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Irreconcilable differences but within 3 days of the announcement we'll get the claims on tabloids of "close friends" of Meghan Markle the Duchess of Sussex stating that she was subjected to multiple types of abuse. Maybe that she was forced to stay in the house with the children because Harold is a paranoid freak. Something along those lines.


>Irreconcilable differences Yup but I think MM will save all the poison for at least one year after the divorce, because she's a seasoned, money grubbing, opportunistic golddigger. She won't allow her pals to speak to the tabloids while she's negotiating to filch as much money from Harry. However, after it's all signed and sealed and especially if she never signed any agreement to not talk about it, she'll go on the talk show circuit and then bring out her version of Waagh. She's then gonna write the nastiest of all tell alls, that'll make Scabies' Endgame look like a Sunday School book of hymns and earn her lots of money. She's also most likely taken some pics inside BP, Windsor Castle and other BRF properties and, since she boasted about never being asked to sign anything by the BRF, she'll include these pics in her nasty book.


I'd love to see that book come out because she lied so many times nobody will ever believe a word of it


Exactly. I was very amused when I a few days ago discovered that “Oprah with Meghan and Harry“ has its own Wikipedia entry with a detailed explanation of all the lies, with sources and all. 😁


Wow I need to check that out


Too funny! And it’s also available in German. Someone has been thorough.


The Germans seemingly do not like Harry and Meghan Markle at all! They were so fast to cut them out of Invictus. Good on you, German sinners!!!


The Royal Family is a big thing in Germany’s yellow press and Britain in general is very popular in Germany, however little that might be reciprocated. Especially the Queen was loved and admired by many, so the Markle‘s treatment of her and Philip will have been ill received.


That makes sense - Prince Philip had a significant German bloodline, but I’m sure their love of Britain goes beyond that.


The Windsors are basically German. Queen Victoria married her German cousin Albert. The changed the family name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor in 1917 to sound more British. At the same time the Battenburgs changed their name to Mountbatten.


I haven't seem Muggins in on the cover of the tabloids here for a good while, its mostly Catherine now


Not just Prince Philip, they ALL do. The BRF’s bloodline was pure German from 1714 - 1926 (ending with the birth of Queen Elizabeth II). King George I (Georg Ludwig, Prince-Elector of Hanover, born _and buried_ in Hanover) inherited the throne of Great Britain from his second cousin Queen Anne in 1714. Every British monarch from George I through George V married a German consort. (Queen Elizabeth II’s mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, was Scottish). QE2 reverted to the pattern of German consorts in marrying Prince Philip — though he was a Prince of Greece and Denmark he was of pure-blooded German ancestry. It is William who will finally make the BRF truly (genetically) British. Through his mother, Diana *Spencer*, William will be the first British monarch with English blood in over 300 years and the first to descend from King Charles I and II (and of course, King Charles III 🙂). He likely also has a matrilineal Indian (from India) ancestor. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William,_Prince_of_Wales] So King William, with his German, Scottish, English, and smidge of Indian ancestry will *almost* reflect the diversity of Great Britain.


wow - nice find


Twenty minutes later and I’m not even close to done reading that Wiki entry. Worth every minute!! Thanks for the recommendation!


True 😂. It'll be a total trainwrecky, messy drama and will backfire on her, but she's not gonna listen to advisors who might warn her not to release it. She'll be too busy salivating over the big advanced paycheck from the publisher.


Ma’damn has no need for earth dwelling advisors. She is too heart attack beautiful and whip-it smart for mere mortals to advise her.


Yep - she is playing a demented game. Oops, meant she thinks she is playing a dimensional game of chess 🤣


That's exactly what's gonna happen lol


And then the book will flop bc no one really cares. And anything remotely interesting will be leaked by other sources. Yawn. Are her 15 minutes up yet?


MM: I have a great idea! Advisors: Erm, let’s think about this for a minute and try to fine tune. MM: ![gif](giphy|czdzc0HaQHOGWfUish|downsized)


Part of the divorce agreement could be an NDA for both parties. That would pop ILBW balloon.


She won’t honor it.


oh heck no she will call for an interview prime time with her telling us all "well there was always three people in this marriage"


She has no pals to speak to the tabloids. Any leaks would immediately from those temporarily on her staff, and no one sticks around for long.


Genuine question, but do we take her word at face value that she signed no type of NDA? The RF clearly weren’t ignorant of who madam was and what she was anout. I can’t imagine thay they took no measures to protect themselves and the institution from this psychopath


Ive just written the same. The LQE2 was definitely not an idiot and she had all of MI5/MI6 and advisors to report on MM. Remember that the internet has been cleaned up of any nasties - only professionals could do such a good job. They really looked after her - the ungrateful person she is.


Yep, she’s going to save all the best lies for her tell-all book on Harry and the Royal Family. Word has it she started a journal right in the beginning just for this purpose. Though there have been rumors the journal was found and retained when they were packing her stuff when they made their, ahem, “flight to freedom”.


![gif](giphy|mFA2mRBIpm1t6T9Aks) Where does this info come from?!


I honestly don’t remember, it was an article or blog somewhere because I read it, but it was shortly after they left. The alleged story was that it was the day TOW blew off a request from HLMTQ to come see her and went to the, was it the National Theater? The day of the soggy pit stains. When that happened, Sophie was dispatched to pack up her personal stuff while those guys were sent to pick TOW up at the theater and escort her to the airport. Supposedly it was Sophie who found the journal and turned it over to whomever. The rumor that she was keeping a journal was around a lot, though. That part I don’t doubt.


