• By -


He wants the status of being followed around by a security entourage.


He wants free staff to do his thinking and work for him, and his military nanny-minders to protect him when he picks drunken fights. SHE wants the status of having roads cleared in her wake, sirens howling, dozens of support vehicles and dummy SUVs in a caravan with herself snug at the center, lording it over them all. And neither one feels they should have to pay bills..


He grew up getting to taunt and pick fights with people and then running to hide behind his security officers. His teens and twenties were spent being an ass to others at clubs, pubs, bars, parties, and events, and then running for protection every time he was about to have to face the consequences of his actions.   So many times he would have had his ass kicked or his clock cleaned for being a rude entitled asshole, either by someone he started crap with or by a protective boyfriend of some girl he was bothering.  But instead he’d run like a wuss to his officers and then laugh. He can’t do that anymore.  He’s never had to live this way before  Suddenly, the world is a scary place to him now.


You just nailed it! It *is* scary to him, for all of the reasons you stated. I hadn't thought of it that way. He is a big wuss, and an ignorant bully. IPP status also helps him get around the law and let's him avoid even greater consequences for his actions.


That's why the wretched meghan markle and henry the bald have dogs. They walk them in African Parks.






Happy cake day


Thank you!


Yep, that is it exactly


And someone always by his side, at the ready to spring into action, for the critical task of... fetching coffees 🤦🏻‍♀️


...holding shopping bags...


and luggage


He cannot go back to the UK and be lesser than he was, and certainly not lesser than his brother. His ego will not abide any drop in status in the UK, where he’s gotten this sort of thing his entire life. That is his hardest knock.


This is exactly right. It’s about drop of status and competition with his brother. He should know he’ll never be on par with his brother the heir apparent. As an American, he sounds so stupid to us. Considering it’s legal to arm yourself in our country, he’s arguing for armed protection in his home country where there are no weapons. He can hire a security team here with weapons, and he doesn’t have to have special government approval for it. He comes off like a pompous idiot with all these lawsuits. Especially since every time he’s gone home, he’s had security!


>He comes off like a pompous idiot with all these lawsuits Exactly. He wants to look like a big shot---- when he and Meghan are absolute nobodies now.


I would not be surprised if they stage another fake incident to try and get IPP status.


I wouldn't be surprised either.


They are more than capable of going full on Jussie smollet


*going full on Jussie smollet* Like the car chase!!!


Absolute nobodies is 🎯 …best way to describe them.


It'd probably become evident he was never even a modestly *trained toy soldier* and probably has no idea how to properly or confidently use a weapom. We know his military 'training' did nothing to prevent his getting knocked into a dog bowl so traumaticly that he had to call his psychiatrist.  One that was evidently on speed dial and yet not available to contact for help when his wife threatened to harm herself and their unborn child.


It makes no sense. Harry himself, bumped his uncle Andrew down the LoS. Harry knows how it works. In 15 years, Harry will be knocked into obscurity by the Wales children’s kids. Harry gambled on cashing in on his 2018 popularity and lost.


He wants everything that William has.


Except for William’s responsibilities, duties and actual work.


And a sweet, caring and beautiful wife


You got it. He wants all the trappings. Harry is every bit as much as "Look at Meeee!" as his bitter half.


Exactly!!! He does NOT want his children to see he is NOT important like PW. His sense of entitlement has made him unlikable and despised Worldwide, congrats Hank you are an international laughing stock!!!


He didn't want his *WIFE* to see he wasnt as important as his brother.  No doubt he was telling her he was, and thus she'd be as important as Princess Catherine, in order to seal the deal. People keep forgetting how *desperate* prince harry was to get married. To anyone by that point. Though he still showed up for the first date covered in piss and late.  He absolutely bigged up his wealth and importance and ix probably still saying to her he's *supposed* to be an IPP but the mean family took it away. HE'S NOT AN IPP NOR CAN HE EVER BE! HE'S NOT WORKING FOR OR REPRESENTING THE COUNTRY EVER AGAIN. 


I think Harry actually thought he really was just about as wealthy as William. I don't think he had a clue how anything about the royal family worked. And, obviously, neither did Meghan. When they figured out that he's basically a Pauper Prince, Meghan filled his head with examples of how they were trying to abuse Harry his whole life, and how it's a popularity contest cat-fight among the women. Why can't Harry have a lot of money? Why can't they live in Frogmore HOUSE, and spend millions on meghan's clothes? Because the royal family hate both of them, of course. There is NO other explanation! lol


Or TW told him he wanted that


Exactly. He wants IPP status AND he doesn’t want to spend his own money on security. 


