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The horrible smirking engagement interview….her falseness , cheapness , rude behavior just stood out


When their engagement interview aired, I didn't even know who she was despite her being the "star" of the HIT TV SHOW "Suites" (quoting HG Tudor with the "Suites" part, iykyk), but my gut has never, ever been wrong in its assessment of people. When she stated that she had no idea who the Ginger Eunuch was and didn't know anything about the BRF because it's just not something Americans know about, I cackled and said "BITCH, PLEASE!" No "normal" person would tell such blatant lies on such a global stage.


Same here, what you said. Then the way she hung onto him as a nearly middle age woman and acted like a teenager turned me off. Harry said, "I hope she loves me as much as I do her," while looking at her. She didn't say anything to his statement of his love for her. She looked away and changed the subject. I knew then that marriage was doomed !


Abso-f\*cking-lutely. Her failure to respond in kind to his declaration of "love" showed that she was manipulating him and playing him. No one who cares for their partner in the tiniest bit would let them make that declaration on the world stage and say NOTHING


And eerily that’s exactly what Charles said about Diana and himself in the interview after their engagement. The infamous: ‘whatever love means’ reply. Gosh maybe M has been cosplaying from day 1.


exactly. I think she was hoping the world would see her as this smart independant modern woman by not stating it back to harry, but it just reinforced what a manipulative cunning bitch she was/is.


And a gold digger because she looked at the ring with derision. 


That was it for me too. You can live under a rock and still have known who the Royal Family was and who the princes were.


To then have a picture of her at 15 in front of BP leak, lol. She should've just said: I knew of him but I didn't pay attention to his personal life.


Yes, yes,yes! Then the final nail...." She Fed Ex'd her engagement and wedding bands to her husband. Who does this????? Someone who is a gold digger.


I didn't know about this until later on, but any spouse who ends a marriage by not trying to work on it, or who does this, "Surprise! I don't want to be married to you anymore!" deserves an annual, very hot, acrid, smelly day in hell.


Didn't know about the British Royal family yet "friends" with Princess Eugene and knew Prince Andrew through Soho House 🤔


She wrote about William and Catherine's wedding in her blog. She couldn't have missed the ginger standing next to William.


😄😄😄😄. Ginger Eunuch! Lolol.


Plus this obviously BS fakery: https://preview.redd.it/3kdtp4zc678d1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e25e122deac17d0f217fd98ed609b84d2f19830


"i'M jUsT sO cOoL aNd QuIrKy AnD lAiD bAcK aNd ReLaTaBlE!" https://i.redd.it/dje9yg2r678d1.gif


Remember how she threw the interviewer and the people of the crew under the bus? Saying she couldn’t say what she wanted to. How did the interviewer force them to do this childish interaction? The interviewer actually was shocked that M came out and said those things about the interview, as we all would. You think you did a good job, everyone left the session in good spirits, only for the party being interviewed to turn around years later and say something so spiteful that could ruin your career. Seriously, M doesn’t give a 💩 if the things she says can have negative repercussions for anyone else. M is just a pitiful pathetic soul. And she has shown even from as early as her teen years that if she doesn’t get her way, she will make everyone pay.


This sums up the Montecito Manipulator and what we've been witnessing for the last 6 years: ***If she doesn't get her way, she will make everyone pay***


Did you hear about when in high school she wasn’t given the role she wanted in a play, and to punish everyone on that production she told her Dad not to do the stage lighting. But he refused M’s demands and did the lighting anyway because he had already committed his time. M has been a vindictive little snake for a very long time…


This is a sitcom pilot.


That’s the way I see her, that she’s got this movie running in her head and she’s playing the main part (of course!). That’s why everything she says sounds like bad acting, even worse than her actual bad acting on Suits! What a nut job.


**Yes!** That's why her actions always seem so disconnected from the people and events around her. She's not there, she's *acting* being there (and as an actress, she's not a generous colleague - she gives the others in the scene *nothing*). Her exaggerated reactions and weird out of frame focus are all for the camera. Which she then eyefucks so hard it throws a lens.


The best actors are not acting constantly. They're chill, relaxed, natural, confident, and relatable. She's always ON. Always acting. That's why it's just cringe.


Her speech at her wedding reception sounds like the outro of a rom-com. You know she wrote that mess as soon as she hooked Harry.


A very bad sitcom pilot that never got picked up.


Her arms are so unusually long......like a daddy long leg spider.


All the better to help her cling to her 72 days as a working royal, dontcha know!


I have heard it said that foot length is equal to the distance from the wrist to the elbow. ![gif](giphy|hDwYu8UEcUone)


What on earth are they doing here to look so alien and goofy? I could never figure this out in the engagement interview.


They are both behaving like goofy kids. Can you see William and Catherine behaving in this manner?? So, so mortifying.


What makes it worse is she was LATE 30s in this interview!


When’s the last time anyone has seen him genuinely smile at her like this? He was blindly in love.


THIS is when I knew she was unhinged


This was just so pathetic. She is a grown ass woman, this isn't her first engagement yet she was acting like a 16 year who ran off to get married to her high school sweetheart in Vegas. The super cutsy act is just pathetic at her age.