I seem to remember that she mentioned finding her journal when they went back to Frogmore in The Cut article. It was also when she mentioned not having signed an NDA.


Yep, that is also what I remember - Meghan Markle saying in the Cut article that she "discovered" her journal. Never believed the story. If you keep a journal you take it with you. At the time I thought Madam would use it to "document" new stories of woe, but that did not happen. At least not yet.


I remember reading this as well, although I'm fairly certain the weird visit to Canada House with the pit stains was actually the day before. I think Canada House was January 7, the National Theatre visit without her rings was January 8, and the statement about the Sussexes "stepping back" came out on the evening of January 8. I'm certain the timing of this had nothing to do with Catherine's birthday on January 9. 🙄 The Sandringham Summit was January 13. I don't doubt she kept a journal, either. Not as certain that poor Sophie would have been tasked with packing up Meghan's stuff, but perhaps she was in order to keep tight control of the situation. \*Edit to add eyeroll emoji lest anyone think I'm serious about the intentions of the timing of their nonsense.


I remember this too MM was seen with her rings removed, so I'm not sure if the RF took back the Welsh gold ring before she left the UK.


…with the children?! Hahahahahahaha!!! What children? You seen children?


These two will be the couple in court fighting to NOT have custody of the children 


Madam is only interested in the custody of the support payments, once she attains that he can have the kids, if not boarding school and summer camps will raise the kids.


Lol exactly, that's why nobody could see them! QED


And “leaked” audio/video recordings of Harry in a mood, completely out of context from whatever the accompanying allegation may be. How much you want to bet she’s keeping notes, both in the form of a handwritten diary full of her lovely, faux-lligraphy and a “video diary” like their “friend” suggested they do around their “Freedom Flight”. I can easily imagine a series of tearful video clips of Meghan “hiding” in a bathroom after some scenario where she’s pushed buttons and driven Harry batshit insane to the point where he ends up reacting poorly, giving her the perfect opportunity to stage some moment where she’s talking into the camera, whispering in fear with wide eyes whenever Harry’s muffled voice is heard in the background. He’s a shit human and yes, I fully understand he pokes smot and does other drugs, but I have a feeling Markle is going to spin shit out of control not unlike Amber Heard did. I have no doubt that living with Johnny Depp was stressful and scary at times, but Amber did herself a disservice by spinning his drug/alcohol addiction (and the anger/violence/abuse that often accompanies those with substance abuse issues) by exaggerating and reconstructing timelines of events. Markle will no doubt follow suit and “shine a light” on her marriage in her own special, authentic, organic way so as to try minimizing her culpability in it all. Edit: That was a lot of “quotes”, lol. Goes to show you how “authentic” and “genuine” she and Harry are. ;) Oh and yep… **“irreconcilable differences” or “conscious uncoupling”**.


Amber Heard did as much drug use as Johnny Depp so that's why it was easy for her to pretend her drug was his (remember the coffee table) but with Markle I'm not sure if she uses drugs at all. If anything happens and sheds light on their private life I think we're going to be very surprised. Same for violence, does she get physical like AH? I'm sure she's the type to throw objects at people when she's mad though.


I have a feeling Markle is indirectly violent, as in, I can’t see her being directly physical with Harry but I can easily see things being thrown, doors slammed, etc. and I have a feeling her abuse is more psychological/emotional and strategically planned more than anything else. She’s psychologically violent. Throwing her wedding ring, or leaving it on his nightstand or something. That sort of thing. And I agree with you about the drugs. If Markle does do drugs, I have a feeling they’re of the pharmaceutical variety, “legitimately prescribed”. Edit - clarity Oh, and I also think she’s more of the stonewalling variety; she likely goes completely cold on Harry and alienates attention, affection, etc. rather than angry outbursts.


I don't think they will ever officially split. He won't because he is too stubborn and proud to admit to the world that he was a fool and William was right about Meghan...Meghan won't because everyone in the world is on to her now and she will not be able to trick a rich man into marrying her. Harry was the only famous man dumb enough to marry her. Theybwill live separate lives but make public appearances together to make coin.


 Harry was the only famous man dumb enough to marry her He bought a loaf of stale bread at a markup because it marketed itself as croutons.


Well said! Great analogy!


Yes, I totally agree. They are stuck together now, much like Edward and Wallis were.


And Markle has her eye on the grieving widow role, not the bitter divorcée role. It can't come soon enough for the spider woman of montyshitshow. 


That’s the scenario I’m worried about. I do worry about how Harry will react if he ever realises what a total mess he’s made of his life and we know he resorts to drugs. This is not a good combination!


Personally my opinion is he doesn’t make it out alive. Not strong enough to get through the unmitigated hell she now and in the future will put him through.


I think it's why the RF are circumspect in their dealings. If *we* can see that it's a potentially deadly situation - for a vulnerable man who has fucked up completely on a global stage and may one day realise that he is an utter laughingstock - the RF must be very well aware and trying, on the quiet, to do whatever they can to save him. Tough, tough job when they're only human and have been betrayed and disgusted by him too. What interesting times we live in! 


Concur. When folks ask why the Palace doesn’t lower the hammer on him, it is for the reason they know he is a mess and doesn’t handle any pressure well.