He wants IPP status back because that’s what he entered to the USA on. If he has no UK address and the UK Government doesn’t recognise him as a senior Royal then he is in big trouble with his US residency I would think. I also believe that’s why he tried to rush his appeal through. I could be wrong but that’s what it looks like to me.


He's never been eligible for IPP status unless he was representing the late Queen - so maybe only when he was in Australia with Meghan, and she got a false sense of importance from that, thinking they'd get that kind of security treatment all the time.


I think he had some sort of diplomatic passport as a Senior Royal representing the monarch and the country. I honestly don’t know enough about it to come up with a coherent theory , but I really think his determination to pursue getting his security back has less to do with him being worried about his family’s safety and everything to do with him getting the UK Government to recognise him as a Royal.


Oh I think he wants it all - diplomatic passport, IPP status, free government security - he really thinks he’s entitled when he truly isn’t  and his importance diminishes daily   His ego is embarrassing    Now his father is King he’s the equivalent of what Prince Andrew and his children B & E were when the Queen was alive   How many people outside of the UK know who Sarah Chatto and David Armstrong Jones are? Yet their mother was the Queens only sibling and they’ve been loyal to Queen / King and Country their whole life.  Their Grandfather was King, their Aunt Queen and now their 1st cousin King  They manage to live their lives under the radar with no security  H needs to accept he’s not important anymore and his children crown wise never will be 


Therein lies the problem once an adult he wasn’t entitled to security unless representing the Queen (like Princess Anne and Prince Edward) and only while carrying out the royal duty but they gave him it 24hours and he can’t accept that he’s not actually entitled to it.    I think it was a massive mistake to treat him above his status as that’s partly what’s lead to this spoilt man/child we now have throwing tantrums wasting and wanting more of tax payers money.   We all understand the rules so not sure why the cretin isn’t getting it 


Oh true, he had the 24 hour protection as a child, and now Charles and William still have it and he doesn't. It's a shame Charles and Diana couldn't have held it together long enough to have a third or fourth child, so Harry wouldn't have such a grievance about being the odd one out.


I think therein lies the problem that there was only 2 of them and they gave him a status as an adult  he wasn’t entitled to so as not to upset him.   Especially with his mother dying they seemed to constantly placate him and his fragile ego 


This. He just wants to get his way. But mostly didn’t you know that his lily white children are 1/5 NIGERIAN!??? This means all the racists in the UK want to harm them and thus they need top notch security!


And that is assuming that she is really 43% Nigerian.


Not Maltese 🥲


Yes, I am sure all Nigerians in the UK need police protection/s


Apparently! 😔


I think its MM who wants the entourage. I think Haz just likes being alone in his drug stupour, dreaming of titty-twisting randos...or hobos. And he gets security in the UK when he books in advance to see KC3. - She is the one with Backgrid on speed dial. - She is the one paying People for puff pieces. - She is one with the rictus grin during the fake NY car chase. - She is the idea person, shitty as they are. All puff pieces are set up by her. The druggie is busy watching Bluey.


>All puff pieces are set up by her. The druggie is busy watching Bluey. Hey! What's wrong with watching BLUEY? It's a really good cartoon! And it teaches empathy and manners to little kids. 😋


Watching Bluey would do Harry some good.


Maybe if Haz watched the “cricket” episode of Bluey, he’d understand the sacrifice service members and their families make, father/child relationships, supportive siblings, etc. Bluey is too good for Haz.


Aw that's a good one. The Sign had my whole family in tears. That is an episode that Sparold should watch and learn from. (Disclosure: I don't need the kids with me to watch Bluey 🥰)


I can’t count how many times my husband and I have realized the kids have been in bed for an hour+ and we’re still watching Bluey.


No shade to Bluey...only that Haz watches TV at an elementary level 😇


This. He never grew up. He acts like a toddler most of the time.


Why grow up when your family buries all of your bodies for you? KC3 should've smacked him in the back of his stupid head a few times or waterboarded him until the messaging sunk in.


Diana should've smacked him too, instead of giggling like a cohort when he assaulted staff members and palace guards. She really did him, and everyone who would ever have to deal with him, a terrible disservice.


Your other points about MM forcing Harry to get IPP security are spot on. She is one malevolent c--t. But Harry is too stupid to realize he is being manipulated by a vile narcissist. I almost feel sorry for him.


Or he did realize it but tries to forget by drinking, doing drugs, and living in a different home. I am not making excuses for him...I just know a few similar types.


