princess was saying was Charlottes dress didn't fit , it was benign. Told out of context.... surely you want all your wedding party to properly fitted. Those years old text messages released years later prove if they had a single bit of proof which they don't,  they'd print it. The lies prove there was nothing real to complain about. Well that turned into an almighty rant didn't it.




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And moochers! Can I use your private jet/vacation home/yacht? Can you post my jam and tank your own reputation as a favour to meee?


I said this too , big liars . Woulnt believe the radio if it was on their house !


I have The Body Language Panel on in the background while I pack for a trip, and one of them is remarking over PH saying his job now is to take care of his family. "That's just what good men do. That's what everybody does." But PH says it as if it's some kind of grand destiny. They want top praise for doing basic things.


I watched the Body Language Panel about Jam Tart and Ginger Nuts, it was so obvious that Greg loathed harrold. He didn't want to discuss him at all.


Haha Greg said he would rather drink motor oil than talk about the BRF. He's also US military, and I have never heard of any of them having a good opinion of PH.


He spilled tea about what Harry actually did in the military too


Tell us pretty please?????


It was this https://preview.redd.it/e3qlsmcw438d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5fe334751463c175de519d03424b08e4071d04 More here [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/ibyMcp7bHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/ibyMcp7bHQ)


Greg was the one who said he thinks Harry has the mental age of a 12 year old.


And, when are they home, with the kids, or each other? I think Hairold is playing video games instead.


I believe that too.


Sometimes I have to wonder if he has an aide sitting next to him working the controller while Harry holds onto his bong and says "shoot this guy, run there". That way there's someone else to blame when he gets his backside handed to him by random 10 year olds on the internet.


I almost feel bad for the guy, but I don’t.


Great point!


Not just lying, remember being a victim.


And grifting


That too.


Especially in the US, and that is where they live and want to work. The US does not care about them at all.


No we sure don't! We want them to sink into obscurity!




I've noticed an increase in the "nobody cares" type comments every time a puff piece gets posted and I love that for them. Funny how we're not hearing anything else about Nacho and the scamjam though, innit?


The internet is going crazy with the PoW and his children going to the TS concert 😂😂😂


Her popularity is decreasing because we see right through her.


And most people are totally sick of her, because she's disingenous and pretentious.


We need a simple word or acronym to just capture the entire universe of malfunctioning negative character and personality defects she possesses. She’s like a Black Hole that sucks up every negative behavior known to man, which she then takes and manifests as some evil conglomeration of what’s inside her sick persona.


>We need a simple word or acronym to just capture the entire universe of malfunctioning negative character and personality defects she possesses. Yup and we can add it to the never-ending list of nicknames she's got 😂.


And she won't go away.  She reminds me of an annoying fly around, when you are eating something outside and they just won't leave you alone.  




Its not even just popularity. Unpopular/controversial people still get lots of searches.  Its pure disinterest. And its beautiful. 


How about 'aversion'? If you mention Harry and Meghan Markle, people groan and say something like, "No, please don't".


How true! And how perfect!


Nobody cares about Meghan Markle and Harry. They are boring and uninteresting people who are obsessed with themselves.


I’m bored with Lolo. Though mildly intrigued as to how deep she can dig a hole for herself.


We have both been here for a long time.


Hear hear!


It's more like a "For Pete's sake take a hint" kind of thing at this point. 😒


She's dead, Jim.


"You take her wallet, I'll grab her watch".


She's too stupid to be interesting or creative. She can't even do drama well enough to be interesting. She's boring. It's why she never hit it big in Hollywood during her young and vital years. She doesn't have that it factor. She was basic pretty and basic talent.


Boring attention whores. The worst kind.


Yup the ones that always always have some self inflicted complaint or drama that is the most important thing


You know, for the most part, when you have a reputation, good or bad, there is usually truth behind and it’s been earned in some way. Meghan’s reputation is awful, and appears to be very rightly earned. Multiple people. Multiple times. Multiple scenarios. I can think of less than a handful of people who know her personally and have anything nice to say about her. In our modern era of internet and social media, that kind of reputational damage is near impossible to shake. She may as well have her backside branded with a cattle iron, because she will always be marked with the stigma of being a nasty person.


I’m surprised the numbers are as high as they are! I never hear anyone talking about them. And my friends know I’m interested in the royal family.


The only reactions are groans and eyerolls.


We're the only ones keeping her famous.


This is why I still won't be using her name or title in my comments.


You might be right!


They are sinking fast than the Titanic. People are so over their lies and utter bullshit they put out. Also their will they or won't they. It feels like I am back in primary school. These two know they are almost gone as no more money is coming in. Hence fake tour. ( love to know how much IG paid or Archscam) The constant saying they want to make up with the Royals, when they damm well that will never happen, just to make them look like they are caring and trying. People see right through them now so no matter what pr or stunt they do no one will believe it or really give a shit about them. If even they ever parade the so call kids.