And he will make it oh so easy with his substance abuse.


Those who have real wealth wouldn't have touched Meghan on her best, most youthful day, much less now. That's why she had to hook Harry. Sorry, Megs, but you blew your one shot. Unless she thinks there is more money in a generously backed (RF) divorce settlement, she'll continue riding the same horse. She has nowhere to marry but down.


Exactly. There are not nearly as stupid wealthy men as people think. She happened upon one of the few absolute morons with money. And access took her from distasteful to toxic af on a world stage. No decent,intelligent, sane rich man would touch her with a 10 foot pole. She's poison. She snared harry because he's a stupid jealous petty paranoid creep who couldn't get a decent woman to stick. He had to marry something like her because no one else wanted a nasty little man baby. She saw all the dollar signs and thought being tied to fuckwit the whiner bitch was worth it. We'll see how she feels when the cash gets tight


Most people use the internet to do background searches on people they are dating now. It's just good safe practice. She would never pass


People in the class she longs for don't do internet searches. And her yachting days are long over. ![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6)


I totally agree with you. They’ve invested way too much in their “love story” narrative to admit it was a farce.


Harry for the sake of those kids don’t be afraid to back track on your love story!!! JLo invested $20 million of her own money in the film that was her and Ben Afflecks love story. A few months later JLo is solo in Italy and Afflecks at a rental down the street from his ex wife and kids. I’m not sure how much of her $20m she made back. It’s never too late to leave. Too stupid or too prideful to leave is another story.


What a waste of $20 million. Think of how that could have been put to good use.


I think that the BRF will negotiate some sort of buyout agreement to get Harry and kids out of the marriage, then Meghan will immediately turn around and accuse the BRF of covering up Harry’s violent abuse of her


The RF won't get involved at all. King Charles is a business man and King above all and knows better. If he sends a lawyer etc then he'll come across as hateful to the mother of his grandchildren. Prince harry lost ALL SUPPORT & FINANCIAL BACKING FROM THE RF. Prince todger has to sort this one out himself. Time to grow up boy.


If there is a divorce, I hope this is how it goes.


💯 there will be agreements and she will violate them all, betting on the fact that there won’t be consequences and any that come about will be spun as racism by The Family. Also there would be more alliances with anti-monarchists and anti-western factions that would all be very eager to use her for their own nefarious purposes. She’d be only too happy in the harm caused to the family that had initially welcomed her and tried to help her succeed


and of course the racism card


I actually doubt this, harry wanted to be independent. He got it. The damage done to the brf has been done. They've cut both him and her off, which is the only way to deal with a narc. By maintaining this approach they continue to limit his and her ability to damage the institution. If they engage or help him in anyway they expose the institution to risk


Agree. Harry needs to do this on his own. 


Harry has Sherbourne to happily assist him. Right????


Which is why I worry it won’t end. He doesn’t have the strength to leave on his own.


*shrug* oh well.


I'm not sure they will get divorced. I think they'll be like Edward & Wallis. Together until the bitter end, privately living separate lives (if they aren't already) but publicity acting like they have a fairy tale romance. Harry needs someone to manage him and Meghan needs someone with deep pockets. Neither one has people lining up wanting to fill those roles.


Someone needs to tell both to follow their scripts better.


Oh, without a doubt they need to get better at appearing to be living happily ever after. I just think the general public has moved on and while they'll continue to get coverage it will be short-term. The polo and cooking show may renew interest in H&M but I don't know many people who are interested in either.


Maybe he'll catch her being "occupied" with Marcus, or someone else. That would/should be enough for even The Hairless One.


tbh, I don't think that would do it. She's gotten him backed into such a corner with his ball sack wrapped around her hand, I think she would just berate HIM for it, doesn't he understand this is the *American* way, and he would just cower and take another puff on his joint. I don't think cheating would be a deal breaker for him anymore. He's in way too deep and he knows it.


Then he's more of a hopeless, useless, eunuch than he appears to be.


Agreed and I also think he's been cheating, too. Between his cowardice and drug habit, I really don't see him leaving.


She would throw all his indiscretions in his face. He is no saint, I am sure she has chapter and verse on his aberrant behaviors.


I actually think not. His mum probably justified herself to her children and MeMe probably knows the script.


Or at least appear to do it on his own.


⬆️ This. But he’s still out. He’s never getting back to where he once was.


He's forty years old!


Before William became POW, Harry was wealthier because Diana gave him more money than she did William. I am certain MM a has burned through Harry,’s inheritance. It’s pretty sad.


Charles did put away some land for land for both boys after they were born. Charles offered to build a home on his land near the Welsh border to live privately with his family but, was refused by them. Markle was never going to live anywhere away from the limelight and cameras. Since the land is already earmarked for him I don’t know if Harry building a home on that land would be seen as helping him if he pays for the building costs. I don’t think other than this land use would the RF help him. I don’t think he would get access to the land if his wife is still in the picture. Their refusal of Charles offer to build them a house in the countryside was telling to me that their use of the privacy claims was just BS on their part.


If Muggins had any business sense she'd get him to build a house there so she can do a Simple Life spin off, and at least pretend to have a sense of humour. Since she so wants to jump on the Trad Wife trend


I'd like a country estate built to my specifications! Where do I sign up for that?


Get in the queue!