I feel like Markle or her people come in this sub and tries to change the narrative that she isn’t the one but Haznobrains. Clearly she is the one who wants big ugly houses in Hollywood and entourages (even at events where there are *actual* celebrities, let’s not forget). I think she is trying to obtain her entourage by playing into his paranoia. It is the same how she disappeared during his book tour and let him sink alone. As if he cares about lip gloss, that is a story written and place by Markle because she hates Catherine so much. She pulls a lot of his muppet puppet strings behind the scenes.


Exactly. It has NOTHING to do with safety. It has to do with status. 


And not discreetly, like the security personnel protecting the King, but the kind of ostentatious phalanx of hulking enforcers he’s seen in movies.


It definitely is a status concern, not safety.


Two reasons: (i) TW has him convinced she is Diana 2.0 and (ii) it’s the best argument for squeezing money from his father and/or British taxpayers.


100% I also wouldn't be surprised if she has a long list of unachievable things he has to get right before the family can travel to the UK as a means to keep him separated from his family and under control.


I think this is a huge part of it. She never wants to go back, this is her excuse. Pretty sure she knows Harry isn’t going to win that case.


Much like she knew the Royals couldn't attend Lili's christening but insisted on making it a thing the Royals couldn't attend.


I think she absolutely has him convinced she’s in danger “like Diana” so he has to protect her. That was the whole impetus on leaving the UK. The “car chase” in NY he was filming while Doria and Madame sat there like there was nothing happening.


Harry did look scared in that NYC "chase", and the Netflix "people hiding in the basement and scooter stalker" chase. She has him convinced that every woman at a bus stop is out to get them, every bush has four cameras in it.


She's also probably resentful that there are no photographers chasing her. Remember the Netflix outakes were all of Diana and Kate and possibly Fergie being chased by reporters. There were no incidences of Meghan being pursued by them. She *desperately* wanted that experience, to the point where she made up being chased around Whole Foods.


It wouldn’t surprise me if she has enjoyed making herself the target of “online hate”, thus she needs so much security. Because the whole of the UK hates her so much, any member of the public is a potential assassin. The narcissism makes her believe she has a target on her back because everyone is so focused on her.


I agree. TOW has convinced him she is in danger and he is realising how much security costs, even though they don’t need it as much as they think, and he wants someone else to foot the bill.


My take is that the aim is to get the Americans (and other countries) to pay for his 24/7 security but if he can't get the UK to roll over, he has no chance. He pretty much admitted this with the attempt to expedite the appeal, where it said something like "we'll be travelling later this year and the outcome of this case affects the level of security that other countries provide us".  Note that Markle isn't part of the case.  She doesn't qualify in any way.  It's only Harry that could swing this. 


He is not manic Even Judge Lane put it in his sentence: Harry is paranoid And when they treat you like this, as paranoid, the security problem is one of mental security. Harry is the complete opposite of someone mentally healthy.


Like most things with Harry, it’s just another thing that’s all in his head. That, and as another sinner has already said, Psycho Rachel has managed to convince him that she’s going to suffer the same fate as his mum. Nobody wants Meghan dead, to be hurt or anything, they just honestly want her and her handbag husband to go away and stop with the nuttiness. Period. Also, people having a complete lack of interest and knowing a grifting maniac when we see one isn’t the same as the attention Diana got, so there’s that little lesson they need to try and wrap their coked-up heads around too. They’re massively confusing disinterest and not swallowing their bullsh*t with an intent to harm. Unlike the Sussex Squad, we can manage to intensely dislike 2 people with satanic souls and STILL not issue death threats on this side of the drawbridge. So… 🤷‍♀️


She's such a shining example of mediocrity and failure that I can't imagine anyone caring enough to ill wish her. That kind drama is for people of importance.


I used to watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I remember Lisa Vanderpump saying to (I think) Brandi Glanville, "You're not important enough to hate". That works here, Markle isn't important enough to expend that energy.


Yep, I just wish she'd go away and shut TF up, and leave the RF in peace, to get on and do their jobs. Sadly with her level of insanity I don't think that will ever happen. How exhausting


That's all I want. I want her to leave the Royal family alone. I want Bouzy to go to jail for this hate campaign he was waged against the Princess of Wales. I want all the sour squad freak show to end. I pay attention to what those wretched people do, because they are hurting innocents. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are behind a really sick campaign aimed at the Wales family including the Wales children. As long as they do that, I am going to be calling them out.


Perfectly put. Exactly this!


Careful! A reminder The Office of Satan has posted here before disavowing any connection to the temu emu.  I've dealt with The Devils office before. They're lovely people but definitely are very particular on who they work with and who they're willing to be associated with.  Just saying.  I mean I don't want to say too much that would give away my association but The Devil doesn't recognise Harry or TW.   Hell, the duo won't leave the damned Devil alone! It's worse than hell dealing with the two of them. 


