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Zilch, apart from possibly...maybe....Serena Williams. But now WME appear to have thrown in the towel, that relationship may also be done. Amazing work by Meghan Markle, Duchess of Dog Biscuits - in less than 6 years she managed to offend/alienate just about every one of the 600 people present at the "spectacle".


Nacho & wife were at the wedding, Heather Dorak, Kelly McKee Zajfen, there will be others.


+ Doria who, as a relative, is surprisingly still around.


Is she though?


That was my exact thought. Lol I think Madam has run out of money to pay her.  And the OG grifter has been grifting long enough to see the writing on the wall. Her daughter is about to go down, hard, and Doria doesn't want to be crushed by the rubble. She took her scam money and ran.


Yep, wouldn't surprise me one bit. No honor among thieves.


Thieves being the key word here.






Harry needs his dealer and Dorito fills that role well probably. They need a nanny without an NDA=Dorito.


Doria may also be filling in as a nanny. Maybe they can’t afford 24/7 childcare.


Given Doria abandoned her own child repeatedly I don't see her willingly taking care of her grandchildren.


Sorry I meant Dorito is the nanny without an NDA-I’ll edit lol


JUST the person you'd want to raise the alleged kids, right?


Totally lol


They both do. MM has as many habits as Just Call Me Prince


Think about where they live! Hard to find a dealer in California?!


Dorito is the ONLY nanny I'd make damned sure I got a signed NDA from.


If she wasn't black she wouldn't be. MeMe needs her for street cred & Doria needs MeMe for $$. Mutual users who don't care they're being used as long as each gets what they want.


Correct. So that leaves just 'Marcus'?


I have no idea what Marcus is getting out of this relationship. Before Harry he probably got a cut of MeMe's nights but now?


Money 💰 talks.


I bet if someone gives Doria a multimillion dollar deal to talk, she would


Merkus... where is that snake?


>Merkus... where is that snake? Pimp Daddy Markus is never far from his favourite "girl" for too long. I wonder how he's able to hang onto his job at Soho House when, according to rumours, he's often found at the Monteshitshow mansion 🤔.


That Abigail actress gal too. Unless she has gotten the boot for going to the GOOP party.


Yep she would take that as an offense


That One probably ordered Abigail to go to keep an "in" with Gwyneth and their names linked for SEO.


Abigail Spencer, that low cost temu, or dollar store, d list version of a wannabe Courteney Cox.


Plus all the UK citizens who attended/watched the spectacle! So the number runs to around 18 million on the day. Plus any UK citizen who read the papers or watched the Netflix mockuserie and saw the ‘curtsy’. So pretty much the entire UK as well!


And millions of other people who don't even live in the UK or Commonwealth. I would be one of those pissed off people.


And all the people who were invited but only to stand around on the grass, no church no reception. Sooooooooo rude.


Great maths.


Excellent point!


Count Canadians in that as well.




It was quite the Markling Spectacular and it was televised LIVE to the nation!


The A-listers all know that things can crash and burn. They guard their image as it’s the image and talent that gets them jobs. They have seen the mightily fall when the image has fallen so they won’t attach themselves to people who will bring them down. The A-listers are also superstitious, we hear a lot about OCD and actors behaviours before performance and the Sussex duo have a record of former friends who have fallen. Then there is the whole trust thing, the duo have blown that with the book and videos.


Markus and maybe Misha?! And that's it.


Certainly not George and Amal, nor the Beckhams.


George and Amal are too image conscious to associate with 2 neurotic messes like Henpecked and Migraine 😂.


Especially after they leaked the floor plan of the Clooney’s Lake Cuomo home.


What is it with them publishing people's floor plans, man?


I think it is two-fold. One, it is insider info that proves they were actually guests in the house. Two, it is probably an implication that they have insider info and might know more secrets.


I think it’s because she can’t help herself. She has no master plan. She is all impulse and id


Yeah I think you're right on here.


Or snooping through their belongings? She has no impulse control and certainly no respect for boundaries.