I agree with you. If Charles is still king, he might help Harry and the kids after a few years to some degree under strict conditions. But, he won’t help with the divorce. The BRF won’t get entangled with the Harry and Meghan drama. William is already done. He’s been in protection mode of his family. Harry keeps on about protecting his family and the sugars sing his praises. But, there isn’t anything to protect them from. There isn’t a wolf at the door (she’s in the house). Meghan knows the majority doesn’t care and is pissed. On the other hand, William really is protecting his family from his idiot brother, ghoulish sister-in-law, and their fans.


Exactly, H the calls are coming from inside the house.


They did not harm the RF, many people like me, who have never followed the RF except for the main news, felt sympathy and took a positive interest in them I had never thought about the great work they do, I have to thank the two idiots for re-evaluating the Windsors


That is a really great point. There are now many new fans of the BRF due to the ridiculous, fraudulent antics of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. I had no idea how much work each Royal actually did before, especially Princess Anne. My respect has deepened, thanks to them.


Aaah! Our beloved Princess Royal! By appointment the One armed Paper Hanger to the Nation. Works harder than a worker bee on speed!


Agree, I pay more attention and am emotionally invested in them now thanks to those 2 bozo's


>They did not harm the RF, many people like me, who have never followed the RF except for the main news, felt sympathy and took a positive interest in them Same! I had no feelings for the royal family, but the way Harry and Meghan have trashed them gave me sympathy and support for them.


Great point. I didn’t even realize until you pointed this out. I previously had a mild distant interest in the Royal family. Now that they’ve been (unfairly) attacked I almost feel protective of them, practically rooting for them. With my increased interest comes increased awareness and admiration for the work they do.


Also, AS IF she would ever ever honour the terms of any buyout! She would leak like a sieve to "a source close to the duchess", etc. So, in effect, she'd be paid by the RF TO LEAK all the info. Yeah, sounds like a fool-proof plan.


Well said. He's out.


So infuriating every time I hear it. The BRF made every effort to be welcoming. What racist family, upon learning their child is marrying “the wrong sort” throws them a 30 million dollar wedding, lets her wear the family jewels, not only invites a Baptist preacher but also All the other heads of church in the country, goes out of their way to compile and hire a gospel choir AND his father walks her down the aisle since her own father was sick. Right in line with the stuff triple K does.


Hazbeen has no brain cells left and has never had to think for himself. In the divorce he will be lost bc for the first 35 years the RF thought for him and made his decisions. The last decade Roachel has made all his decisions for him. He will be lost. 


He still has drugs, video games, frivolous lawsuits, and polo -- same things he's been doing for the past several years. He has handlers and assistants, as he's always had (although apparently not a competent stylist or dresser). He won't be lost, although he'll probably keep a low profile except for IG, Sentebale, etc.


As long as Harry has money, yes, there will be people around him. But for how long?


Once he’s free from Madam, his living expenses will decrease drastically, and he can probably cover them with whatever he gets from IG, Sentebale, ButterCup, and any other groups shortsighted enough to pay him, plus whatever passive income, residuals, or dividends he has. Failing that, some family members (definitely not all of them) might pay a handful of staffers on his behalf just to ensure his welfare. They’ll be smart enough to not give him funds directly, of course. I expect he’ll lay low in the UK or one of the African nations where he has ties, for a while post-divorce.


If she thinks that bitter pill licker Harry won’t write a hit piece right back in her - she is delusional


They will both sling mud, contract themselves out to be paid to do it. Wonder how they will split the flying monkeys and sycophant reporters, then the big question of who gets Okra’s support. If it happens it is going to put any other celebrity divorce in the shade.


And taking kids from a black woman, slavery style 🤣 and that's exactly why the BRF shouldn't offer anything. Stay away from the mud fight and you won't get dirty.


I am not so sure the RF will help much and who can blame them.


Where will they get the alleged kids? That could be interesting.


I’m not sure they are going to separate any time soon, it will be hard to admit defeat, they bragged too much, burnt too many bridges, poured too much scorn on those who had their doubts and put their supposed love story in the middle of their narrative. But IF they are separating, it will be such an epic clash of egos that they won’t be able to consider any pr or keep to an agreed script. It will be an all-out war with contradictory claims, accusations, lies, press briefings and hysterics, they won’t be able to contain themselves. They will make the Jolie-Pitts look like two toddlers bickering in the sandbox.


Brad kept pretty quiet on the divorce I thought. It was Angelina who was doing all the mud slinging. But your correct, with those two, it would be an all out War of the Roses type divorce


Yeah, I know, I was hesitating to use them for a comparison, because Brad shows admirable reserve. But they are the messiest divorce of the last years I can think of.


Depp Heard comes to mind......


Oooohhh, yes, how could I forget about them! They went nuclear! Not sure the Markles will treat us to a trial in Virginia with all the trimmings, before something like this happens the royal family will have him abducted and hidden away for a few years.


They are bound together by their ridiculous lies forever. Neither of them can extricate themselves without looking at best, like bigger fools than they do already and at worst, utterly cuckoo. They haven't cohabitated for years so it's a long distance ~~purgatory~~ relationship of sorts anyway. May their marriage be as long as their ability to hold a grudge.