He wasn't so bothered back in the day when i stood next to him while we were both taking a piss in the Gents in a pub in Cirencester on New Year's eve. He was as pissed as a cricket.


Translation for our Southeastern US sinners - "drunker than a three-eyed goat".


Yep, as well as "drunk as a bicycle" or "drunk as Cooter Brown".😀


Thank you for the lovely translation!


three sheets to the wind! lol


Knee-walking, snot-slinging, cooter-catchin' drunk. But that's Entropy drunk. Like, pounding on your ex-wife's door singing love songs drunk. Like "Hello Oshifer" drunk. Blow into the tube then try to make balloon animals drunk.


Simply put Harry was raised to believe that he should receive everything that William gets. Blame numerous staff and Palace courtiers and of course, Diana, who literally put him on a pedestal. He can’t stand the fact that when G C + L become teenagers it’s over for him


It’s already over for him. He made sure of that himself!


Agreed! it’s already over for him but I honestly believe that he’s going start doing embarrassing things for attentions by the time they becomes teenagers to ‘steal’ the spotlight. By then Harry will be in his mid to late 50’s and that it when his reputation will be in the dumpster. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


It wasn't over, just different. Sixth in line still means ahead of the other 67 million people in the United Kingdom. Only when he fucked off on his Freedom Flight and quit the job, THEN it was over for him as a prince. But he did that his own puddingheaded self.


I’ll never cease to be amazed how easy his life would have been for him and his children if he’d just been content to smile and nod. Instead he thumbed his nose at all of it.


Or really walked away from it and done something else. THAT I could have respected.


yes, followed some sort of dream. taken up something he loved or felt passionate about. or just done something ordinary. almost anything but attack his family so publicly and spend so much time in court trying to win an unearned right to state security.


They had a massive capital chunk. They could have lived anywhere and not worked except for hobbies or volunteering. But No, Madame required a billionaire celebrity lifestyle, victimhood, *and* a rival court, so off they went in their handbasket.


But he couldn't do anything else. Everything he ever did worthwhile, was done for him. The Palace staff created Invictus for him. The Palace staff created Sentable for him. Without the Palace Staff he could not do a thing.


for me it is not so much that it would have been easier. it's that life would have been more meaningful.


Oh ots been long over for him.  Thanks to his selfishness the poor kids are losing out on childhood years earlier than they would have has they had a trusty and loyal uncle and brother to their father. The fathers day post "signed" by the kids, the first ever social media engagement of their own, was the RF and men in greys way of letting Todger know his time is officially and irrevocably o-v-e-r    Everyone's been paying attention to Madame reaction to all the TS & photgraph stuff. But the thing that's making the biggest impact to the loser prince harry is his neice and nephews "joining" in SM. Their parents wouldn't have opened that door unless they had to and they were sticking to it just being them.


When St James’s Palace which backs on to Clarence House (and which must be one of the most secure addresses in the UK) is not sufficient for the paranoid Prince but a hotel is apparently adequate you are dealing with a deeply mentally disturbed individual. The guy is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Next time the King should offer him one of the rooms in the Tower of London … suitable for traitors. I’m sure they could re-open Traitor’s Gate for a special visitor.


The argument that St James was not secure enough was just an excuse. He was upset because he wanted to stay at Frogmore again. He is definitely insane, but I think he was not worried about security at St James (where he has lived before in the past). He was just angry not to get what he had asked for.


I think he also had a film crew with him when he tried to get in st James. Security said NO, they are not coming in. So he had to make up this whole stupid nonsense about not being safe.


Drugs, alcohol and a narcissistic psychopath for a wife will help make you paranoid. Too bad he wouldn’t listen. I hope he stays married to the nut forever


He looks impressive in his own mind if he is lording it over the tax paying peasants when they pay tribute to him by working hard to fund his wife’s security!! His wife and he basically said that England is full of racists and that they will attack the biracial duchess and her biracial little princelings because of their black genes. They also said that MM will meet the same fate as Diana who allegedly died because she dated Dodi (biracial couple) and Sparry wants to feed us this old conspiracy theory in order to sensationalize his grifting so that the media will keep on talking about him. I personally don’t think that anybody cares about MM or her invisible kids or their racial background.


Neither Harry nor Meghan Markle believe they are in any danger. If they did security guys would not be sent on errands to buy takeaway, coffee etc


It's just a status symbol for them. They love being followed around ostentatiously by their securitaay when our and about, even though royals and real celebrities don't do that.