I'm thinking that she was so far above her paygrade in such a short time, that it was just a wow factor. Here she was hobnobbing with Oprah, when a year before she was just a nobody who was in a little television series that she was on screen about 2 minutes a week. Definitely not a star, but a good salary and a steady gig. So, geez, I'd be looking around and thinking, wow, this is so much nicer than Harry's bachelor pad at Windsor.


Meghan barely had friends at the wedding anyway! Virtually no family members present. And the Suits co-stars (in theory her closest colleagues) flew all the way to London but didn’t even get invited to the reception. The guests who got the prime seating were the VIPs like Oprah and the Clooneys, who barely even knew Meghan! She is such a fraudulent, nasty person.


Change barely knew to never met. The Clooneys admitted they had never met her.


But they had met Harry. The Clooneys' were shakers!


Fairly sure George said they never met them.


I was really shocked when I heard that. She invited people she did not know and had never or barely met, such as Gayle King and Oprah and they were invited to the reception, but the people she'd known for years did not score an invite to that reception. She was going for clout, or social clout, not for people she knew and was supposedly friends with. None of her family, who she focused so much on in her Netflix series - her mother's side and how they were strong women, etc - none of them were invited. Her own niece, who she said she was super close to - she told her she couldn't come. I get she didn't invite her siblings, as they were like thirsty for fame and frankly they come across like my relatives (who I don't speak to anymore). But the people she kept pushing as 'her people' who she was close to, none of them were there and then she tried to blame the RF for it and it was so patently false.


I bet Charles inviting the black choir and minister must have shocked her. Black people taking part in HER royal wedding. I thought she had done it, but nooooooooo it was Charles! The minister was a bit over the top and I remember thinking that she must have been cringing because he was doing his black sermon!


It was not a culture she was used to or knew. She didn't grow up as a black woman in the US. She even said she had never been treated as a black woman before coming to the UK. That's some privilege that women of colour do not enjoy. There's a certain irony that they accused Charles of racism, but he was the one who set all the African American aspects of her wedding into motion and organised it.


Her fellow actors were at the reception, there are actually pictures of that.   Now supposedly none of Harry’s old friends were invited to the reception.  


Really? It was reported everywhere in the press that they weren't invited to the reception, so they just did karaoke instead.


I googled it and apparently you are correct on the karaoke.   I was remembering an actor talking about her being the best dancer (I call BS on that one), but it was Idris Elba.   Another person she had never met. Seriously, you have a wedding reception and don’t invite your work colleagues or your oldest friends (Harry’s side), but make sure people you have never met are in attendance.   🤦🏻‍♀️


I know! Suits was her best achievement and the reason she was known at all. She worked with those co-stars for years. It's just astounding that they were excluded from the reception. What a b\*\*\*h!


Also, isn't Idris Elba a beneficiary of The Prince of Wales Trust? I think that might be a legitimate reason to invite him more than being an acquaintance of Markle.


Yes Elba was a beneficiary of the Prince's Trust.


As I recall they had two classes of receptions, perfunctory afternoon tea for B listers (such as her co-workers) and enormous evening blow out for the A listers. So very rude.


She spent 8 months out of a year for 5 or 6 years with these people. She called then friends, and sarah rafferty her work wife. And didnt even invite them. Which is insane. I dont understand why Gabriel Macht allegedly invited her and Harry to his house in Australia. I would be pissed as fuck


“Work wife” and “work husband” are so cringe.


I'm not even sure h and m are in touch with eachother.






Well, there's Doria ... except the last sighting we had of her was last autumn, so who knows where she is at present. Let's see who else it might be ... 🤔 ... I'm thinking, I'm thinking ... 🤔 ...


I get the impression that Doria and her spawn fight like cats and dogs. Both of them are too egotistical to be in the same space for too long. Couple that with the use of drugs and whatnot, I bet they carry on like pork chops.


TIL "carry on like pork chops" 😄 What a great expression.