GAG! "‘Is he nice?’ Because if he wasn’t kind I didn’t really see there was any point." Sure, Meg! LOL.


Saint Megsy misspoke. She meant to say, “Is he rich? Because if he isn’t rich, I really didn’t see there was any point.”


...or "Is he stupid? Because if his IQ is over 70 he will see right through my grifting ass"


This statement was so over the top in its fakeness.


OMG, this was embarrassing. So cringe. She was loving the limelight SO much. Huge red flag.


omg she is too old to be acting like this 🤢




Always want to vomit when I see that photo! She can't even fake being in love, she's such a phony!


And on top of that she had the absolute gall to say in some interview or Netflix garbage that the interview was fake or something and something she was forced to do...with the BBC???? Like, it's not that crazy. Also, wasn't she \*in her mind\* this amazing famous actress who did all these things before? She acts both daunted by being asked to do typical royal things and then thinks she does them better. Truly delusional.




It just escalated from there ….each and every single action of hers showed her to be mentally not right…dangerously psychopathic behavior every every single day of her life


Yep, same. Absolute same. Vibe was OFF from the start.


Yep, same. Absolute same. Vibe was OFF from the start. Yup, right from the Vanity Fair 'She's Wild About Harry' cover & and article I knew she was a gold digger & fame whore. I remember thinking, back up bitch. You don't even have a wedding ring yet, and you're already running to the press for your 15 minutes. And her excuse that VF was supposed to focus on her philanthropy? Please. Even VF blatantly said, 'What philanthropy? You've done nothing but write a letter about dish soap 20+ years ago'. I recall reading that HMTLQ was furious about M's actions. Why the skank wasn't locked out then and there, I don't know.


The engagement interview was my first point, too. So many of the signs were there. Then came all the disrespectful and rude behavior, which sealed it for me.


I think many found their engagement interview weird for different (own) reasons. What stood out for me is how they said that they could not say the name of the friend who introduced them for privacy reasons. Right at that moment it was clear they were making up the story (basically lying) and hiding something. Nobody asked them to name their friend but they went ahead and immediately gave a made up reason why they withheld the name. It was so bizarre to say something like this in a public engagement interview. Then the engagement dress. I did not know its cost but it was american/hollywood-glamour. It was confusing. Also, they way she always kept her hair down and never had it properly done stood up to me. Like common! You are having public interview and public photoshoot, make yourself presentable and raise to the occasion. You are marrying a prince.


The thing that stood out from the engagement interview was the "is he nice?" comment. Like her friend is going to say, "no, you've been dating too many nice guys, so I've decided to set you up with an abusive jerk." That comment by her was so over-the-top phony.  


"Is he nice?" "No, he's an arrogant, vindictive spoilt brat - you'll get on great!"


....which turned out to be totally true!!!!


Yep that interview was full of red flags for me


I saw that interview as MM bending over backward to not look like a gold digger. Which everyone assumed she was, including me. She knew nothing, she just wanted a nice guy. Right. I confess that I still gave her too many chances, and it wasn't till the Oprah interview that I saw her MALICE. I was hoodwinked before, as so many were. But that interview showed me that she wanted to bring down the monarchy. I don't think there has ever been a worse person born. It has become nothing but worse ever since. She is evil.


Yup. For me, it was instant. The engagement interview was the first I (and all of America) had ever seen/heard her. So obvious to me that she was a controlling succubus type— it was the constant interrupting Harry and correcting him, telling him what to say/speaking for him, the weird lying personality, the intense staring right in his face— she was a mess. I was shocked when the media started touting her as some glamorous H’wood star, intelligent charming feminist, etc. Boy, did the media boost her up— she should be on her knees thanking them


For me, it was the cemetery visit on Remenbrance Day. The audacity to shut down the cemetery and bring her camera crew trampling over veterans' graves... Unbelievable




Her dropping her father like a hot potato after he suffered a heart attack that she believes ruined the lead up to her wedding


When she set up her father entrapped him and Thomas Markle told his story, and the photog was frequently collaborator with her. I knew she was evil.


I didn’t see through the trap she set for her dad, and I actually fell really bad for her at the time. However, I sensed that there was something wrong with her, and the recent divorce and timeline seemed off. Catherine and William acted uncomfortable around her. I’m a WOC and I was buying the racist claims because I have had people act uncomfortable around me. I have a black Afro Caribbean father, and I have had men dump me over this as well (not complaining just showing you that this is a thing). But I’m in her age group, and seeing her clinging to Harry seemed staged. This clinging combined with the way she looked at Hank was so obviously fake. Then I kept observing how the BRF acted around her, and slowly the race bit didn’t make sense, not especially after KC walked her down the aisle himself. Buuuut I could not say anything because any time I tried discussing the inconsistencies with my friends I would get yelled at. I’m mixed, but like MeMe, I don’t look black. So I was being called racist. And I stopped discussing these things because no one wants to be called self hating and racist. Anyway, once I watched that Orca interview I was enraged. I couldn’t understand how a newly wedded wife would go on TV to say such things about her in laws, or how a son would go in front of a worldwide audience to speak ill about his family. I have some folks I’m not particularly fond of, but I was raised not to air our dirty laundry in public. Then it all made sense to me. She’s a crazy lying bitch and he’s an ungrateful envious motherfucker. She should have never done that interview. But she’s a narcissist, and like all narcissistic assholes, she overestimated her abilities. In this case, she was still high on “Suits” and convinced herself she could act. The truth is this talentless bitch can’t do anything well, and the lies she told were obvious, Hank’s body language and reactions to her every lie were giving her away, and her fake doe eyes were an act. Lots of people point at the Orca interview as the moment they saw through the Harkles. I’m glad they did the interview because they would probably otherwise be very successful right now. 🎻