Dodi Al Fayed killed Princess Diana. He hired a drunk driver and told the driver to speed through Paris. The British Press were not even there. The paps were called by Diana. It was Dodi and his carelessness that killed Diana. Harry destroyed his own life living out some sort of crazed fantasy that his wife is his mother.


One person survived that crash and it was not a coincidence that he was the only person wearing a seatbelt. Diana made her own decision not to wear a seatbelt. If only Harry had chosen to champion campaigns about road safety, including speeding, drunk-driving and seatbelts, that would have been a positive way to use his obsession with his mother’s death.


There’s a great saying- YOU CREATE THAT WHICH YOU FEAR MOST. They both are so deluded as to what the true risks are to their lives. I can see the private flights (Kobe, JFK Jr, Aaliyah, and Dozens of other celebrities and musicians in the US alone), or changing standard security plans and protocol (such as leaving their vehicle to ride in a taxi during the near catastrophic nyc car crash or dropping the car windows to wave. Diana and Dodi changed her security plans that fatal night at the Ritz. Not following the rules has consequences.


Takr Aayilah out of that mix. That was a tragedy not of her doing.


Illusions of Grandeur they both want to feel as important in stature as Prince William and Catherine the PoW


And delusions…


2 reasons, imo:  1. Meghan really played on his paranoia and spun him up to a point where he literally saw “enemies” everywhere. It’s how she’s managed to gain and maintain control of his psyche, and how she managed to triangulate him. 2. His ego will never let him admit he is wrong and that nobody gives a flying flip about him, her, or their kids.


He wants to feel important, even more important than the king.


I think because he is a little nuts and his wife keeps telling him there are paps in every bush and shadow.


She would know when they were. She'd have booked them.


Yup. I still think she meant to terrify H with the near catastrophic nonsense too. I think he wasn’t meant to be there.


Oh yeah, I do think it was supposed to be just her and Momma in the Near Catastrophe.


Meghan Markle calls paps. Princess Diana also called paps. All the paps he is worried about were called by the women in his life.


Entitlement. He believes he's equal to William and he wants, and thinks he deserves by birth, exactly the same security, housing, income, etc., that William receives. They weren't too terribly concerned when MM rolled down the window in the car when they were previously in the UK.


What a dumbass thing to do, but very telling. Those calls are definitely coming from inside the house.


Why do they think they need security in the first place? They’re not even important or popular enough for anyone to want to kidnap. And if they did, they’d return them immediately because they’re so damn annoying.


Oh, that reminds me of that old 80s movie with Bette Midler where a young couple kidnaps Bette, the wife of a very rich fashion designer who already thought of killing her. He does not even think of paying for her getting released - and she's so high maintenance the couple really tries to get rid of her. (In the end, the three of them team up to get the husband ruined.) Very funny movie, but imagine having MM in your basement... yeah, I would pay to get rid of her.


"I've been kidnapped by K-Mart!"🤣


There's a O.Henry short story called The Ransom of Red Chief. The kidnappers gave the kid back because he was so obnoxious.


I forgot the name of that hilarious movie 🍿


I googled it. Ruthless people.


Thank you! I was a little too young to appreciate the movie but I still enjoyed it.


Ruthless People - a favorite from waaaaay back in the day, when I actually liked Midler.


RUTHLESS PEOPLE- Bette, Danny DeVito, and Judge Reinhold. Funny movie, worth watching.


Because he is a black hole of insecurity. He cannot comprehend that he is not that special and deserving of endless fawning and attention.


It's Meghan feeding his delusions. She doesn't want to return to the U.K. because the country rejected her. It's a symbol of her failure. She uses the lack of security as an excuse to keep from returning. She tells Harry she doesn't feel safe to encourage his mommy complex and fuel is paranoia. It's not about safety it's about control. If Harry is back in the U.K. with his old friends and family she loses control. 


The US has rejected her too. Montecito has rejected her. Everywhere she goes they reject her.


🎯 💯 %


She doesn’t want to return to the UK because the country in which they reside if/when they separate, would be the country of record for the kids to be raised.


Harry and Meghan Markle are so concerned about their security that they send the security officers out to get them takeaway ("birth" of kid) or out for coffee in Canada.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ He wants the UK, the USA and whatever country he may visit, to pay for his round-the-clock, "I'm so very important" security. Its costing him a bloody fortune right now and he, being all cheap and all, would really like to stop spending that $$$$$$$$.


Exactly , it’s a beneficial means to a much more rewarding end.


He’s not manic and I don’t even think he’s paranoid. He wants IPP back so they don’t have to pay for security. He also wants the information that comes with IPP. They want the motorcade to appear royal as that’s how they make money. They can’t set up a rival court in American without that appearance. They even stated they were IPP in their manifesto when they left. They didn’t count on this expense.