Exactly this! The truth about the "children" would come out, as well as a bunch of other hot garbage


Meghan will fight to her last breath to keep the marriage going because there is nothing left for her post-divorce. She will be forever be a former Duchess and will never get close to the level of public interest she has now. Sure she could do a tell-all book or documentary but those are one shot deals. She may get some money from Harry but she needs regular, high income for the lifestyle she wants. There is no long-term future for an ex-spouse who became famous & wealthy primarily due to their spouse. Her status these days is waning but still immensely stronger than it would be on her own. Worldwide attention would vanish quickly post-marriage.


We know there is nothing left for Roachel post divorce, but as a narc, does she know or accept her fate?


I think the BRF is going to continue to grey rock the both of them forever! The split reason from the Sussex attorneys will be irreconcilable differences most likely. The divorce will take forever because she will hold out for big money from the BRF who are not going to fund this settlement. William, POW will not agree to it. They are not going to be given another home on any royal property. Ever. Harry has no earning power other than selling his royal connection. The dollar value on that is rapidly diminishing too. How much face time has he had in the past year with his father/family? She’s going to burn through whatever she’s got squirreled away. They will file bankruptcy before their divorce is finished. They have no more stones to throw at the BRF. She isn’t and hasn’t held anything back. Harry may think he has another book in him but realistically whatever was left out/ taken out by attorneys was probably very stupid “William got an extra sausage” bs or so inflammatory (and no proof/vetting of claims) that publishing it would open publishers to legal jeopardy. These faux royal tours are going to dwindle out. She had to absolutely hate hate hate that trip to Nigeria. The dusty 3rd world vibe and lack of crowds are pretty satisfying to watch in reality from here. Where were the people dancing in the streets for her? Ha! I for one, have enjoyed watching this slow motion derailment. Miss the days when there were always 1.5k to 2k sinners on the site at a time though. Everyone should remember Fergie only got £2-3 million when she and PA split. And she never said a bad word regarding the BRF. It will be sweet when the duchess ends up working retail……


Maybe we will be lucky and they will continue to live their separate lives together 4ever. They are not together in my opinion except for public outings.


Meghan will likely get in first. Citing his drug issues and a lack of support from *that* (his) family. How Harry responds or reacts is the more interesting question. Interesting being relatively speaking, out of what is an entire soap opera.


She'll definitely use the drug use against him, it's so easy he admitted it multiple times.


This 100% She will use the drug use so he gets deported, isolating the kids from him like she has with Harold and his family, and she and her own family.


Of course she’ll get in first. She’s constitutionally incapable of not getting herself out there.


He may find that ‘never complain’ stance comes in handy and there is a reason it is a go to for the RF.


Wasn’t the reason she gave for breaking up with Trevor was ‘he was mean to her’. The rings went back by mail just after Trevor went to the Oscars and didn’t ask M to come along with him. That’s all it took for M to finish with Trevor, and she didn’t even explain to him the reason for the break up. He went to TM Sr asking what was going on. All I know is, with H it’s going to either be ugly in public. Or they seperate privately and give the impression they are together for the next 15 years, just like Hugh Jackman did with Deborra-Lee Furness.


Poor trev went to a lot of trouble to get her signed on a show in a completely different country. No way he's flying her back for the Oscars lol. Say what you will but he played a fine hand there. The only way to get a crazy narc off your case is if they think they have something better on the boil. I think he became a lot smarter than her during the course of their union and wised up to his situation


Allegedly M didn’t want to fly back down to the US during filming breaks between seasons. The fact that Trevor didn’t see that as a sign sooner she only married him just so she could have a wedding party is quite frankly surprising.


Trevor seems a lot brighter than Harry. I think once the wedding was done and dusted (and she got to wear her copy of Catherine's reception gown) the inevitable change in her demeanor wouldn't have gone unnoticed. I genuinely believe it's no coincidence the only work he could get her was in Canada. I think he had /heeded and accepted the support of family & friends to save himself from that union.


You're right. The only way MM leaves if she has someone else lined up who'll provide her with unlimited funds. She'll probably try to retain the Sussex-Dumbarton titles. I don't know the rules about that though. If divorced, could she still be a duchess-countess?


As long as Meghan Markle remains divorced from Harry she still has the titles. If she re-marries she loses the titles.


I’m rooting for the dissolution of the Sussex title and letting her have the Dumbarton title. You know, since she hates it so much. Lolol.


Meghan is a con woman who scammed her way into the RF via a weak, damaged, dim young man who has been protected all his life from his own mistakes. He is now her hostage. If she lets him go it will be at a huge price. Her dream of world domination is shot to bits - but she will let go if she is paid enough.


We have Megan claiming racism for 4, Bob!!!


I don't think they'll split. She'll only want it if she has a new opportunity and if he tries, she'll go scorched earth.


In today's Daily Mail there's an aritlce running titled - DR PHILIPPA KAYE: It's an insidious form of domestic abuse... and many don't even realise they're a victim of it. Here are the six warning signs everyone needs to know [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13518343/DR-PHILIPPA-KAYE-Coercive-control-warning-signs.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13518343/DR-PHILIPPA-KAYE-Coercive-control-warning-signs.html) In Camilla's first speech to her domestic abuse charity she talked about coercive control and how it works and I knew at that moment that the RF believes this is what has happened to Harry. # Most have been a lot of comments on this article about Meghan because DM now posts "Commenting on this article has ended." Not ended, it removed every comment.


I'll throw in a wildcard. After years of therapy, he stops hating his sexuality (and taking it out on others) and comes out as gay or bi. That is the PR split reason. Then he writes Waagh part 2 about the psychological trauma of being gay and royal.