Also biracial and born the same year as she and if I don’t let my hair go naturally curly I appear white. I clocked her earlier than all of my white women liberal friends who seemed looking for an easy way to wash their subconscious racial guilt, which Meghan, by tapping into the George Floyd zeitgeist, offered 


100% to all of this, she lost me way before but Oprah was when I knew she had some major personality disorders. And her acting during that interview was *so bad* I find it hard to believe anybody really fell for it. (What originally lost me was the bad acting in South Africa- try to suppress the grin over “no one asked if I’m ok”, ffs.) I’m convinced her remaining support is just folks keeping up the obvious ruse because they don’t want to look racist and/or admit they were had by such a terrible actress.


Yasss!!! Up to that point it as just manipulative diva antics. Once we saw how she handled everything with her dad I knew there was way more to it. Then nobody but her mom at the wedding. That was the gigantic mother of red flags right there


Imagine your wedding has 600 guests and only one person (one/1) is family. Anyone who was not SEVERELY personality disordered would DIE OF SHAME!!! I don't have a large family but if I just include first cousins and their kids I am already over 100 people.


Absolutely! Even if she was on the outs with her half-siblings and father, how was there NO ONE else but her mother, from either side of her family?


And no close friends. Just former co-workers ans peoole shw WANTED to be friends with 🤦‍♀️🤣


Till this I was very unconvinced by her but prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt - being unfamiliar with the UK, royal protocol etc and thus making mistakes through nerves and inexperience. This was what finished that for me though - a supposed dedicated, loving daughter treating her beloved Dad like that. Please?! No way girl - not buying the act anymore!


Any good daughter would have scaled down the wedding or postponed it. Flown to her father's side and take it from there. Not little orphan Annie!!!


The issue with her father and the pap shoot that was really nothing at all. She axed him from the wedding for that, although I suspect she never intended for him to come. Who does that to the father who loved and supported her all those years when Doria was absent.


I honestly believe Thomas is a reminder to her that someone on this planet knows she’s severely troubled. The narc in her doesn’t want confronting with that so she keeps it away from her.


Thomas knows the truth about her upbringing, and it doesn’t match what she told Harry. She prevented them from meeting BEFORE the pap set up. Her life is a Venn diagram where none of her circles can overlap. There is no way Harry can meet her father, and there is no telling what she has told Harry about him.


I believe that whole thing was a set up by her, so she'd have a reason to cut him out. She'd have to tell Harry and the BRF *something*. But even if that is not how it went down, after everything he did for her, she couldn't overlook what amounted to little more than an error of judgement? Geez, what a C U Next Tuesday.


Yeah, if she were expecting him, where was his plane ticket and orientation information package? Perhaps even sent along an aide? You can't tell me Doria just showed up dressed like that, automatically knowing where to stand and what was expected. There was prep. Thomas didn't get it because Madame wanted to walk up the aisle solo. But her plans got crossed up when Charles, thinking she was sad about it, kindly offered to walk her. Before she got Harry safely in the barn, even she didn't dare turn down such an honor from the Future King of England. But she at least got her spotlight on the steps, never realizing that it didn't look triumphant or empowered, just weird. Maybe the Me-so-independent gesture would have worked without the big white dress, tiara, and veil, but you can bet you left nipple she wan't about to leave THAT out, however incongruous. Edited for dropped word


Standing in Africa amidst horrific tragedy and saying that no one had asked her if she was okay! 🥹 Oh Megsy, we're so sorry your £32 million wedding, £1 million wardrobe, couture wedding dress, multi-million pound renovation on your home, and the massive adoration of the English people in the streets cheering for you wasn't okay! 🤮 FO Meghan.


https://i.redd.it/iu3srwchp78d1.gif This knocked me off my chair. The audacity, while being one of the most privileged women in the world.


This right here for me cemented it


THAT’S WHAT PSYCHOTHERAPY IS FOR — not national television


That was bad but it will never be worse than UVALDE


As a parent who has lost a child, Uvalde forever. I call that bitch Meghoul for a reason. She and Haz feed on the weak and the dead.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Yes, Uvalde is something unforgivable.


Thinking of you and your loss - sending you peace and love. My father lost my brother (a veteran with PTSD) to suicide - it is a horrific blow. I agree with you 100% on Uvalde what a ghoul.