Ha! My late grandfather always used this. It is a great expression.


Does that mean arguing?




Thk. I didn't get it.


Markus. That's it.


Isn't she in the cellar, nannying the kids?


If they can't afford proper nannies they can't afford Doria.


True.... Unless 'the deal' isn't using a 'currency' we'd understand.


Wine cellar, for boxed wine?


Markus and Doria, the left tenents https://preview.redd.it/tprwcfp1ug8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=268c37912ed51735a469f31125e87cd853fb01c3




>There is something so creepy about Markus. He's like MM's own little Rasputin.


Markus is MM's pimp from SoHo house.




> After all, he picked MM out of a crappy tv series in Canada and put her in Buckingham Palace balcony. I wouldn't give Markus THAT much credit. More like he introduced one his hookers to a dimwit client. And the results were better than the pimp and the hooker could imagine. >Question is now, how is she paying him back? Definitely paid him a huge bonus or finders fee for bagging a prince. And access to A-lister Hollywood types with deep pockets. These "club promoter / owner" types are basically sleazy salesman who love to find rich clients.


How much you want to bet that payout indirectly came from her father in law’s pockets? Like using his money to buy a six figure wardrobe, returning pieces and somehow getting the refund back to HER card or even in cash. Yes, I know that’s not how stores usually do it, but this was during the height of her being this fresh new Royal and I bet some retailers definitely appeased her on this. KCIII probably unknowingly paid for a LOT of questionable things this way.


The BRF does not normally do extravagent 2nd weddings that cost £30 million pounds. But I guess they wanted Harry to feel special. Too bad it got taken over by MM just like everything else originally meant for Harry.


Well, she may be paying him back with a bit of nipple action between the Markus & the Spare-us ... when he's not busy eating Nachos.


Exactly, he went from being a literal nobody to running Soho House. Defnitely bodies buried somewhere with him


He had quite a lucrative career with Soho House till HER.


Yes he looks verrrrryy creepy and sinister. He might well be a nice guy, but his face sure screams the opposite


He’s her handler.


It’s his eyes. Cold and predatory like a wolf.


Boxes of candy often have one laced with poison in good crime scenes


He was the guy that called for Soho afternoons. She was very familiar with Soho House goings on.


I think this is accurate. The two ppl Roachel trusts to go along with her crazy schemes. Edit: if three ppl are talking about the crime, does it mean there’s a conspiracy?


Heck, even if only 2 people are involved, that constitutes a conspiracy.


Yes it does




I think she started calling it a spectacle to escape from all the criticism she faced. There were some issues with public treatment, the wedding expenses and heavy criticism about inviting strangers just coz they were rich/famous celebrities instead of family members.


Ah, so the "spectacle" is really the criticism it received because the wedding was appreciated as perfectly she wanted. Because it came with 'flaws' - the pastor who went on and on and on, the Gospel choir - and aspects were criticised and mocked - the dress, the hair, the tiara drama, lack of Markle family, her dad - it became a spectacle in her eyes. That's her coping pushback mechanism on the public humiliations she felt. None of its imperfections had anything to with *her* wedding because *her* "perfect" ,,wedding" happened 3 days ago in private. You get the feeling how that husband of hers responds to this level of idiocy. He betrays himself on his face. It literally becomes constipated with pain. Unable to openly pushback at her because she'll pushback at him having emasculated him so much since 2020. By leaving the Palace walls, he gave away or rather abdicated any authority he had in that marriage and handed it over to his wife. He's been chasing after the power he relinquished in other parts: armed security, lawsuits against the media, attacking his family. In that GMA interview in Feb he pretty much showed he no longer had any authority or power to weld within his blood relatives.


H doesn’t understand he still has the power in that relationship. M is nothing without H. He’s the reason they were able to get the Netflix and Spotify deals in the first place.