I was reading up on this last night and I gathered that IPP status also translates or is defined as a form of diplomatic status, possibly ranked above that of an ambassador. IPP status apparently qualifies the individual and their family for tax immunity, which is another lucrative reason to want it so badly. Honestly IPP would wipe away all the bad deeds he has committed. It would continue this cycle of Harry and Meghan never being held accountable for any of their disgraceful and illegal behavior. Worse yet, not only be a drain to whatever country they visit economy, but allow them to avoid being tax paying citizens. Under no circumstance should they be granted this status. I will protest this to no end.


Zara’s legs are amazing!


Right? I need to start riding horses! 


I’m joining you!!!


Paranoia, mental health and the ghoul whispering in his ear.


Agree, a goul wearing mummy’s perfume


The two biggest security threats to Harry in the UK are 1) His own mouth 2) His wife informing her shills/media about his movements (allegedly)


They’re not physically in danger, even though that’s what they say. Security is to keep people who don’t have NDAs and/or a pre approved script. They’re petrified to interact with people they can’t control, even their kids.




It’s a ruse to force something he isn’t entitled to nor now qualifies for. The twat appears to be labouring under the misapprehension that it’s 1820, and taxpayers are expected to front his securiddy bills regardless of the useless dolt’s lifestyle choices. Harry is about as modern, or useful, as Syphilis. Twat.


To keep fueling the narrative that he's such a poor helpless victim.


Newsflash - even the Queen has been egged.


It's his security blanket as he sucks his thumb and holds Mama's hand, er I mean Meghan's hand


If one has this level of security they will also have access to classified information. Harry does not rate security and therefore has been cut off from the classified information. Many theorize that the secrets are what Harry really wants.


Likely some truth to this. He has said that the security he pays for and brings, does not have the same access that he previously had.


It never will.


I think what he referred to was access to information about possible security threats to *him.* I think the context was that the amount of protection he now gets in the UK is connected to how the police evaluates the level of threat to him. He wanted someone on his side to get the intelligence information about threats to him.


I think one problem is that Harry and the professional security experts have different definitions of credible threats. The experts are looking for evidence that a threat is being posed by someone with the motive, means and potential opportunity to mount a physical attack. If they find it, they will take appropriate action. Harry panics over a cowardly keyboard warrior in their parents’ basement wishing misfortune on him through social media, and press photographers possibly getting an unflattering picture.


Very true. Harry has no sense of proportion when it comes to *himself.*


All the better to blackmail people!! Share their secrets in a documentary, etc.


Why should the level of security Harry wants come with “access to classified information”? I have never heard of such a thing. Harry was not getting “classified information” before Megxit.


Dear God, who would tell that vacuum cleaner bag-brain anything? Especially now he's proved even the most private confidences are all just grist to his mill? An intimate conversation with his father in the graveyard his grandfather was just fucking buried in. AND HARRY TELLS THE WORLD.


Agree that no one should tell him anything confidential. My point was that contrary to some speculation, the protection he is asking for *does not come with access to “classified information”* for Harry. The confusion, I believe, started with a report that Harry wanted his private security to have access to intelligence about him/danger to him. If Harry got the top royal security he wants, he would not get any access to classified information, but he would have people guarding him who would be well-informed about information that was relevant to his protection.


I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm sure any true threat picked up by intelligence would be acted upon in any case and related to his private security. *Nobody* wants anything to happen to him or his family. But there's a difference between guarding his body and soothing his paranoia (and ego) at taxpayer's expense. Babysitting like he had, traffic-clearing whoop-whoop 24/7 and a four point crew getting day to day briefing - nope. Not necessary. Perks commensurate with the position/situation and no more.


Definitely! I think he wants to “feel important” more than he wants any “information.” He would also, of course, try to get as much free security as he can. FWIW, I would not be surprised if at least one of his private security guards is paid for by KC. It has been reported that the offer to pay for his MET protection was made by QE when his security was denied after Megxit. I could see them paying directly for a security person, especially one which, I believe, used to work for the MET. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You're right. The only information he would get is on a need to know basis and relate only to threats against him. 


Excellent point. I wonder if the secrets include the whereabouts of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Wouldn't Meghan Markle just love to call up Omid Scobie and tell him where Catherine is going to be every minute of the day.


Wonder what William knows about his treasonous brother? Secrets sold?


I think he is so delusional he thinks he is so important that he is in danger.


They were in the UK on that silly One Young World speaking engagement ( super bronzer, red blouse and pants) when the Queen passed away. Since then, she hasn’t set foot. Something changed then, and she has been banned. I don’t think getting UK security will change her banishment, so what’s it really about? Will it really entitle them to world wide free security? I’m not sure how it works?