I was lurking around here every once in a while, but I got totally convinced by Spare. Because of the birth passage (which made me realized H was never around a birth) and especially how he described fantasizing about his dad dying and Diana's todger cream. I believe M wrote that book, but even if she didn't, the fact that she'd let her husband post something so awful shows her true colors too. Then after that I started researching more and Uvalde cemented it for me. Also knowing every ethnic background she's ever claimed to be disgusts me too


It really upset me when he talked about King Charles’s teddy bear… that is no one’s business


My son has a little brown stuffed puppy from when he was little that he still keeps. He is 6’3” and a sheriff deputy sergeant. I think it is quite sweet and very normal to have sentimental attachments to things from when life was easier. We put a lot of work into Puppy as well, having to go back to hotels to retrieve him while traveling no less than two times!


My son, also 6'3" has "Brown Doggie." He has recently given it to his 1 year old son. This stuffed animal is now 35 years old and in pretty great shape!


That's cute. My hubby still has a panda toy he got as a small child from his (long deceased) grandmother. He's 56 years young. It *might* be passed on to a grandchild if we ever have one.


That's so sweet! And "we put a lot of work into Puppy" sounded like you paid for its plastic surgeries to keep him looking young lol


I believe M wrote that book too


Of course she did. The neutered ginger poodle is all but illiterate.


"Heart attack beautiful", "six other men asking about her" - yes, Meghan Markle wrote those stories for sure


William and Catherine being such big fans of Suits that Harry worried they would be starstruck and ask for autographs. Except them being aloof and cold upon the first meeting, and not wanting to hug Meg. Which was it? These two parts don't compute - almost like they were written by different people. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH)


Meghan wore ripped jeans and went barefoot at her first meeting with William and Catherine, that dumb slut. I grew up near Los Angeles too, but I have much better manners than MM.


The ghostwriter mentioned in an article that Meghan was forever bringing him "trays of food and treats" on her "walks with Archie." (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/05/15/j-r-moehringer-ghostwriter-prince-harry-memoir-spare) IF that really happened she may have used these little visits to "help" him with a few chapters.


I also believe she was the source for most of the crap written in '*Waagh'*. I can't see Harry putting the effort into it; he's accustomed to having staff do everything for him. And that psycho control freak he married was never going to give him the autonomy to tell his own story. Even if I'm off base with that assumption, there's ZERO possibility that manuscript went to the publisher without her input and / or approval.


Nominate right. Harry didn't KNOW his.own story. Meghan had to teach it to him.


He didn’t realize he was trapped until Meghan showed him that he was. Every time I hear him say that it makes my skin crawl.


She wrote the book then disappeared when he was promoting it.


She didn't want any poo from the possible fallout of that book to stick to her, that's why. She KNEW it was full of crap and lies.


Yup. She has no loyalty to anyone but herself. Harry is an ass for sticking with her.


For me it was the Oprah interview, when she just HAD to hurry up and say it was Catherine who had made HER cry--- along with the rest of the BS things that she and Harry said during that interview. I knew they both were not mentally right at that point.


I remember seeing that footage for the first time, and thinking she was lying through her teeth. There were many moments in the O interview where watching H's reaction to what she was saying made it clear he knew she was lying. And if it was that obvious to the audience, it had to be obvious to O as well.


I really think, the old Harry who had a ball or 2 in his pants at the time of the O “prey” interview, lost his shit after on Monster when she blabbed on about the racism BS. The look on his face was “what the fuck are you doing?!“ I do believe he was enraged and in panic mode (too late) and had to clarify the next day to say it wasn’t the Queen or PP (who was on his death bed)


Yep. I can imagine that anybody who spends any amount of time with her can tell how deranged she is. She comes off as a weirdo every time she opens her mouth to speak. Narcs gotta narc.


I hadn't been an Oprah follower over the years but saw her clearly for what she is during that 'interview' - it was so clearly set up and there were so many mistruths/lies that the American audience might believe, not knowing how the Monarchy works


The Oprah interview. Not only did she launch horrible accusations against the BRF (as well as the most obvious lies ever), but she also did so while Prince Philip was dying.


Something was waaaay off in the Oprah interview. That’s when I knew.


I had lots of doubts pre Oprah, but giving her the benefit of the doubt, I thought it was nerves because she might be a bit intimidated! (On the irony). But the moment she claimed to have been suicidal I knew. There was a tinny quality in her voice, and the affect and demeanour were off. I have known a few suicides and a close relative attempted it. I knew it was faked. And therefore knew that she was truly evil. You just do not do that. It's slime.


Yes, the suicide story…. I immediately thought “she’s playing Diana,” this is not real.


Meghan Markle was told she shouldn't be doing the interview while Prince Phillip was ill. Meghan Markle said Prince Phillip wasn't really ill they were just trying to silence her. A few weeks later Prince Phillip died. Meghan Markle is an evil, heartless, elder abusing c you next tuesday.


Yep. This was when I saw the light and became a sinner. Embarrassed I didn’t know sooner.


And that will be the number one reason why he will never be accepted back into the RF. They both severely underestimated who is loved the world around and it ain't them.