This would actually be his only way back, actually.


And would earn him a lot of sympathy


His ego could not possibly handle that.


I wish he would. It would be better than this shitshow. As if anyone cares these days.


In a plot twist no one saw coming, Harold hooks up with Scabies


This is the only face saving way out of it for either of them.


Which is why he had alcohol and substance abuse, to hide the pain of his sexuality but he finally got clean, mental help and out and proud


They still love each other deeply. It’s just their true love story couldn’t survive the evil royal family, the racist British media, and the trolling. It’s your fault, see?


We’re going to get a lot thrown at us by “sources close to Meghan” and “Meghan’s friends speak out.” Hypothetical excuses could include but are not limited to: Mental health - Harry couldn’t control his anger and lashed out at Meghan. He never properly dealt with his issues and she tried so hard, so hard you guys, but she had to leave for her sanity and her precious babies’ safety. Paranoia - Harry was obsessed with security and safety. He refused to let Meghan leave the Olive Garden. He took her keys and she couldn’t even go out to lunch with her friends. Financial abuse - Harry was obsessed with getting security back in the UK and fighting the tabloids and spent all their money on lawyers so they couldn’t afford security in the US, leaving Meghan under constant threat from her ‘haters.’ Every time Meghan tried to make money to support the family, Harry held her back because he felt threatened. He’s the one who sabotaged their Spotify and Netflix deals and he never supported ARO. Drug abuse - You all read Spare, right? The book where Harry admitted multiple times being dependent on mind altering substances? He’s always under the influence of something and can’t be trusted around the kids. Obsession with the BRF - Harry can’t let go of the past and is obsessed with his family, the family that treated poor sweet Meghan brutally and nearly drove her to delete herself. Jealousy- You saw how everyone was focusing on her in Nigeria, right? Just like Diana. Harry was SO jealous, just like his dad was jealous of Diana. She was doing the job better than someone born into the role and his ego couldn’t cope. Custody - Well, of course the Prince and Princess will be raised by their mother in California. They are US citizens and have spent very little time in their father’s country. But their birthright is Prince and Princess and they need constant security and to be raised in a manner befitting grandchildren of the King (like the Wales children, but better) even though Meghan can never let them set foot in the UK. It’s much too dangerous.


Uncle William, for their safety, will take away those useless princely titles


All those excuses sound exactly like something Meghan Markle would say about someone she wants to pin blame on


We’ve heard versions of much of this before directed at the BRF by Meghan and Harry. He failed to understand that someday she’d use all this against him too.


We don't need the Daily Mail, we can already write the stories ourselves.


Drug use by Henry the bald so the wretched meghan markle can get child support sufficient to keep the invisikids living in a style they are accustomed to. That of course is the style of having a mom who flies on private jets and visits once a month.


Whatever it is, she’ll take the opportunity to make sure she’s the most victimy victim ever to be victimized.


Racism, violence, mental health, drugs, drink, womanising…but the truth will be money, there just isn’t enough


They will stay together forever and I can't wish a worse thing on either of them.


I don’t think the RF can get involved in any way because that would just give Meghan Markle even more ammunition against Harry and them. I can see the headlines already. Nope, they’ll steer clear far and wide of this shit show. I could see them doing something down the road when some time has passed, though, especially for the children’s education or a strict trust fund, but that’s it until they know that MM is sidelined and can’t create any more havoc.


Nope. She's married to Harry and Harry alone


I think the BRF will provide H an attorney and there will be some type of constitutional scholar on hand. They will not give her a dime/payout and they will not allow her to keep her title. There will be a deal around the kids keeping their titles - custody or school in UK arrangement. And an ironclad NDA. It will be quietly put out that if she attempts to publish any lie, she and the publisher/media will be sued. No one is going to give her air after the divorce. The BRF will keep their hands clean because they and the UK government will be providing experts for an unprecedented divorce - given there are kids in the LoS. They don’t really have a choice - no U.S. judge can make decisions related to titles. Which has my head going down a rabbit hole of exactly what is U.S. jurisdiction in a case like this versus U.K. jurisdiction. And how all of it would work. It will be fascinating.


At the end of it all, I just don’t think she’s going to cooperate. She is relentless and never gives up. She is consumed by jealousy and visions of revenge. She’ll never keep an NDA from letting her speak and they know it. If they tried to enforce it she’d turn it into this racist family trying to silence the only black member and only black children, it would be an absolute clusterfuck. I really think their best bet is to stay quiet and out of it initially. If they got involved it would turn into this big colonizing racist institution going after the only black members. That’s the whole reason the marriage was even allowed in the first place, they knew she’d weaponize the race issue and she did it anyway. There is just no compromise with someone as evil and hell bent on revenge like she is, they will never win. They’ve distanced themselves and will continue to do so, imo. Also, the British public would probably get really upset if they knew the RF was helping the treasonous family member who has done nothing but slag off the entire country.


She will say Harry is an abuser, a drug addict, a bad father, he didn't protect her, he let the media attack her, he didn't stand up for her against his family, etc etc. I think Meghan will be the one to attack and Harry will be quiet. That is until the BRF gets involved and allows the media to release the Kraken against Meghan, the bullying, surrogacies, etc. It's going to be wild.