He just wants it for the look. He’s not scared, he knows no one cares enough to harm the, but he loves the optics


Without IPP status he has a good chance of being exposed for his dirty deeds.


Cause he can't afford it, and Rachet is demanding it


This is exactly why it’s happening. She feels more important the more she’s surrounded by people looking like she needs to be protected.


He thinks he's more important than he is because he's Diana's son.


The irony is that Harry has made people respect Diana less. He has killed Diana's legacy.


This is very, very true for me. Thanks to Harry’s antics I’ve looked more into Diana beyond the legend. She did some wonderful things for many people, but she was also an extremely flawed individual.


He wants it as a tool to get IPP status , the tax payers of all nations he lives in or visits paying for his security.


It makes him feel important and relevant. He literally has nothing else. 


Meghan has made Harry's drug-addled brain paranoid with her constant harping that the paps are after her and want to do harm to her, like Princess Diana. And also, the children.


The status.


I’ve always wondered if M had the SS create new accounts to send death threats to her. Or maybe that bot guy. It seems like something she would do.


I absolutely believe that.


H is the type of person that saying ‘never enough’ really applies to. Even if he got the security, he would keep demanding more and more things, and when would it stop? The fact that it was the governments decision to put their foot down was seriously the saving grace for the RF. And so the government should! They have to answer to the tax payers regarding how their money is spent. If H truly needs anything, he needs a 6 month course teaching him what the rest of us already know or if you didn’t would learn by the end of the day if she suddenly without prior notice quit our jobs on bad terms. You quit you will be told to turn in your keys, your security cards, collect your things and get out. And the last pay will be send in the mail or deposited in your bank account by the finance department.


He thinks Di was killed by paparazzi & he should be protected 24/7 from being murdered by a man taking his photograph.


The King just chuckled and carried on when the egg was thrown at him. He did not throw himself to the ground in tears. He did not cry and scream and be bustled away. No. He looked at the egg, chuckled, said something to The Queen and carried on with his day meeting people.


He was also calm and unimpressed when he was shot at in Sydney many years ago, as was the late QEII when shots were fired at her, terrifying her horse. Only H&M think that melodrama is an appropriate response.


Charles seemed bemused by the fuss and security charging in from every which direction. He stood there fiddling with his cuffs or watch whilst it all unfolded and about two dozen people jumped on the guy with the gun (excessive but I guess at that time they didn't know it was blanks). He was simply waiting so he could make his speech and get on with his day.


I suspect it's not really about the security, but the other perks of being an IPP, intelligence probably.


She's fuelled his paranoid mind. She's played the Diana being chased angle from the go.


I have a serious question about IPP status. I get that the host country provides security for those on official business and visits. But what about when someone chooses to move there permanently? Harry just changed his official residence to the US like 60 days ago, although he’s lived here full time for 4 years. Is there any other foreign national who lives full-time in the US that we’re providing security for? Add to that, someone who is not providing an official function for their government? Also, what is the expected level of round-the-clock security? One officer, or a full contingent for extended family? Will it be up to Harry to demand what he “needs”? What about Doria?


Internationally Protected Persons are specifically defined in the 1973 UN treaty: “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents”. 180 countries are parties to this convention and have adopted its key terms into their own national legislation, including the definition. The convention does not specify types of protection or punishment - that is left up to the individual nations. Harry does not meet the definition of an IPP. He is: * not the UK Head of State (that is the King), * not the UK Head of Government (that is the PM), * not the UK Foreign Minister, * not a representative, officer, employee or agent of the UK travelling in a country not his own on the official business of his own country, * not an accredited diplomat attached to an official mission, and * not a member of a recognised international organisation engaged in government-related business. Neither is Harry a member of the family of any such person accompanying that person on such business. No country that is a party to the IPP convention is going to tolerate any other country demanding IPP status for one of its citizens who clearly does not meet the agreed definition. If one country abuses the agreement in that way, then they could all expect to be allowed to do it. Any tin-pot dictator could use it as a precedent to demand global IPP status for their dodgy relatives to romp around the world getting security at other people’s expense. The entire convention would collapse, and none of the parties wants that. One country may informally decide to provide official security for a high-ranking or well-known foreigner present on private business, as a goodwill gesture to that person’s home country. That would be an decision by individual governments on a case by case basis unrelated to IPP convention obligations. I have no idea whether the US Government has decided to do that for Harry, but if so, it would have been a political decision and does not mean he has IPP status. Harry is not travelling on official business for the UK or any other country.