Oprah. The LIE about Archie not getting a title because his mother is biracial. Absolutely false, and Harry was there and just got along with it. Silence is betrayal?


Also, Hazno just stupidly sat there while MeMe 'performed' that ridiculous curtsy to HMTLQ


Harry is so dim and uninterested in his own family history, he probably had no clue to the protocol surrounding titles.


The near-catastrophic car chase - so unnecessary, such an obvious lie, for no reason whatsoever.


People in NYC were just like, WTF are you talking about.


They had a reason— security. They wanted to show the world (and RAVEC in particular) that they were in the same sort of danger that Diana was in, and therefore, needed 24/7 security that they were being denied. They could then cry victim and racism and blame the RF, and on and on and on. Plus, she loved the drama, and thought they would be interviewed everywhere by everyone— so much narc fuel. It was just another thing that didn’t go to plan.


After they lied and the Mayor called them out on their lies, their mouthpiece Scooby put out a statement. He said no one from the Royal family had contacted the Harkles following their "high speed car chase." Of course the Royals didn't call Scooby. Because if the Royals had called the Harkles, the Harkles would have recorded the whole conversation and released it to the world. LOL! I just realized something. This last week with all the Royals out and about and celebrating, did anyone think of the word "endgame." Nope, not one person. It all looked like the opposite of endgame. It all looked like Charles' Reign is doing very well.


Harry´s statement was weird - he claimed the press was after Meghan Markle, but hardly anybody wrote about her. The engagement interview with a 36 year old divorcee playing a 19 year old virgin, unable to Google. And the horrid engagement dress


Yes. The engagement dress was BIZARRE. It was a ball gown and he was in a pretty casual suit. I still can’t believe they thought that was cohesive/good look. I’m sure everyone in the RF when seeing it was like WTF too


Plus the price tag at 65k was wayyyyyyyy out of line. This is what Middle Eastern or Asian tycoons do. Not European royals.


Yes!! Please give my girlfriend privacy- this is her name, by the way! It really laid the path for the Worldwide Privacy Tour 😂


Please give her privacy. Ignore her massive bills from an immense international publicity agency. OK?


Yes. Please ignore that my very private girlfriend is paying through the nose to be represented by Sunshine Sachs.


I didn't even know Haznoballs was dating anyone when the engagement interview aired 💀


Nobody did and nobody cared. But Meghan Markle and Harry claimed "the media" were haunting them, mixing MSM with SoMe. And any kind of calling them out is, in their eyes, harressment. They seriously believe public figures have a right to "control their own narrative" = only be reported on in positive ways.


Throwing chairs in Westminster Abbey at the end of the Commonwealth Service.


A classic video. Up there with the 50 year anniversary for the Prince of Wales.


Australia. She had married Hank in May 2018. And by March 2019, that is, almost a year, she was already on her fourth or fifth assistant, when what had she done in all those months? Nothing. But she was already on her fourth or fifth assistant, and they also left like "excuse me, I'm leaving, I don't even want to talk about why." That and the fact that by then she had spent more than 800 thousand pounds on very expensive clothes in bad taste. That's not being a diva. Diva Joan Collins, diva Mariah Carey, but the Megsy thing was too weird. What the hell was wrong with that woman?


Canada After listening to Wendy Williams who was the ONLY public voice predicting Meghan Markle playbook (and Wendy predicted EVERYTHING that has happened, just the divorce to come next after the two kids, and live separate lives until then) I had suspicions ... But Canada , after leaving the royals for 'privacy' And then the pap walk with the obvious dummy 'child' The kids are real, but the lifeless doll she carried for the papz was not her kid


Uvalde for sure. I knew she was a piece of work when she cleared out the stands at Wimbledon, but Uvalde was something else. It was utterly disgraceful, a depraved act of self-promotion. I can’t even believe she had the nerve to go back there.


She serves no official capacity in the US. None. She had no business flying into Uvalde on her private jet with her entourage including a photographer. She should have been escorted out by the authorities.


This. Her presence at Uvalde was as inappropriate as mine would have been. That was mind boggling. Brits- she is NOTHING here. Gets almost zero MSM press. She represents nothing but herself.


And the colossal insensitivity to foist herself upon that grieving community. It’s infuriating. She is a world class narcissist and I am enjoying what’s happening to her and That One now.


>I can’t even believe she had the nerve to go back there. Neither could I, but she sure did. Not an ounce of shame.


The wedding. I thought it was really weird that none of her family showed up. And no friends. No close friends, just coworkers from suits and A-list celebrities. I come from a pretty toxic family. But if I ever had a wedding, I have friends that I would invite. Many people who don’t want fancy weddings. My brother and SIL got married in a courthouse with no family. No pomp. Which is fine too. My cousin got married in a very elaborate destination wedding with just his wife, they didn’t invite anyone to the destination. It’s the really wanting all the pomp and circumstance, in a way that was going against the royal British family traditions. You can have a really expensive wedding and not have it be a traditional wedding. Could’ve had a beautiful, not blinding white dress and done it in a very nice garden or restaurant or other venue. Showing up in a blinding white dress at a church. And the expensive dress was ugly af.