Does he though? M is nothing with him but he is nothing without a relationship with his brother and father (moreso with William). If there's is one thing I am starting to notice about the royals is how much power the females actually weld in the family. Victoria, Queen Mary, Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Elizabeth II, Diana, Princess Anne, Catherine... Heck, even Henry VIII is nothing without his 6 wives. Why else did he keep divorcing or beheading them? There is Edward's interview to celebrate his 60th birthday. He praised Sophie in ways I haven't heard him say before as rare are his personal interviews. Sophie has become a trusted friend to Catherine. There is Sarah Ferguson who, if she had any sense about her at the time, might have steered Andrew away from the unsavory characters he ended up hanging around with and soiling the York name with. I laugh at how M sniffed at royal protocol. She was so engrossed on the external optics, self-centred as she was, she had no grasp of the invisible power that stood before her waiting to be utilised. All the things she thought were beneath her were in fact her most powerful tools. But, hey, as whip smart as she was... Much like life itself, the most important decision a man will ever make is the calibre of woman he chooses as a wife. Sometimes the most unassuming of women on the outside turns out to be the most formidable within. Maybe that’s why Catherine like Cressida.


Windsor women are tougher than Windsor men, going back several generations. Tougher, stronger, more resolute.


Great insight!


"Well, I got my own family here". You surevdo Plank.


Yes there was. They wanted spectators to pack a lunch, they only wanted certain reporters... it was a nightmare of micromanagement!


It's so wierd to me that she's not in touch with any of her bridesmaids or page boys. When I was a child, I was a bridesmaid and flower girl a few times, and I'm still close to all the brides and grooms (except those who have passed, as it was a very long time ago). I married late, so my "bridesmaids" were in their 40s, but are life long friends. Who asks total strangers to be bridesmaids-didn't she have Robbie Williams' daughter there? Have they ever seen her again? Meghan hasn't seen Jessica Mulroney's kids since, she's certainly not in touch with the Wales children. In 20 years, she'll look at wedding photos and think 'who the hell are all these kids?' The mind of a narcissist is a horrible place if she thinks that's normal. 


The wedding photos were probably trashed years ago. She really isn't normal.


No one was allowed to photograph her wedding to Trevity-Trev-Trev. And her father did and she cut him off partly because of it, I believe, among other reasons we often discuss here.


A good number of guests that were listed as invited by Meghan, were people that Meghan actually could not for the Narc life of her call acquaintances talk less as friends. She calculatingly invited people she hoped to merche, and jump on their Bandwagon all in the bid to bolster her image. Why would she do that? the uninitiated ones would ask, well at a guess to rival, equal or to surpass everything to do with Princess Catherine. The shoal of guests in turn finding out that she was no Gold fish swam away from her toxicity. Me Meghan Markle had in her Narco peabrain the serpentine idea that she would and could Grift the Royal family and certain guests for anything she desired for the rest of her Natural life. Boy was she shocked to find out what a metered existence of Duty, Loyalty and Service she had signed "I do" to.


Catherine must have been thinking "What a circus! I want to be home with my baby!"


Your response covered ALL the angles and was comprehensive. >The shoal of guests in turn finding out that she was no Gold fish swam away from her toxicity. HAHAHAHA And - you have a way with words. 😁


Yeah that was really good!


It seems that even Oprah and James Corden want no more associations with the Harkles. They are still in contact with Doria and that's about it.


Probably the same amount that were in touch before the spectacle.... very few.


Still can't believe she had the nerve to call her wedding a spectacle?? A wedding paid for by her inlaws millions of pounds, had her "friends" fly from wherever to attend the stupid wedding and she calls it a spectacle.


It was a beautiful wedding—stunning church/reception venue, beautiful flowers, glorious music (chosen largely, I understand, by then-Prince Charles). Shameful that she would describe it disparagingly.


Well it certainly was a spectacle. Just not how Markle comprehends.


Why is Doria still in the picture? Curious why she is the only one on the planet besides Harry to not get Markled yet (Harry will get his markling in the divorce proceedings).


She knows where the bodies are buried. Just like Markus. All of them seem to walk on the shady side of the street. They've probably  got dirt on each other. Things will really take off if the $$$ runs out and one of them decides to spill the beans. 