Hazard's addiction and inappropriate touching will be used as breadcrumbs to create a narrative that will not be confirmed nor denied. But she'll have to be careful because they will expect her to produce not only the children but proof of their lineage. This is how stupid she really is. She's seeing Diana's post divorce life of "revenge dresses" and billionaire lovers but forgets there's ZERO questions about William's birth so Diana had produced an heir which gave her value. Married to the former Spare, as Princess Charlotte is now Spare to her brother, isn't as lucrative as we've heard "her truth" over and over again already.


Madam will follow the celebrity divorce playbook, as she has been doing for the past year and a half or so. It's now fairly well-established that they don't cohabit, they have increasingly divergent paths, and they want different things. There's been a steady dribble of stories about how the stress and pressures of their life are taking a toll and things are not good (alternating with "date night" stories and the like, of course). There'll be no announcement until after everything is finalized; by then, no one will be surprised -- but also, no juicy details will have been spilt. Behind the scenes, though, Madam will have lined up deals for a bombshell, tell-all book, exclusive interviews, the talk show circuit, and maybe a podcast or TV mini-series. Just like with the Netflix mockumentary, she's been gathering material for this since she ensnared Handbag. Even though many here are sure she won't divorce unless she has another rich man or lucrative deal secured, I think she'll pull the trigger \*because\* she needs money and attention and this is how she gets it. Also, she has extracted all narc fuel and value from H, so it's time for the final discard.


i wouldn't be surprised if she throws an Amber Heard


Imagine MM in a televised trial.


Well, Gwyneth got loads of press for their "conscious uncoupling" when she divorced chris martin and the witch is a copycat. So... maybe... "reactive disconnection"?


Neither of them has a shred of credibility. They have buggered things up so badly they are fading into obscurity. Finally. 


No divorce as she is too old for a new husband with money. Her brand is toxic so one man will go near her now. They deserve each other now. The BRF will not negotiate with her.


Not to be morbid, but I don't think H is getting out of this alive. She strikes me as the type who would have no trouble being a 'merry widow' (after her one tear, left eye dries of course). The ultimate victim card, depending on circumstances.


WHO are the MasterClass of NDAs??? Most definitely, if a split happens, the RF will use that Sussex playbook and pin anything Markle will get with an ironclad NDA. She and Harry BOTH will be made to sign those NDAs...the RF will want none of their mountains of dirty laundry aired in public. The RF have PLENTY of dirty laundry on Markle, they have to date kept silent. And they will continue that silence. They will provide Markle with a minimal financial "kiss off" and Harry will be forced into psych help, substance abuse therapy, and most likely in time shipped off to Botswana. Charles and RF want this entire Sussex shit show shut down quietly and privately. They want Markle to GO AWAY and Harry to be PUT AWAY, both kept silent by financially tied NDAs....one can bet the Royal deal for Markle will take into consideration any financial gain she may expect from book or media interviews, and her NDA will include default penalty of not only cease of financial support but immediate release of every page in the very large files currently in MI5/6 posession. There will be NO explosion of Harry VS Markle dirty separation/divorce nasties by either of them. The RF will see as much as possible is kept private behind closed palace doors. The distasteful experiences of both divorce shit shows of Charles & Diana and Andrew & Fergie are most definitely ones the RF will choose NOT to repeat.


However, I don't think any amount of money will make Meghan want to live life away from paparazzi/fame. She might spin the divorce as "I needed to do this for my children.... Had to give up my marriage for the safety of my kids" pinning all blame on Harry and his ways and projecting herself as a saintly mother


This would be the best case scenario, I'd be amazed if MI5 didn't have enough files on madams to shut her mouth up


I don’t think she’s that intelligent to understand that MI5 has all the dirt and knows where all the things are… she’s convinced that she is the smartest and no one can touch her. 


She in her narcissistic mindset will figure she can worm her way out of any agreement.


And on top of everything you’ve said- they must insist she relinquish the Duchess of Sussex title.


They have a rather symbiotic relationship so I'm not sure they ever will split. Unfortunate for the children, but Hazbeen and MM deserve each other and this way all the hate and narcissism are contained in one place. More-or-less.


Honestly, unless he wises up and dumps her ass, she is 100% going to throw him under the bus and accuse him of being an abusive addict. Or, she's going to off him and make it look like an overdose.


Anything happens to that dimwit and the entire world is going to suspect her.


If they do go the split route, I think they will blame the stress of the 'horrendous media intrusion and online bullying' as being their reason. However I tend to agree with other posters that they will just go their separate ways privately and not have any public split but have a pretend marriage (unless one of them is caught out publicly cheating).


She'll drive him to self-destruct first, then blame the RF.


Yes- and she will blame him and the RF for it all!


I’ve considered an avenue for the split is if KC offers a huge financial settlement in a trust scenario to TW but it would be ironclad and if she broke any of the terms, the money would evaporate. It’s the only way to control her. Money.


I can see “irreconcilable differences”. But if Harry wants back into the fold—to use Anne’s words: not bloody likely—he needs to do it now, while Charles is still alive. He has no chance when William becomes king.


The BRF would well be advised that one cannot negotiate with a terrorist.


Depends if its before or after Charles's demise. If they separate when Charles is the kind, there is some hope of him bailing Harry out by paying Megain. So it might be silent for few years before her tell all. If its after William becomes the king, Harry will be chewed on by Megain. She will accuse him of every single abuse.


