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Nah, I hate you because you're a terrible person.


Rachel's goal was to get people to despise the BRF and to ensure that Catherine would not become queen of the UK. Rachel HATES Catherine with all her wellbeing. She is a jealous and bitter troll. Rachel is infuriated that no one brought into the victim narrative and she is in the narcissist spiraling mode, slightly realizing that she failed to bring down the entire BRF.


>to ensure that Catherine would not become queen of the UK What? Did she think there was going to be vote? Like on Survivor?


"I don't hate you cuz your fat! You're fat cuz I hate you!" 😂😂😂


She said this but, by contrast, what she meant was if you hate me, you don't have to love Kate.


She's also a big liar, pretending to Oprah that she and Harry never set out at the very beginning, for her to compete with Catherine. Harry himself said in Waagh, that he and Markle knew, right after the first "fab 4" interview where MM went off the rails and started speaking about feminism when it wasn't on the agenda, that Catherine was now definitely faced with competition from MM and that the world knew it. These 2 fucking losers are the ones who were desperate to compete. If Catherine gave a flying fuck about competing with MM, she wouldn't have turned up to the "spectacle wedding" in a recycled outfit. It was a beautiful outfit but it was recycled. During MM's time as a senior royal, it was always MM who was outspending Catherine while the latter was called "staid" and "boring" by sections of the fickle British Press, because she was happy to re-wear outfits. Catherine was never threatened by some talentless, Temu Emu actress with a mouth that runs more than an overflowing toilet.


Excellent points! Indeed, if Catherine wanted to, she would have hogged the limelight every chance she got. But no. She was being her normal, modest self. Competition? It was all in the The Witch's deranged mind.


Yup, Catherine was too busy with her own royal duties and her duties as a wife and mother, to have the time or inclination to compete with MM.


She literally went on maternity leave and kept a low profile so Megsy could have the spotlight as the new royal bride


They weren’t desperate to compete, they were desperate to upstage. I’ve always found it so strange that Meghan Markle has tried to present herself as young and fresh, when she is older than both William and Catherine. So odd!


She DID go to the wedding in a VERY pale yellow dress though, which is something I can’t understand. Such a rookie error for one so experienced. She must’ve known she’d be picked up on it  Agree with the rest


It was more yellow than it appeared to be in the bright sunlight, which washed out the color. Most photos of her wearing it were outside on the steps.


I don’t have to hate megan just because I like Catherine. I was willing to give her a chance and hope that she could provide some stability for sparold and keep her word about becoming a British citizen and doing her duty to the crown, but she didn’t. And I could be neutral towards her for letting down the country and commonwealth by not keeping her word, that was a possibility too. Except that she has independently earned my low opinion of her through her own abhorrent and repugnant actions, so I do hate her with all the bile in her soul. And that’s entirely independent of my feelings towards Catherine. I don’t have to like Catherine just because megan has earned my enmity, that’s in fact not why I like Catherine at all. Catherine has earned my respect and admiration through her own actions. However, it’s not true that liking one doesn’t require hating the other, because if you’re a dick to my friend, I’m not going to like you. If you’re a dick to my friend I’m going to prioritise that over whatever independent relationship you try to foster with me. So because of megan’s actions towards Catherine, liking Catherine does require hating megan.


MM tries to bring Catherine down to her lowly level by doing PR narrative stunts like this. MM wants to imply she and Catherine are comparable, competitive, rivals.....mirror image princesses ((cough)). I'm so glad the Queen kicked her to the curb and threw her evil a$$ out of England. All these tactics that MM used against Catherine are well honed cosplays and straight from MM's lifelong playbook. She treats every woman of any importance that she encounters as her equal and expects to be treated as an equal.......or else! imo


>She treats every woman of any importance that she encounters as her equal and expects to be treated as an equal.......or else! In my observation, she tries to push all other women below herself and expects to be raised up. And she will pretend to have been raised if necessary while pretending she's not clawing and stomping in return.


That too.....I agree. But her initial encounters are met with her demanding "equality" and then she takes it from there to blow the competition out of her waters.


Some people think treating people with respect means treating them like humans, others think treating people with respect is treating them like an authority. Then there’s the people who think if you don’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a human. That’s markle.