CORRECTION - Harry's being actively and aggressively markled all day, every day.


"Black Cred" in short. But now that she received "Black Cred" from Nigeria, Doria isn't needed anymore...


Maybe that's why we haven't seen Doria in recent months. She's been stashed away until proven to be useful again.


Now that Meghan has Nigeria, she probably thinks she doesn't need Doris anymore


Only a bare handful of those that attended she could count on as “friends” on that day! Many of those are now Markled, e.g. her Trudeau-adjacent adn also self-important & thirsty Canadian friend (cannot recall her name and do not care to look it up).


Jessica Mulrooney.


Sophie Gregoire Trudeau.


No, I was thinking of Jessica, I remember now. Did Sophie attend their wedding?


No I don’t believe she did. Justin probably, may have but the marriage was in a shambles. It was rumoured Covid came to Canada via Sophie and her alleged affair with Idris Elba.


I think Harry still sees her occasionally, when she knows in advance there’s going to be cameras about.




They didn't even know some of the people that attended their wedding. Meg calling it a spectacle is infuriating. She wanted the the whole spectacle!


They weren't their friends in the beginning . They didn't know her, heard about Harry and who turns an invitation to such a do down, honestly? See the Royal Family, see London, have good time and then goodbye, who are you again? Did we meet... can't remember


Forever respect for ReeceW for turning down the invite for people she "didn't know."




So this list is very interesting Lots of "long term friends" of the bride and "family friends" of the groom. Interesting "Best Man" My guess is they are in touch with 1 of their page boys and girls - Mark Dyers son [guest list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wedding_guests_of_Prince_Harry_and_Meghan_Markle?wprov=sfla1)


omg - that is hilarious. They list all of the relatives on Harry's side, it goes on and on and they then they list the Bride's side. One person. One.


A parent of the bride. And not even the parent who mostly raised and supported her well into adulthood, but the parent who was absent for much of her childhood. That parent.


Doria looked so uncomfortable sitting all alone. If that was me I would feel so humiliated.


That list, if anyone is still their friend, will be incredibly short. I can only think of 2, Dorito and Eugenie. Most of their guests weren’t friends to start off with. The suits cast probably don’t class her as a friend, or even did to start off with. They were her acquaintances not friends. She filled the list with people she wanted to rub shoulders with, but it didn’t pan out.


And even know it is rumored that Eugenie has dumped the Harkles. Beatrice was never friends with the Harkles and Eugenie was the only one who was close enough with them to appear on their mockuseries. Eugenie has allegedly come to the understanding that the Harkles are POS' who do not deserve their attention. Rachel didn't value her relationship with Eugenie, releasing her megnancy announcement on her wedding and only using her for pap shots and helping her meet the right people to date Haz. Rachel would have liked it far more if Catherine and William were playing Halloween dress up with her instead of Eugenie and Jack, this would have shown that the Harkles were at least once on friendly terms with the Wales' and BRF.


I’m interested because I REFUSED to watch their mock-u-mentory. What role did Eugenie play? Did she spout any words of wisdom? Seriously… What did she say? Edit to add: Why the F was she even on it?!


Is there a special Merit badge for those of us who STILL haven't watched the Netflix series OR read Spare? Seems like sparkle and ribbons would both be involved in the design of such a high honour. (If the award is being considered, please add me to the list. I want one.)


As long as it is not strawberry jam, I will take my award!


I agree.. Top requirement - the award should NOT be sticky.


I would also “win” this award 😝🤣


I also want one, what little I have seen of the whinge/sarcasm series has been clips on here or TikTok and waagghhh would not even get in my front door as a fire starter. I have only seen the odd quote from it and heard spare reciting it on the tv ads for audible, all of which has made me avoid audible and Netflix.


We are a noble, rare breed and very special! IMO.