Yes! The worst part about her “Suits family” that she frequently touted on her blog, was that she stuck them in the cheap seats and didn’t invite them to the evening reception. (Her “best friend” Daniel Martin, the unskilled makeup artist, wasn’t invited to the evening reception, either).


Quite early on … when she left one of her dogs behind.


Surrounded by starving people and poverty, and she whines that nobody has asked her if she is ok. 🙄🙄🙄 ![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R)


Eugenie’s wedding. The nanosecond she stepped out that car door my mouth dropped and I literally said “oh you manipulative little b!tch” - she was NO WHERE near showing. Then everything prior to it started connecting. Its amazing what we shrug off when we’re giving benefit of the doubt.


With hindsight, something was clearly very wrong from the off but I just didn’t pay much attention and was fairly neutral until she said the queen didn’t own the word royal. Then I watched it all unfold from there. The Oprah interview was when I realised both how evil and how crazy she is. Her accusing the palace of using 99yr-old Philip’s illness to “muzzle” her when he was obviously dying, reviving waity Katie and worst of all, lying about Archie not being a prince because of his race. Helping her husband to throw a nuclear bomb at his family while they were going through losing a precious member. Just despicable. There was much that chilled me afterwards too. Sending a PR release merching the wreath she organised for Philip’s funeral and the naming of Lilibet just weeks after we’d seen it on the Queen’s wreath on Philip’s coffin to name just two. But yeah, going back to the Oprah interview, I realised she was completely nuts when she compared herself to Ariel meeting a prince and losing her voice. When she tells Oprah how she gets her voice back again she looks completely deranged. If you haven’t seen it before, watch her here https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyamberlalexander/video/7237267223197322539


For me it was the engagement appearance. Dirty shoes that were too big, messy hair, ill-fitting dress, the hand-gripping, the arched back....I was expecting her to lift one hoof in the air. The whole ingenue act is nauseating no matter who does it, but a nearly-40 divorcee is especially egregious.


Parading around in a moon bump with her dupers delight smug face. https://preview.redd.it/n0wrd8ns378d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68aebb704fa9d5c08e3881d3e388071b93ee418


She creeps me out. This is beyond creepy.


I didnt follow royal stuff at all before Megxit, but how they handled Megxit with all the cloak and dagger antics, instead of just going about it like adults was so off. Then the deal was sealed when I saw those set-up paparazzi pics of her walking around in the Canadian forest with what had to be a doll (due to size and how the doll/baby was in the papoose - a real baby would have been crying) I knew she was a narc. I got recommended Yankee Wally videos on YouTube and they were a good listen during the pandemic. Seriously, sometimes I think if this hadn't happened during the pandemic, most people would never even have noticed her toxic side because they'd be too busy with their own lives. But with the world locked down, they were the only source of celebrity gossip. Anyway, I knew at that time she was promising Harry a quiet life in the forest, but her end goal was Hollywood and isolation from his family and friends. Slowly boiling the frog....


I think the horror was getting to know that she and later he laid down previously a foundation of trademarks and copyrights and maintained PR agents and lawyers in LA before the marriage and planned to skip to California on half in - half out basis, but the late Queen rumbled them. She also had no intention of becoming a British Subject and was disingenuous about becoming an Anglican/Episcopalian.


It wasn't a moment, it was her relentlessly doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.


It took me a while. I wasn’t really paying close attention. I thought some weird stuff went down here and there but whatever. I even thought if H&M wanted to leave the UK for a quieter life in Canada then why shouldn’t they? And then then they left Canada almost as soon as they got there and moved to LA. And I was like, Oh *that’s* what’s up. I Should have known that the wedding dress was the real clue. I’m a seamstress, I know how to tailor, I know what a couture gown should look like. There is No F’ing Way House of Givenchy doesn’t know what they’re doing or how to fit a gown. But I missed it.


Nuts from the beginning, but the cherry on top for me was naming the alleged daughter "Lillibet".


From the get go. She's been overly contrived and manufactured from the beginning, but her eyes are almost always dead. The only time they're not is when they're mean and calculating. She's not good at maintaining her mask. It's been unsettling room day 1.


no family at the wedding. I didn't watch the engagement video until much later, that was a bag of cats.


A bag of cats - 🤣👏


The constant clinging. The fake smiling.


The "racist" claims. Like the RF didn't bend so far backward for her, their heads practically touched their heels. Plus her playing the race card after passing for just about ever. I'm for calling out racism when it happens, but not in her case.


It was the Africa interview and the Diana doe eye attempt.  I knew right then that Rachel Meghan Markle is incredibly disordered.  IMO


The no family at the wedding was the first red flag, then when she was given the opportunity to accompany the Queen on a royal visit and turned up looking like something the cat dragged in and had the audacity to get into the car before her majesty was the true eye opener to her character to me.