On the divorce papers "irreconcilable differences". On her PR attack it will be ABUSE. Sexual, emotional, physical, substance abuse, you name it. She will claim mistreatment of the children, neglect and endangering and all that jazz. She will go to town on Harry's ass. Think amber heard and Angelina jolie mixed with some Jada pinket Smith behavior thrown in for good measure.


When the split comes, it’s gonna be fucking worse than Johnny and Amber’s fucking trial dude it’s gonna be so bad. Everything’s gonna come out and I mean everything.


If and when that happens (think they might stay married like Edward and Wallis in a miserable unhappy life) I think people may be surprised at how quietly things are done due to both sides demanding NDAs. Both have too many secrets they don't want unleashed. It may be very quietly done.


She will never be silenced. She leaks like an old roof.


I’d like to think that whatever negative announcements she made, she wouldn’t be believed. Harry would have to return to England where he would be silenced on advice from the RF who would shelter him from the public eye. If there are children, she won’t want them (only for their monetary value). She may sell them to Harry/RF under the guise of ‘doing what’s best for the kids, despite her heart breaking’. The headlines will write themselves. Her fanatics will praise her for putting her kids first while vilifying the RF for kid-snatching. Whatever she agrees to/whatever deal she makes with the RF, she’ll find it difficult to keep her mouth shut. I think we’ll read ‘leaked stories’ from ’friends’ who suddenly recall seeing her with bruises and such like…without Harry she’ll have difficulty supporting herself, difficulty finding any direction without a man to use (Trevor - acting, Cory - cooking, Harry - fame), she needs to latch a man onto herself and ‘absorb’ his ‘talents’. What was her ambition some years ago? ‘Real Housewives’? She may just attain it…if she’s very lucky, as she has nothing mildly entertaining about her.


We'll definitely need a large Bingo BS card if it happens!


She’ll probably pull an Amber Heard and cry that she was abused.


The Sussex-Dumbarton duo can never be trusted. If they do divorce, their destruction will be complete after they take their complaints about each other to the public. It'll be "he said this, she said that" and "he did this. she did that" accusations with each blaming the other for anything and everything (with a lot thrown at the RF). They'll both reach out to people who they distanced themselves from because they'll need support. Remember, MM is a manipulator and could possibly lure in some "friends" from the past. But H won't be able to return to the friends and family pre-MM. UK is either Team Wales or Team Sussex-Dumbarton. I'm in the US but going with Team Wales!


I think the RF knows by now TW will violate any agreement, so no money will be agreed to unless it is extremely controlled. if the divorce happens it will be a almighty slagging match, both are going to sling mud. I think the Palace will stand back and let them hash it out the duo courted this possibility let them have at it. If H makes it through they might help him after the fact. Set him up somewhere remote on an allowance like a 1920’s Aristocratic remittance man. If he is exceptionally good they might let him back for the funerals. I don’t think the Palace is going to do much about the kids, would look really bad to take kids from their mother and we know she would take advantage of that move to chuck mud. Sadly those kids are probably lost to the Royal family.


She will accuse him of DV, and drug use a'la Amber Heard.


Racism and drug accusations and a vendetta by the royal family against her.


I think any split will be because Harry has come to his senses. No way is Meghan leaving the golden goose. Even tho she considers herself the star she has enough sense to realize that Harry is the real deal, the one with the family and connections. It will be messy and both will over share. They just can’t help it. If the palace steps in for Harry they may be able to get him to shut up.


I think the strategy will depend on who is on the thrown. If it’s Charles, there might be some semblance of conscious uncoupling as she might get (or will hope to get) a pay off. If it’s William it will be the most hideous bitter spectacle ever as she knows she’ll get nothing (and will be disappointed that all of H’s money is either spent or tied up). So my guess is she’s stressed now, wondering whether she can wait for 10 years of marriage or whether she’s better off filing tomorrow. She’ll be studying all pictures of Charles to try to guess just how ill he really is.


Violence and drugs, then a bitter custody battle. Harry is not as functional or wealthy as Depp, so will be easier to beat down. Don't expect him to fight and win. The devastation will be if he kills himself.


Hazbeen will be lost and not know how to proceed. She will milk it for every last penny except her divorce story won’t be worth that much. She will blame racism and his family and his anger. 


It won't come. They may do the separated, then reconciled,  then vow renewal, then separate and so on. Just to keep themselves in the news.   Hopefully they'll spend a long life together as they deserve each other


Whatever reasons Diana used- bulimia, abandonment, cruelty and then add in the extras like substance addiction.


Domestic Violence….just not sure which one will claim it.


They will blame everyone and everything, neither is capable of introspection.


Meghan’s already set the stage for coming out as the victim (again). Harry has openly talked about his drug and alcohol usage, and his mental health problems. He handed her that shit on a silver platter. It’s not only recorded and on the internet, he also physically wrote that shit in a book, so she has it in writing. What a chump move! But she’s going to frame it as “I tried to help him, I tried to stay with him for the children, I tried, I tried, me me me me me” and H is going to look like an abusive twat (I mean, he is one, but this is going to exacerbate it).


I hate to say it, but I always believed she wants to wear widow’s weeds. She set him up big time in Spare


Harry homesick; but she can’t bring herself to move to UK due to Security fears….they’ve been planting that seed for 4 years now; can’t let it go to waste just cos they fail at getting IPP status back.