Rachel has been involved in a violent smear campaign against Catherine for the past 4 years. Even before that in 2018 when the PR pieces began to come in of Rachel suffering and Catherine doing nothing to help her. Rachel says to not hate Catherine while sitting on Oprah and smearing her and the BRF. Rachel that's not how not hating works, you accused Catherine of being a horrible person and know you say we don't have to hate the BRF.


I love Catherine. I was prepared to love Meghan, too, till she showed her true colors (and I'm not talking about bronzer). Put a sock in it, Megz.


So basically, this is just more MM speak for "I'm determined to look like the better person, so you'll love me the bestest and criticize Catherine." I don't do IG so I'm unable to see the story or the comments.


Harry does the same thing when he says he loves his family then goes on to give an example of how he/they were dissed.


To think she equated herself with Princess Catherine at that time (and still does, myopically) is the most astonishing thing, a “who do you think you are” moment.


If you keep scrolling to the 6th post after Rachel on this IG you’ll see King Felipe’s daughters give a lovely speech about the role a Monarchy plays and its importance on their Fathers anniversary. this is what class looks like.


The fact she says it just shows what a hypocrite she is. Nobody says if you love Sophie you have to hate Kate, because Sophie doesn't engage in a rivalry with Kate. Nobody assumes Edo and Jack Brooksbank are rivals because they are married to two sisters. The only time I've seen two family members pitted against each other like that, aside from Charles and Diana, is Catherine and Meghan. You only have to look at their respective personalities to determine which of them is more likely to be at fault.


I always found this particular comment kind of insulting. It's the assumption that people are so simple that they automatically think liking Catherine = hating Meghan. Believe it or not people realize that it's not either or, and we're more than capable of making our own judgment calls on Meghan's character, regardless of how we view Catherine. People dislike Meghan because of her rancid personality, not because it's impossible to like 2 public figures at once. Like so many other comments from her, this just ends up making her look stupid


I remember her saying this and while it’s an admirable statement, she needs to back that up and realize that she placed a target on Kate’s back the minute she aired out their laundry on Oprah, Netflix, Spare, etc


It's really not an admirable statement in the context of the whole thing. She's been taking jabs at Catherine since before her wedding. Starting with planting the story of "the Duchess of Cambridge didn't offer a lift to Harry's girlfriend even though she knew they were going shopping to the same place". Then the lipstick story, the "baby brain" story, Charlotte's dress, accusations of racism, calling her Waity Katie, etc. If you love Meghan, why wouldn't you hate the woman who was supposedly awful to her? And vice versa - if you love Catherine, how can you feel neutral about all those jabs? It's not admirable, it's gaslighting. She's trying to make people think that people can only dislike her because they like Catherine, nothing else.


Yes! This! I always wondered why she went into such detail on this point. If she had truly been interested in not starting a competition she could have said something like "no one needs to compare us" or something, but this statement seemed weirdly trying to do the opposite. I always wondered about that. You nailed it!! And then in Spare, Harry wrote how after the lip gloss incident, there was going to be comparisons between them and how for the first time Catherine would have to face some competition....which so sounds like Megs wrote that part.


She wrote that entire passage - what man would know these sort of details about sodding lip gloss of all things. Either that or she droned on about it for at least fortnight with her "version" of the "truth" until he could remember it verbatim. Evil cow.


This whole lip gloss matter is so gross. It seems like MM wanted to plaster Catherine's DNA all over her own mouth. Quite disgusting.


Mainly done to discombobulate her, throw her off her stride. She was such a cow to ask in first place (her assistant would have had a spare anyway) and then to tittle tattle about it and make trouble. Truly evil to the core.


It’s definitely an ownership thing


That's what came to my mind when it was brought up. Sharing stuff is for clubbing besties, still gross.


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The laundry she washed without laundry powder and aired were all hers and hers alone. History may be an ever growing sleepy giant, but it suffers from bloating and occasionally lets one or two off ![gif](giphy|kMU2BCFB4EEA8) So, Ada Mazi Rachel Markle be aware of that.


Meghan Markle could have followed the “you don’t have to hate Kate” line on Oprah with “there’s this group called the Sugars and I really despite how they lie about Kate and the BRF”.