Her podcasts!!!! Dude the way she reacted to Mariah Carey teasing her that she gave Diva vibes — like, dude — laugh at yourself. But no, she snapped into crazy defense mode in a way I have never seen a celebrity do before. It was like whoa— so THIS is what she’s like…. 👀


When she announced that she was pregnant stealing attention from Eugenies wedding. I used to know someone with Borderline Personality Disorder. The look on ratchels face was identical to my friends when she was causing fuckery. I knew big trouble was on the way. I think a lot of people are on this sub because they have had first hand experience of the horror that people with some or all of ratchels behaviors can create. We can spot it a mile off, it's like we've been vaccinated against it.


I do not consider that a narcissistic "disorder" in any way excuses or expunges being an asshole. It *explains* it, sure, but it doesn't make the person in any way less unpleasant, predatory, egregious, destructive, and worthy of avoidance.


Eyebrows raised when she named her (alleged) daughter Lilibet. Full realization when I saw the curtsy.


“When I thought she was disordered,” and “When I suspected she was trouble,” are two different moments. I suspected she was trouble when the Sussexes put out the announcement that they were “stepping back” and it was instantly obvious that they had not cleared the plans with the Queen. I suspected she was disordered when she told such obvious lies in the Oprah interview. I am not sure when exactly I knew for sure that she was not sane, but the High Speed New York Pap Event may have been it.


The sit-down engagement interview with the BBC. I was genuinely freaked out by her in that. I knew something was really, really wrong. The weird blinking, the dupers' delight smile, the exaggerated arm movements and weird grin. The pretending she'd never researched him or had known about the Royal family - I thought - wait - she lived in Canada, where the Queen is on the money and everyone knows about the Royals, and she knew nothing? LIAR. It all screamed RED FLAG to me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipuU0hHYiF4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipuU0hHYiF4)


I’m so glad I didn’t see that interview until recently. It was so unhinged, it was hard to watch. Also, even if she hadn‘t lived in Canada, people in the US are not unfamiliar with the BRF. I’m a few years younger than her and remember very well all the teen magazines with William and Harry on the cover. And then of course William and Catherine’s wedding- I think all of my female friends watched that. And Harry’s partying antics (especially in Vegas) absolutely made our news cycle here. Diana was of course very popular here as well (millions of Americans, myself included, watched her funeral). All of our moms watched her wedding and were very invested in the divorce drama. You do not have to “follow” the BRF in the US to have a pretty good working knowledge of them, especially if you were a teen girl when William and Harry were teens. I can’t believe she even tried that lie. It was SO far from believable. Honestly, all her “oh Americans don’t know xyz” crap infuriates me.


Very early on. A bit different to everyone else, but it was when she wanted the Dalai Lama to do a blessing at her wedding. I felt she wanted to make a celebrity spectacle of him. Especially when her values are so misaligned with Buddhism…what compassion did she show her Father during the lead up to the wedding? I just felt this was really off. It was like she’d sat down and made a list of the most famous people in the world and decided that now she was marrying a prince, she was entitled full access to them. That was when I began to really dislike her. By the time the banana writing episode occurred. I knew she was unhinged. After shoving down everyone’s throats how “whip smart” she is, she did that???


When she smacked the hand of the man who offered it as she was getting out of car at her wedding.


The pap shots on Kensington high street (with ‘end poverty’ bag and wellies!) was the first tell for me. It was obvious she wanted attention and had no clue how to fit in. I couldn’t understand the dress code and it was obvious she wanted to be seen using the public entrance to KP. Then Pippa’s wedding where the fact she called the paps when leaving her nail appointment or whatever it was and then briefed the press about not being invited and Harry coming to pick her up. That made it obvious she wasn’t going to want to be discreet. The engagement interview sealed it as it was just so obvious she hated the ring and was playing a role. I didn’t expect the wedding to go ahead as I presumed the royals would speak to Harry or he’d wake up. clearly I overestimated his awareness, or underestimated her guile.


From the get. I took one look and said trash and trouble


I cannot recall what specific event drove me here, but I do think she is garden variety human evil. No therapy can cure evil.


Evil is genuinely it.


Kept giving her the benefit of the doubt till South Africa “ not many people ask if  I’m OK.” Whaaaat?


This was it for me too, I never liked her a lot but that was what crossed the line into “there’s something wrong with this person.” Surrounded by people in truly difficult circumstances and complaining about the hardships of her privileged life was tone-deaf to the point of sociopathy.


Honestly from the very beginning. The pics of them in Toronto at the Invictus game had me wondering with the ripped jeans, etc.  Then the cringy engagement interview sealed it for me. The dirty, ill fitting shoes was just so tacky! The way she was hamming it up during the photo session with the prince, it was like she was back on the game show. The overacting and silly faces was just painful to witness. 


Things started looking really hinky around Archie's birth. Then nannies were leaving left and right and Meghan fired one in the middle of the night. That didn't seem normal. Then after Megxit, I found another blog that talked about the behind-the-scenes stuff and I saw that they were right, she was fruit loopy. 🍌


Noprah was the turning point for me for many reasons but mainly she contradicted herself when she inferred that archie wasn’t given a title due to racism but later talked about the letters of patent. Also the fact that she was making so many outlandish claims when the royals couldn’t respond was just downright dirty.