True, we’ve seen the Wale’s children grow up, and it’s fun to see how they change. Even if I liked H&M, just seeing a random picture of a 5 year old with no comparison of what they looked like a year ago just wouldn’t have the same impact on me.


And that's another thing about Meghan and Harry: They never change. No "new looks" to debut- no new hair styles or hair colors; no new anything. Just boring same old same old. No new projects, nothing exciting. Always the same old boring "Pay attention to me" bullshit With pretentious affected behaviors and word salad signifying nothing. They're just not relatable. Period It's like trying to watch someone... collecting stamps. 🙄


Also, the warm and loving interaction William and Catherine have with their beautiful children is so authentic and heartwarming.  I can't imagine Meghan being anywhere near Princess Catherine in that respect.  Catherine is definitely a good mom and she is so good with other kids as well.  Meghan just gives me a creepy feeling anytime I see her interacting with any children.  Archie and Betty are probably having a hard time trying to please their never satisfied mom.  


“… lies and utter bullshit…” sums it all up very nicely.




Literally and figuratively.


She is nobody, she is nothing. The sugars are a tiny number of people. The only thing that was special about her, she walked away from. She thought she would have a billion dollar brand without the Royal family. She is quite crazy. She is nothing.


>The sugars are a tiny number of people. They are the epitome of a very vocal, very annoying, very dumb minority.


Exactly! And although she needs the Sugars they are not the people she wants to be seen with - she craves the acceptance of Hollywood and the US political elite and is not getting it!


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South Park really killed them in the U.S. it defined them as laughable hypocrites to the majority of the public. They've been a joke ever since.


I think so too. I know people want them to do another episode, but anything else is just giving them attention they don’t need.


Yes they sure have!


In meantime would be interesting to see catherine search


https://preview.redd.it/3des6ckwxz7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a79e5a3e571e058c0b3000ba6a4d70e0f986e4 Catherine is red. 😂


Good job! Great post


Great post! I would also love to see the numbers on Kate Middleton vs. Meghan Markle since so many of the tabloids and magazine absolutely refuse to call Catherine by her preferred name.


https://preview.redd.it/sdy9u1og508d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21048082da3b8fbf43d25180654cf42b5e92bea7 🙂


This is not absolute numbers, this is percentage. Would be interesting to see absolute numbers.


I think the terrible thing is that the spike is probably the 'Where is Kate' BS. Even without that, Catherine still has more interest in 2024 than Mememe.


What’s up with Canada and the broken line?


I didn’t get that one either.


Came here to ask this first too. I highly doubt she suddenly had a spike in interest in Canada to the extent depicted by the mysterious dotted line. Maybe it’s meant to signify the level of interest she could have attained if she wasn’t a malicious grifting narc?


It represents the blizzard we all want to push her out into. The broken line is falling down from the right, not up from the left. /s


I like seeing that my fellow US residents in the poll aren't very impressed with her. 😂


Me too!






I'd be interested to see interest in Harry as if he's going down she really has no hope of coming back and neither does he


https://preview.redd.it/z0evk92hxz7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc42d9a49c44147216c51ad643f1f90c6803b21 Here ya go!


Thank you for all your work


You're awesome thank you! 😊  It's like watching his social demise. Two spikes to the starting interesting and then subsequent spikes not reaching as high anymore until he gets to total flatline


These are percentages, it would be interesting to see what the real numbers are and how they differ geographically


>Despite her Invictus participation (what is the right word?) I'd use hijacking (or brazen hijacking if I'm not getting too close to word salad territory 😜) Oh! Or sorry I don't know who to credit that came up with this gem, but **Ingriftus** is perfection🔥


I hope she's here lurking so she can see those stats 🤣🤣🤣


Lowest in the US.


I’d love to see a side-by-side comparison with Catherine


https://preview.redd.it/1i87lf4sl08d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c2db5041d919d0e9bf322608d0ada0d3c59545 🙂


Time to fade away




It just makes me wonder how long she is going to keep up her losing search for fame and popularity. You think she would be exhausted by now. Buying fake awards, parking lot pap photos, speaking at an Indiana hotel convention, getting crowned as a Nigerian princess. These are all embarrassments.


Don’t forget Invictus and ARO 😂😂


Yeah, there were just too many failures to list. 🤣🤣


YES!!! EXACTLY THIS! It’s Dullsville!


What happened in June 2023 that caused interest to peak?


“F*cking grifter’s” comment was made.


"Star power"...........hahahahahahahahahaha......I love that.


Her ONLY "star power" is the balding man- tantrum that was stupid enough to marry her. Without him she'd be the same anonymous d list actress she was just a few years ago. Her sole moment of true talent was making him believe the tawdry script she used to snag him.