She was in a few background shots. On a beach with her son August, biking with Harry, sitting on a couch at the Olive Garden with the Jack and the Kids. I don’t recall her saying anything substantive, just literally background noise. (Her conversations with others off screen or busy doing something like reading to the kids). Edit: She also described hosting a Halloween party Harry and Meghan attended around 2017. That was her only bit of dialogue.


Thank you x another question .. how where all these little private fam moments conveniently caught on camera …. Was it Megs and her forever recording Iphone? Harry BEWARE- there’s definitely lots of unsavory moments of you banked up on storage at the lawyers -yikes 😬


You’re welcome! If I recall correctly, most of the footage was recorded on Harry’s iPhone (bike riding, beach walk, some scenes at the Olive Garden). There were only a few professional looking shots.


Cheers Lilibutt x


Amber liked to do that too.


I always wondered ... was it filmed for the documentary or something footage they pulled out?


Since Eugenie would have to sign a release form, I would think they filmed it for the documentary.


Cheere Denise is reviewing it on YouTube, it's actually quite interesting and I don't give Netflix the clicks


She's amazing!!


Only saw clips, but E said nothing, just snaps of riding bike & having a "bubble" dinner out with H&M (during covid.) Assume photos from some random trip to CA after they moved (for whatever reason she may have been in town.) So H&M plastered snaps & video clips in the mockumentary to show E's "support." It felt like the usual TOWs Instagram-like photos... a poser trying to exaggerate & paint a fake narrative of closeness.


Yes. It looks like she was even used for that farce the way they try to claim visits to Portugal now. There is zero proof the Brooksbanks have anything to do with the grifters since those Backgrid shots a few years ago. Eugenie was used then to play divide and conquer, putting suspicion on Eugenie while trying to con the world they are BFF. Unfortunately it did the trick in some quarters, as shown in comments on SMM despite no proof whatsoever except old stuff. If Eugenie really was leaking then she wouldn't be anywhere near William. He wouldn't put up with it.


Interestingly enough, the longtime royal photographer Arthur Edwards said in an interview that Eugenie is a very kind person. Has she been misread as conniving and collaborating when she might be merely soft hearted?


Eugenie seems like she has pretty low self esteem


I do wonder often if younger generations know of the difference between friends and acquaintances.  OR if they ARE aware of the difference then are they *comfortable* with the difference.  It is not an *insult* to be an acquaintance, though many seem to think it is.   The idea of cultivating close relationships seems to become more and more foreign for some. I say for some and not for young people, because I see a great deal of older millennial behaving still as though they were in high-school and these are people like Madame who are 43 and under.   Equally I see many young people 20-26 who seem to have rejected the millennial definition of social success.  


Do you wonder, too, if they know the difference between family and strangers?


Doria, Markus and Abigail Spencer.


Doria and the super weird minister might return a call. That’s it. ETA: was that blonde chick she met in college and then attended the Beyonce concert with at the wedding?


That super weird minister is the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the US. He's on the same level in the Anglican Church hierarchy as the Archbishop of Canterbury. Hopefully he's astute enough not to get mixed up in MM's toxic mess.


And she never met him before either. I rather doubt she's a churchgoer. Charles asked him to preside as a graceful welcoming gesture to his American daughter in law. It was presumed as a Duchess and as Harry's wife she'd join the C of E and take citizenship too. You know, commit to the nation giving her rank and honors. Newp.


She said that her daughter was baptized by the Archbishop of Los Angeles - not such thing in the Episcopal church.


Exactly, except by association with the Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury and York. We have Bishops, not Archbishops.


Not quite on the same level as the A of C, who is ceremonial head of the worldwide Anglican communion, of which the Episcopal Church of America is a part.


came here to say this, as well. The positions are not equivalent.