Right after I heard about her dating with Harry, which was the first time I’d ever heard about her. She gave me the escort vibes, I knew she would create big storms in RF. Especially after her engagement, she refused to learn RF customs, traditions and protocols but she said no one taught her anything.


I wasn't following her that closely but I didn't want to watch their wedding. There was something about her that wasn't sitting right with me from the little I heard filtering out after their engagement. I recall hearing Piers Morgan saying how she ghosted him after she finally met Harry


Her constant finding and eye-fxxking of any camera within 100 feet of her.


When Samatha (her half-sister) said something to the effect of, “Don’t do it Harry…don’t marry her. She ruined our family and she will ruin yours too.” I thought it sounded awfully ‘ballsy’ then all the rumours started to leak. And they tend to be true. Around about that time was ‘tiara-gate’.


I was onto her from the Vanity Fair article that she was a bold gold digger. The engagement interview proved her to be an audacious liar. The ghosting and bullying demonstrated her nastiness. I think the fake pregnancies convinced me she was utterly nuts. She was playing the biggest gamble in Royal history and didn’t even try to make it look plausible which she could easily have done. Truly insane.


Oprah. The comment about being suicidal. I have a cousin who uses threats of suicide to manipulate people; she has Borderline Personality Disorder with bouts of psychosis. That made me think Meghan has some pathology.


Prior to Uvalde I was suspect of her. Thereafter, I knew she was a deeply flawed human being.


The Vanity Fair article clinched it for me and confirmed all of my gut-level suspicions. Then the more I saw of her, the more I saw thru her.


The weird wedding set my alarm bells off. I hadn’t watched the engagement interview at the time but seeing it recently left me in no doubt that we were watching a mad bunny boiler


The engagement interview. I'm not kidding. All the signs were there.


Wimbledon is where I saw big diva but Uvalde was when the CRAZY cracked wide open for me. I teach in TX so maybe it was just too close to home and then here she comes….


I came across the show Suits as a recommended show for me to watch. I got into it! It was a great show. Except for Megan’s part. She was annoying as fuck. Then like a week later news came out that Harry was marrying her. I was like what the fuck is happening. Ok cool….but then the interview, the wedding, her constantly needing to speak over everyone or jump to the front. It started creeping me out. I woke up early to watch the wedding and it was….i have no words. Plain. Boring. You could see her smirk a mile away. Then the constant complaining and story leaks. She reminded me of my SIL who I’m no contact with. And people started feeling bad for them for leaving the “toxic environment” but I’m like if everyone’s happier after you leave, aren’t you the toxic one? I’ve disliked her since but Uvalde sealed the deal she’s psycho and has zero empathy


Never liked her since circa Suits. I am always suspicious of actors who somehow get acting roles despite atrocious acting talent. How on earth could they have landed their roles unless there were nefarious means.


When none of her family was invited to the wedding


Her interview in South Africa is when I realized she was selfish, the Oprah interview was the moment though


Announcing pregnancy at wedding


Sus at her dad not being at her wedding. Then the Oprah interview - it’s always that. She lied and said she didn’t know who the BRF was. That is quite literally impossible. Then the fake mocking curtsy made me hate her. And I never looked back.


I’d never heard of her until the relationship with Hazza became public knowledge. The engagement interview was the first time I’d heard her speak and I didn’t buy it. She was just trying so hard to be cute and funny and quirky and was none of it. Then all the hooha about the wedding and the drama with her father and nobody from her family invited except her mother. So much weirdness. She is a terrible actress and this whole dog and pony show is just one big act.


Seeing the Wimbledon photograph when she was surrounded by the dozens upon dozens of empty chairs and learning she demanded people be moved; Learning about the moonbumps - the pregnancy charades; Seeing her makeup at the IG in Germany along with the courtside vid talking to herself, looking to others to gauge her own behavior; Pics where she's sticking out her tongue at people; Numerous pics copying Diana's clothing. The women is seriously nuts.


Suggesting the queen move out of Windsor castle so they could have it. Getting put in their place and only getting Frogmore Cottage but mog demanded no neighbour's directly look at them or talk to them anywhere on Windsor Estate. Clearing Wimbeldon out so she could sit there in jeans with 2 of her mates


Lilibet. It takes a special kind of monster to use your new born baby as a tool for revenge.


Trying to portray naïveté was so disingenuous. She had been traipsing around Toronto acting like a diva prior, no one knew her, but she still did it. She schemed and lied her way up that greasy ladder, and is still doing the same thing. IMO.


Her Despicable treatment of her father, that was a bright red flag


The lying on Oprah. Lied with great confidence but I was debunking as I watched. And the “car chase”. Truthfully, when she started mentally and verbally torturing Ginger with the idea that paps on scooters were after them….. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


Expensive engagement dress, the attitude she had leading up to the wedding, but the wedding was the end for me. No family, just celebrities who didn’t really know her. Why not invite the entire family, was my question, but I was in the minority at that point, I did find other blogs who felt about her the way I did, until I found this sub and it’s been my go to ever since.


When she had Harry write that complaint about her being harassed by the media. I had never heard of her before that and thought, she’s making this up. She’s no where near