It wasn’t an admirable statement. It was a weaselly thing to say after several attacks on Catherine, so she could both imply that they are on the same level (and draw similar levels of global support) while distancing herself from any negativity that might be directed at Catherine as a result of her own attacks. ETA: I suspect most of the billions of people who like Catherine don’t think about Meghan at all, so she was correct in a sense. But it’s not like any of us needed permission from brace, suffering, self-sacrificing MeMe to appreciate the now PoW.


And they both still insisted that THEY were owed an apology. "They know what they've done". They're going to be waiting a long time for that apology!


I don't hate you because I love Catherine, I hate you because I see what you are and you made me hate you all by yourself!


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) For title reference: Eyebrow kid meme.


*Not liking you has nothing to do with actually liking Kate Middleton … Kate shows respect …she always has … she’s gracious and kind much like Diana …* ***you on the other hand feel you are owed respect*** from one of the comments. This reminds me of the difference between a leader and a boss. A leader earns respect because of their actions and who they are. A boss expects respect because they are the boss, no other reason.


well said!


She really needs to stop with this vendetta at this stage. She is showing herself to be a liability and a total nutcase. It's actually quite worrying. No wonder they've been assessed as a risk to William, Catherine, and family. She is seriously deranged.


She's absolutely fixated and obsessed with Catherine.


I don’t have Instagram. Can somebody post screenshots of the comments?


She just says if you love me, you don't HAVE to hate her. And if you love her, you don't NEED to hate me.


Oh dear that is so stupid. Shes the evil of all evils and I’ll never like Harkles wife I will always hater her and it’s not because I love the beautiful Princess of Wales Catherine.


Sounds like the only argument a dumb prom-queen contestant can come up with on why she would be the better choice over her competition. She's such a child.


And numbnuts Haznothing stood by and watched this evil mess destroy his trusted and loyal friendship with Catherine.


She is behind the sussex squad. Never let her gaslight you to believe otherwise. some directly involved are jumping ship either because will be exposed one day or catherine is more popular than ever and they chose the wrong sil


She certainly aged poorly in a few short years.


Right? It’s incredible!


She keeps trying to portray herself as an equal to HRH Catherine and she isn't in any way whatsoever. Not in the royal hierarchy, not in personality,not in intelligence, not in looks,not in morals or ethics or class. She is as like to HRH Catherine as a toad to a gazelle.


She accuses people of disliking her because “she’s black” because sadly, this is the one thing she hates about herself :( Her ego doesn’t allow her to see her shortcomings…actually, she’s beyond that, she’s crossed the threshold to plain evil long ago.


Wow I don’t ever remember her saying this. Was it one of the cut scenes?


I think I recall this but she said it after a number of negative stuff like bringing up the Waity Katie name.


"I think so much of what I have seen play out is this idea of polarity, where if you love me, you don’t have to hate her. And if you love her, you don’t need to hate me." From the main interview https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/14277841/meghan-markle-oprah-interview-full-transcript/amp/


https://preview.redd.it/uk7299gnec8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ba24c4c2e13f748cf9a97b325a29c8658b59c2 her narc brain will never allow her to understand that people don't stand her because of who she is.....and that reason alone. It's gotta be nice to be a narc and live in a fairytale world


**Find someone who looks at you the way Meghan looks at her brother in law...**


That look she is aiming at Prince William shows how badly she wants him.


This is the kind of black-and-white thinking that people like Meghan have.


Scary and sad.


Is that deep fake?


She is so low-class. Nobody likes Kate because they hate you and vice versa. You are your own worst enemy.


She meant You love me but you must hate Catherine. No I hate you cause you are just a vile person


People saw through her quickly. Her exaggerated ‘woe is me’ persona. She realized quickly that she was no competition for Catherine and nothing she could do would endear her to the public as much as Catherine was.


This was pure manipulation. She only said this so that she could plead innocence when she blamed the crying over the bridesmaids’ dresses on Catherine. She wasn’t trying to disparage “Kate”! Oh no, she just wanted to set the record straight. This was one of many ah ha moments about Meghan for me, I still gave her the benefit of the doubt for way too long, but I thought it was really petty of her to bring it up and be so upset that the record wasn’t set straight. It’s definitely something that a balanced person would let go.


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