I think he sized them up immediately. He wasn't preaching to H and M, but to the world. He had some friendly and inspiring things to tell the millions who watched (billions?} about love. He wanted to reach way more people than were in that church. So he made it lively, entertaining, not stuffy. It was calculated, intelligent, and yes it overrode the time. So his style didn't fit the vanilla of a Church of England service (and as an elite clerical Episopalian he knew that). He was being a little mischievous. I thought it was fantastic. I love the C of E, and I love the royals. But sometimes people should be livened up. If they can't appreciate a little fun, that's on them. And I include the Royals in that. I recall my mum, fiercely monarchist, urging "Liz" (QE2) to crack a smile when watching something hilarious that was cracking Philip and us up (Mum and I were at home watching them on tv!!!). I cannot understand why a lively Gospel sermon is classed by so many as weird.


The question is.. Were there really any people there that they could have classed as actual friends even back then? Most of the people TW invited where people she had never even met.  Honestly I doubt either one of them has ever had a real friend in their entire life. He had yes men and she had people she thought she could use. 


Maybe the St George’s Chapel website will be spamming for another booking?


Considering a lot of them there had never met them before, I’m going to go out on a limb and say not many. Doria included.


Marcus, Doria, Abigail Spencer, her college friend Lindsay?, the yoga woman and possibly Janina Ghavankar (probs spelt that wrong).


Lindsay Roth, the college friend who was there with MM on that infamous day when she ordered a section at Wimbledon be cleared. The yoga woman = Heather Dorak. Both she and her husband have been photographed with H&M over the past couple of years.


Had anything like the Wimbledon Clearance ever happened before, other than for something like a "suspect package" or phoned-in bomb threat?


Not that I'm aware of. Certainly, no Royals would dream of doing the same thing or any A-listers who've gone. Just madam/Meghan Markle (for the SEO)


I thought the story went that she was denied entry into the Royal Box because of dresscode violations (she was wearing jeans & hat) so staff offered seats in the VIP section... which she refused to sit unless they cleared the box of others & insisted no photos be taken of her.


Yes, that's what was reported to have happened. MM, in her usual oppositional-defiant mode, showed up at Wimbledon with two of her college sorority friends, wearing jeans and her Panama hat. She was refused admission to the Royal Box because of the dress code, which no doubt caused a big narcissistic injury. So she went to the VIP section and ~~acted like a horse's ass~~ threw her weight around.


Perfect, thank you, couldn't remember their names this morning 🤦🏻‍♀️


Is Abigail still a friend after she went to Gwynth Paltrow’s Goop party? She and Mindy K may be on the outs. Especially since it was in the middle of the Jam Scam rollout


Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️, she goes through so many. It's a revolving door of friends.


Well we know they still talk to Doria but I think that’s it 😆.


I was on The Long Walk in Windsor on their wedding day and can confirm Meghan and I are no longer on good terms. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Maybe 10 people who attended are still in their orbit? I'd be surprised if it's more than that, and of those, most are transactional "friendships".


none. Don't think they had much to do with her ever. Inviting all those people made her look so stupid even worse when they admit they don't even know her. Hahahaha what a joke.


Harry has fewer left even as he started out with far more at his wedding.: Lady Sarah McCorquodale Lady Jane Fellows Earl Spencer Prince Seeiso Charlie van Straubenzee Nacho Figueras & Delfina Possible: Princess Eugenie Michael Hess Daisy Jenks (van Straubenzee) MM: Doria Markus Anderson Heather Dorak & Matt Cohen Genevieve Hillis (and spouse) Misan Harriman Janina Gavankar Abigail Spencer Jill Smoller (WME agent) Serena Williams & Alexis Ohanian Oprah Winfrey Possible (not seen nor mentioned for 2+years): Lindsay Jordan and Gavin Jordan Misha Nonoo Camilla Holmstroem (Misan's wife)


Marcus? Articles said he was front and center but I didn't see him anywhere. He must've just attended the reception.


Seems to me that most “above” them on the social ladder have slipped through their fingers. And anyone “below” them are still hanging on.


Markus Anderson? And maaayyybe Misha Nonoo


Her mother 🤣🤣🤣


When a good number of the wedding guests weren't even friends in the first place, you're on a hiding to nothing from the start.