It comes down to one simple reason: he *cannot* accept that he is not as important as his *brother*. That's it.  He truly believed he and the woman he married would make them so popular that the public would demand he be kept in a position of Vice Roy at least (even though he's no idea what that means).  When it turned out the public & RF didnt care, let alone fight, for him to stay he desperately panicked and fought for the security back because without it its absolutely evident he is no longer the beloved grandchild or child of the Monarch.  He is a Royal adjacent individual now *at best*.


As Head of State - which he is since he’s in the line of succession - he can demand IPP status which gives him diplomatic immunity from lawsuits. Considering how much he and his wife enjoy others he wants to have his cake and eat it to. He wants that immense privilege to be held untouchable and unaccountable for his and his wife and children’s actions. He will also be able to ask for intel on just about anyone from his family to potential business partners. He can also not just glide through airports but avoid customs and can not have his plane or possessions inspected - just what a drug addict with sleazy connections would want. Just think of all of the drugs, diamonds, gold and money laundering he can take part in along with any thing else like human trafficking, prostitutes, etc…


Harry wants what William has. It's really that simple.


It supports is ego. All that security makes them feel important and special, all the things they aren’t!


I keep asking that question and get no answers. IMHO he wants an impressive caravan with all the bells and whistles to make him look important. He also wants security to keep detractors from booing his wife and he wants the public to pay for it.


The man-baby doesn't accept that any privilege he had was an accident of birth, not earned by him. Once he walked away from the duties that justified the privilege, he couldn't accept he lost EVERYTHING. It's not a la carte. You don't get to keep the fun things and the special treatment while trashing the institution that gave you everything. It ALL goes bye-bye because without it, you have NOTHING else to offer anyone, Harry.


I think Harry does not want to lose his official status as a very important person. With that status he can get free security wherever he goes in the world.  When he and Meghan left the Royal family they were high on hubris with all the attention and money they were going to make, I do not think Harry realised what he gave up until later. The Queen gave them 1 year to realise it but Harry is a bit thick. If he wins he will become independent from the Royals and he can continue to be this arrogant asshole, travel the world on their stupid tours  pretending they are this independent american royal family. If he lose he will truly become a just Harry. So he is a bit desperate to win this, that is why he is making up stories about how dangerous it is for him to be in the UK etc


Because he's paranoid and he doesn't want to be arrested for all the drugs he carries around with him, especially to countries with a zero tolerance policy for illicit substances. If he was "just Harry" the customs dogs would be all over him and his luggage and he'd be staying at the Crossbar Motel for a long time.


His wife convinced him that it was removed because she is black. She also convinced him that she and the kids are receiving death threats because of same reason. Spoiled Harry believes Meagain IS Diana reincarnated and has serious mommy issues. Add to that Harry's drug-fried brain and entitlement and we have a never ending victim mentality that he and his wife will die any moment. Especially in the racist UK


Meghan wants to have an excuse for private jets and special treatment. She also uses ‘security risk’ to skip out on commitments. She’s stoked his paranoia for personal gain. She can also never be reached by prying eyes or questioned if she’s buoyed by a crew of guards.


I think it's a combination. Until M got him to leave he always had handlers. They would have been tasked with security as well as covering up/controlling his behaviour. He's also got a fixation on his mother's death. It's understandable especially if he's never had therapy (but that's unlikely), what's more likely is he's encouraged by M to believe that he can't trust anybody but her.


To help soothe his feelings of inadequacy… and because Ratchet wants to feel superior. She doesn’t want to come back to the UK because British society don’t buy her bullshit. She is a nobody, and in Hazbeen’s social circles, she will always be treated like one. They see straight through her act and unlike in LA, where acting reigns supreme and Ratchet feels safe, in the UK her d-list, social climbing, grifter ways are obvious, she is an outcast and Hazbeen has lost social standing for not seeing through the grift, marrying her and embarrassing himself and his family.


Harry seems to believe that without tax-funded (or not) armed security, that the Met police, MI5, Scotland Yard, and Ms Marple, etc, will completely ignore the fact that Harry is in the UK. They absolutely will know, and will keep tabs on whatever is happening, looking for threats, etc, they same as they very likely do for Taylor Swift (who not only has her own stalkers, etc, but a concert is a target for T3rrr-ists.) They will be in touch with Harry's own security, and absolutely will intervene......the same that they do when any other minor royals from any other countries, are visiting the UK. I also don't understand why he does not stay on Royal Property when he's in the UK....there's built-in armed security, there, and Charles will ALWAYS allow Harry to stay. He might be all alone, wandering spooky, hallowed halls, but it's secure.